Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1989 03 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I ~\ America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVI Sharon Clayto n, Publishn Mik~ Klinger, ComptTolln Skip j ohnson , Assocuur Publish"1 Nat ionJll S4les MGnagtT Jack M a n~s. As.sOC'i4te Pu blisher/ Editor k.hcba Sm ith . Cif'culalion MG.n4gn Caro line Gnulry, £XeculM S«TdlJry to ' he Pub lishn Edito rial l ack Man gu .. Edi tOT kit Palmer. Associate Editor Paul Carruthers. Associate Editor Nate Rauba, A.ssoc i41t Editor Bria n Cat terson . A.uociate Editor Ken Fau gh t, Assista nt Editor Edwina Mangus, Calrnda, EdieOf' Advertioing Skip Johnson. No' " Sales ManagtT Mikr Ch urch , Snlior Sales Mana gn Terry Pra tt. Senior Sa les ManGgn' Mark Thome, Wl!'stn'n Sale s Mana g" Ron Davidson . Western Sales Man4gnMar k Mitchell . Eastnn &lIes ManagtT Thomas R. Gomer, E4.stnn Saks M4n4gt'T Debbie Weller. We.l lt'm Ad Cocndin41O't Carla Borden, W i"" Ad ComdiMIOT Graphics end Production Ma lco lm Wilson. PToduc h on M4 n11g tT Dmnis C~C'.l.Ab. T ech: Statty Guest. Gf'aphi€ Artist Jimm ie O ·~II. Grap hK Artis' M.andy Loa. Crapluc Artist Mi ~1 Cnw.ka. Graphic Artisl Cuolyn Bran ham . T yp eS-din • Arien ne Telias, T YfH.seI1n Accounting /De.. Proceaing Donna Bryan. AccLt R« tivable COMdin4lor. Cm"a Rrpau. A.uistant Ha mwtJ. Cr~il CirCulation Sara h Tay 1or. A.uisl4nl Alma Angu ian o. Assisl4nt Mari ta Adanu. A ssistant Hertane Richmond. A.uisl4nt Carol Scanne ll, A.u isl4nt Circu lation Development Ron Davidso n. Manager WentAdl J oan Ru ssian , Want Ad SAus Service end Support Ouis Aitehnon. Headqwrrlns Rt'crjJlion is' Leo na rd Herring. 5ervau and Su pport Netionel Heedquerters 2201 Cherry A.e.• Lon g Beach , CA 90806. P.O . Box 498, Lo ng Beach . CA 90801..0498 (213) 427·7433: 213/ 636-8844. FAX (213) 427·6685 Eeotem Office ""190 Fint Ave•• T ucker. GA. 300M; mail in g address P.O. Box 805. Tucker. GA 30085-0805. (404) 934-7850. FAX (404) 934-3112 Cycle News (USPS 141·540) is publi shed wttkly except the first a nd last week of the calendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News, lnc. . 220J O1erry Avenue. Lon g Beach . CA 90806. Second class JX)Sta~ paid a t Long Beach. CA. a nd addit ional maili ng offiers. POSTMASTER: Send lorm 357 9 10· Cydo New s. P.O. Box 498. Long a CA 90801-049 8 . To determine the expi rlltio n date of your subscription. check the tour numbers on the first line of yo ur eddrea lebel . The fim two digib indicete the last iuue num ber you'U receive e nd the lest two cherac:tera ind ice te the yeer of the Iaat issue . Subscription rates: Ril ln lor the United States a nd ill possessions lor one Yf"U . (SO iuues). SSO.OO; two years ( t OO iMues). S95.00; six mo nth s, (25 won). $26.00; trial sub (15 iuues). SI9.00. Canada a nd Foreign. one year (50 issues). S9C l.OO; IWO yean (100 issues). $175.00; six momhs (25ir....ues), S",,5.00; trial sub (15 issues ). $38.00. C ycle New s welcom es un sol icited ed ito rial mat erial incJud inli? stories , cartoo ns. ph otos. etc, Suc h ma ter ia l. II p ubl ished . becom es th e exclusive p ro per ty orCycle News. Such accep ted mat erial IS subject to revision as is n~ in the sole discreuon or Cycle News. Un solicued material wh ich is not used will be retu rned ir accomp a ni ed by a sel f addressed sta m ped e nvelo pe. All unso lici ted ma teri al will be hand led with reason able care, however. Cycle News assumes no respo nsib ili ty for the safety, Ion or dam age to such material. Repr lming in who le or pa rt on ly by permission o f the pu bli sher. Advertis ing ro es a nd circu la tion u mform a tion will be sent upon request. See S.R .D.S. Wi' 'if BPA AUDITED PAUL B. CRO W Chief of Po lice Daytona Beach , FL Confused I am confused abo ut two th ings th at were in th e coverage of rounds two and three of the Camel Supercross Series at Seattle. Three heat races with five riders transferring from each to the ma in eq ua ls 15 riders. T wo sem is with two riders in each race tra nsferring eq ua ls four riders. One La st Chance Qualifier with o ne rider tra nsferri ng equals one. T o tal of 20 riders . Right or wro ng? The beginning sente nce of th e m ai n eve nt coverage says , "Twenty-one riders li ned the gate for the start of th e main event." Were there 21 riders or 20? Does this mea n I can sneak in an d ride a supercross w i tho u t a nyo ne know i ng? Confusion. The o ther question I have is how ca n Lechien ge t th e Coors Extra Effort $1000 for winn ing the race (his heat ) when you have Sta nton and Tichenor ahea d of Lech ien (at th e fin ish ). I think I kn ow the a nswer; I just wa nte d to poke you abou t it. I enjoy receiving the paper every Saturday. but someti mes my wife keeps it away from me until m y duties are donel MARK MITCHELL Independence, ·MO CIRCULATION Copyright8 Cyc le Ne _. Inc. 198 9 . Tradem.rk eye" New. reg iltel'ed U.S. P.tent OIIioo. AU rig h.. rosorwd. 2 Welcome to Daytona Beach As th e new Chief of Pol ice for th e City of Daytona Beach , I hereby extend greetings and a hearty welco me to our City! I ha ve been emp loyed with th e Daytona Beach Police Depart men t for 22-plus year s. Out of those 22 years. I was assign ed for six years on th e Motor Squad. With th is exp erien ce co me s m y . awareness of the exci tement and crowds brought in by the mot orcycle activities. The Daytona Beach Police Department is here to serve you . Our goal is to provide the highest level of profession al police services for the visitors an d residents of this Ci ty. I have been making great strides to change the attitudes with in o ur Pol ice Department to sho w a more cooperative and spirited fellowship betw een th e Police. Departm ent and th e motorcycl e fan s. We are proud to be a part of this community's effort of cont in ua lly upgradin g wh at has becom e a great tradition: Motorcycle Week! We encourage you to enjoy yourselves. visit the many events and festivities planned. a nd, in gen eral ; have a good. safe, stay in Daytona Beach. Remember. shou ld an em ergency occur (police, fire. or med ical ). di al 9-1 -1 for a n a p pro pria te response. I a m looking forward to th e presence of all motorcycle fans in our City. We loo k forward to serving yo u in any way po ssibl e. 1£ we can be of assistance to you during yo ur visit , pl ease do not hesitate to co n tact us. W hen three hea ts are ru n at a su percross, th e fastest heat transfers . six riders to th e ma in. Brain fade is th e answer for th e heat race error. Stanton and T ichen or did finis h 12, but L ech ien was vo ted th e winner of the Coors Extra Effort bu cks for his come f rom beh ind ch arge . . . Ed itor. Kicking butt In referen ce to the February 15 issue; pull your head out! What do you mean, " Ca n anyone beat R.J .?" Did anyo ne from Cycle News attend th e Anaheim Supercross? If so. did this person witness J oh nny O 'Mara kicking R.j. 's butt? It's very unfortunate that h is (O'M ara 's) fra me broke, a new face in the winner's circl e woul d have been nice. Do n 't get me wrong, R ick J oh nson is a fabulou s and respectable rider and will most likely win the championshi p. but fact is fact. O 'Mara was kicking hi s butt in Anaheim and R.j. was not " ga in ing ground every la p " - he was losing. and fast! Your u sual coverage is informative an d factual , however biasness has no p lace in quality journalis m. Meanwhi le. I think you owe Johnny 0 an apology. AARON FRANCIS Cycle Gear San J ose, CA L eading a race and w inning a race are two different things. We didn't ask, " Can an yon e lead R.].r " Follow ing th e opener at Anaheim and su bseq uen t rounds of th e Camel Supercross Ser ies at Seattle, San Diego and M iam i, th e question g o ing int o th e past week end 's Atlanta Supercross remain ed the same: Can an yone beat R.].r Ch eck out our coverage of the A tlanta even t in th is issue fo r th e answe r . . . Editor. I can't write, I can't. I br oke two of my fin gers in a crash and I hav e trouble dragging th e clutch because my fin gers give out. I ca n' t even write very good. so I was wondering if you could find a way for me to better handle my bike no w. I rebuilt my Yamaha YZ250 but I can 't draw in my clutc h (lever ) with my fingers like th is. GOMER WOOD Southmont. NC If you're hav ing as much trouble pulling in your clutch lever as you are writing, you do have a big pro blem. We had to guess at your last nam e - hope we got it right. W h ite Bros markets an item they call Easy-Clutch. It bol ts on to the lever assembly and should help you. EasyClutch retails for $39.95. Check it out at your local dealer or call Wh ite Bros at 714/ 554-9442 .. . Editor. No boneheads I feel th e need to express myself to all the spo rt bik e riding snivelle rs ou t there in sore butt land. I'm 6'4" 175 pounds, a nd cu rren tly ride both an FZR400 a nd a VTR250 Intercep tor. My dai ly rides average 80 miles. and include a bal an ce of both freeway and backroad twisties. I'll ad mi t I can not emp ty the tank at one sitting, but c' mo n folks , these are sport bikes. It seems to me that ma ny motorcycl ists are pi cking up o n th e same atti tude th a t has Infected th e U.S. insurance co m p a n ies. All these boneheads seem to want to live in a perf ect wor ld . The mo torcycl ist wants a 160 mph La- Zvlloy, and th e insurance co mpan ies want 55 mp h anti-wreck machines. I' m beginning to wonder if anybod y will ever be happy with what th ey have. I guess may be that answer is kn own by Freddie, or was that Eddie? • KEVIN STOLICNY Canton. D fl P.S. I would lik e to ta ke this oppor.tunity to wish Randy Mamola an d T eam Cagiva good luck in '89. Pen Power I've got good news, and I've go t bad news. The bad news is th at when I called m y State Farm ins urance - age nt to see if they wou ld insure th e Yamaha FZR600 I was co nsideri ng buying, I was told th at they don't insure " bu lle t bikes." I tried talking to him abou t the vario us kinds of motorcycles and the Sta te Farm "hi t list." something he knew no thing about. Apparently th ere was nothing he could do . even tho ugh I have had a clean record with them for over seven year s. Let 's insure the bike and not the rider mentality was here to stay. The good news is th at after I sent a letter to Edward R ust, president of State Farm Insurance Companies. co r p o ra te headquarters ca ll ed regional headquarters, who call ed my agent to tell him that it was okay to insure me. My agent told me that. it 's no t official yet. State Farm is chan gi ng th eir policy and not just looking at th e type of motorcycle but at th e record of the rider a lso . Amazing what o ne letter can do to change things around. Don 't underestimate the power of the pen. FRE D MAGGIORE Santa Barbara , CA As we repo rted last wee k, State Farm has officiall y dropped its blackl ist .. . Ed itor. Wind (Con tin ued from page 1) Floyd "Pop" Dreyer. 90, passed away at his home in Indianapolis. Indiana. on Saturday. February 25. Dreyer. a pioneer in both motorcycle and automobile racing lived next door to his shop and the Honda motorcycle dealership he opened in 1959. reportedly the oldest Honda dealership in the U,S . and the first established east of the Mississippi River. From 1918 to 1921 . Dreyer was an Indian factory rider. He continued to ride motorcycles well into his 80s. and while in his 70s he rode cross-country to Seattle. In 1983. he was inducted into the Old, timers Automobile Racing Hall of Fame. honored for his pioneer work in land speed. dirt track and Indy cars. Part of his racing uniform from his stint as, an Indian factory rider was displayed in the Smithsonian Institution for an exhibition on the 100th ann iversary of motorcycling. Dryer is survived by his wife Cora. two sons. ' six daughters, 22 grandchildren. 31 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. Fun- ' eral services were scheduled to be held Tuesday, February 28, in Indianapolis. Memorial donations (Contin ued to page 70)

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