Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 08 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Holland's Gert Van Doorn (185). Smith po sted a 10-3 moto finishes in Argentina. fiY p~p~ Wf~LfY Two-time Wor ld Champ ion Eddie Lawson (Yam) won his sixth 500cc Grand Prix of the season during round 13 of the World Championship Road Race Series, held in Anderstorp, Sweden, August 14. Lawson topped defending World Ch ampion Wayn e Gardner (Hon) by II seconds with Frenchman Ch ri stian Sarron '(Yam ) finishing th ird . Scotland's Niall Mackenzie (H on) was fou rth wi th Californian Wayn e Rain ey (Yam) fifth. Randy Mamola (Cag) fin ished 10th and the injured Kevin Schwan tz finish ed out of the top 10. With three rounds remaining in the 16-race series, Lawson leads Gardner in the po int sta ndings, 215192, with Rain ey third at 174 poin ts. S ito Pons (Ho n) topped fellow Spaniard Juan Garriga (Ya m) to score h is fourth 250cc roa d ra c e Grand Prix w in of the season in the Swedish round o n August 14. Third place went to Frenchman Do m in iq ue 'S a rro n (Ho n). Pons lea ds the championship over Ga rrig a . 199-190. Steve Aseltine (H -D) was the winner of the Sturgis, South Dakota, AMA 600cc National Short Track, August 12. Ch ris Carr (H- D) was the runnerup and Will Davis (H-D) too k third. In the Pro-Am class, Dan Stanley (Rt x) was the winner over Jimmy San chez (Hon) and Gary Ferravan ti (Rtx). Great Britain's Kurt Nicoll (Kaw) was the overall winner in the final round of the 1988 World Championship 500cc MX Series in Ettelbruck. luxembourg. August 1 4 . Nicoll went 3 -1 for the win. wh ile second place went to Sweden 's Hakan Carlqv ist (Kaw). via 10-2 moto fin ishes. Third overall went to Frenchman J acky Vimond (Ya m) with an 8-3. American Billy Liles (Kaw) won the first moto but finished 15th in the second . Belg ium's Eric .Geboers (Ho n). who cl inched the title o ne week ago in Belgium. fell in t he first mot o and didn't finish e ither rncto, complaining of a so re knee. Geboers fin ished t he year w it h 333 points fo llowed by Nicoll (3 1 2). England's Da ve Thorpe (2 51); Holland's Kees Van derVen (212) and Vimond (185 ). Lile s f in ished eighth w ith 154. In the World Cha mp ions hip 250cc MX Series in Cosqui n, Arge nt ina, Au gust 14, It al ian Guise p pe Andrean i (Hon) cla imed the overa ll victo ry wi th a 4- 1 score, whi le America n Rick Ryan (Suz) finis hed second overa ll via a 2-5 tally. Third went to Finlan d 's Pekka Veh konen (Cag). Holland's John Van den Berk (Yam), wh o went 11-9 in Argentina, maintains the series points lead with 283, followed by Veh ko nen (253), American Rod ney Smith (215), Great Bri tain 's J erem y Whatley (194) and Th is one-of-a -kind Godier Genoud motorcycle. which is based on a Kawasaki ZX1000. was stolen from a residence ga rage on Veterans Boulevard in los Angeles. California. on August 8. according to it s owner a nd developer. Pascal Rochedix. Ka~asaki h!is been wo~ing wit~ ~ascal in a rranging road tests of the machine and Intended to Inc lude It In the company's display area at 1989 consumer shows. If you can offer !iny inf orm atio n that could lead to the recovery of the black and gold bike. call the Kawasaki Motors Corp.• U.S.A .• public re lations department at 714/770-0400. 2 Ho lland 's Dave Strijbos (Ca g ) captured .the overall win in the World Championship 125cc MX Series in Kuopia. Finland. August 14. Strijbos went 3-1 . beating arch rival from France. Jean Michel Bayle (Ho n), who went 2 3 for second. Th ird overall went t o American Mike Healey (Cag) w it h a 4 -2 performance. With one round rema in ing in the series. Strijbos leads Bayle by seven points. 365-358 . Th ird in points is Holland's Pedro Tragter (Hon) with 2 16. At th e AMA Y outh l Ama te ur Nati onal Ch ampi onship MX a t H urricane Mill s, Ten nessee, August 9-13, Greg Bowen (Hon) won th e 125cc Modified A class whi le Damon Brad sh aw . (Yam) took th e Stock division . In the 250cc ranks, Den ny Stephenson (Kaw) was the Modified class winner while Stevie Childress (Kaw) took th e Stock class win. Robbie T aylor (Yam) won the Open A class. Former multi-time National an d Supercross Champion Mark Barnett (Suz) won the 25 Plus cl~ss . In the $110.000 Suzuki National RM Series Final. held August 14 a t Hu rricane Mills. in which Suzuk i riders competed for $1 10.000 in cash and savings bo nds. Jim Chester took the overall win in the 125cc A class and Mike Morris won the 250cc A division. Both riders pocketed $2000 for their wins. BORN: Christopher Ryan Davis; son of Kar l and Kim Davis, June 6; Karl is the owner of Yamah a of Covina (Californ ia). Davey Durelle (W-R) won the Expert class at the AMA Western Reg ional Ha lf Mile in Sturgis. August 14. M ike Reid (W -R) finished second and Peter Hook (W-R ) took th ird . A three-man appeal board met during the August 14-15 AMAlCCS road race meet at Brasleton, Georgia's Road Atlanta and overt urn ed the August ' 6 protest decision concerning the Mid -Ohio round of the AMAlCCS EBC Brakes Endurance Road Race Challen ge Series. T eam Lockhart wo n the Mid-Ohio race but a protest was filed by H yper-Cycle and Lockhart was docked a lap for a min or pit infrac tio n, and that turned the win over to H yper-Cycle wh o had fini shed the race 35 seconds behind Lockhart. H yper-Cycle pro. tested the fact that Lockhart didn't have a crew memb er on hand with a fire extinguisher during a p it stop, which is req ui red by the AMA/CCS ru le book; Lockhart ap peal ed the pro test, sayi ng the crew memb er wi th the fire exti ng uisher " was just a few seconds late." The appeal board's decision returns the win to T eam Lockhart: O ur coverage of the race, filed prior to th e a ppeal board meeting, appear~ on pages 26-27. Roge r Edmondson. director of AMA Championship C up Series (AMA /CCS) and AMA National Road Race Coordinator. has re s ig ned the latter position. effect ive October 3. the day following the final AMA National Championship/Camel Pro Series Road Race of the season at Sears Point Raceway in Sonoma. California. Edmondson made the announce- . ment at the riders meeting at MidOhio on Saturday. August 6 . Edmondson will continue to operate the AMA/CCS program as well as AMA National Championship Supersport and Endurance Series events. See the Vo ices section for a lette r from Edmondson in wh ich he states his reasons for resig ning . T ea m Pep si Su zu ki 's Kev in Schwan tz took delivery of an Aprilia 250 tri als bik e at Engl and 's Donington Park during th e British G P wee ke nd, caus i ng a n umb er of strange looks fro m Suzuki management. Sch wan tz said he'd ridden teammate Rob McElnea's trials bike and that hi s father, Jim, had compe ted in tri als. The bike is headed for Schwantz's hom e in Houston, T exas. Meanwhile, Schwan tz has been rumored to be going to at least three different team s next year Marlboro Agostini Yamaha, Ro th mans Honda, and the team that former World Champion Freddie Spen cer is forming. Spencer said it wasn 't tru e and Schwantz said that he hadn' t spo ken to anyone. However, when Schwantz was asked who his father had spoken to, he just smi led. Elf Honda GP road race team leader Serge Rosset confirmed that next year they'lI field a tworider team with a Frenchman. most likely Dominique Sarron. one of the riders. Rosset told Brit Ron Haslam that he should look e lsewhere. but hasn't written him off entirely and said Haslam should check back w ith him before accepting anything. The rumored second ride r on the team. which w ill campaign conventional factory Honda NSRs. is Bubba Shobert. The rumor was reinforced by the presence at Donington of Bob Maclean and Tim O'Sullivan who are known to be seeking a 500cc GP ride for Shobert. Maclean would neither confirm. no r deny. the rumor. and said any announcement on Shobert's future would be made at the end of the AMA Grand National Championship/Camel Pro Series. Den mar k captured the first three posit ions at the In ter-Continen tal Speedway Finals in Vetla nda, Sweden , August 6. Jan Pederen edged second p la ce rider Hans Nielsen, 14-12, while third went to Erik Gunderson . Rounding out the top five were Sweden's Per Jonsson and Engl and 's Kelvin T atum. Sam Ermolenko, America's only contesta n t, ea rned th e fin al qualifying po siti on for the World Speedway Fin als in Denmark , September 3. Baylands Raceway Park in Fremont. California. is scheduled to close at the end of the 1988 season. and the futu re of speedway racing in the Bay Area is not brig ht. Baylands developed the speedway program around . the specially-designed 1 /7th -mile oval track in 1985. The f inal speedway race at Baylands will take place September 1 . The USA· vs.The World speedway matches at Baylands Raceway Park will feature an international cast of riders incl udi ng Ph il Collins of England , Phil Crump or Australia, Andreas Marianowski or Polan d, Anton Pilotto or Austria, Gary Allan of New Zealand and John M cNeil of Australia. The American team is being se lected from rider s w ho regularly com pe te at Baylands. The program is scheduled to begin on August 25 with racing on the 117th(Con tin ued to page 45

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