Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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w a: ~ :::; '" a: w ~ ::IE )0- '" o to 00 00 J: 0.. .~ ....... Intermediate Chip Lawson rode to third place in the Aquasco Trials. Darren Rogers (168) leads Grayson Hart in the 125cc Pro class at the Hillsboro Supercross. Hart was the overall winner and Rogers was third. Hartl. Graves star at H,IIboro SX By Brian Barnes 26 HILLSBORO, OR, JULY 4 H illsboro 's first ever supercross at the Washington County Fairgrounds found some 175 riders taking part in the Fourth of July race sponsored by Hillsboro Honda and Accent on P lastics. Grayson Hart took th e victory in the 125cc Pro class while Tony Graves blitzed his way to th e 250cc Pro laurels. In the first 125cc Pro moto it was Hillsboro Honda/MS Racing/PBIsponsored Hart who stormed into the lead as the gate fell for the first of 20 laps, with Graves, Eric Hall and . Darren Rogers hot in pursuit. H art and Graves flew over a double jump to start the second lap but in an i nstant : both r iders were on the ground after braking hard to set up for the next corner. This gave Hall the lead over Rogers, but Hall's stay up front was also short-lived as he ended up on the ground before lap three ended. For the next 13 lap s it was Rogers' race as he held off Dana Anderson.. Scott Grimm and David Browning for the first few laps, then held hard-charging Hart at bay until lap 16. That's when Hart got past Rogers for good and went on to take the win. Rogers was relegated to third on the last lap after Graves snuck by while Anderson scored fourth. The second moto fo und H art running up front from start-to-finish in an impressive fashion , taking th e win and the overall. Behind him Rogers, Hall and Graves all took turns chasing Hart but it was Graves who again was second. Hall was third in the moto while Rogers took third overall via his 3-4 tally. The 250cc Pro class featured a Graves/Scott Tyler duel during both races after Hart was forced to retire from mo to one with rear brake problems. Tyler scored the first race win afte r heavy pressure from Graves all the way to the finish while Don Bisceglia was third and Mike Bell took fourth. Hart took the lead of moto two after solving his rear brake troub les but this time Graves blasted by Hart on lap eight and flew on to take th e win. Tyler garnered second overall . with his secon d place finish with Bisceglia and Hart rounding out th e top four. Results PIW 9-1 1: 1. Eric Burkinshaw (Kaw): 2. Travis Webber (Kaw); 3. Nathan Gravelle (Kaw). PIW 6·B: 1. Rvan W illi ams (Kaw). W / PIW: 1. Rick Havcock (Yam); 2. Jessica Kirkman (Yam); 3. Ja son Hanson (Yam). PP: 1. Deanna Holbroo k (Han!: 2. J ulie Kent (Han); 3. Jann Herri n (Kaw) . M INI BEG: 1. Cory Bloomberg (Kaw ); 2. Je ffery Mcintosh (Kaw); 3. Todd Kibbl e (Kaw !. MI NI JR: 1. Forrest Transu e (Kew ); 2. Todd Sta rch uk (Han); 3. Patrick McGovern (Han). 125 'BEG: 1. Kevin Bales (Han!; 2. Randv J ones (Han); 3. Raben Egan (Kaw) . 125 JR: 1. Rian Gant (Suz); 2. Trever Levin (Yam); 3. Ford Tannock (Suz). 1251NT: 1. Jim Cott et (Suz); 2. Richard Browning (Yam); 3. Ed Jone s (Han). 250 BEG: 1. Todd Dolan; 2. Jesse Dean (Han); 3. Pete Simeroth (Suz). , 250 JR: 1. M ichael Tresch (Kaw); 2. Tom Marlin (Han); 3. Russ Gobert (Suz). 250 INT: 1. Nathan Pepoert (Kaw!; 2. Shane Oonaca . OPEN BEG: 1. Chris Younce (Yam); 2. Ward Bousloug h (Hon); 3. Chris Klein (Yam). OPEN INT: 1. Randv St. Ma rie (Han); 2. Joe Nelso (Han); 3. Jam es Makus (Han). OPEN J R: 1. M ike Remington (Han). UTH: 1. Scott Bergren (Han); 2. Ford Tannock (Suz); 3. Miahcel Dean (Yam). OT HILL A: 1. Ron Sun (Han); 2. Reid Goldman (Han); 3. Ma rk Dickev (Kaw). OT HILL B: 1. Rick Roberts (Yam). OT HILL C: 1. Gary Backstro m (Hon). OT EX: 1. Tom Rogerson ; 2. John Foster (Suz). OT AM : 1. Sta n Woods (Han); 2. Rich ard Duncan (Han); 3. Jim Denevan (Suzl. OT NOV: 1. Bob McG rettv jYam); 2. Wil liam Wall ender (Hon). 125 PRO: 1. Gravson Hart (Han); 2. Tonv Graves (Han); 3. Darren Rogers (HanI. . 250 PRO: 1. Tonv Graves (Han); 2. Scan Tvler (Yam); 3. Don Bisceglia (Han). OPEN PRO: 1. Reid Goldman (Honl; 2. David Browning; 3. Dana And erson ; 4 . Eric Hall ; 5. Mi ke Bell . Brooks scores in last Aquasco Trials By Matt Liberatore AQUASCO , MD, JUNE 19 Team Co smo Bicycle Trials ace Marc Brooks led a clean Beta sweep of the . poin ts paying classes of District 7 Championshi p ro und six at Aq uasco Speedway with a 12-point victory over Yama ha-mounted Je ff Laye r. With no experts present and only two adva nced riders - not enough to form an .official class - it was decided by the promoters to drop the property whic h has always been low in attendance. It is just too far for most of th e out-of-state riders. T he highly competitive Intermediates battled it out for top honors with Brooks and Layer gain ing valuable ground for th e class championship over no-show Jeff Pickle, the current poin ts leader. Wit h their placings, Brooks and Layer now sta nd tied at 43, only th ree points beh in d Pickle with three ro unds left. Carl Bastek won the Novice class and moved one point ahead of thirdplace finisher Juris Vieglins in the Rook ie of the Year points race, losin g on ly six marks in the process. Pate Keen took his first Senior A win since the opener back in March. It 's not often that champ Charlie Clements ends up in second place. The two are now bac k in a tie for the top spot. R ussell Nelson extended h is lead in the Senior B class to six points over John Stark by taking the win. Despite suffering mechanical problems with his Yamaha, causing h im to lose nearly an hour, Ro n Seiss still managed to take second. Results INT: 1. Marc Brooks (Beta) 25; 2. Jeff Lavoer (Yam) 37; 3. Chip Law son (Beta) 3B; 4. Tom Donet (Beta) 43 ; 5. Ron Sn ider (Yam) 4B. NOV: 1. Car l Bastek (Beta) 6; 2. Andy Hanson (Beta) 17; 3. J uri s Vi egli ns (Yam) 29; 4. Bryan Lee (Suz) 30 ; 5. Maury Bout ell (Fan) 45 . SR A: 1. Pate Keen (Beta) 39; 2. Charl ie Clement s (Yam) 54; 3. RaV Donet (Apr l 76. SR B: 1. Russell Nelson (Beta) 14; 2. Ron Seiss (Yam! 26; 3. J ohn Stark (Mon) 49 ; 4 . Allen Shear n (Beta) 100 . ' AOV : 1. St an Boll in ger (Yam) 79 ; 2. Mall Libe ratore (Beta) 83 . Ferrell tops Costa Mesa Speedway By Scott Daloisio COSTA MESA, CA, J ULY I " Da nge ro us" Dubb Ferrell took ho me the top honors in the Scratch main event wh ile Na tional Cham pi on Brad Oxl ey did likewise in th e. Handi cap ma in at th e Orange County Fairgrounds. . For Ferrell it was his first Scratch main win at th e famo us Southern Cal iforn ia overall in 1988. Ferre ll was off th e pol e with Oxley ou t" of gale two . When referee Irwin Moon . sent th e tapes flying, Ferrell and Bart Bast sho t off th e line and blistered into turn o ne. Ferre ll got a.big drive off of turn two and he 'set the JR Concr ete Pumping/ P AXI Ara il Ha ndy 's/ Pu ente Read y Mix Wesla ke into sole possession of the point. Ferre ll never wavered and maintai ne d a three-l en gth ad vantage throughou t the four lapper and too k the checkered £lag with more than .,z half of the 6000 Fox Night fans on their feet. Bast stayed in second all E th e way with Oxl ey third and Alan Christian fourth. Trinion Cirello, set th e early pac in th e Handicap ma in , Mike Curoso temporarily held second until Greg H an cock and Bast mo tored bv. 1. T he first bi g bump of the event came in turn three o n lap fou r. H ancock was in second wh en Bast ga ve him a tast e of front wh eel and sent him to the dirt. At that point, it wa s Cirel lo , Bast and Oxley . leading th e procession. Bast £lew inside Cirello and got a . sma ll pi ece of him a t th e end of lap. six. Unfortunately he was go ing for E too fast wh en he arri ved in turn on o n lap seven and Oxley slammed the: Coors/STP I KL O S/Intern a tio n a l ~ Spe edway/ Cirello Racing Weslak by for the lead . Christian then made E a charge at Bast and took secon d away a t the whi te flag. O xley took th e checkered first and Christian en ded ill up secon d chased by Bast an d Ferrell. Results SCRATCH: 1. Dubb Ferre ll (Wes); 2. Bart Bast (Wes); 3. Brad Oxlev(Wes); 4 . Alan Christian (Jaw). HDCP: 1. Brad Oxlev (Wes); 2. Alan Chr istian (J aw); 3. Bart Bast (Wes); 4. Dubb Ferr ell (Wes). 0 -2: 1. Doug Bowers (J aw ); 2. Tim Gewecke (Wes); 3. Jo hn nv Walk er (Wes). 0 ·3 : 1. Ronnie Kemp (Wes); 2. M ike Law (Jaw); 3. Roland Smit h (Wesl. MATCH RACE: 1. Greg Hancock (Wes); 2. Trinon Cir ello (Wes). Dyck hammers HanneganMX By Ken Faught BEL LING HAM, WA. J UNE 19 Honda -mo unted Allen Dyck com bined six perfect mo tos to capt u re wins in the 125, 250 and 500cc P ro classes in ro und five of the CMC PacWest Series at Hannegan Raceway. At the start of the first 125cc Pro I J moto Rick H amer-Jackso n holeshot Dyck, Steve Friesen, Lance Smail and Gra yson H a rt bu t Dyck qu ickl worked into the lead . Dyck im me- I diately pulled away and too k the easy win over Friesen, Hammer-Jackson and Hart. Second moto action saw Dyck gate perfectly a nd lead from start to finish. H alfway into the mo to a . ba ttle for second erupted between 2 Hart a n d Friesen wi th t he d uo 1 swapping positions severa l time s 1" eac h la p. At the checkers Dyck cruised by with th e win. Hart managed to slide into second with Friese n third over Smail. · In the first 250cc Pro mo to Dyck continued h is dominan ce and built up a good lead on Frieson. who in turn had a small cus hion over H art. Dyck cruised to another win over ' I Friesen , H art , Tracy Bethe ll and M. ' Larson. Second moto action saw Friese n get the early jump out of the gate. but his stay in first was cu t short as Dyck worked his way into the lead o n lap two and rapidly built up another lar ge lead . At th e finish Dyck a sewed up th e win and the overall ahead of Friesen , H art , Beth ell and Larson. Results 50 : 1. J. Schwab (Yam); 2. P. Johnson (Yam); 3. B. Baer (Yam). 60 : 1. S. Sloboda (Kaw); 2. B. Boehm (Kaw); 3. B. Binck lev (Kaw ): 4 . J . Hong (Kaw); 5. S. Stu en (Kaw ). 80 OPEN: 1. S. Sloboda (Kaw ); 2. J. Pinkster (Kaw); 3. J . Backus (Kaw ); 4 . J. Clark (Hon); 5. J. Coleman (Han). BO BEG: 1. B. Jevons (Kaw); 2. B. Rhodes (Han); 3. V. NGuyen (Kaw); 4 . M . Scan (Suzl; 5. A. Danielson (Han). BO INT: 1. Jason McCorm ick (Kaw); 2. Ryan Huffman (Yam); 3. Dannv Ulven (Kew); 4. S. West (Kaw ); 5. S. Naughty (Suz). 125 BEG 0 -1: 1. D. Criss (Hon); 2. J . Russell (Hon); 3. B. Anderson (Kaw); 4. D. Lvndon (Han); • 5. J . Conover (Han). 125 BEG 0 -2 : 1. S. Coventry (Han); 2. G. Swoboda (Han); 3. M . Albright (Suz); 4. D. Miller (Han); 5. S. Hickson (Kaw). 125 JR 0 -1 : 1. R. Butler (Han); 2. J . Wh ipple (Han); 3. B. Burlingame (Hon); 4 . B. But ler (Han); 5. J. Fick (Kaw). T

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