Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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125JR0 -2 : I. J . Belshaw (Vam); 2. K. Pray (Vam); 3. B. kiepke (Kew ); 4 . M . Str atton (Vam): 5. S. Schoeben (Suz). 125 INT: 1. B. DeVr ies (Han); 2. T. Sch ini (Han); 3. J. Chenier (Vam); 4. S. Hickson (Kaw); 5. M . Worbes (Han). 125 PRO: 1. All en Dyck(H on); 2. S. Friese n (Kaw); 3. G. Han (Han): 4 . L. Smail (Han); 5. R. Smail (Han). 250 BEG: 1. M . Strobe (Han); 2. E. Trulson (Suz); 3. R. Bonnett (Vam); 4 . M . Anderson (Suz); 5. G. Covey (Han). 250 JR: 1. B. Burlingame (Han); 2. S. Stu en (Suz); 3. Lamont (Suz); 4 . M . Larson (Han); 5. Willba nd (Han). 250 INT: 1. Poulsen (Han); 2. Butl er (Yam); 3. Howell (Han); 4. Faure (Suz); 5. Cottet (Suz). 250 PRO: 1. Allen Dyck (Hon); 2. S. Frieson (Kaw); 3. G. Han (Han); 4. B. Bethell (Suz); 5. M . Larson (Han). 500 BEG: 1. J. Underhill (Kaw); 2. M . Minor ' (Han); 3. D. Wo ~e (yam ); 4. M . O'Hara (Han); 5. S. Davis (Han). 500 JR : 1. R. Linvill e (Han); 2. M . Trotter (Han); 3. L Clark (Kaw ); 4 . D. Orkn ey (Kaw); 5. S. McCauley (KTM). 500 INT: 1. T. DeVrie s (Han); S. W illiams (Han); 3. D. Tylers (Han); 4 . S. Koch (Han); 5. R. Sath er (Han). 500 PRO: 1. Allen Dyck (Han). UTH: 1. J. Hei nonen (Yam); 2. D. Gm ur (Han); 3. Ted DeVol (Suz); 4 . T. Moriarity (Han); 5. A. Rogina (Han). VET JR: 1. M. Enis (Han); 2. M . Reynolds (Kaw ); 3. T. Kenn edy (Kaw); 4 . S. McCauley (KTM ); 5. S. Johnson (Yam). VET INT: 1. P. Stu en (Suz); 2. J. Junquist (Han); 3. D. Fitch (Suz); 4 . K. Sullivan (Han); 5. R. Sath er (Han). . VET MSTR: 1. C. Morit z (Han)' 2. R. Wallace (Han); 3. R. Sheren (Kaw). VET PRO: 1. B. Doyle (Han); 2. M . Crater (Han); 3. R. Binckley (Kaw); 4 . E. Tom (Han). OT JR; 1. J . Carraway ; 2. D. Sidham (Han). OT INT: 1. B. Harr ison (Suz). OT MSTR: 1. D. Reynolds (Kaw ); 2. E. Waltm ire (Kaw); 3. D. Hickson (Han). WMN: 1. Tara Harr ison (Kaw ); 2. K. Jacobson (Yam); 3. K. Hannan (Kaw~ 4 . T. Shaff (Han); 5. A. Crater (Han). . WoI" whips Fossil Bowl Motocross By Butch Pharness CLARKIA, ID , J U L Y 3-4 Dale Wolff was the top 250cc Pro class rider at th e 3rd Annual Idah o State Cham p io nship R a ce ' Series he ld over the Fo urth of J u ly weekend at the Fossil Bo w I. Moto o n e got u nderway with Wolff in first with Do ug Miller, Chris Berger , Mike LaMastus and LaVon n Gordon in tow. Wolff went on to winwith ease , but the race for second was tigh t. Miller and Berger ba ttled throughout the moto until Miller p u lled out a comfortable ma rgin when Berger went down. Mastus movedup to third , where he would finish be h ind Mi ller a n d Wolf£. In m oto two Wol ff go t the hole shot but Miller was right there. Miller eventually hooked the inside of Wo lf f' s arm, sp in ning Wolff around a nd sending Miller to the grou n d . T his p ut LaMas tus a nd Berger ou t in fro nt in a ho t race for first. Day two was a lot eas ier for Wolff as he went out and led both m otos from sta rt to finish over Gordon. Winning both da ys gave Wo lff th e Idaho State Championship and a nice trophy besides the money he ma de for winning fou r motos. Results FINAL BOTH DAVS AUTO: 1. Jordon Sumpt er (Vam); 2. Dustin Pharness(Hon); 3. Travis Howell (yam); 4 . lan Mack (Yaml; 5. Ben Ingles (Yam). JR M INI: 1. Jimm y LaMastu.s (Kaw); 2. Cory Bauder (Kaw); 3. Josh Easley (Kaw); 4 . J ordan Sumpter: 5. Gary Ma ck (Kaw) . BO BEG: 1. Cory Mu scrolt (Suz); 2. EZ Easley (Han ); 3 . J imm y La Mastus (Kaw); 4 . Rabbi Weiten steiner (Ka w); 5. M ike Miller (Hon). 80 NOV: 1. Sean Cher ry (Kaw); 2. Ja son Allen (Han). 80 EX: 1. But ch Sm rth (Han); 2. Jaso n Monon (Kaw ). . 125 BEG: 1. Pat Mu xlow (Vam); 2. Jason M uscrolt (Suz); 3. Tim Taylor (Kaw ); 4, Lance Roy (Yam); 4. Cody W ilks (Vam). 125 NOV: 1. Eric Chr istiansen (Vam); 2. Casey Horseman (Han); 3. Dusty McDonald (Kaw); 4. Ar ic Muse (yam ). 1251NT: 1. Chr is Russell (Kaw); 2. Raben W inker (Vam); 3. Sam M ilsap (Han); 4 . Rob Sirosky (Yam); 5. Perry Berger (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Bill Nelson (Suz); 2. Cody A uclair (Han); 3. Bryan Larrea (Kaw)4. Buddy Caron (Vam). 250 INT: t . But ch Sm ith (Suz); 2. Todd Nelson (Kaw); 3. Steve Swanson (Vam). ~5O PRO: 1. Dale Wolff (Han); 2. LaVonn Gordon (Hon). OPEN NOV: 1. Ja son Wo lhaupter (Han); 2. J ohn Wayn e (Han). OPEN INT: 1. Troy Jo iner (Kaw); 2. Delbert Gumm (Han). OT: 1. Kip Varner (Kaw ); 2. Scott Rogers (Han); 3. Steve Myers (Suzl; 4. Denny Blankenship (Hon); 5. Larry McKenz ie (Hus). z :I: o u w w CIl Z J: G ~ a: m o -, Z w >a: a: ...J >m :5 0 0 >- I- g :I: m c, o 00 00 J: e, 0') ........ ., r:- C\l ;>- ...... ~ ~ T im Bu c h li w on th e 1 25 and 250 cc Pro classes at Greeley . OTH: 1. Gary Doggett (Kaw ); 2. Mik e Dentla nd (Han); 3. Bill Christiansen (Vam). Buchli masters Muddy Greeley SX By Larry Johnson G REELEY, CO, JUNE 25 Greeley's second supercross of the season becam e a m udcross as heavy rains fell before the evening's event and again during the race, but Tim Bu ch li seemed impervious to the less than ideal conditions, as h e swept both the 125 a nd 250cc Pro classes. In moto o ne of the 125cc Pro class Bu ch li grabbed th e holeshot ahead of Kip " Sandell and Stacey Cook. Sandell bailed soon after, remounting sixth. Bu ch li enjoyed a sevensecond lead at the start of lap two, which he stretched to 23 seconds over Cook and Sandell by the checkers. Mark Flesia led Art DeH o ££ a nd Buchl i into turn on e of the second rnoto. Sandell quickly took second and.Bu ch li went down, remounting 10th ahead of Cook. Sandell took th e lead from Flesia on la p two, and Keith Campbell went to second on lap three. While San dell was gradua ll y in creasin g his lead, Campbell, Flesia and DeHo££ were dicing for seco nd. By th e last lap , Bu chli had worked his way to fifth, right beh in d the trio fighting for second. With spectacular effort, he charged past all three on the white £lag circuit to finish second and claim the overall ahead o f Sa ndel l. T h e fin al ra ce of the evening was the 250cc Pro main following earlier qualifiers . Bu chli h ad th e sloppy track wired by then and holeshot th e main ahead of Cook and Sandell. Cook sq uirted o££ the track right after the first tu rn and rejoined the race in fourth behind Jim Marostica. Buchli splashed away from the pack a n d n ever looked back. Sandell crashed on lap two and surrendered second to Marostica, who stayed there until the fifth go-'round when Cook passed. Cook h eld a distant second to the finish , with Sandell and Campbell far behind in third and fourth. Marostica finished fifth. Sandell easily won the first Open Pro m o to' ahead of Bob Hanrahan , but Hanraha n hel d o££ h is every move in round two. Sande ll made a desperation pass a t the white £lag and crashed, a llowing H anraha n to win easi ly a nd ea rn the o vera ll victo ry. Resul ts 60 NOV: 1. Josh Locker (Kaw ). 80 NOV: 1. Eric Hoffner (Kaw); 2. Kevin Martin (Suz~ 3. Corbin Eckhardt (Kaw ). 80 AM : 1. Shawn Secrest (Kaw); 2. Lee Swink ( Ka w~ 3. Dustin Monger (Kaw). 80 EX: 1. Jeremy M idda ugh (Kaw); 2. Shawn Morgan (Kaw) . 125 NOV: 1. Bryce Perekrestenko (Yam); 2. Evan Hughes (Han); 3. Bob Sta nley (Han). 125 AM : 1. Jeremy Middaugh (Kaw); 2. Glenn Kevin Atherton (6 7 X) slipped under Scott Mohan on the second lap of the Junior class final t hen went on to w in at Hage rst own. Henry (Vam); 3. Kevin Mar ion (Yam). 125 PRO: 1. Tim Buchli (Yam); 2. Kip Sandell (Vam); 3. Stacey Cook (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Jon Laskinen (Han); 2. Floyd Wilcox (Han); 3. Mark Lund (Yam). . 250 AM : 1. Phil St ahla (Han); 2. Dan McMull en (Han); 3. Brad Berland (Han). 250 PRO: 1. TIm Buchli (Vam); 2. Stacey Cook (H on~ 3. Kip Sande ll (Yam). OPEN NOV: 1. Don Brewer (Han); 2. Dale Schocke (Han); 3. Ma rk Damon (Han). OPEN AM: 1. Ricky Maloney (Yam); 2. Br uce Sylvester (Kaw ). OPEN PRO: 1. Bob Hanrahan (Kaw); 2. Kip Sande ll (Yam); 3. Glen Sharp (Han). VET NOV: 1. Steve Boswe ll (Kaw); 2. Boyd Lennberg (Han); 3. Steve Bennis (Han). VET AM : 1. Randy Loewe n (Yam ~ 2. Bobby Winter (Yam). VET EX: 1. Dave Wollaston (Suz); 2. Kirk M edina (Han); 3. Mike Kappelmann (Han). SR AM : 1. Paul Phelps (Yam). SR EX: 1. Dave Wo llaston (Suzl; 2. Jim Anderson (Kaw). Carr coasts at Hagerstown Hftf By Len Breech HAGERSTOWN, MD, J U L Y 8 Chris Carr literally coasted to his second win a t the 8th An nual Hub City Classic Regional Half Mile, sponsored b y the D.C. Rambl ers M.C. an d the Hagerstown Speedway, as his Mi ke Cam phouse tuned , H ar ley-D avidson /Sho ei / Sunoco Raci ng Gaso line/ Ts ubakil Ha p •Jones / Wo rks P e rf o r m a n ce/ Hogwas h-s po nsored H arl e y 600 finally died co m ing off th e final tu rn after sputteri ng fro m th e halfwa y point of th e 15-la p fi nal. L ocal favorite Rodn ey Farris finished a close second with Dan In gra m taking third. Carr took the first Expert heat fairly eas y, with Don Estep and Ingram battling over second. Steve Morehead and Rodney Farris traded th e lead back and forth in heat two, before Morehead took the wi n , while Bryan Villell a took th e third heat with a last-la p rass of Do n H o war d. At th e start 0 the final, Morehead, Farris and Carr quickly pulled away from Ingram, Estep a nd Ro nnie J ones, as they swapped the lead back and forth in th e opening laps. Carr took over first at th e end of the fourth lap and sta rted to p u ll away. Morehead and Farris ba ttl ed over th e next several laps befo re Mo rehead started to slip back. Ingram worked h is way into third by the seventh la p , but couldn' t catch Farris. In the la te la ps, Carr's si ngle started to sputter as it came o ££ the turns, a nd Farris wa s closing the gap. By th e 10th lap, Estep a nd Will Davis had ~otten p ast Morehead a n d were battl mg over fou rt h until the flag . As Carr came o££ the fin al tu rn th e ign ition finally gave o ut, but he h ad enough m omentum to just carry him across the line, o n ly a few lengths in front of Farris. Brian Tillson, Mike Varnes an d Dave Duhain e topped the 22 Pro-Am ri de rs in th eir th ree h ea ts: Before the final began, T illson fou nd himself on the pe nalty line, but h e went down lo w on the track and by the end of the opening lap had grabbed the . lead from Eric George, Billy Bro mley, Dave Lesniak and Mike Klopp. While Tillson was pulling away a fierce battle for second developed. Klo p p went out on the fourth lap, but was q u ickly replaced by Mi ke Varnes. D u h a i n e had worked h is way into fourth , behind Bro m ley and George by th e halfway . mark. H e got by George on the following lap, and started to pressure Bro mley for second. After touching briefly a ' few laps from the end, Du ha in e went by Bro m ley as they came o££ the fourth turn to take the white £lag for the runner-up spot. Results PRO-AM : 1. Br ian TIll son (W -R); 2. Dave Duhain e (W-R); 31 Billy Bro mley (RlX); 4 . M ike Varn es (Han); 5. Eric George (H-D). JR: 1. Kevin Athenon (W-R); 2. Scott Mo han (HD); 3. Rob Ma jes ki (H· D); 4 . Craig Estell e (H-D); 5. Kris Kiser (RlX). EX: 1. Chri s Carr (H-D); 2. Rodney Farris (Han); 3. Dan Ingram (H"D); 4. Don Este p (H-D); 5. Will Davis (H-D). Wagner scores at Red BudMX By Susan Willian BUCHAN AN , MI, J ULY 2 R obert Wagner won the overall victories in the 250cc A and P lus 25 classes as 300 amateur riders converged on Red Bud Track ' N' Trail to celebrate th e -Fou r th o f July in style on the unique night track. In the first 250cc A moto David Gaylord led th e pack around the course as he was chased by Wagner. Wagner pursued Gaylord until lap four w he n he took the lead over a set of doubles. Gaylor went down bu t remounted as Tim Ramsey moved into secon d to hound Wagner. As Wagner a nd Ramsey fought it out, another ba ttl e developed for third be twee n Da v id Beck i n g to n a nd Gaylord. The final lap saw Wa gner still in co ntrol for th e" wi n with Ram sey ta ki ng secon d , Beckin gton third w h i le G a yl o rd dropped to seventh . Bci:kin gt on took charge in m o to two to lead fro m start to fin ish . Carl H orva th , in seco n d o n th e first lap, was chased by G aylord, Ramsey a nd Wagner. Ramsey a nd Wagner m oved by G aylord as Ramsey took a soi l sam p le to drop to sixth, m ovin g Wagner ' into third. Wagner pressu red Horvath for seco nd to ta ke over that positio n by the checkered ta ki n g the overall win wi th a 1-2 score while 27

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