Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CD .... 0 '" > CD :x: 0 e. .... 0 :r a. 00 00 O"l ........ ~ r- c-r >........ ~ I---) Mike Kiedrowski (26) dives under Mike Young at Glen Helen . Kiedrowski was the overall winner in both the 125 and 250cc Pro classes. r Eddie Ingels (rear center) celebrates his victory at the inaugural Liberty Classic Speedway Championship at the Cal Expo Speedway. Howard wins Windsor Trials By Michael Beaudoin WINDSOR, CANADA, JUN E 26 Gary Howard and Tom Farr ended up tied in the Expert class at th e th ird ro u nd of th e Michigan Ontari o Trial s Association. With 26 points eac h, Gray won the class with 37 cleans to Farr's 35 cleans. Third was G reg Moscott with 35 po ints. The Advanced class winner was David Richardson with 72 points. Second was J eff Umsted wi th 84 and scoring 90 points for third was Al Davi s. Mark Alliso n won the Intermediat e class with 45 points over Gr eg Barl ow with 66. Third was Bill y Ray Ca udill with 79 poin ts. T he Senior class win went to Bill Decker with 14 points' over Marten Meida's 33-poin t score. The Novi ce class win went to Steve Hills with eigh t points.:Second was Pat Beaudoin with II points and .rh ird was Dennis Mack with 13. A close fourth with 14 p oints was Robert H oward. Results EX: 1. Gray Howard (Yam); 2. Tom Farr (Vam); 3. Grag Muscon (Bet). ' ADV; 1. David Richardson (Dss); 2. Jeff Umstead (yam); 3. AI Davis (Yam). INT: t . Mark Allison (Yam~2. Greg Barlow lFan); 3. Bill y Ray Caudill (Vam). SR; t . Bill Decker (Yam); 2. Martin Meida (Yam). NOV; t . Steve Hills (Yam~ 2. Pat Beaudoin (Fan); 3. Denn is M ick (Yam ~ 4 . Robert Howard (Yam). Ingels locks up Cal Expo Speedway By R.C. Jones 34 SACRAMENTO, CA, J UNE 29 Edd ie In gels was crow ned cham pio n a t th e inaugural Liberty Classic Championship at Cal Expo Speedway. Ingels had a perfect night with a win in all five heats, pi cking up the maximum 15 points. Second was J im Sisemore with a score of 14 points, third went to Duane Yarrow and John Houston Jr. was fourth. The action went to the wire as Ingels and Sisemore went into the last race tied in points and faced each other for th e first and only time. Ingels, sponsored by Peterich Cycles/ A&A Racing/Maier/Quaker State/K&N /Bel l/Champion/Sierra Products, came out of gate one and hit tum on e with a wheel length lead on Sisemore. Ingels exited tum two taking command of the race. Sise- more ran a good race for second but Ingels was the best in to n igh t's champ ionship. The first round sta rted with In gels, Sisemore and Houston pic king up wins. The third event too k a tum as J oe Leduc picked up his only win over Shawn Reppert, Dave Faria and Bob Hicks. The DNF by H icks wo uld cost him a chance for th ird by the end of the ni ght. . In gels and Sisem or sta rted round two with wins and Robert Curry picked up hi s first win over Scott Yarbrough . Housto n 's fou rth cost him a chance for secon d overall. Round three saw Yarrow and Steve Crawford find th e first of thei r two wins with Ingel s and Sisemore co nt in uing th eir perfect rides. Wh en ro un d fo ur closed o ut In gels, Sisemore, Yarrow and Craw ford were th e winners and the lin es were drawn for th e final round. As ro und five began th e battle was set for third o vera ll as Yarrow , H ouston and Crawford were' all in the hunt and together in th e same race. Houston gated th e best and was first to th e checkered. Yarrow held on to second finishing third overall. Crawford 's third pushed him back into a three way tie for fifth overall. Steve Orlandi spe nt most of th e Division T wo race chas ing down Gar y Stewart for th e wi n. When Orl andi slipped by o n the ins ide, Stewart slipped down and fell ou t of co nte ntio n. Mark Squadri to fin ished second, Ro ry Rundle thi rd and J ohn Payton fourth. Results C'SHIP; 1. Eddie Ingels (G· M ) '5 pts; 2. Jim Sisemore (Wes) , 4; 3. Duane Varrow (Was) '2; 4. John Houston Jr. (Jaw) , 0; 5. (TIE) Steve Crawford (Was)/Mike Solis (Wes)/Shawn Reppert (Wes) 9. D·2 : 1. Steve Orlandi (Gdn); 2. Mark Squadr ito (J aw); 3. Rory Rundle (Wes); 4. John Payton (Jaw) . D-3 : t . Brian Holland (Jaw); 2. Mike 2irkle (Jaw); 3. Tom Castagnola (Jaw); 4. Nick Collin (Jaw) . Berg blasts Glen HelenMX .By Ken Faught SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JULY.IO Roko Sports/O 'N eal/Clark Kawasa ki / E n zo -sp o ns o re d Dan Berg piloted his big-bore KX to two easy wins in the 500cc Pro cla ss in round one of the CMC Summer Series at Glen Helen OHV Park, topping Gary Sailor and Robbie Lo vas. When the gate dropped at the start of the first rnoto Berg holeshot Marc Peters, Lovas, Greg Nash and Tom Webb. Berg immediat ely opened up a co mfortable lead as Peters fell and dropped to se venth . As Peters stru ggled to catch up Sailors began pressuring Lov as , who qui ckly tu rn ed up the throttle to stay ahead of Sailors . On th e last lap Sailors , found a smoo th line close to th e edge of th e track a nd sho t past Lovas for second. Berg took the win almost 15 secon ds ah ead of Sailors, while Peters had worked back up to fourth ahea d of Nash . Berg again grabbed the early lead at th e sta rt o f th e seco n d mota followed by Webb , Nash, Sailors and Lovas. Na sh worked his way into second with Sailors ta king com mand o f third. As th e race progressed Sai lors began reeling Nash in and at th e halfway point was three bik e lengths behind second. Wi th only a few la ps rem aining Sai lors found his way into the runner-up posit ion. Berg took th e easy win over Sa ilors, Nas h, Peters a nd Lo vas. - At th e sta rt of th e first 250cc Intermediate moto Scott Takacs got th e ear ly jump to lead Ken Erb, John Edwards, Sco tt Stra ngio, and Steve Sibell in to th e first turn. Exiting th e first turn Takacs slid off th e track, dropping ba ck several positions and handing Erb th e lead . Erb soon lost th e lead as Strangio picked up two positions to tak e over first. The top five con tinued to swa p positions several times with Erb eventuall y taking th e win over Sibell , Edwards, J eff Fine and Strangio. Second-mote acti on saw Erb again hol esho t Edw ards, Stra ngio, Fine and Sibell . Fine quickl y worked hi s way past Strangio on a rough downhill, and shor tly after being passed by Fine, Strangio fell back to sixth, moving Sibell to fourth. Up front Erb and Edwards started to go at it with neither rider giving an in ch. With only two laps remaining the duo banged bars and went down, su rren der in g the lead to Takacs. The pair quickly got up, but it was too late , Takacs took th e win ov er Fine, Edwards, Sibell and Stra ngio. A 4-2 score gave Fine the overall win. Edwards was second with his pair of thirds, while Sibell's 2-4 netted him third overall. Results 6Occ: 1. Eric Schnell (Kaw); 2. Jason Shirey (Kaw); 3. Paulita (Kaw); 4 . Reginald Mitchell (Kaw); 5. Kendall Goodrich (Kaw). _ 80 BEG: t . Steven Knox (Yam); 2. Jimmy Butter (Suz); 3. Eric Haug (Kaw~ 4. Marrio Whitlock (Kaw); 5. Mrc Lippert (Suz). BO JR: t . Ryan Doty (Kaw~ 2. Jeff Lewis (Suz); 3. Joey DePano (Han); 4. Stave Hergeveld (Kaw); 5. Greg Schnell (Kaw). BOINT: t. Damon Huffman (Suz~ 2. Chris Kefalas (Han); 3. Eric Chavira (Han); 4 . Steve Mitchell (Han); 5. Mike Metzger (Suz). BOOPEN; t . Jason DePano (Han). I '25 BEG D-' ; 1. Mike Scan (Suz); 2. Craig Smith " (Suz); 3 . Bobby Graham (Han); 4. Shawn Tuohey (Yam); 5. Mike Cordonas. '25 BEG D-2; 1. Chuck Uppert (Suz); 2. John Specht (Han); 3. M ike Mount (Han); 4. Tim Gnoch (Suz); 5. Mario Nieves (Han). '25 JR: 1. Chris Kefalas (Han); 2. Travis Cory (Han); 3. Tiger Garcia (Han); 4 . Chris Evans (Kaw); 5. Ryan Johnson (Han). . 125 INT: ·1. Jon Levey (Hon~ 2. Jaime Morabito (Yam); 3. Justin Sousa (Yam ~ 4. Robert Shipman (Yam); 5. Cole Gress (Kaw). '25 PRO: t . Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw t 2. Kyle Lewis (Han); 3. Phil Lewrence (Yamt 4 . Jeremy . McGrath (Yam); 5. Mike Pascarella (Han). 250 BEG: t . Kenny Sommer (Kaw); 2. Joe Acuna (Han); 3. Don Vallier (Yam); 4. Danny Ruddy (Yam);", 5. Mark BecltSmith (Suz). 250 JR: t . Gary Wagner (Yam); 2. Bill Sauro (Han); 3. Kevin Geyer (Yamt 4 . Mike Finch (Han); 5. Chr is Murphy (Han). 250 INT: t . Jeff Fine (Han); 2. John Edwards (Han); 3. Steve Sibell (Yam); 4. Scan Strangio (Yam); 5. Scan Takacs (Suz). 250 PRO: i . Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw ); 2. Ron Turne r (Yam); 3. Terry Fowler (Han); 4. M ike Voung ~ (Cag); 5. Paul Vlach (Han). 500 BEG: , . Ron Gilbert (Han); 2. Chr is Wilconslti (Han); 3. Tom Lyman (Han); 4. Ronald Wans (Han); 5. Bria n Legg (Han). 500 JR; 1. Jim Al exander (Han); 2. Don Grart (Kaw); 3. Ted Mchugh (Han); 4. Scan Osborn (Han); 5. Frank Horton (Han). 500 INT: 1. Tony Bienert (Han); 2. Greg Pierce (Kaw); 3 . Br ian Margen (Han); 4 . Bill Erb (Han); 5. Steve Coster (Han). 500 PRO: 1. Dan Berg (Kaw); 2. Gary Sailors (Kaw); 3. Greg Nash (Kaw); 4 . Marc Peters (Vam); 5. Robbie Lovas (Yam). VET JR: 1. John DiCaula (Suz); 2. Jack Landers (Han); 3. Bob Durham (Vam); 4. Brian Anderson . (Vam); 5. Joe Whitely (Vam). VET INT; t . Bob Post (Han); 2. Brad Sloan (Han). VET MSTR: t . Bob Bland (Han). VET PRO: r. Ron Turner (Vam); 2. Mike Kordyak (KTM); 3. Robert Tippit (Kaw); 4 . Joe Stern (Suz); J 5. Vincent Deluca (Han). ~ Knippenberg nails l awrenceburg ST :J') s By Steven E. Smith LAWRENCEBURG, IN , JULY I ~ Brian Knippenberg, riding for Jack &Jill Shop, fought orr a fierce attack waged by th e number-two man Matthew Auxier to win the 80cc class at Lawrenceburg Speedway. Knippenberg If-lined an earl y lead .bu t Auxier tried at every turn to find a way around th e leader. Knippenberg slammed th e door every time. Auxier managed to get alongside in the straight, only to tra il through the turns and Knippenberg took the flag. Another local rider, Sam Lowe, and Gary Stogsdill had it out for the third spot WIth Lowe out front at the flag. In the 250cc class battle, Pat . Behrle, sponsored by Western Hills Honda, climbed out front and stayed there by a length, leaving the racing.' to those behind him. Joe and Mark Bastin, along with Phil Palrner., traded back and forth with Joe Bastin in second down to the last lap when Palmer managed to push around for. a second-place finish. Joe held down, the third spot, followed by Mark. Robert Craig, riding for Western

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