Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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z s -~ ...J ...J ~ z ra ~ ::> 0 0 I- :I: 00 00 11. C"l ~ ~ t- C'J >-- ~ ~ ~ Brett Melton leads the pack on his way to one of his four moto w ins in two of the 85cc classes at the Mideast Regionals in Terre Haute. Hills Honda, grabbed an earl y lead and held on aga inst Frank Humphries in the Open B class. Humphries kep t Craig on h is toes as he p ushed hi m from start to fin ish , bu t couldn't find his way o ut fro nt. Two India na polis riders raced each ot her for the next two spo ts with Mik e Daniels taking third while George Collins ro de fourth. Pat Behrle and Grady Phillips both went down in early traffic in th e Open A cla ss as Pete H ook rod e to victory for Western Hills Honda. J oe. Green and Doug Davis tried to put the heat on Hook, but a t th e end of the IS-lap feature, Green took th e seco nd spot foll o wed by Davi s. Resul t s . 80 : 1. Brian Kn ippen berg ; 2. Matt Auxier; 3 . Sam Lowe; 4 . Gary Stogsd ill ; 5. Ben Bellman. 125 /250: 1. Pat Behrle; 2. Phil Palm er; 3 . Jo e Bast in; 4 . Mark Bast in ; 5. Danny Dotson. OPEN B: 1. Raben Craig ; 2. Frank Humphries; 3 . ' M ike Daniels; 4 . George Collins; 5 . Bill Montgomery. _ OPEN A : 1. Pete Hook; 2. Joel Gr een ; 3 . Doug Oayis; 4. Rex Fisher: 5. Steve Labordus. Melton sizzles in Terre Haute MX n By Susan Willian T ERRE HAUTE, IN , JUNE 25-26 Over 400 riders con verged on C&S Sp o rts Concepts AMA MidEast Youth /C/Women Regional Qualifier and du eled for en try to th e Augu st Loretta Lynn 's AMA Amateur Nation al s, wh ere on ly th e top eight from this qualifier are guaran teed a starting position. Brett Melton and David Beckington sizzled in double cla ss wins. Melton cla imed double victor ies in th e 85cc Stock (1213) and th e 85cc Modified (9-13) classes while Beckin gton earn ed the honors in th e l25 cc You th Stock a nd Modified. With a three-m o te format , riders could dispose of th eir worst rn oto finish to tak e their two best finishes their total overall score. S In the 85cc Stock, Melton led from .start to finish in moto o ne with a comforta ble lead while Chuck Drake held off Tony Bau er. The fin al lap saw Melton go for first , Drake second, and .Robbie Sturge ll get on the gas to tak e over th ird with Bau er four th. . Melt on cru ised to a n easy win in mot o two while Drak e and Justin Jarrett in secon d a nd th ird fought their way around th e co urse. J arrett go t invol ved in lapped tra ffic and remai ned in third at th e checkered wh ile Drake chalked up a no ther second. In th e first moto of th e 85cc (913) Modified cla ss, Drake too k th e lead aro und turn o ne while Melton q uic kly moved to lead to th e finish line wi th Drake second and Lenn y Sauer th ird . as Melton quickly took con tro l in moto two foll o w ed by J a son Faulkner, Sturgell a nd J arrett, whi le Dra ke wa s mi dpack . Melton stre tched out his lea d as a battle for secon d developed betw een Faulkn er an d Jarre tt. T he third la p of actio n saw Fau lkner pull from th e track with a bro ken hub for a DNF. J oshua . Steel took over th ird . Melton too k th e winning honors for hi s fou rth mo to win while Jarrett took second place honors, Steel third, Bauer fourth and Drake mov ed up to fifth. Eric McLear took th e lead in th e first lap of th e 125cc Youth Sto ck first mota as he moved by Brian Weiller ' and David Beckin gton. By th e seco nd lap, th e Mcl.ear-B eckington duel pulled away from th eir fellow co m p eti tors . Meanwhile J eromy Buehl passed Weill er to tak e over third. McLear secured th e fro n t spot after Beckington was slowed by lapped traffic. McL ear claimed 'first, fol lowed by Beckingt on, Buehl and Weiller. Beckington came off the line better pr epared in mot o two, leading from start to finish for th e win. McLear came out of nowhere to move into third and pr essure Smith to take o ver second where he stayed until th e . fin ish line with Bu ehl third , Smith fourth and DeH oop fifth. With Beckington having a 2-1 and McL ear a 1-2, both rid ers decid ed to ride th e third and final moto to determine th e overa ll winner. Beckin gton took th e win for th e o verall with Buehl fini shing second in th e moto, McL ear third, Weill er fourth and Smith fifth. • Res ults AUTO : 1. Chris Cons idi ne (Yam); 2. Eric Allman (Vam); 3. Nicholas lappia (Vam); 4. Jeremy Greene (Vam); 5. Justin Gutherie (Vam). B5 STK (12 ·13): 1. Brett Malton (Han) : 2. Justin Jarrett (Han); 3 . Ch uck Drake (Kaw ); 4 . J oshu a St eel (Kaw); 5. Tony Bauer (Kaw): B5 MOD (14 ·15): 1. MartyVaughn(Hon); 2. Brian Sw in k (Kaw ); 3 . Jeff Cur ry ISuz); 4 . Hayd en Richards (Kaw); 5. Joe Swartz (Kaw) . '25 C NOV STK: 1. David We is (Han); 2. Brent Holweger (Han); 3. Br ian Markovich (Han); 4. J ero my Stocker (Kaw); 5. Barron A ll en (Han). 250 C NOV M OD: 1. Jim Wilkerson (Han ); 2. Br ian Hawks (Kaw); 3 . David Mitchell (Han); 4. St eve Paschke (Suz); 5 . Cullen Page (Vam). 65 : 1. Matt Maximoff (Kaw); 2. Gregory Rand (kaw) ; 3 . Terry Meyer (Kaw); 4. Ker ie Fleenor (Kaw); 5 . Ju stin Blake (Kaw). B5 MOD (9-13): 1. Brett Melton (Han); 2. Justin Ja rrell (Han); 3 . Tony Bauer (Kaw); 4. Chuck Drake (Kaw); 5. Joshua Stea l (Kaw). 125 STK (12 ·15): 1. David Beckington (Han): 2. Eric McLear (Yam); 3 . Jeromy Buehl (Kaw); 4. Brian Weiler (Kaw); 5 . Ryan Smith (Vam). 125 C NOV MOD: 1. David Mitchell (Han ): 2. Will iam Koleno (Kaw); 3. Chad Bold ing (Ha n); 4 . Brian Stocker (Han); 5: TImmy Hargrove (Yaml. WMN : 1. Lisa Ak in Wagner IVam); 2. Sasha Culp (Kaw); 3 . Josi e Swenson (Ha n); 4 . Heath er Diepeveen (Suz); 5. Carol Stocker (Kaw). B5 STJ (7 -11): 1. Gregory Rand (Yam); 2. J eremy Jarrell (Vaml ; 3 . Mall Maximoff (Kaw ); 4 . J esse Thumser (Suz); 5 . SCally W eath er ington (Suz). 85 STK (14 -15 ): 1. Brian Swink (Kawl; 2. Marty . Vaughn (Han); 3 . J eff Curry (Suz); 4 . Jo e Swa rtz (Kaw ); 5. Hayden Richards (Kaw). ' 2 5 M OD (12 -15): 1. David Beckington (Han); 2. Eric McLear (Yam); 3 . J eromy Buehl (Kaw ); 4. Chad DeHoop (Suz); 5 . Ryan Smith (Yam). 250 C NOV STK: 1. J im Wi lkerson (Han); 2. David Mitchell (Han); 3 . Brian Hawks (Kaw) ; 4. St eve Paschk e (Suz); 5 . Todd Sizemore (Han). WeekI,. Dew., Dot·moDthl,. hl.tOI')' HOWARD & SONS .. To take advantage of our Hu sky sale ExcelleM motorcycles at excelle nt price s: New 19 8 7 250 Enduro $30 3 0 $3129 New 19 8 7 430 Cra" Co un try New 19 8 7 4 3 0 End ur o .31 6 3 New 19 8 7 500 Cron Country .3229 1988s at similer savi ngs Special 19 8 8 5 10 Cra n Co untry•. . . . Call Cloodo ........ "WIiIo Hot" 25_X ... 2511_XI 1361 E. W.lnat St P......... CA (818) 449-ERIC DOllAR SAll EVERYS'KE ON FLOOR MUST GO! c-.m , CAe.VA ' 87 250XC $2663 ' 8 7 430XL $2830 ' 8 7 650 Alazzurra 55 $3676 ' 86 WM X 1 2 5 $1799 ' 8 8 W RK 1 2 5 Husqvarna C.II For Rock Bottom Price ~ ~MAICO S_ nsIon • portln. - Hellarc WeldlnC Machin e Shop. UPS Parts Dally C.II For Rock Bottom Price ' 8 8WRK 1 25 Rac ers Choice M lchine Shop Serv ice America's Answer Polaris HOWARD & SO NS 4550 Nilsin Rd .• Phe lan. CA 9 2 371 (6 19) 868·358 2 Cycle News readers - the first to know l.. 1 11·200 Riders ~.61 MOTORCYCLECENTERS MDtort,cl• .s.rvlco, tun. ups••ccon ori. s . nd /ires. s,~"" CDlwHIMt C.I/fonU 1.JIaIJ0III : • U .,IlIt/o 74258 E. ImperialHwy.. (273) 946-3459 Suo V.II., 9007 Sunland A",.. (818) 708·9026 2466 W. Sepu1>eda 81rd.. (273) = 4 A 1m 828 W. Vermonl A",.. (714 n 4-7049 ) /.onf • • Idl 5270 Loop8eact> 81vd.. (273) 423-8878 S_ 00/0 5861 FiresICUI1I8Ird.• (27 927.&95 3) T MDlJro r~ 806E. Huntington Driw. (81 303-6382 8) L Sleeve Co., Power Prod. Div. .A. 8311 ChelIt A ve., Sonta Fe Springs, CA 90670 National Toll-Free Order N 1-800-8 22-6005 o. Calif. Order Number & T ech Inlo. 213-945-7578 :JnIDGESTUIIE "HELLO ~ DVN L O P .I\V e N MICH ELI N (gntlnen tal D i stri b u to r s o r Dealers C a ll f or p rod u c t (213) 946-3581 I I S <"11'\' 11 "', (714 ) 530-6681 M ETZE LE R 1k 12787 Nu tw ood 5 t c••den :~o;.~ ~,~, ~2~~~ 35

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