Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FAST BY FERRACCI • Con gratu lates, DALE OUARTERLEY! Dale is 3 for 3 on his FBF pr epp ed 85 1cc Wate r Cooled Ouc ati w ith Wi ns at Loud on. Elkhart Lake and Laguna Seca Pro Twin s G.P. Th is Year ! PETE JOHNSON 00 00 ~ ........ Pro Twins Modif ied Product ion Class W in at Laguna Seca. J uly 9 . 1988! . F ast b y F erraccr, I nc. "anuf_rer 0' TRMIC PROtIEII PERFORMAIICE Hip p.rfo rmance Pr0duct3 Fo< European and.hI, Superbi/res. s. Tha""s To Our $fJOIIso rs: (215) 657 ·1276 Tsubaki _ Bel·Ray ' .. Paso NC R Co m pe titio n Pipe s .. Mikuni &. Keihin Compet itio n Ca rb S et s VP Race Gas Michelin . Circle 8ell Ducati/Cagiva of North America .. Complete Service Fro m Tune Up to Rac e Prep .. Vinta ge Pa rt s Ducati. No rt on . Ho nda & Tri um ph • UPS N ext Day Service Available Fo, Tom Majeski battled w ith his brothe r. Rob. before winning t he Junior cl ass at the Barbara Fritchie Classic held in Frederic k . Monahan (Hon); 3. Nils Tr ibu s (Hon); 4 . Steve Mo lin ari (Kaw); 5. Geroge Lucas (KTM). 125 NOV; 1. Bruce Calkin; 2. Dave Sager; 3. Lincoln Morehead; 4 . Dave Picca rello; 5. Wa lt Marshall. 250 /0PEN NOV: 1. J ames Coy (Yam); 2. Rich Wojtkowski (Hon); 3. James Tref z (Suz); 4. 'M ike Lang (Hon); 5. Pat Conw ay (Kaw). ' SR EX: 1. Wendell Gilas (Hon); 2. Tracy Petty (Hon); 3. Jeff Lockwood (Hon); 4 . Ja mes Ross (Kaw); 5. John Leit hhead (Hon). SR AM : 1. Robert Nelso n (Hon); 2. Dan Moon ey (Hon); 3 . Randall Mann (Yam); 4 . W arren Ruth er- ford (KaW); 5. David Je ngeno (KTM). SR M INI; 1. Jody Mitchell (Hon); 2. Bruc e Calkin (Kaw ); 3. Chr is Povall (Yam); 4. Cane r Gurn ee (Hon); 5. Dave Piearello (Hon). JR MINI : 1. Kevin Oxford (Hon); 2. J ames Knapp (Yam); 3. Shawn Cypher (Hon); 4 . Keith Ray (Hon); . 5: Wily Haupthon (Yam). . Morehead wins Barbara Fritchie ST By Dave Hoenig FREDERICK, MD;'J U L Y 4 Steve Morehead led an action- packed Ex pert main wire-to-wire at the 66th Anniversary of the Barbara Fritchie Classic. Ridin g a H eyser Cycle/ KKI Storz! Wheeli n Works/ F&S/ J o hn Drago o- sponsored H ar leyDavidson, Morehead held off the charges of Rodney Farris and Danny Ingram. . "Anytime you race agains t riders the caliber of Dan ny and Rod ney there's going to be a heck of a show," Morehead told the large crowd from the winner 's circle. L oca l m er cha nts, mo torcycle dealers and fans esta blished a lap fund for the Expert mai n with $25 going to the leader of- each lap. Unfortunately, Farris and polesitter Ingram jumped the first 'start and were sent to the back row. ,Morehead too k control off the starting li n e ahead of Darrin Erichsen , Farri s, Ru sty R ogers, Ingram, Clayton Oliver , David Miller and Robert Lewis. Lap three saw Farris take second and immedia tely close on Morehead. Ingram mo ved to fourth but it took hi m four laps to get" by Erichsen for , third. It was three-rider race as Morehead con tin ued to pile up the la p money. Late in the race Morehead broke an exhaust pipe and it hit Farris, giving hi m a very p ainful knee. Farris dropped off the pace slightly, barely h olding off Ingram for second. Erichsen, 'Rogers, Miller, Lewis and O liver ro unded o u t the field. Haro ld Hillard, shot to the front of the Pro -Am main . and steadily pulled away. Mike Klopp and Mike Varn es . ba tt led over second with Klopp taking second. Dave Duhaime was a distance back in fourth ahead of H arold Dor sey, J r., Kyle Lo ng, Jerry Steele, George a nd Gary Foard. The Junior m'ain was a fami ly affair with the Majes ki brothers, Rob and T o m, ru nn ing away from Jim Hollister, Dave Reeves, Davi d Miller, Buddy H aas, Paul Crumling and Steve Alexander. Rob held the lead but Tom was pu tting constant pressure on until Hollister's bike locked up in turn three, taking up Haas and Miller and bringing out the red flag. On the restart Tom shot to the inside and too k the lead in the sixlap dash to the finish. Rob tried severa l different lines to no avail as the brothers finished far ahead of Reeve, Cru ml i n g , Mi ller and Alexander-. Results EX; 1. St eve Moreh ead (H-6); 2. Rodney Farr is (H-D); 3. Dan Ingram (HoD) 4 . Darrin Er ichsen (H; D); 5. Rusty Rogers (H-D). JR: 1. Tom Ma jeski (H-D); 2. Rob Ma jeski (H0 ); 3 . David Reeves (RlX); 4 . Paul Crum ling (Hon); 5. David M iller (Hon). PRO-AM; 1. Harold Hillard (RlX); 2. M ike Klopp (RlX); 3. Mike Varnes (Hon); 4 . David Duh aim e (RlX); 5. Harold Dorsey. Jr. (RlX). . Smith dusts Anamosa Scrambles ANAM O SA, LA, J UN E 19 Dal e Smith pi loted his Honda to h is third overall victory of the year , at t he An a mosa Two-Ho ur H a r e Scrambles. Kirk Ballard anticipated the shotgun start br illiantly by pulling h is second consecutive holesh o t. Mar k Martin was' second followed closely by Scott Porter, Tim Anderson, Tom Eller and Den nis Meswa rd. Ballard crashed on the first lap with Marti n taking the lead for the remainder of the first hour. The h ig h temperature and low rainfall created d usty co ndi tions, which slowed most riders by the first hour. Smith closed the gap and made his mov e towards the end of the fifth lap, passing Martin on a short uphill. Martin and Smith went side by side down a straight with Smith getting to the corner first . Smith held on for a 30-second victory over Matin and 90 seconds ahead of Ballard, wi th William Gasse and Steve Sulzburger rounding out the top five: Results GOODfi'EAR EACLE RACINC TIRES DRAG-Wider for Increased Traction EAGLE M II-NEWShort and Long Track compounds COMPETITION TIRE EAST I'&T P.O. Box 301 P.O. Box 666 ReadIng. PA19603 . BrooIcIyn. MI49230 12151 375-6191 1 5171 592-66lM CAIIADA 14 161684-7418 send For catalog· Shipped Daily Iau€PIONI lief hfl Knee injuries are the common cj all injlries associaIBd with dit bile and I\fV riding and racing. NaN ~ can reduce the possililily cj suffering a knee injtJ}\ as wei as aidi1g In the support cj an injured knee with the MCOMD RACE BRACE. I.JIleraJ knee ~liIy can be significantly increased. The MCD.olIID RACE BRACE is comIortabIe to weal; it doesnl interfere with lIlO'Iemenl or control, and ~ can M1 run with it on. The RACE BRACE praect)W vuk1erabIe knees from impact injuries.lvdiliille i1 sizes for chidren and aduIs. IOOudes left and riln knee brace atIractiwIy packaged. $149.00 per pair. wi. 41r~::rs PlJCENTIA CA 9267D r.w. mORDER .a. . T (714) 993-5454 . Charge your Cycle News subscription with your Visa or Mastercharge!! How Do You Carry It When It's Not Carrying You? CARRY IT IN ACHARIOT William DeVore; 4. Gen e Underw ood; 5. Alan Aubrecht. Adnerson; 4 . Brian Etter; 5. Rodney Cozan. DIstributors PROTECTION & MOVEMENT most 0 / A A; Dale Sm it h. BIG A: 1. M ark Martin; 2. Kirk Ball ard; 3. Steve Sulzburger; 4 . Gary W ill iams; 5. Tom Ell er. UTILE A; 1. Scon Pon er; 2. Bill Kovacevich; 3. Doug Len h. SR; 1. Willia m Gusse; 2. J erry Rewe rts; 3. 0 / A B: 1. Kevin Piri e. BIG B: 1. Jam es Nelson; 2. David Peterson ; 3. Gary Barber; 4 . Alan Gross; 5. Randy Van Magren. LITTLE B: 1. Jim Voole; 2. Tom Sharp; 3. Richard Robbins; 4. John Downey; 5. Mich Heinr ichs. TRIA L: 1. Brian Loney; Randy Kent; 3. Don Authorized P.O. Box279 5t DavIds. Ontarto lOS -1PO Deale r Inquiries Always Welcomed 10' 6" ..... 14' c,do - . 13" 51.... Axle, 16' T."" Axl. Perfect FOr Motorcycle - ATV - Watercraft 209 Pickney Stree t Oldsma r, Fl33557 Send For Free 4-Color Brochure (813) 855-5801 33

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