Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Wind (Continued from page 2) The recent Triple H eader of Motorcycli ng for Charity in Dayton, Ohio, June 10-12, was a record smashe r. Although the fin al tabula tio ns aren' t co mplete, preli m inary figures indica te that over $63,000 was raised by the three, events: T he O ld Ti me Newsies H alf Mile, a TV a uct io n o n Channe l 22, a nd the Motorcycli sts for .Muscular Dystrophy Ride. T he ri de o n Sunday ra ised $32,000 and dre w 1200 riders a nd passe ngers o n 762 motorcycles. Last year 's figure of $ 17,54 8 in pled ges was n earl y doubled a t this year's ride. In the 18 years these events have been held , close to $600,000 has been ra ised for Dayto n-area charities. Recipi ent s of these fu nds ha ve been Big Brothers/ Big Sisters a nd th e Muscul ar Dystrophy Associa tion. In additio n to th e mot orcycli sts, th e Miami Valley Motorcycle Dealers, th e Ol d T ime Newsies for Charity, KK Motorcycle Supply, police volunt eers, the Dayton M.C ., the Blue Knigh ts, and mem bers of the charitab le o rga n izations participa ted in putting on the events. Yamaha will have 1988 FZR400 and 750 race parts for sale in t he pits at Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey, California, during ,the AMA National road race meet , July 8 -10. Riders interested in purchasing such parts should see Mark Gagnon in the Yamaha t r uck at the track for more information. BOUGHT: T he inve ntory, assets , a nd excl usive rights to all nam es a nd tradema rks of Si erra Motorcycl e Products, Inc. by Western Power Sports, In c; WPS, a Bo ise, Idahobased di st ributor o f recrea tiona l prod uct s, says it wi ll contin ue to market th e Sierra tra de name prod ucts a nd will expand the product lin e and link its Boise com p uter to Sierra's Sacramen to compu ter and th e system will en ab le o pera tors to eas ily check in ven tor ies- an d shippi ng time. For mo re information, ca ll WP S at 208/ 376-8400. Team Obsolete 's Rob Iannucci has announced that the New York State Supreme Court has denied former team ri der Jeff Elghanayan 's , aka Marco Polo, petition t o be readmitted to the Team Obsolete headquarters in BrookIyn, New York . Elghanayan 's demand that certain machines be turned over to him was thrown out, and his request for an inj u nction which would have prevented Team Obso lete's Dave Roper from racing in vintage road race events likewise was denied. Add it ionally, according to Iannucci, the court granted Iannucci's motion to hold an evidentory hearing to determine whether Elghanayan's team of attorneys should be disqualified for conflict of interest , 52 As for the fleet of MV Agu stas that Team Ob so lete purch ased o ver a year ago, Ia nn ucci said, "The MV Agus tas a re a separa te question. They are ow ned by T eam Ob sol ete L td ., a New York corpora tio n whose stock is owned 50/50 by Elghanay an a nd me. An agreement had been reac hed whe reby a 500 triple was to have been brought to th e Isle of Man fo r (G iacomo) Agostini to parade a t the TT. Also, two tripl es were to be supplied to Dave Roper and Ph il Read to be raced a t the CR MC Class icfest a t Donington Pa rk in En gland this mon th. H owever, j ust before the ma chines were to dep art from R oberto Gallina 's sh op in La Spezia, Italy, Elghanayan obtai ned an o rder from an It ali an Court preventing th e depa rtu re of th e . mach ines. In his petition to th e co urt, Elgh an a yan fail ed to mention th at th e case was alrea dy being heard in New York. Whi le we are co nfident th at th e court will th ro w o ut th e seizure order once all th e evidence has been presented, it is unfor tunat e th at thousands o f ' pa ssiona ti' were den ied the opportunity to see the MV Agus tas . We bel ieve tha t a ll of Elgha nayan's claims are factua lly u nsupportab le, and we are confident of a fa vorab le ou tco me in the end ." In ad dition to battling in court rooms, -Tearn Obsolete has been competing on race tracks around the world. Dave Roper. has the points lead in both the AHRMA 500cc Premier and 750cc Grand Prix classes, and one of the team's Matchless G-50s came in t hird in the Isle of Man 500cc Historic TT (after lo sing a clutch cable on the grid). Adrian Moss has been campaigning a Team Obsolete Match less G·50 in European motocross events with success, an d Roper has obtained an ent ry fo r the Class ic Manx 500 . Former Dir t Bike ma gazine ed itor R ick "Super Hun ky" Sieman has resigned as editor of Off-R oad magazine a nd is return ing to Dirt Bike, a H i-T orqu e publ ica t ion , a s a columnist. Desert On ly/Tul ip Travel isoffering an eight·day tour t o Paris , France, f or the Par is Supercross tripleheader, to be he ld November 30 to December 2 . The $1499 t our includes round t rip airfare f rom New York City, seven ni ght s hote l" accomodations, ground , t ransportation, t ours of Paris, tickets for all th ree nig hts of t he Paris Supercross, an d a dinner show at t he Moulin Rouge . For more inf orm ation co ntact Desert On ly /Tulip Travel, 73-111 Co untry Club Dr., S uite B4, Palm Desert, CA 92260, 6 19/568 2889 or 341 -2646. H osP IT al Stop: AFMroad racer Jeff Hagan was inj ured June 26 during a sta rt ing-line inci dent at southern Ca lifo rnia 's Riverside International Racewa y, brea king bones ' in his lower left leg. He expects to be but of competitio n for the rest of the year. Ca rds a nd letters ca n be sent to H agan at 4820 Webster St., Oakland, CA 94609. " Former Cycle News associate editor Farren W ill iams , who covered the political scene for this '" newspaper for several years, will ,beg in publishing a newsletter, Sacto-Letter, this August. Willi - • ams says the newsletter will be published monthly at first and w ill be published twice a month w hen ' the subscriber count reaches 500. Sacto-Letter will cover motorcycle and ATV i n d u st ry re lated issues on both the state and federal level. Subscription price is $75 per year and more informat ion can be obtained by writing Boo Publishing, P.O . Box 266, Oakdale, CA ~ 43 6 1 . T he annual AMA-sancti oned ISDE tour is being co nducted by Peop le's T ravel Service, One Na tio n wide Plaza, Columbus, OH 43216, 800/ 84 1 ~ 0980 (800/336-7662 in Ohio ). This year's ISDE will take place in Mende, Fran ce, Sep tember 5-10. The to ur dep a rts for Europe on Monday, August 29, and returns on Tuesda y, September 13. Features included in th e tour pri ce ($990 for land portion, $907.60 to $1139.60 for air transportat ion depending o n departure/ retu rn city) are round trip air tra nsportation, 12 nights hot el accomoda tions a t th e Six Days site, a ren tal car, o ne ni ght's hotel acco modation in Montpellier , France, a nd o ne n ight in Paris, a nd an officia l ISD E spectator's jacket. If you 're interested in jo ining the to ur, don't hesitat e deadline is July 15. The 1988 'Int ern at ional Bicycle and Motorcycle Exhib it ion in Cologne, West Germany, will be held September 21-25 with September 21-22 for t rade visi tors only. The $255,000 reward offer for information leading to the arrest and . co nviction of th e persons resporisible for the Marc h 16 murder of promoter Mickey T hom pson a nd h is wife Trudy has been extended to October 5. The reward offer was due to expire J u n e 30, fo llowi ng its origi na l posting in May, but T hompson's sister, Colle ne T hompson Ca mp bell ha s extended the deadline. " T he reward has produced activi ty. T he re hav e been over 300 cl ues accordi ng to investigators," sai d , Ca mpbell. Cam pb ell also sai d tha t if the reward does not produce a nythi ng posi tive during th e next 90 days , the money - wh ich has been pos ted by family, friends and business associa tes will be used to accelerate th e inves tigation. However, Cam pbe ll refused to say what optio ns might be used in tha t directio n . "We h a ve no intent ion of letting this thi ng j ust fad e a wa y," said Ca mpbel l. " We in tend to see that th e investigation is kept a live for as lo ng as it takes to bring th e vermin th at did it to justice. " Th e date of the Reno, Nevada, roun d of the AMA National Cham pio ns hi p Hare & Hound Series has been changed from October 9 to October 2. A new supercioss-style track has been built at sou the rn Ca lifornia 's Carlsbad Ra ceway, and the first race to be held on th e new track will tak e pl ace Jul y 24 with races to follow o n th e first a nd third Sunda ys of each month. T he su percro ss track has no doub le jumps bu t features pl ateau jumps and tight, technical sections . Ca rlsbad is now celebrating its 25th an n iversary a nd its curre nt lease ex tends throug h the end of 1989. Camel Pro Series competitor Ronnie Jones w ill co-drive a " Nissan 300 ZX Turbo sponsored by Racecrafters , Californ ia ' Camouflage, Bell Races tar, and Campbell Enterprises in IMSA • Firestone Fi rehawk endurance races that do not conflict with' his two-wheeled duties. Along with Racecrafters owner Bi!1 Korbus and Jim Ellis, Jones should make h is IMSA debut at Oregon's Port land International Raceway on July 3 1 . . Tea m Nordica Roberts road racer T ho mas Stevens was credi ted with a new 250cc la p record a t Road America in Elkha rt Lak e, Wisconsin, J une 26. T he lap record now stands at 2 minu tes, 24.97 seconds . Ryan Young (Bet) clinched the AMA/NATC National Champion- • ship Observed Trials crown at the first of the final two rounds of the " series in Portland, Oregon, July 2 . Young captured the overall w in in .. Oregon ahead of Jonny Andersson (Hon), w ith Mark Manniko "(Fan) taking third . Young did not have to compete in Spokane, ' Washington, July 4 , in order t o clinch the title, so he decided not " to ride the Washington round . Andersson t o o k the w in in " Washington ahead of Manniko .and To m Hammon. Andersson > f in ished second in the point stand ings; Manniko took third . • .....---------------....... Next week" • .. .. Unadilla• USGP prevIew Hagerstown National Half Mile .. Binghamton National MX Belgi~n GP Road Race ..._--------------_........ " "

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