Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ . .. . ~. .. . .. PLAY. SKI. RACE. ENJOY. . .. .. .. .. Just about anything is possible on a Seae[)oo. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ran .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .&0. '" Jo. k .. ... Jo. .&0. .. .. Just fill out the sweepstakes entry form .. below and mail in today. While you 're at it, subscribe to Personal Watercraft .. ..'l1Ius trated, the #1 magazine in the .. - .. business. .. Personal Watercraft Illustrated, the .. choice of the personal watercraft .. industry and enthusiasts. Order yours today I .... .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. Enter the SEE YOU OM A SEAeDOO ' Sweepstakes and maybe you'll be our .. lucky winner. A winner like Craig Devilla, who was our most recent .. Personal Watercraft Grand Prize Sweepstakes winner. " .. ..'Win a brand new Bombardier SeaeOoo personal watercraft. Enter the Personal .. .. .. Watercraft Illustrated SEE YOU OM A ~ .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. SEA-DOO Sweepstakes! Imagine yourself .. .. on one of the most exciting new personal - .. .. .. .. watercraft available. the new Bombardier .. .. .. SeaeOoo. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. ~ I~-------------------------------------------------, . PFEteL SEE YOU OM A SEAeDOO Sweepstakes 0 8 m me w ith t he firs. iss ue . • , • 1"- 0 Yes, I alit to lie a cIIarter.bscriller to Penout Watercraft IIIBlrated aM be eatered in lite sweepstakes - $10.00. _. ·1 .. . . .. Jo . .. ' .. . . .. S .. .... I I & L .. . • r.i ., ," ..... sa...IlI,.. ... a. s .. LUI _ · ... ..1 _ S igna t ure _ _ h 0... """ " " ' , . . . if? Ou .. o.... sa-w,.. .... tINs.. O wtIat ....... , . ... il IDr't _ ... Zip Orde . Dat e Ma il to : Personal Watercraft Illustrated c/o Cycl e News.lnc . . _ .. P.O . B o x 498 _ Lo ng Be a c h . CA 9 0B 01 ·04 9 8 . I. " Hx6 H No purchaae neceaury. R II out the offi cial entry form (or a 3 facsimile., inc ludi ng yo u r na me , a ddrea. city, ' Ulte . zip code a nd phone num be r. Mail your entry (on e per per&On pJea ae) to PeraoMI Watercraft Illustrated by October 31 . 1988. FiNlI drawing w ill be held on November 15. 1988. The odds of winning wi ll be d etermined by th e number of en tries received. All en t rie s become th e property of Cycl e Newa. Inc. Winner' s M ine wil l be availab ~ attar the dr awi ng upon request. Contest is void where prohibited . Su btect to all local. sta t. a nd feet. ... 1 regu..ti on s . Tax. reglstr8tion and trena portlitto n ar. th e respo nsibility of the winner. By accepting the prize . th e Winner agr. .s t o accept responslbilrty fo r city anet state lice nSing and reglllt,ation reqUirements. No au~ute pnze 'liNen nor cash eq uIValent paid . If mll'Ol' Wins t he prb e . It Will be registered in 1M name of the Pllre nt or leg al guenban . In accept ing t he priz e . the wlnn.r grants Cycle News. Inc. ~i ...on to pro mot e end pu blicize hi, Of' he r phot og raph and th e prize won: All e mployees of Cycle News. Inc . and t heir families are not eligible. .. .. . . . . .. . ... .. ... .. ... . . "'" _ "'" "'" "'" .. . .. Ca rd N umber - - - - -- - - - - - - Expi rati o n d ate _ _ / _ _ / ",... 'IIIIYtIl ' " u .. 0 Visa 0 Ma s ter c ard ~ Ad d re ss Stat e (m a ke o ut pay ab le to Cyc le New s) 0 C harg e my c redit ca rd IJ (p le ••e p r int c le a rl y ) Ph one • f' entry orm C ............ ,.. . . 0..,.. _ . ~ ....Cf-'l ' f .. City "'" _. Name I ""'I I .. . 0 ™ One V••r (6 iauea) 1 at C1ua Canada or Mexico and.1I other fo retg n countries - 1 2 0 .00 (U.S . fund. ). ' ... . .. ' 0 Check o r Mon ey Ord er e ncl ose d 0 No, I don't wallt to be a suHcriller, but please enter me in the sweepstakes. I • .~ '. . u r HI I a l ' I I I .. I I "'" .... "", • ... .,: 1 .. .. ~ • I • ~ · .. I "'" . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 53

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