Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THE ULTIMATE TRAIL RIDE (Six Days of Michigan) THE ULTIMATE TRAIL BIKE (KTM 600 LC-4) WAJaq~1 We now have a li m it ed number of t he new KTM LC-4, available for a SPECIAL PRICE or LEASE "ONLY" for the 1988 SIX DAYS ' Billy Hamill, lead ing Brad Oxley, went on to a photo-finish victory over Rob Pfetzing in the Handicap main at lnland Motor Speedway. circ u it. Wh en that la ne showed a ro ugh trek to the fro nt, he changed . pl ans and went to th e dirt . Pfetzing continually look ed wide and he di d somet h ing few riders have do ne a t Ascot in 1988. He stayed close to Schwartz when the checkered flag en ded the Scratch main. Brad Oxley, who passed Castro o n the second trip around the colorful oval, ended up third. In the H a n d ica p main , Stev e Furman slammed his Team Blaze Weslake into the lead on the start with agel ess Billy Gray in ' tow. Furman ate it in tum three on lap two. Out ca me the red a nd Furman made a sojourn back to th e penalty line for th e restart. Bill y H amill had just p assed Furman when th e red ca me out so hi s Speedway USA/ Q ua ker Sta te/ Vance & Hines/Monrovia Diesel/ ST P Weslak e was positioned on the pole for th e restart. Hamill rocketed into the lead wh en th e green light flashed o n and he co u ld have wav ed good bye to th e rest of th e pack. Dubb Ferrell wat ched as th e number on th e ba ck of Hamill's leath er s grew smaller and smaller. Ev en though Hamill waltzed away, th ere was still a good race behind him. Ferrell first had Ni col and 't hen Oxley to dea l with. Try as they mi ght, nobody could figure a way to close ' o n Hamill a nd he bagged hi s second Garden a win of 1988. Ferrell had second wrapped up uti til hi s motor exp ired near th e en d of th e even t. Oxley cro ssed th e line in second with Doug Nicol third. Ji m Fishback, who wa s making his first ever appearance at So u th Bay Stadium, ended u p fourt h. Results SCRATCH: 1. Bobby Schwartz (We s); 2. Rob Pletzing (W es); 3. Brad Oxley (Wes ); 4 . Ed Castr o (Wes). HDCP: 1. Billy Ham ill (Wes); 2. Brad Oxley (Wesl; 3. Doug Nicol (Wes); 4 . J im Fishba ck (J aw) . 0 · 2: 1. David Perry (We s); 2. St eve Russell (Wesl; 3. M ike Dalbey (Ja w ). 0 ·3 : 1. Al ex Mansfield (Wes); 2. Ji m Bla n (Jaw); 3. Brian Pappalardo (Wes). Schwartz, Hamill take 'n'and Motor Spdwy . By Scott Daloisio SAN BERNARDI NO , CA, JUNE 15 Bobby Schwartz and Billy Hamill walked off with th e Division One main even t la urels at Inland Motor Speedway . After winning his heat and semi, Schwartz was poised to battle with Rob Pfetzing, Steve Lucero a nd Brad Oxley in th e four- lap Scratch main. Schwartz beat the field to the first corner while Lucero and Pfetzing were going at it for second. Lucero got mired in the cushion • as they came off of two and th at let Pfetzing th rough . Pfetzi ng , with a drai ng ri de against the crashwall , almost drew even with Schwartz o n the back chu te on lap two . H e got a longside Schwartz a t the end of the lap but the heady veteran edged him to the next corner. Pfetzing stayed wide but th at was his downfall. H e plowed the front end and almost went over th e bars in turn one. That dropped him from a close second to a distant last and gave Schwartz the victory ab oard his BudweiserlTroy Lee Design/ STP/ Cirello/K&N-backed Weslake. Lucero ended up second with Oxley third . In th e H andicap main Steve Furman set the early tempo in the eigh t lapper. But he was relega ted to second by Bill y H amill 'before th e end of th e o pene r whe n he whee lied off turn four. Eddie Cas tro found hi s way to second but Pfetzing, with th e cro wd urg ing him on , was ' p lo w i n g through th e deep stu ff once aga in as he tri ed to get to th e fro n t of th e streaking p ack. '. Pfetzing tra cked down Castro on lap fou r and th e best race of th e night began. Pfetzing swept around Castro at th e end of lap five but Castro, using the shorter line, edged him back to th e first bend. At the end of th e next circu it, Pfetzing aga in went a ro und Castro but once again, Castro beat him to th e bend. . T h is kept o n until th e fin al circu it wh en Pf et zin g a sse rted himself. H am ill , o n the Speedwa y USAf Van ce & H ines /STP / Mo n rovia Diesel-sp onsored Weslak e, momentarily parked in turn two a nd let . Pfetzing close on him. When th ey crossed the line, it was H am ill in a pho to finish over Pfetzing. Th ird went to Castro. Resu lts 1988 IiIH 600 LC4 FOUR.STROKE 00 00 0") .-I OF MICHIGAN A ll you have to do to take advantage of this " Hassle Free " ride is show up at the start and you w ill rece ive a new KTM LC-4, expertly set up for you and the M ich igan woods. You wi ll have Factory and Dealer support to ass ist you throughout the week. For more deta ils co ntact Alan Randt at Lansing Cycle 6081 S . Logan. Lansing. MI 48910 Phone (517) 393-6477 All • • j I AmerlC8n Molorcycllal Aaaocl.llon EjJJlM-j P.O . Bo. 6114 , W..larvilla, Ohio 43061~114 _ _ _ Phone (614) 691 ·2425 ' SCRATCH: 1. Bobby Schwartz (Wes); 2. Steve Luce ro (Gdn); 3. Brad Oxley (Wes); 4. Rob Pfetzing (Wes). HDCP: 1. Bill y Hamill (Wes); 2. Rob Pfetzi ng (Wes ); 3. Ed Castro (Wes); 4. Steve Lucero (Gdn). 0 ·2 ; 1. Scon Yarboro ugh (Wesl; 2. Bob Bechtold (Wes); 3. Mark Hannah (Wes); 4. Jessee Finch (G· M) . _ D ~3: 1. Jo sh Larse n (Wes); 2. Erich Fenschneider (Wesl ; 3. Kevin Jordan (Ja w). Brown boi's at Reddick MX _ By Scott Shepherd OCALA, FL, JUNE 13 The Florida Motocross Club's points series , and th e Mini A IOOcc and 125cc 12-15 classes were won by T eam Green /Pro Circuit/Sinisalo/ Scott/Kawa saki-Suzuki o f Lake Wales-sponsored Chris Bro wn . In six motos he scored five first places a nd one second. His on ly second place came in the 39

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