Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Q ~ ~ Ul a ...J « c ~ c u Ul >- lZl Ul 0 .... 0 :x: 00 00 O"l Q. ....... ~ eo . ....... >........ ;:j I---') (Left to right) Brad Oxley. Bobby Schwartz and Steve Lucero took second. first and third. respectively. in Victorville speedway action. . Tim Jones stuffs o ne of his com pet it ors on his way to a third-place finish in Division Three class action at Orange County Fairgrounds. 8 ') 125 NOV: 1. Frankie Ladd (Hon); 2. Ja son Kremp in (Hon); 3. Jason Matus (Hon); 4 . Brandon Wittel (Hon); 5. Tim Woodruff (Hon). 125 INT; 1. Jack Ricks III (Kaw); 2. Michael Lord (Kawt 3. Matt Harlan (Yam); 4. Joey Bloxom (Kaw); 5. Stan ley Chomer . 125 EX: 1. Terry Tinney (Hon); 2. Jeff Bail ev (Hon); 3. Damon Minor; 4 . Craig Mavhan. 250 BEG; 1. Lorenz Wilkinson (Suz); 2. Billy Wi lliams (Hon); 3. Norman Reed; 4 . John Bneskey . (Hon); 5. Greg Mulholland (Ya m~ 250 INT; 1. Jack Ricks III (Kaws t 2. Keit h Hagins (Yam); 3. Matt Harlan (Yam); 4. TIm Ponz (Kaw ); 5. Tyler Larson (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. Shawn Shields (Kawt 2. Charl ie serre r (Kaw); 3. Bob M itc hell; 4 . Chip Munn (Hon); 5. Mark Hughes (Kaw). 250 EX: 1. Dennis Hawthorne (Kaw ); 2. Roy Schellemburger (Yam); 3. Terry Tinnev (Suz); 4 . Mar k Fill er (Hon); 5. Todd Eisclberger (Hon). OPEN: 1. Mark Benson (Kaw); 2. Joev Hardin (Kaw) ; 3. W ayn e Green (Kaw) ; 4'. J ason Matu s (Hon). . OVER 25 : 1. Tim Ponz IKaw); 2. Joey Hard in (Kaw); 3. Rodnev Wiginnon (Yam); 4 . Wayne Green (Kaw); 5. Rob Riner (Kaw). . . OVER 30 : 1. Haven Sm ith (Hon); 2. JerryWoolsay (Hen); 3. John Bass (Yam); 4. Steve Ligon (Yam) 5. M ika Swiateck (Hon). OVER 4(); 1. Da"ell Bishop (Hont 2. Dwight Laatherwood; 3. Hazen Smith Hon. OVER 30 INT: 1. Mark Maness; 2. Matt anderson; 3. Dw ight Leatherwood; 4. Da"ell Bishop ; 5. Terry Burghan. OVER 30 EX; 1. Johnnv Adams; 2. Ed Hays; 3. Joe BusbV; 4 . Michae l Sparks; 5. Tom Hollister. Zahrf doubles at Saylands MX By Mike Vancil 38 FREMONT, CA , JUNE 15 Kenny Zahrt used his nearly-perfect holeshots as the key to winning both 250cc Pros at Baylands Racew ay Park. In itially th e referee had set Zahrt down a lap for being over th e starting ga te but at least two other riders ca me forth after th e first moto to state th at th ey too were over the gate so Zahrt's win was reinstated. The seco n d m oto start was more civilized a nd all were away from th e gri d clean with Zahrt in the lead attac ki ng the co rners a n d 'stutt er j u m ps wi th a fierce rhyth m that put hi m a hea d of h is compe t i to rs. Seco nd to Zahrt in the first m oto was Eric Sandstrom o n a Kawasaki a n d traili ng Zahrts' H onda in the seco nd m o to was H onda-mounted Russ Sco tt, who is sponsored by FMF , Spect ro O il a n d O 'Neal. It was Sco tts' 3-2 perfomance th a t earned h im th e seco n d overa ll in th e class . Phil Dougl as , sponsored by After Shocks, co ntested th e 250cc Interm edia te class a n d th e Vetera n Master class a nd won both h andily. Douglas used rapid sta rts 10 ear ly adva n tage th en reverte d to better lines through th e corners a nd exce llent throttle ap plication in th e ro ckers and stu tter j u m ps. The 250cc H onda FourStroke was down on power in th e . Intermediate class but Dougl as m ade up for that wi th great riding. In th e Veteran Master class h e was u p agains t some 500cc machines but th e ou tco me was the same as he won both mot os in that di vision too . Tra il ing Douglas in th e 250cc Interm ed iate even ts wa s ' Kawa saki mounted Steve Nel son. Gi vin g it his a ll in th e Vet Master class was seco n d- p lacer Duand Hu gh es. Hu gh es k ept th e p res sure up th roughout th e moto a nd fin ish ed a very close seco nd each ti me. The 125cc Junio r class sa w consis tent ri ding by Greg Buntin g on a Yamaha a nd by J oe Lawwill on a Kawasaki who earned the fir st and seco nd overall , respectivel y while first moto wi n ner Kevin Boultier co u ld o n ly m uster a fifth in th e second moto a nd a third overa ll. Second moto winn er Scott Wilson wa s suffering from a first rnoto finish of eig h th and ended up fourt h overall. Results BOMINI BEG: 1. Anthony Larez (Kaw l; 2. Clayton Keates (Yam); 3. Vinn ie Pedrini (Hon). BOMINI JR; 1. Aaron Cantr elle . 125 BEG; 1. Jam i Goyn e (Hon); 2. Dann y Williams (Hon); 3. Duane Keller (Yam); 4 . Chr is Hops (Hon); 5. Jeffrey Brownlee. 125 JR; 1. Greg Bunting (Yam); 2. Joe Lawwill (Kaw); 3. Kevin Boultier (Yam); 4. Scott W ilson (Hon). 125 INT: 1. Steve Bon it a (Hon); 2. Shaun Doddington (Yam). . 250 BEG: 1. Steve Nicholson (Suz); 2. Mike Hodges (Hon); 3. Mike Ramage (yam ); 4. Jeff Anderson (Yam); 5. Tom Oaklev (Hon). 250 JR: 1. William Anau (Hon); 2. Ronnie Lae (Kaw); 3. Trov Deherrera (Yam); 4 . Mik a Spalding (Hon); 5. Gerry Johnson (Hon). 250 INT; 1. Phil Douglas (Honl; 2. Steve Nelson (Kawl . OPEN BEG: 1. Chris MacDonald (Hon); 2. Scott Wr ight (Yam); 3. James Shepherd (Hon); 4 . Troy Dulleck (Hon); 5. TIm Sarginson (Hon). OPEN JR : 1. Tom Conkl in (Kaw); 2. neve Hendarson (Hon). OPEN INT; 1. Steve Silv estr i (Honl; 2. Tim Boone (Hon); 3. Greg Kamholz (Hon). VET JR : 1. Ken Campbell (Hon); 2 . Dave Handarson (Hon); 3. George Goll ing (Hon); 4. Fred Stefan i (KTMt 5. Keith Palmier i (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. Kenny 2ahn (Hon); 2. Russ Scott (Hon); 3. Eric Sandstrom (Kaw); 4 . Jo hn Dauth (Hon); 5. Jerry Cato n (Hon). VET INT: 1. Gary Remm en (Yam); 2. Kirk Smith (Yam). VET MSTR; 1. Phil Douglas (Hon); 2. Ouane Highes (Hon); 3. Larry Baker (Hon). 500 PRO: 1. Sean Conlev (Kaw); 2. Glenn Har riso n (Kaw) . Schwartz sweeps Speedway USA By Scott Daloi sio VICTORVILLE, CA, J U N E 18 Bobby Schwartz scored a 15 point maximum and waltzed off wi th first pl ace in th e Budweiser In vita tional. Schwartz' night began with controversy, in event six. The starting tapes got st u ck u n der the fro n t fen ders of Schwartz a nd Steve Lucero but th e sta rte r pressed th e tri gger. Mike Mazzacane blew th rough the tapes a nd was excl uded. Sch wartz got off h is b ike an d p leaded wi th th e referee that Mazzaca n e shou ld be a llowed to restart but his protest proved fruitless . The wi ldest tangle of th e night to ok p lace in turn four o n the o pe n in g lap of event 10. Scotty Brown tagged Walt Farnum and sent him flying for 20 feel. Farnum landed hard and suffered a minor co nc us sion. Brown was penalized for th e infrac tion wh ich Farnum, who made a woozy return to th e track , broke on th e line. Brad Oxley lost his perfect score in th e third round wh en he was . beat en by Lucero . Schwartz' closest ra ce of th e mee ting cam e in event 15. Billy Hamill , 18, hounded the veteran Sch wartz th ro ughout th e event but in th e end , Schwartz had him co vered an d took a close wi n. Schwartz' final ou ting of th e n ight was in event 17. He faced Oxley a n d ' th ey battled it o u t over th e first two circui ts. Bu t during th e last half o f the fou r laps, Sch wartz m oved away for the win a nd his perfect score. Oxley's seco nd p lace finish netted him second overall. Lucero won his third race in a ro w in event 19, gi ving him th ird overall while Brown closed th e program with a victory to garner fourth . Mark Hannah rode a Weslake to his first win of the 1988 season in th e Support class main. Pappalardo, G eorge Armas and Don Odom ch ase d him across th e line. Resul ts FINAL: 1. Bobby Schwanz (Wes); 2. Brad Oxlev (Wes); 3. Steve Lucero (Gdn); 4. Scotty Brown (Jawt 5. Billy Hamill (Wes). SUP: 1. Mark Hannah (Wes); 2. Brian Pappalardo (Wes); 3. George Armas (J aw ); 4. Don Odom (Wes). Christian claims Costa Mesa Spdwy By Scott Daloisio CO ST A MESA, CA , J U N E 17 Ala n Christia n powered h is J awa to victory in the Scratch main event a t th e Orange Co unty Fairgrounds. Chri stian became Bobby Sch wartz' vic ti m a t the start of the m a in. Schwartz left th e field o ff th e lin e b ut as h e came off turn two , he drifted wide a n d p ick ed up traction in th e cush ion . That threw h im into th e back ch ute wall and opened u p a n inside lane for Christi an. Once Christian had m anuevered h is ST P / Cody Racin g /Cal -Fab/ Advantage Boats/Bell-backed Jawa into th e lead, it was goin~.. to ta ke a tall order to wrestl e th e point aw ay. Sch wartz was still reeling from his tuss le with th e back-chute boards whe n Lucero found a lane on th e ins ide. They went a t it for over a lap before L ucero pushed h is G odden into seco nd. All that stood bet wee n Lucero a nd the leader were abo u t three bike lengths but it sta yed that way until th e chec kered as Christian took his second Costa Mesa main of 1988. Schwartz followed Lucero in third 1 with Rob Pfetzing fourth. .,I Bernie Tusko launched his KWIZ / VJ San ta An a Suzuki/Pro Designsponsored J awa into th e lead at the start of th e Handicap m ain a n d kept ;J th e point all th e way for hi s secon d Orange Cou n ty checkered of the sea son. Tuff McBride was o u t seco nd , but a costl y park off turn two a llowed J Walt Farnum into seco nd before the end o f the opening la p. Greg Hancock, wh o sta rted -near r the front o f the field, held h is own u ntil he got too much cus hion and 1: bo bbled o n lap two. That dropped I h im off the pace a nd out of co nten tio n. The faste st ride r on th e track wa s pop u lar vetera n Sh awn McConnell . H e was charging from the back and traded th e fourth spot back and forth with Scott Brant. McConnell was figuring ou t the outside but a spectacu lar wh eel ie, as he neared th e en d o f th e fourth revolution, en ded his first place hopes. T u sko opened up his advantage to half the straig h taway o n lap four and he kept it all th e .way to th e checkered. Farnum took second with Brant sn ea kin g by McBride for third. Results SCRATCH: 1. Al an Christian (Jaw); 2. Steve Lucero (Gdn); 3.· Bobby Schwanz (Wes); 4. Rob .u P1etting (Wes). HDCP: 1. Bern ie Tusko (Jaw); 2. Walt Farnum (Jaw); 3. Scott Brant (Wes); 4. Tuff McBride (Jaw). 0 -2; 1. Scott Yarboroug h (Wast 2. Jason Chism (Jaw); 3. Kevin Jordan (Jaw) . I 0 -3 : 1. Bobby Cody (Jaw); 2. Mike Reed (Wes); 3. Tim Jones (Wes). Schwartz hot at Ascot Speedway By Scott Daloisio GARDENA, CA, J UN E 16 " Boogaloo" Bobby Schwartz tied a record by winning h is fifth Scratch m ain in a row a t Chris Agaj anian's Asco t So u th Bay Stad iu m. Whose record did he equal? Why h is own of co u rse! Sch wa rtz, who wo n th e first five E ma in events at So u th Bay Stad iu m in 1987, h as been on fir e of late. Even though hi s right hand wa s severely swo lle n fro m a cras h th e n ight before at IMS , he once again went undefeated on the Budweiser/Quicksilver/C.T.I. Bra ce/Answer Products/Silkol ene Weslake. . Super ga ter Rob Pfetzing was the firs t to react to th e ri se of th e tapes ~ but by th e time th e p ack hit turn one, Sch wartz was in hi s usu al spot. Eddie Castro moinentarily slip ped hi s fro nt tire into second but Pfetzin g h ook ed u p an d sent his Weslake in sea rch ? of Schwartz' sca lp. Pfetzing looked 10 the inside of Schwartz near th e en d of the seco nd J

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