Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Capri sai d. The forks have different springs a nd an anti-dive kit installed. The shock comes from Works Per form an ce and the bike runs on PV M wheels. The rear wheel carries a Michel in 160ho-18 ro ad racing ra in tire. For im p roved aero dynam ics a nd sta bility, the KIOO wears a Pa rabellum fa iring a nd front fender. All o f the trickery is straigh t off the shelf. Every part on th e KIOO is ava ilable for sa le through.Luftmeister, Capri said. " Most bikes that do th ese world records, yo u can 't bu y any of th e parts, none o f them," Capri sa id. " It really isn 't the case here. I have a standing joke a t th e (tra de) shows. If th ey think that th at sh oc k is speci a l, they ca n just tak e it off a nd give me $350 bucks for it and I'll go get a new one out of th e stoc k." Capri said he wo uld sell th e entire mac hine for $25,000. For a ll the expense, L u ftmeister has created a machi ne that is incredibly pow er ful yet ex tremely ridable, on the tra ck a nd o n th e street, Ca p ri said. Whil e blasti ng do wn El Mirag e at 180 mph , the ride is wind-free, thanks to the b ul b ous fairin g . Engine noi se is non-existen t, a nd it feels like travel i n~ 80 mph down th e freewa y, Ca pri sai d. " I' m now to a point where I ca n li tera ll y adjus t the boost with one ha nd at 180 while I' m going - just reach up and start fidd li ng with these knobs," he sa id. It 's a little un. nerving, but you learn to get used to it. After 170, it gets really sm ooth." Carefully adjus ting th e boost can make the bike go fast er because m ax im u m boost do es not m ean maximum speed. Turning th e boost down can improve speed by improving traction. The KIOO ca n lo se tra ction at a n y speed and Capri has to feel if the wheel is spinning a nd slowi ng the bike down. Unintentio nally slowing on EI Mirage's o ne-mile dirt co u rse is easy. Doin g it on p urpose, at th e end of a run, is another matter. There are o nly four-tenths of a mile for stop p i n g , a n d it mu s t be do ne methodically. Bei ng a shaft-dr iven motorcycle, the Kl O sus pe ns io n unl oad s a nd O's the bike co llapses when the throttle is turned o ff. The bu m ps become noticeable as th e speed decreases , a nd the ride worsens a t th e end of the co urse where deep ru ts ap pear. Ca pri is looking forwa rd to h is run at Bo n nevill e, where th e co urse is five miles long. " Usuall y they run betw een 15 and 20 mph faster at Bonneville, if cond itio ns a re right, because you have five ti mes the distance," Ca pri said. " Mos t motorcycles do not need to use th e whole five m iles." With th e ex tra di stance, Ca p ri sai d he will be able to carefu lly a dj us t the tu rb o boo st a n d the a m o u nt o f gasoline being injected into the motor, improving his chances o f reaching 200 m ph. Once he reac hes his goal of 200 mph, Ca pri sai d he will quit the record a ttempts, train someone else' to do them, a nd stick to street riding like mo st of his customers. While most o f them aren't hunting for land-speed reco rds , some of th e wealthier ones have purch ased many of the trick Luftm eister parts for th eir K-bi kes, which are legitimate, man ageable street mach ines. Capri has often ridden th e recordbreak er on public pavement. H e has used ·it as a co m m u ter and even a tourer, on a tri p to Yosemite. And during all that street riding, he has only picked up one speeding ticket - written for a mere 75 mph. • MOT 0 R eye L E There's no other feeling like it in the world ••• This is the magazine you halfe been waiting for: Road racing . High speed . One hundred sixty -seven ty -eighty mil es an hour. Neck and neck . Down t he straigh t. Around the sweeper. Through th e ch icane. Road racing. That's horsepower and speed . On t he pavement. On the r ace track. From around the world and across the cou nt ry. Motorcycle road rac ing . There's rea lly no other feel ing like it in the world . Now there is a glossy, full -color magaz ine that specializes in br ing ing road rac ing int o your home. In an exciting package unlike any other motorcycle magaz ine currently published in the Un ited States. This is the magazine. Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated w ill put you at the race track . Every issue. Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated w ill present the mac hines and the peop le that make up worldwide road racin g and th e h igh -perf orm ance motorcyc le world. us ing well-chosen wo rd s and lots of pictures. llustrated means Illustrated. Some of the world 's top professional motorcycle racing photog raphers w ill deliver striking and exciting fo ur -color images that showcase th e esse nce of motorcycle road racing . You' lI see the peop le, the place s and the machines presented in a dyn am ic, contemporary style. More than great photography. Experience the feeling. Just fill out the attached Motorcycle ROAD RACER Illustrated order form and mail in today! It takes more th an gre at pictur es to make a grea t magaz ine . It takes t op j ournal istic talent . It takes being in th e right place at th e right t ime . It means knowing, inside and out. the subject matt er and the market served and how to turn that knowledge int o an infor ma tive. enjoyable package for the reader. It tak es experie nce. It takes pro fessionals. And that is w hat w e have - over 25 years of protesstonatmotoioum allstic experience. Ou r parent company. Cycle News . Incorpo rated. has been delivering Cycle Ne ws. America 's We ekly Motorcycle Newspaper. every w eek f or 25 years. We know motorcycl es. We know racing. The Cycle News staff is th e best equipped publishing staff to prod uce an ill ustrat ed magaz ine abou t mot orcycle road rac ing . r--~--------------------------------------------~, I Motorcycle ROAD RACER IHustrated / Subscription Order Form I I I. I I I Name Phone N umber I o I want: 1 Year I I (6 issues) Address I 00 Zip Code City St ate I I Order Date: _ I ; I • Please: _ Accept my payment now • I · V "'" (check. cash . money order) . . _ Send mea bill I I Charge my _ Mastercard # _ I i/U#lrnW I _ Visa # _ - - - - - ---,-- - - - - - - - I ....,- Exp . date _ I Signature' 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach. CA 90806 (213) 427-7433 I FAX (2131427·6685 I (. 16 .00-1 year. First Class-Caned•. Mexico&: an oiher foreign co~ntri.c. ) L ~I $9 =- 1 ·- Road Racer 31

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