Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- 9/11·18 10/ 8·9 Info31 21250 -0838 Kokomo. IN Nashvill•• TIl NETA C 'ship Series 1/24 Wr entham. MA 8/14 Wnmtham. MA O ssipee, NH 9/11 9/1 8 Meriden. CT 10/2 Conway. NH 10/16 Chepachet. RI Info 401 /42 1·6929 NETRA C'ship Enduro Series 8/14 8/21 9/ 11 9125 1012 10/9 10/30 12/ 4 Orlont. MA Windsor. MA W. Gr .nwich. RI . Ch.ster. CT SleHonl CT Ad.m MA s. M.rlborough. CT NETRA C'ship Hare Scrambles ' Series Windsor, MA 1124 Union. CT 1/31 Providence. NY 811 8128 N orwich. VI 8/ 18 10/16 11/6 Cheshire. MA N. Petersburg NY , Bro okfield. MA Wrentham. MA N ETRA Turkey Run Series 1/10 Adams. MA 7/3 1 Bartcnsvitla. VI 9/ 11 9/18 Swiftwater. NH Sandisfi.ld. MA 1012 Freetown. MA 10123 Winshinton. MA 11127 Plympton. MA NETRA Junior C'ship Enduro Series . 8/13 8120 9/11 10/1 10/15 11/12 Dunbanon. NH Orlont.MA N. Petersburg. NY Frnlown. M A Brookfi.ld. MA Laorninister. MA Slerlington. LA TBA Watson. LA Ringgold. LA Shreveport. LA AFM North Road Race Series 8/2 1 Point. CA 9/11 10123 Sears Point. CA Seafs Poi t CA n Info 415/3 21·0908 AFM Sout h Road Race Series Phoenix. A1 Phoenix. AZ Phoenix. AZ Best of the West Series 1012 10/16 10/23 WSMA Formula USA C 'ship Series 9/1 0·11 Willow Spring•• CA 10/1 ·2 Willow Springs. CA 11/5·6 Willow Spring•• CA Inlo 805 1256·2411 Mickey Thompson Off-Road C'ship Grand Prix Series CA NV Go lden St at e Endu ro Se ries 1211 0 Tecate. Bl ja. CA. Mexico Info 714/ 643·9108 - . STRA C 'sh ip Observed Tri als Series 8128 9/11 9124-25 Atlanla. GA G"nt Al Berea KY . 10/9 Huntland. TN 8allaws Cr . ~ NC . 10/30 11/ 13 Cullman. Al Info615/967·3008 Virgin ia C:ship Hare Scrambles . Series 1/24 811 9125 1012 10/9 10/1 6 1~ /23 10/30 11/ 6 11/13 Info4131172-ll685 Soutllwic~ MA Wat.rboro. ME Southwic~ MA Lewiston. ME Southwic~ MA C Village. CT . loudon. NH Waterboro. ME Southwic~ MA C Village. CT . loudon. NH Southwi~ MA Middlaboro. MA loudon. NH Southwic ~ MA Middleboro. MA Middleboro. MA Middleboro. MA ECEA C 'ship Enduro Series 1124 Blain, PA Wellsboro. PA Sp..d. viJIe. NY 1/31 8/14 8/21 8/28 9/1 1 9/1 8 9/25 10/ 9 10/ 30 11/13 Brandonville, PA Mauricetown, NJ 8elleplain. NJ Ship pens burg. PA W. Greenwich. RI Chatsworth. NJ Boar. DE W.rren Grove. NJ WMRRA C 'ship Road Race Series 1/11 9/11 10/23 K.nt. WA Kant. WA K.nL WA CVRG C'sh ip Vintage Series Road R ace 718·10 1/24 9110 10/1 ·2 Monterey. CA Sonoma. CA Steamboat Springs, CO Sonoma. CA Steamboat Sp rings. CO Brentwood. CA Sunnymeed. CA AHRMA Historic Cup Ro a d Race Series 1/9 -10 8/5 -7 9/3-4 9/11 9/3 1·10/2 Blackhawk Farms, IL Mid-Ohio. OH Roe blingR oad. GA Steamboat Springs. CO Sears Point. CA AMRA C'ship MX Series Anchorage, AK . Anchorage. AK Anchorage. AK Anchorage. AK 1/11 1124 8/14 9/ 11 Alaska State MX C 'ship Series 1/30·31 9/4·5 Sunrise. CA. GP Rand. CA, End. Iuceme. CA, H&H 1/16 los Ange l 10/1 la. Vag • Tentative :; Info 714/ 938-4100 8/ 28 9/ 4·5 9/1 1 9/18 9/9 10123 11120 Hare Scramble Series 1/ 16 8/13 9/3-4 Info 818/9 63-8616 1/10 1/ 11 1/3 1 8/7 8/1 4 M otocross LA State C'ship 1/ 11 9/ 4 1012 10/1 6 11/5 NE S C C ' sh ip MX Series 8121 Dun banon.NH 1/1 1 8/21 Rural Betraat, VA 9/11 lvar VA . 9/25 Middfabroo~ VA 10/9 Newpon News. VA 10/23 O rlont.NC Martinsville, VA 11/6 11120 • Surry. VA Inlo8041255-4 620 Bri tol.VA s Glaucoster. VA Willow AX . Anchorege. AK OMRRA C'ship Series 1/24 9/25 10/ 16 Portand. OR l Ponland OR . Ponland. OR RMEC C 'ship Enduro Se ries 1/11 8/7 8121 Del Non CO e. Steemboat Spring CO s, W.lde CO n. Triple Crown of Baja Series 7129·31 Gran Carrera de Tecate Teeete. B.C .•Mexico G n Cam" de " 1017-9 Champeones san Felipe. B MexiCD .C.• Info 818/340·5150 G ran Prix de Baja Se ries 9/1 7 Puerto Nuevo, Baja C alif.. Mexico Info 818/340·5150 TMC Sta te Supercross C'ship Series South C entral R egion 1/9 7/16 1/23 Ba.trop. TX SanAntonio TX . Bastrop. TX Western Region 1/10 1/17 1/24 Pecos. TX Midland.TX Cron•• TX Northwest Region 1/16 1/17 Amarillo. TX Frich. TX t ~ ~ SUNDAY J U LY S M T W T F S 1 2~ JULY 17,1988 3 ~ 1011 17 18 24 25 31 J :il 5 6 1213 19 20 26 27 789 141516 21 22 23 28 29 30 GLEN HELEN CYCLE PARK M embership Not Hequired _~_ . S M T W T F Sj 7 14 21 28 2 9 16 23 30 9:15 A M 10:00 A M 11:00 AM 12 Noon 1:00 PM 1 :30 PM 2:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:30 PM 3 45 6 101 1 1213 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 • Denotes Pro Payback July7 RNIA SPEEDWAY C AliFO • Baylands R aceway Park. Fremont. Inlo 415/6 51 ·2545. OREG N MOTOCROSS O MXNW. Portand lnt' l Raceway, l Portla Info503/620·1020. nd. 00 00 ~ Odyssey's Oldtimers NOV Quads Parade Lap CRC Vets Int/ Pro BEG Team Race ,......; CX") ,......; >.-~ ~ . . +, I For info call (805) 272-8889 Each Class Race 45 Minutes 20%Trophies . Superb Finisher Pins Overn ig ht Camp ing OK Must be in by 8 pm . CASH TO PROS M entries and two (2) legal size ail self-adressed. stamped envelopes (SA SE) No post entry penalty for 2nd class entered CAUFORNIA · - :. :.;; ......... MAIL ENTRY $20 PDST ENTRY $25 RACING CLUB ~~ Non-Member $30 Non-Member $30 37045 Ran Dr. Palmdale. CA. 93550 \.;" 1988 CRC Membersilip Available July 8 CAliFORNIA SPEEDWAY • AMA. Gold Country Speedway Fairgrounds. Auburn. Int 916/448· o 7551. • CAliFO RNIA SPEEDWAY • Int'! Speedway. Orange C ounty fairgrounds. Costa Mesa. Info 7141 492·9933. CAliFORNIA MOTOCROSS • CMC Ascot Raceway Par\. Gar . · dene. lnlo 1141261·6116. CAliFORNIA MOTOC ROSS • Baylands Raceway Park. Fremont. Info415/65 1·2545. CAliFORNIA STADIUM MX _ Stadium MX Racing Assn. Sicramento. lnfo 916/366·7358. DELAWARE SHORT TRACK! SUPERCROSS Middletord Speedway. Milford. Info 3021629·6535 or 335·4386. GEORGIA MOTOCROSS Riverside MX. Calhoun. Info 4041 625-5328 or 629-4114 . INDI NA SH ORT TRAC A K • AMA. State C'ship Lawrenceburg . Speedway. Lawrenceburg. In 5131 fo 662·1759 or 8121531·5299. MICHIGAN MOTOCROSS MRA. M Exti1ement C Milan. ilan ity. Info 313/ 439·1735 or 517/522· 4380. NEBR ASKA MOTOCROSS K amRaceway H . asting Info 4021 s. 463·4111. C NOR CARO li NA MOTO ROSS TH • WilkesCounty MX Park, lenoir. Info 104175B ·4342. SOUTH C AROliNA SUPERCROSS • Stepp Mill MX. R iverside Speedway. Travelers. Rest. Info 104/ 685·3033. TEXAS MOTO ROSS C • Mosier Valley MX Park, Euless. Info 811/ 540·0815. r» RC MI/J District37 Calendar Southern Ca liforn ia District 37 Competition Schedule lul, 9/10 n. Rac .. Under . Sun M/C Contact: Mike Tarter Phone: (818) 965-3787 Locotion: l:omp Roell RD • Urne from L ucerne Valle, 23/24 Sliders M/t lui, Du.1 E/S Dual E/S Contact Mike Atlunder Phone: (619) 948-2684 location: Chlrties' Pllce • on Trona Rd Lime from 395 & Trona Rd at Rad Mt. THE::MOR E YOU=KNOW THE~BET:T.ER IT:.:GETS July 8-10 CANAOA ROAD RACE/ CROSS COUNTRY/ MX lnt'! Race of Champions IIROCI . Whitehorse. Info 907/ 344·8229 or 346·3699. MICHIGAN MOTOCROSS MRA Series. Log Road TNT. Cold· water. Info 511/522-4380 . NEW HAMPSHIRE VINTAGE ROAD R ACE Vanson Leathers Vintage Seriesl US Classic Racing Assn. BrY I ' Motorsport Park. Loudon. Info 6031 183-4144. O DRAGS HIO • IOBA C'sh Series. Firecracker ip Nafls . Columbus.. Info 205/ 849· 7886 or 800/ 553·ID . BA FOR RIDER COURSE INFORMATION CALL: MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FOUNDATI ON 800·447·4700 District 37 Road Riding Schedule July No Point Rides District 37 Dual Sport Schedule July 17 Greenhorn Mountain Ride Contact: J im·Pilon Phone: (818) 353-5409 National AMA Members h ip Information 1 (800) AMA-JOIN Cal l between 6 am - 2 pm Californ ia Time CARLSBAD _RACEWAY MOTOCROSS ~ ~ 100% Pro Pay . EVERY SATURDAY! No M.mbership Required • Clles Open 8:00 1m : For Info: (619) 727 - t171 or (619) 464 -1441 Racing Enterprises . July9 ALABAMA MO C O TO R SS Pen MX, lafayette. Info 205/ ton 864-9448 or 864-964 1. ALABAMA MOTOCROSS • Gary's Warrior MX, Warrior. Info 205/849·8069or 641 ·5612. ALABAMA MINI ROAD RACE NMA YSR Qualifier. County Line Raceway. Bessemer. Info 205/ 477· 6648or 424-1264. ALABAMA MOTOCROSS lori's SuperMoto·X. Hazel Green. Info205/828·4411 or 828·3094. CAliFORNIA SPEEDWAY • SPEEO Racing Perrs Raceway. . i Perri•. Info114/ 658·6355. CAliFORNIA MOTOCROSS ORC. OeAnza Cyda Pa Sunni · rk, meed. Info 114/653·6110 or 242 · 5840. CAliFORNfA MOTOCROSS • Racing Ent. Carlsbad Raceway. Cerl.b.d. Info 619/484-1441 or 121·1111. QJ DON'T MISS IT 8:00 A M Parade Lap 8:30 A M 80cc & W omen AUG U S T 1 8 15 22 29 ~ PERRIS .•.1 The Place! S July 9 SMX 9 S peedway 10 SM X California Schedule SRA July 31 Carlsbad Sept 25 Glen Helen A 28 Butterfield Ocl 9 Hilltoppers ug Info (714) 957-2985 I .~ tt,~ ~. INFO (714) 583-7486 MXSCHEDULE Sat . July 9 Perris - Su n. July 10 Per ris Vet . Nat ional Sat . July 16 Pe rris Sun. J uly 17 DeAnza ATV. EVERY SaL at Perri. 100'4 Pro P.,udl 5mnIoy . 16 SM X 16 S pe edway - 1\ ' . ~! i:~d~aY .,fd'f .. ' i !! ; } r 30 Speedway . ~ N",A NATIONAL MDTOSPORT ASSOCIATIOIf MINICYCLE MOTORCVCLE MOTOCROSS N ATI O N A l & REGI ON AC TIVITIES SANCTIONS MEMBERSH IPS CONTACT NMA P.O . BOX 46 NORWALK. CA 90650 (2 1 3 ) B6 B·B l 12 47

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