Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 45 of 63

BEACH YAMAHA H UN TINGTO N BUCH ""'' '.z 100 % VET PRO ?fS ANNUAL J '-"TH PAYBACK ":. l't~ --'----------~ ~I. -------=---------- VET NA TIONALS SUNDAY JULY 10, 1988 AT PERRIS RACEWAY VET PRO ENTRY $30 8 VET & OLD TIMER CLASSES ~,\l<::9-\\" GIANT VET AMATEUR TROPHIES .:!-l/s-.(( ~ .... t - VET AMATEUR ENTIlY $10 5 M X CLASSES $ 7; ~ ':o ~" • \~ PL US PRIZES FROM WHITE BROS. & BEACH YAMA HA Q-1 .f'~c Calendar listings are a fre e servi ce for Cycle News r ead ers and rac e promoters . All informa tion is the res ponsibility of t he promoter. Calendar listing s cannot be accepted over t he phone. w e m ust ha ve a comp lete Calenda r list ing form on fi le. Li sting s must be received by W ed nesday for publication in th e following we ek 's issu e. W e stron gly suggest ra cers /specta t or s call the pr omoter / tr ack to conf irm det ails before trav elin g to an eve nt . sS~s OVER $3000.00 IN GIFT CERTIFICATES & MERCHANDISE FO R VET & OLD TIMER SPORTSMAN CLASSES . CHAMPIONSH IP EVENTS WHITE BROS ' 51 FflEESHOC " O IL CHA NC E Wo rld C'sh ip Road Race Series 2ND TW IN A IR FIL rfRS . J RD HA T 7/17 7/24 817 8/ 14 8/28 9/11 9/17 W orld C'sh ip Endurance Road Race Series Read Cycle News! ~ eRe CALIFORNIA RACE SCHEDULE 100% PRO PAYBACK Sun. July 10 MX LA County Raceway Sun. July 17 G P Gle n Helen Sun. July 24 MX LA C ounty Raceway Sun. July 31 MX DeAn.a Sun. Aupst 7 M X Pe rTis ATVCI..... At All [vents - OPEIl PRAcnCE9.m to 2 pm Every S at . - LA County Raceway "VINTAGE RACING ' Eve ry Second S unda y c, LA Coun ty Rac eway CRC Info 805-272....9'_ _...... . ~~~(l 11 34 ,AIopst 21 leon Poll! /8181983-8878 Crlne Sl #216 (4 1 5 ) 3 2 7- 0 9 0 8 No"h M PlrIl. CA 94025 enl. , GLEN HELEN OHV PARK Sot. JIIy , Sa JIIy lD Sa JIIy 17 U SA(Night) C SummerS, ril . MC CRC 5.... 0.... !IX IIX Glen Helen OHV Peril P.O. Box 29 37. San Be rnar dino. CA 92406 'a'.-Jl....,AJ Race With The Best Fri. July 8 lIscot So. JIIIy 10 Summer Series Fri. July 15 Glen H elen Ascot ---_CA (714) 2611116--';"- 7131 _ 8113·14 9111 College Station JULY9& 10 MOTORCYCLE & ATV TTRACES Region.16 hr. End urince -Sat Reg ional Sp rinu -Sun ' L-~ _ _ YAMAHA (71 3 ) 464-8545;------J Bellfonta ine. Ohio SATURDAY JUL Y23 July 31 Bounty Hunler GP Glen H81en Japan B elgium Spain W orld C'ship TT Formula Road Race Series 7110 7/17 7130 9/4 9/25 Ital'( Finland N .lreland Italy England World C 'ship Superbike Road Race Series 8/28 9/ 4 9/ 11 9/ 25 lDI2 Japan France Portugal Australia N Zealand ew World C'ship 125cc MX Series 8/ 14 8128 Finland Switzerland World C'ship 250cc MX Series 7124 8/7 8114 8128 - UNADILlA NY V enezuela A

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