Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 00 ~ ........ Bob Craig (22). Frank Humphries (4 6) and James Beck (1 0 0) battle for positions in the Open B class at Law re nceburg. Short Track. M ike Malo ney t ook the holeshot and a runaway win in the Ex pert class at t he Seco nd Ann ual Rockne Ha re Scram ble in San A ntonio. Zirbel zaps Castle Rock TT By Derryl Anderson 42 Schnitzer; 3. Matt Holden . +30 B: 1. Tom Stein ; 2. Jim Krist. +30 A: 1. Man Hol m; 2. Jim Roseth; 3. Duncan Harkness . +40 : 1. Dan Kir k; 2. Ray Carroll; 3. Jerry Halvorson. OPEN AM C: 1. Monty Fugua. OPEN AM B: 1. Brad Richard ; 2. Tim Ricketts . OPEN AM A : 1. Tony Dick in son ; 2. John Bredfield; 3 . Aaron Waggoner; 4 . David Bachmeier. 750 TW SEMI PRO: 1. Many Zirbe l; 2. Ron Adams ; 3. Jerry Halvorso n. PROAM: I . Man Holden; 2. Jeff Russell; 3. Chris Staley; 4. Paul Newma n; 5. Tony Thom . JR/EX: 1. Many Zirbe l; 2. Speedy Kell ; 3. Del Schn itzer; 4 !Oon Wilson; S. Ricky Henson . CASTLE ROCK, WA, J UNE II Lou Kinnish-sponsored Marty Zirbel took hi s Rotax to a 2-1 finish in th e Junior-Expert class to claim top money at the TT held at th e Castl e R ock Fairgrounds. The regular season o pener saw a record amount of rider s show u p for a su perprepared tra ck by Paul Sim onsen . Cardwell cruises to In th e heat race' it took severa l Rockne HS win restarts to get th e anxious riders off By Tom Tys l cleanly. Finally Don Wil son took th e initial lead followed by Del ROCKNE, TX, MAY 22 Schnitzer, Zirbel , Todd Hagmann, Steve Cardwell ra n away from th e Pro class field to win th e Second Troy Yeo and Ron Adams. Schnitzer was all over Wilson and passed, a nd An n ua l Rockne H are Scramb le, Zirbel also slid under Wilson and sponsored by th e Dirt Bikers Club went gunning for .Schnitzer. Meanof San Antonio. wh ile Yeo lost his chain coming at The Pro clas s was led to th e first th e j um p. With a lap to go Kevin turn by J ohn Renken , Card well and Bass go t by Robert Frohs and the Doug Pal ey. Paley saw an inside line posit ions were set. Schnitzer barely at th e first turn which evapora ted on held o n ' for th e win ' followed by .• . arrival, sending him flyin g into the Zirbel, Wilson, Hagmann and the corne r without a motorcycle. The others. others man aged to mi ss the flying Pal ey and hi s bik e wi th J ohn Renken The seco nd heat race was led by and Steve Cardwell taking th e lead Speedy Kell followed by J im Perr y, into th e woods for the first time. Ryan Fisher, R icky H en son, J im Nine miles and 23 minu tes later, Servo and th e rest. Fisher got by Perry Cardwell came through th e scoring but Kell co ntinued to hol d him off lave wit h fifteen seconds on Renken until th e last lap . At th e checkered foll owed by J ack Beckhern, Greg it was Fisher, Kell , H enson, Servo , Cloer and J am es Will ett. Garth Mu lkey and th e o the rs. Car dwell co ntinued to stretch ou t By the time the main event started his lead a nd by lap five had a minute it was getting coo l and moi st, which and a half on second p lace Renken made the groove a bit s lip~ery. while a char ging Willett di placed T aking th e ini tia l lead was Wilson first Beckham and then Cloer. followed by Kell , Zirb el, Schnitzer, Willett 's race to catc h the leaders H en son and Fisher. On lap three came up short as th e checkered flag Zirbel go t th e hot line th rough three fell o n Cardwell wi t h R enken and four a nd passed Kell a nd Wilson second, Willet t th ir d, foll owed by and never looked back until the Cloer with a bruised Paley fifth. ch eckered flag came o ut. Meanwhile "T he o nly way to describe th e Schnitzer came to battle with Kell trac k was perfect. Just" a few wet and Wil son. Schnitzer was all over spo ts, but mostly perfect traction," Kell but cou ldn 't make a pass stick. said Cardwell. The crowd was go ing wild as Zirbel Mik e Maloney got th e holesho t in disappeared from the others. Individth e Expert clas s and was never seen ual battles were going on everyagain. By lap th ree, Mal on ey had wh ere, and when the checkered flag over two minutes on second pl ace finall y cam e ou t the order was Zirbel , Jamie Garner with Sam Walkup, Kell , Schnitzer , Wilson, H enson, Marcus Pepper and Carlos Gonzales Perry, Fisher, Servo, and the others. in tight formation behind. Results ' The four provided th e best action 50 : 1. J osh Currey; 2. Jerod Moore; 3. Eddie Dunn ; 4 . Jimmy Ragsdale. of the day as Garner led the group 60: 1. Beau Manley; 2. J eremy M orse; 3. Jason on laps two and three and Gonzales Burchett. moved to the front o n lap four, just 80 : 1. Ryan Anderson; 2. Jo sh Welsh; 3. Jeremy Morsw. before coming in with a flat front 125: 1. J.P. Simonsen; 2. Scott McPhearson; 3. tire. Pepper was th e next to exit th e Ryan Anderson. 250 B: 1. John Whitmore; 2. Jeff Anderson. battle as he tried to make one too 250 A : 1. Ed Beyers; 2. Ken Wheaton; 3. Aaron many laps on the fast track, running Waggoner; 4. Bob Johnson. 250 SEMI PRO: 1. Todd Hagmann; 2. Del out of fuel on lap four. T h is left Mal oney ou t fro nt to stay as Walkup and Garner ra n side by side for most of th e wh ite flag lap. Three turns from th e finish , Garner slowed dramati cally, giving second to Walkup, while he limped across th e lin e thi rd with a brok en throttle. Results PRO: 1. Steve Cardwell (Kaw); 2. John Renken (Kaw); 3. James Willett (KTMI. EX: 1. M ike Ma loney (Han); 2. Sam Walkup (Kaw); 3. Jam ie Gamer (Kaw). OPEN: 1. Tony Humphress (Han); 2. Richard Burgess (Hus); 3. Raben Malone (Han). 250: 1. Clufford Goertz (Han); 2. Jon Ball (Kaw ); 3. Brad Burnie (Hon). 200: 1. Paul Warren (Yam); 2. Frank Vend its (Kaw). 125: 1. Chris Ryan (Kaw); 2. Ron Rosbary (Suz); 3. Donny O'Neal (Suz). OVER 30 : 1. Scott Kellam (KTMI; 2. Mark Cole (Han): 3. Chris Andrews (Han), OVER40: 1. Wi ll Hendr ix (Yam); 2. David Renken (Kaw); 3. Bill Canion (KTM ). OVER 50: 1. Sam Bennett (KTM); 2. Calvin Cardwell (Hon). WNM: 1. Char lie Renden (Kaw ); 2. Lana Ford (Han). BEG: 1. Paul Payne (Han); 2. Clay Harper (Kaw ); 3. John W ilke (Yam). 80 : 1. Will iam Henk (KTM); 2. Daniel Trott (Kaw ); 3. Michael Moses (Yam). 60 : 1. Jason Moses (Kaw~ 2. Tyler Reeves (Kaw). 50 : 1. Drew Dunbar (Yam~ 2. Anthony Vinditti (Yam); 3. Waylon McCullough (SUl). Phillips 'fast at Lawrenceburg ST By Steve Smith LAWRENCEBURG, IN , JUNE 18 Grady Phillips turned up his nose to th e toughest com pet ition so far th is seaso n at Lawrenceburg Short Track , as he led h otshoes from arou nd the co un try to take th e 15la p fea ture in the Open A class. G rady , from Cin cinnati, riding for J ack Baski n, too k an ear ly lead and pu t a lO-yard ga p between himself a nd the rest of th e pack, with all th e kn u ckl e ban g i n g goi ng o n fo r second, third and fourth. Trad in g back and forth, lap after la p, th e rest of th e finish was up for grabs righ t do wn to the wire with David Du pelle under the flag for a second foll ow ed closely by Dou g Davis and Ch arl es Orr. In the 80cc clash, Matt Auxier pl owed past th e pack on th e high side to fin ish ou t in front of th e second finis her Brian Knippenberg. Third to cross the lin e was Sam Lowe. In the 125-25Occ class, Pat Behrle fought off Mark Bastin for th e lead and stayed out front until th e last lap. Andrew Breitenback tangled with th e wall betw een turns two and three for. a real bell ringer, scrambling the pa ck as they hit th e third turn. Pat Behrle lo st a sproc ke t coasting to a stop out of four. As th e dust settled Dan Dutsin had made his way through traffic, dodged the rest and found himself first under the checkered flag followed by Mark Bastin and J eff Everoad. The Seniors and th e Open B class ran two heats to narrow the field . As the feature got underway, Bob Cra ig found his way o ut from and looked as tho ug h he cou ld fin ish up front, but Frank Humphries wasn' t convinced, as he kept up the pressure, taking the lead in th e back stretch with just on e lap to go. Craig was o n Humphries' rear wh eel as th ey cros sed th e lin e, leaving He rschel Benkert to fini sh third. Res ults BO: 1. Man Auxier (Han); 2. Brian Knippenberg; 3. Same Lowe (Kaw); 4. Ro Stre icher (Kaw); 5. Ben Bellman (Han). 125/250: 1. Dan Dutsin; 2. Mark Bastin; 3. Jeff Everoad; 4. Tommy Hens ler; 5. Michael Gurley. OPEN A : 1. Grady Phillips; 2. David Dupelle (Rtx); 3. Doug Davis; 4. Charles Orr ; 5. Troy Norris. OPEN B: 1. Frank Humphries; 2. Bob Craig; 3. Herschel Benkert 4. Bill Montgomery; 5. James Beck. Sell tops Sonner Creek Enduro By Karen Kemp BONNER CREEK, LA, JUNE 12 KTM-mounted Darryl Bell dropped a mere two points in capturing the overall victory at th e AMAISERAsanctioned enduro held by the New Orleans Enduro Association. Bell said that the run was too easy. Many classes resulted in close scores o nly seconds apart. Topping th e Intermediate A class was Suzuki rider Gre g Peterson with Hondamounted Ro ger Bailey a close 39 seconds behind him. ' Both 'riders dropped seven poin ts. The to p three position s in th e 250cc A class were determined by tie break er scores a fter Bo 'Cha ney, T ommy Cou sins, and Ed Wh atley scored seven point losses. There was no tie to be br oken in th e 200cc A class. Cagiva rid er Kevin H u tchinson aced the class, dropping a fou rt h overall score of six . Results 0 / A A : 1. Darry l Bell (KTM ). 0 / A B: 1. Steve Tyler (Yam). AA: I . George Wall er J r. ( KTM~ 2. Nolan Knight (ATK); 3. Dwi<,lht Rudder ( H on~ 4. Glen Hollingshead (KTM); 5. J erry Peavy (Hus). 200 A : 1. Kevin Hutchinson (Cag~ 2. Manny Garza (Han); 3. Buddy Pierce (Kaw); 3. Keith Reine (Kaw ). 250 A : Be Chaney (Kaw); 2. Tommy Cousins ( S U l~ 3. Ed Whatley (ATK~ 4. Charles Sizemore (ATK); 5. Matthew Rayborn (Han). OPEN A: 1. David Crain (KTM); 2. Glen Hunt (A TK). INT A : 1. Greg Peterson (SUl); 2. Roger Bail ey (Han); 3. Gary Goff (Hus); 4. Lewis Whatley (ATK); 5. Marion Whatley (C-A). 4·STRK A: 1. James May (Han). SR A: 1. Steve Hudson (Hus); 2. Don Knight (ATK). SR B: 1. Billy Wulfers (Kaw); 2. Vernon Case (KTM); 3. Norman Manin (Yam); 4 . Kenneth Henderson (ATK). 125 B: 1. Corey Manin (Yam); 2. Chad Tate (Kaw); 3. David Vines (KTM); 4 . Scott Watkins (Han); 5. Chuck Tate (Han). 200 8 : 1. Jody Patt erson; 2. Bennie Waldrop (Kaw); 3. Richard Daniel (Kaw); 4. John Massey (Kaw); 5. Raben Waters (Kaw). . 250 B: 1. Buddy Hollingswonh (Yam); 2. All en Vines (Han); 3. Mark M urph y (SUl); 4 . Jeff Pesnell (C-Al ; 5. Fred Neal (SUl). OPEN B: 1. Bill y Beam; 2. Gary Cook (KTM). 200 INT B: 1. Phil Williams (Kaw); 2. Chirs Choppin (Han). OPEN INT B:: 1. Gary Taylor (Han); 2. Dwayne Muse (Kaw); 3. Jody Coleman (Han); 4. Bobby Poner (KTM); 5. Kim ble Masters (Hus). 4-STRK B: 1. Ed Wesson (Han); 2. Mike Vance (C·A~ 3. Andy Hayes (Hon~ 4. Phil Breaux (Hua).

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