Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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S/SR: 1. John Burgord (Hus); 2. Dickio Hu ol (Kow); 3. J im Arm ishow (Honl; 4 . Berni o Mo lone (HooI· I I JR: 1. Joson Roine (Honl; 2. Je ff Altmon (Kowl; 3. Stephen Reed (Hon l; 4 . Scon Case (SUl ). WMN : 1. Gwen Ba iley (Hon); 2. Karen Kemp (Kow t 3. :058 Schexnayder (Hon). 125 C: t . Ja mes Blackham (Kowl· 200 C: 1. Peter Dov ignon (Kowl; 2. Larry McLa lion (Yom); 3. W lake r Field (Kawt 4 . Kirk Dendy (Kawl; 5. Cleve A lt mon (Kawl. 250 C: 1. Henry Holl in gshead; 2. Chris A rmishaw (Kowl. OPEN C: 1. Dan ny Ryals (c-AI; 2. Jo hn Roed (KTM). A TEAM: 1. CMET . B TEAM : 1. CM ET. Palmer best in CMTA Trial By Matt Liberatore HAGERSTOWN, MD , JUNE 5 Jim Palmer grabbed his first Expert class win with an impressive IOsrn ark margin over current points leader Cra ig Fish in th e CMTA's second trial of the season, ro und five of th e "District 7 Ch ampionsh ip Series at the Antietam MIC grounds. Posting th e lo w score of the da y with a three, while tying Fish for th e _other three loops on six, Palmer rode brilliantly. For Fish, second was almost as ~ iwee t since he gained two more _:ham p ionsh ip points on n umber one Brock Sattelmeier, who co n.inued his cu rren t slump by finishng fourth, one mark beh ind Expe rt Ferry Anselmo. With four rounds eft, Fish now ho lds a 12-point lead rver Sa ttelmeier in the standings vith Anselmo and Pal mer 18 a nd 20 .cooin rs off th e pace, respectively. With his Intermedia te wi n, J eff Pickle moved ahead of Marc Brooks md J eff Layer by nine points in the race for the B class championship, while T om. Donet to ok second, moving into fourth in the standings. Juris Viegl ins took th e Novi ce wi n over J eff McCo y a nd moved ahead l of th ird place Carl Bastek for top rookie honors. . Sen ior A n u mber one Charl ie Clemen ts took his second straight I wi n and the lead over second place Pate Keen for the Seni or Champion ship. Aprilia .deal er Dave Burdell s-too k his new Bosis Repl ica into th ird I spot. Ra y Donet had the privilege of being th e firs t ri der to win on a n Aprilia with a well earned Sen ior B zvictory over Ron Seiss, de spi te twisti ng hi s kn ee o n the second section of th e day . Results EX AA: t . J im Palmer (Fon); 2. Croig Fish (Yom); 3. Torry Ansolmo (Bet ); 4 . Brock Sonelme ier (Yom); ~ 5. Joe Ju stik (Bet). . INT B: 1. Jeff Pickle (Hon ); 2. Tom Donet (Bot); .r3 . M iko Pool (Ap rl; 4 . Joff Layor (Yam); 5. Ma rc Brooks (Bet). n SR A; 1. Char lio Cle ments (Yam); 2. Pato Koon (Bet); 3. Dave Bardo ll (Aprl. ~ ADV A: t . Jeff Nash (Fon). NOV C: 1. Juris Vieg lin s (Yom); 2. Jeff M cCoy (Yom ); 3.Carl Basto k (Bet); 4. St evo Pool (Yamt 5. Aich Brooks (Bet l. SA B: 1. Aay Donot (Apr); 2. Ronn Seiss (Yom); t 3. Russell Nelson (8 et); 4. J . Bowie Pearre (Bet); 5. John Stark (Mon). Plymale slides to Spinner Half Mile win By Jeremy Hogan ' PORT ER VIL L E, CA, J UN E 18 vSpeeds nearing the 100 mph mark ~ was th e name of the game for the motorcyclists racing in this season 's I first half mile at. Spinners Airport Ra ceway Saturday. Ryan Land fin"ished highest among the locals with . a second in the 250cc Pro class, b ut . it .was Sean Plymal e who passed Q La nd d uri ng th e th ird of six laps to vtake first overall. . n The five Dodge brothers arr ived at II the start/fin ish line of th e 750cc Amateur class decked out in match , I ing lea ther j ack et s and ridi ng H arl eys. Edd ie Dodge took firs t and Bart Dod ge was third. It was Ken Barrow who sandwiched in be tween th e two Dodge Boys for second. Expert Brock Sattelmeier f inished fourth in the CMTA t r ials event. . Results O-BO: 1. Jeff Gabhart; 2. Stevo Hlebo; 3. Sha nn on Ayers . O-BO PAO: 1. Ja ke Zemke; 2. Nath an W oit; 3. Man Wa it. 250 AM : 1. Koit h W atts ; 2. H.P. Wy ott ; 3. Kent Canody . . 250 PRO: 1. Soan Plymol e; 2. Ayan Land ; 3. Mi ke Gonzales. 500 AM : 1. H.P. M yatt; 2. Tim Wood ard: 3. Scott Greager. 500/600 PAO COMB : 1. Stove Rosm usson ; 2. Sean Plym ol o; 3. Tony Harrell. 750 AM: 1. Eddio Dodge; 2. Kon Barrow; 3. Bart Dodge. Sadowksi, James, Harth share spoils at LoudonRR By James Fanion LOUDON, NH, JUNE 11-12 Experts David Sadowski , J amie James and Mike Harth provided th e show for the fou rth Loudon Ro ad Racing Series meet; The start of th e Middleweigh t Supersport l O -Iap, l6-miler fou nd Sadowski, H arth a nd J ames, all on Suzuki 600 Kata nas, launch ing in front of the 22-man pack. A halfsecond separated th e three. Sadowski held the edge, while Harth a nd J ames ra n as o ne th rough lap five. Harth's Katana started to puff wh ite smo ke exitin g the comers , and J ames ed ge d ahead. .Sadow sk i took th e checkered flag, James flashed in a secon d behind and Harth managed the third-place Suz uki co n tingency money. The H ea vyweight Su persport race was th e battle of the da y. David Sadowski, J eff Heino, Mike H arth a nd J amie J ames, all aboard Suzuki GSXR750s, got the holesh o t, H eino sta rted te sting Sado w sk i immediately, but went wi de in tum four a nd bo th H arth and James slid by. By tum eight, Heino was back in seco n d a n d closed b a ck u p o n Sadowski . T he 95-degree temperature was tak ing its toll on tires, as everyo ne was drifting and sliding. Heino went wide again and J a mes and H arth whipped past. J a mes now ow ned second and wi dened the gap. On lap nine, the 27-year- old, fourthyear Expert out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, closed on Sadowski a nd shot to the lead in turn four. Sadowski pulled ahead by a wheel coming uphill through tum five and into turn six. J a mes, having th e line, regained th e lead and led to th e wi re. A half bike length separated the two. H arth once more took the show money_ Sadow ski had th e track dial ed in for th e Un limited Su persp ort test a n d put the l ig hten in g qu ick GSXRllOO Suzuki well ou t in fro nt at th e starL Expe rts Paul Mi les, Mike H arth a nd Mark Velardi , all o n Suzuki GSXRllOOs, got into a running gun ba ttle for ownersh ip of seco nd and th ird place. Velardi fell David Sadowski (4) leads Jamie James (58). Mike Harth (88) and Steve Noqueira-(9 50 ) during the Middleweight Supersport race at Loudon . off the pace. Miles an'd Harth fough t it out u nt il lap eigh t whe n Miles' motor expired. Sadowski went home with a 10-second lead over H arth , a n d ·Velard i hap p il y took third honors. Results SATURDAY HIW S/SPRT NOV: 1. Angolo Nicholes (SUl); 2. Kar l Coto (SUl); 3, Ion Ashley (SUl). HIW S/SPRT NOV: 1. Robert DiGiovonni (SUl); 2. Fronk Motero (Suz); 3. Aobert Burk (Yom). . MIW GP NOV: 1. Jovon Boskovski (Yoml; 2. Stevo Golub (Honl; 3. Arthur Cillo (Yam). MIW S/BK NOV: t . Kevin Hennessy (Hon); 2. • Edword Brooks (Hon); 3. Doon Nicholson (Hon). MIW S/BK NOV: 1. Paul Denn y (Hont 2. Don - Hurley (Yam); 3. Ian Ash ley (Hon). HIW PROD EX: 1. Stove Abramson (Hon t 2. J im Fitzgorald (Suzl . HIW PROD JR : 1. Cro ig Cote (Suz); 2. Jim Shoemoko (Suz); 3. J im Clor k (Hon). . U/L S/SPRT NOV: 1. Troy M . Roberts (Suz); 2. Dovid Thoyer (S uz~ 3. Micheol Cahill (Suz). MIW PROD EX: 1. Stovo Abromson (Hont 2. Lee Block (Hon t 3. Stevo Ross (Hon). M IW PROD JR: .1. Dovid Piontaggin i (Honl; 2. John IIlich (Hool; 3. Robert Umkemonn (Hon ). U/L S/BK EX: 1. Sherry Dowling (Kow); 2. Andy Hunter (Kow t 3. James Wh itoker (Kowl. U/L S/BK JR: 1. Dana Wilson (Kow); 2. Byron Baisden (Kaw); 3. Michael Rockwoll (Kow) . U/L S/BK NOV: 1. Jimmy Shonks (Yaml; 2. Miko Ryon (Kow) ; 3. Shoron Lynch (Kow). U/L SITW EX; 1. Gary Stos (Duc); 2. Warren Ellion (Ducl; 3. Ed Abdo (Hon). U/L SITW JA : 1. Mork Mallon (Ducl. U/L SITW NOV: 1. Chuc k Chirco (BMW); 2. Aoger Dillinghom (Duc); 3. Scott Hormon (Duc). U/L GP EX: 1. Tom Kipp (Yom); 2. Jomie O'Ho re (SUl); 3. Tim Barc ley (Suz). . U/ L GP JR: 1. M ike M on is (Sull; 2. Anthony Polumbo (SUl). SUNDAY HIW PROD NOV: 1. Korl Cote (SUl); 2. Rick Leventhal (SUl); 3. A ll on W elch (SUl). U/L GP NOV: t . Troy M . Aoberts (SUl); 2. Dovid Thayer (Suz); 3. Don iel Rorbo x (SUl). M IW S/SPRT EX: 1. Dovid Sodowski (SUl); 2. J amie Jomes (SUlt 3. Mike Harth (Suz). • M IW S/SPRT J R: 1. John lII ich (Hon); 2. Peto Schweitzer (Hon); 3. David Pianaggi ni (Hon). U W PROD EX: 1. John Gru sh (Yom); 2. Steve Sott ile (Kawl; 3. Mark Genest (Yom). UW PROD JR : t . Dana Wilson (Kaw); 2. M icha el Rockw ell (Kowl; 3. Byron Baisden (Kaw) . U W PROD NOV: 1. Aogor Corrivoou (Kawl; 2. A ndrew Edinson (Yom); 3. Gregg DiBias o (Yom). UIL GP EX: 1. David Evon s (Hon). U/L GP JA : 1. Ch ip Carleton (Honl; 2. Todd Shu t e (Kaw) . . U/L GP NOV: , . Dovid Bost (Kow ). HIW S/SPAT EX: 1. J amie J om es (SUl); 2. David Sodowski (Sult 3. M ike Harth (Suli. HIW S/SPRT J R: 1. Thomas Murroy (SUl); 2. Larry Colton (SUl ); 3. Stophon Pica (SUl) . MIW PROD NOV: 1. Pou l Denny (Hoo); 2. Kevin Honnessy (Hon); 3. Phil Guor ino (Hon). U/ L S/SPRT EX: 1. David Sadowski (SUl); 2. Mike Harth (SUl); 3. M ar k Velard i (SUl) . U/L S/SPRT J R: 1. Croig Coto (SUl). MIW GP EX: 1. Chr is D'A lu isio (Honl; 2. Gary Stas (Duc); 3. Larry Hanl on (Hon). M IW GP JR : 1. Chip Carlton (Yam); 2. Matt Wosilewski (Hon); 3. Ken Staves ki (Hon l. HIW S/BK EX: 1. Mark Bougo s (SUl ); 2. Tom Kipp (Yaml; 3. Poul Sharwell (Sull. HIW S/BK JA : 1. Thoma s Mu rray (SUl); 2. M ark Sone s (SUl ); 3. Miko Cordono s (Sull. UW GP EX: 1. Don Gre en (Yoml; 2. Chr is D'Aluisio (Hon); 3. Larry Hanlon (Hon). UW GP JA : 1.· Staphane Bergorson (Hon); 2. Bob Waldmann (Kaw) : 3. Fabio Bargagno (Yaml. MIW S/BK EX: 1. Step hen Noque iro (Honl; 2. Mo n Gordon (Hon); 3. Jon Rohouse r (Honl. M IW S/BK JA : 1. Pete Schweitzer (Hon l; 2. Ken Stav eski (Hon ); 3. Ma n Wasikiewski (Hon). UW S/BK NOV: 1. Charles Lee (Yom); 2. Roger Corriveau (Ka w ); 3. Istvan Bolvar i (Yam). UW S/BK EX: 1. Ernio Dovoll (Yom); 2. Joe Cambo (Yo,mt 3. Todd Hen ni ng (Yom). UW S/BK JA : t. Stephone Berg eron (Honl; 2. Fabio Barcagna (Yam); 3. Ma n Wa silewski (Hon). M IW NOV S/SPRT: 1. Jo hn Gr iff in {Honl; 2. DIn Hur ley (Yomt 3. St eve Golub (Hon). . UW GP NOV: 1. Istvan Bolvori (Yomt 2. Gregg DiBiaso (Yam); 3. Colin Bixby (Yom). • HIW S/BK NOV: 1. Patrick Conway (y am); 2. Dan iel Tarbox (Suzl; 3 . Rocco Gargano (Suz). Ritchies rule Paso Robles ST By Mike Vancil PASO ROBLES, CA, J UNE II Brothers Danny a nd G ary Rit chie took th e top two spots in th e 600cc Junior class short tra ck a t Mid-State Fa irgrounds. The Browns' Yamahasponsored brothers outlasted th eir competitors and were the only ri ders u pri ght in the end. Ro nald Byrd was the first to stri ke problem s and become a non-finisher but a lap and a half later Brian Duni ven joine d h im . Both were battling wi th Danny Rit ch ie a t the time of th eir departure from th e race. La te in th e event, Pat McDaniel had hi s spill which left o n ly Danny and G ary on their wheels. . In th e Veteran final it was Ronald Byrd who grabbed the lead. But he lasted on ly two la ps befor e bailing off. T he lead was inherited by Chuck Gorric c on his Fa ntasy R acing Enterprises-sponsored Yamaha. Although pressured by Danny Reeser and T odd Raffert y for the duration, he was ab le to hold the n off to take the ho nors. When the chec kers ca me out it was Gorricc, Reeser , then Raffert y. In Pee Wee actio n winner Mich ael H anna s wa s flaw less o n hi s Yamaha /Suzuki /S ports Cent eredsp o n so red Suzuki . as he showed newcomer Daniel Rader how to get around a short track q ui ckly. Results PI'N: 1. Mich ae l Hunna s {Su z} 2. Da nie l Rader ; (Hon). BO NOV: 1. Jason Thom pson (Yam); 2. A.J . Herr era (Yam); 3. J osse Ayan (Yom). BO J R: 'l , Dan Hort (Kow) 2. Ma tt Willard (Kow): 3. Just Hotfi old (Yam); 4. Don Hort (Yom). 250 NOV: 1. Lonn io Pau ley (Yam); 2. Dan Ar gano (Hon); 3 . Adam Ent icknap (H on ~ 4. Shown Edwards (ya m); 5. Kon Barnen (Yoml . 500 NOV: 1. M or k Sheppord (Yom); 2. Adom Ent icknap (Hon); 3. Dan Argano (Hon) ; 4 . Chuck Garricc (Yam); 5. Tony Herr era (Yam). . 500 JR : 1. Br ian Duniven (Yam); 2. Pat McDaniel (Kawl; 3 . Gory Aitch io (Yam); 4. Donny Aitch io (Yom). . 600 NOV : 1. Da n A rgano IHon); ·2. Ma r k Sheppard (Yom ); 3. Aobert Atk is (Yam); 4. M ike Reynold s (Yam); 5. Donny Reeser (Honl . 600 JR : 1. Danny Ritch ie (Yam); 2. Gary Ritch ie (yo m): 3. Pot McDoniel (Yom). VET: 1. Chuck Gorr icc (Yom); 2: Donny Reoser IHont 3. Todd Rafferty (Hon); 4. Goorge Sull ivo n (Yaml ; 5. Chor les Jo hnson (y om). 600 EX: 1. Rondy Berema nn (Aotl: 2. Kevin Crowley (Yom). 43

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