Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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z ~ ~ z 0 « Z ...J a: a: :;) :3 - >III III 0 0 0 l0 I- X X 00 00 Q. Q. 0') .. ~ G(") ~ >- ~ ::s I--:i Dave Wollaston dominated the Senior Expert class in Cheyenne. second moto of the Mini A race when Anthony Paggio fell and Brown ran into him, tangling them up long enough for Ryan Dean to pass. Top places werre swa p p ed by Dean, Brown, Paggio, Chris Manning and Matt Harrell. They finished in that order with Paggio dropping with bike problems. Second moto 100cc action saw Jimmy Ferry takin~ the holeshot with Anthony Paggi o in his wake. Chris Brown got the third spot. Brian Li st and Travis Blackburn co m pleted the top five. Paggio worked his wa y up to Ferry , challenging right and left. Ferry went inside and let Paggio get underneath him. Ferry 's bike signed o ff lea ving Paggio, Brown and · Blackburn to lead. Brown th en tried ou tside, du cked under Paggio, and pulled away. This left Blackburn about 10 bike lengths behind th e lead ers. Brown spread it o ut with Paggi o challenging. Paggio tried to jump pas t Bro wn but a lmos t lost it, allo wing Blackburn to catch up. They fini shed as Brown held a 15-second lead over Paggio in second and Blackburn in third. Second moto 125cc racing saw Chris Schmulbach motoring e · line for the holeshot. Barry Saunders and Zac Freeman took seco nd a nd third off the line. Schmulbach held th e lead shortly but was passed by a hard-charging Mike Tidey. Sanders and Schmulbach traded places. Then Schmulbach dropped back and fought for fourth with Freeman and Keith Griffith. John Smith made it a four-way battle. The last lap saw Tidey the winner fol lowed by Saunders. . . Seniors also had fun WIth J Im Mar chant jumping out front early. Donald Teddy ca me in second a nd Paul Sha ddi x grabbed th ird. Marcha nt too k a nasty sp ill before a bi g jump , but got up a nd maintain~d second. Teddy took over firs t, while Marchant foll owed at the flag . Results PIW: 1. Donald Teddy (Yam); 2. Daniel Teddy (Yam); 3. Stacey Stoll er (Yam). PIW STK; 1. Derek Jackson (Suz). PIW MO D; 1. Erica Lewis (Suz); 2. Dawn Gilbert (Suz); 3. Roy Harr is (Suz). 60 : 1. Scott Gulien (Kaw); 2. Shaw Hansen (Kaw); 3. Keith McQuaig (Kew). . WMN: 1. Laurie Kit sch (Kawl ; 2. Chris McQua ig (Han); 3. Fran May . . 100: 1. Chris Brow n (Kaw); 2. Anthony Pagglo (Kaw); 3. Travis Blackburn (Kaw ). MINI A: 1. Chri s Brow n (Kaw); 2. Ryan Dean (Kaw); 3. Chris Man ning (Han). MI NI C: 1. M ichael M cRae (Kaw); 2. Jo sh Hinson 40 (Han); 3. logan Murphy (Kaw). · . MI NI B: 1. Randy Chum (Han); 2. Rusty Loveroch (Yam); 3. Travis Blackburn (Kaw). 125 12-15 : 1. Chris Brown (Kaw ); 2. Barry · Sanders (Suz); 3. Mi ke Tidey (Yam). 125 15-24 : 1. Gary PauI(Kaw); 2. Wes Keanum (Han); 3. Justin Jackson (Suzl. 125 A: 1. Jay Ma nn (Kaw); 2. Wes Keenum (Kaw). Doug Iddings took the early lead in the 125c,c ~ cl~ss at the .M ideast Amateur AMA Regional MX at Red Bud Track N Trail. . 125 B: 1. Ern ie Millan (Han); 2. Preston Tyson (Kaw ); 3. Ryan Dean (Kaw ). 125 C: 1. Mi ke Tidey (Yam); 2. Steven Stor mant (Suz); 3. Keith Griffit h (Han). 250 OPENA : 1. Gary Paul (Kaw ); 2. Bobby Mann (Kaw ); 3. Ricky Lee (Han). 250 B: 1. Brian Brossard; 2. Pat Mclain (Kaw ); 3. Fred VanWagoner (Yam). 250 C: 1. M ike Durden (Han); 2. Donal d Teddy (Yam); 3. Wa de Stoner (Yam). SR EX: 1. Donald Teddy (Yam); 2. J im Marchant (l

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