Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 06 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 00 That I thought I'd lost th e roots of The Joy, until m y daughter help ed brin g them back . I was in to a cycle of rid ing solo, ha mmerin g too hard, going too [ast. Cove ring th e hot roads and im prov ing m y lin es, boosting my personal best. And w hen I stopped to have coffee - black and strong, scaldi ng my torlgue - th e road stories came out salty and brash in the jargon of a pro. But , He y! H old on! I'd somehow g otte n awa y fr om th e sw eeter side of motorcycling, and was locked in a pursu it that scared me at night! Esp ecially when rerunning th ose arrogant risks; and inevitable results waiting to do me in. When I at last did get to sleep, it was a tossing nightmare of horror and shock, a th eater of savage grief. I bolted up in cold sw eats and alarm. ' T hen, near dawn and ex haus ted, I slept again - and dreamed of m ore gentle quests. It was a gauzy pale wee ken d's noon, and, on a genial wh im, I called m y grow n dau ghter. And asked if she wanted to ride. On the back of her fath er's m oto rcyclel! Yes! She was surprised, but game. And awa y we rod e, 2-u p - in to a blo w ing fog that leap t my dream 's highway lik e phantom deer. We saw th e sun break and weld di amonds across grey wat er; tog eth er we glided through distant hills w ith weav ing elan , like ballet. Finally we stopped at m y favorite hangout, long after the hardcore crowd. And there at dusk talk ed to a cou p le of riders, an amiabl e sort and h is cheery girlfri end; th ere were no others around. .And Cyn thia, m y dau ghter, so fresh and naive w hen it comes to bik es, m istook our brigh t fron t rotors for a set of fan cy wheel guards. We laugh ed, th e four of us. She m ight not kn ow a sw ingarm from a cylinder! - but she 'd felt that tru e pulse of th e ride, and kn ew well its slew of dim ension s. In that late afternoon light adding richn ess to all , she tol d how indeli ble our tour had been, how th ese imp ressions toda y she would always remember. And when I awo ke, my daught er's voice was just fading. I dialed her quick and caug ht her in. " L et's go . fo r a ride!" said I, w ithout pause. I was alive, renewed! H eaded back to those good origins again! 0') ....... Willi am Edgar r-----------------------------------------------------------------, SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM . Name _ ....,.,-:-:-:-:-: .,."...,:-:-:::-:-:,.= : _ I PLE A S E PRI NT C LEA R LYI Address City -'State ~ -LZ ip _ o Th i s is a ren ew al o Plea se b ill me o En cl o sed i s c heck o r money order Charge my 0 V isa 0 Masterca rd .[~~ I OK, please start my subscription to Cycle News and send me the newspaper o every week for one y ear (50 is sues ) for $32.50 o every week fo r t w o yea rs (100 issues) f or $60.00 o si x m o nths sec o nd cl a ss (2 5 issues) f o r $17.00 One year (50 issues). 2nd class Canada or Mexico and all other foreign countries $63.00 (U.S . funds). First class and airmail rates available upon request. ~ S i g natu re MC /Visa# ,.- _ -t-r- Expi ra t ion Date -:- ~ Send to : CY CLE NEW S, Inc., P.O. Box 498 , Long Beac h . CA 90801 -0498 / (213) 427-7433 _ _ ~ 3

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