Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 06 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 00 0') ....... America's motorcycle newspaper Volume XXV Sharon D ayton . Publisher Mikr Klin ger,Comptrolkr Skip Joh nson . A ssociate Pub lisher t Na tional Sales Ma nagnJ ack Man ~s . Associate Publish ert Eduor Rh eba Sm ith , Circu lation ManageT Caroli ne Gc nd ry, Executive Suutary to th e Pub lish", . Editor ial Kit Palmer, Ass ociate Edit or Paul Carru thers. Associate Editor Na te Rauba, Associ ate Editor Bri an ' Ca tterso n, Associate Edi to r Edwi na Mangus. Ca le ndl1r Ed it or The White House says ... It 's a pleasure to send greetings to eve ry o n e gathered for th e 1988 Loudon Classic Grand National Motorcycle Road Ra ce. Motorcycle racing is an intensely demanding sport requiring skill and courage. You can be proud of participating in this prestigious even t, the oldest AMA National motorcycle road race in the country. You hav e my best wishes Cor a safeevent. God bless you . RO NALD REAGAN The White House Washington, D.C. Advertising Mike Church . Senior Sales ManagN T erry Pra tt Senior Sa les M anagn Mark Thorn e, Wesln'n Sa les Mana gn Do n Stoe ber, W eSltTn Sal es M ana ge?' Ma rk Mitchell , Eastern Sales Ma nagN Thomas R. C orner. Eastern Sa les Managn Ca th y Co rrao Wt'stt'Tfl Ad Coordinator Carl a Borden. Eastern Ad Coo rdina to r Toni Doneske, Advert isi ng A ssistant Graphics and Production Malcolm Wilson .PTod uct ion ManaKeT Dian a H ilgen berg, G raphic A rtist Stacey G ucst. G rap hic Artist j immie O 'Dell, G rap hi c Artist Marion Hatashi ta, T ypt'j dtn Carol yn Bran ha m. T yp eMttn Den nis G ret'n ~ ,l.Ab. T ech. Accoun t ing /Data Process ing Donna Bryan. Accts R eceiva ble Coo rdinator Oe neva R~ !'oS . Au ista nt Fra n Ham wey, Cu dil. Circ ulat ion .Sara h T aylor. A ssistant Alma An guiano. A ssistant Oteri Chapman , An istant Man ta Ada ms. Assistan t Circu lat ion Development Ro n David son. Ma1U1g" Want Ads Deb bie winkler , Wan t Ad Salt>j Service and Support Chr is Aitc heso n . H eadquartt>Ts R eception ist Leo na rd Herring. St>rVIU and Sup po rt National Headquarters 220 1 Cherry Ave.• Long Beach . CA 90806. 98 P.O . Box 498. Long Beach. CA 9080 1·1H (213) 427·7433: 2 13/636- 8844. FAX (2 13) 427·6685 Promoters Don and L ul.u- Brymer received the above letter from President Reagan regard ing th e Ju ne 1819 Cam el Pro Series road race m eet at Bryar Mot orsports Park in Loudon , New Hampshire. W ill it appear in th e Loudon pro gram? You-b et it w ill . . . Ed itor . Where, Senator Cranston7 Co ncern ing Senate Bill 7, I find it's almost unbeli evabl e that th e Government can decide wh a t propert y to design ate Wil dern ess based o n ma ps tha t are unavailable to th e publ ic. H ow do we even kn ow if th e public lands we use are inv olved if the bill o nly defi nes th e area as whi ch co mprise "certa in lands approximately th ousan d acres as ge ne rally depict ed o n a ma p entitled .. . proposed. " ? I' ve written Se nator Cranst on asking for cop ies, with no rep ly. T he BLM has mapped the wh ole sou th ern California area, and the re are USGS Quad shee ts th at dep ict wh ere yo u are a t all tim es. T here sho uld be some th ing publish ed to show th e limi ts of th ese areas o r th ey m igh t as well say, "S tay o ut of Californ ia l" Eas t ern Office 4190 Fj r st Ave.• T ucker. G A, 30084; mai ling address P.O . Box 805. T ucker. GA 30085· 0805. (40 1) 934·7850. FAX (404) 934·3 112 Cycle New, (USPS 141·340) is p ublished wC'd d y except th e fir st and last week o f th e ca lendar year for $32.50 per yea r b y Cycle New s, tnc., 220 1 Ch erry Avenue . Lon g Beach . CA 90806. Second class pos tage pai d at Lo ng Beach . CA. a nd additio na l ma ilin g o ffices, PO STMASTER : S e nd fo rm 3579 to Cycle News. P.O. Bo. 498. Long 8 eech. CA 90801 ·0498. Subscription ra tes: O ne yea r, seco nd class ma il. $32.50. Cycle News welcom es u nsolici ted edi toria l ma teria l incl udi ng stories, ca rtoons, ph otos , etc. Such ma ter ia l. if p ubl ished. beco mes the exclu sive prop~TlY of Cycle News. Such accepted ma terialus su bject 10 revisio n as is necessary in th e sole di scre tion of Cycle New s. U nso lici ted material which is not used will be retu rned if accompanied by a sd f addr essed sta m ped en velo pe. All u nsol icited mat eri a l wi ll be handled with reasonab le ca re , ho wever , Cycl e News ass umes no respo nsibility (o r th e safety. lo ss or da mage to suc h ma teri al. Repr in tin g in wh ol e or pa rt o n ly by perm ission o f th e publish er. Adve rl i~ in ,:: ra tes a nd ci rcu la tio n informa tio n will he scm u pon req uest. See S.R.D .S. BPA Consumer Au dit Divis ion Me mb er· shi p Applied For Dec ember . 1986. Copyrig ht " Cycle News . Inc . 1988. Trade-mark Cycle News regi stered U.S . Pa tent Office. All rights re served. ~ 'la a, 'iVI 4 DO UGLAS R. SMIT H La H ab ra , CA Let the legend live on . On beh alf of the Boody fa m ily, I wou ld like to exp ress our sincere thanks to those of you wh o have been so kind. Ted's dea th has caused his fa mil y and clo se friends a deep , deep sorrow tha t seems to linger. The kind words expressed by h is fan s and friends have helped to ease o ur pain some. We wish to th ank Bubba Shobert for hi s contin ued su pport. Bubba has been a tru e friend to T ed a nd now to h is fami ly. Bubba was instrumental in seeing tha t Ted was rem em bered a t th e San J ose Mile. O thers ha ve been ex tremely kind as well. The myrt le tree sent by Kenn y Rob erts was pl ant ed in the fro nt yard a t T ed a nd T erry's house. It will lo ng serve as a rem inder of T ed's strength. Many of th e riders a nd famil y gathered to complete const ruction of the fen ce around the horse pasture a nd to roof th e stall. Without the h elp o f peopl e like J ohn a n d Mich ell e Cooper, and Ph il, Pat a nd Sam McDonald th ese th in gs would not have been accomplished. There are o the rs as wel l. Tim Merten s, Robert Crabbe a nd Ron J ones were all sa grea t help to the famil y. We a pp reciated thei r co ntinued support. We would like to thank Rev. J erry Landry for hi s inspiring eu logy; we kn ow Ted did possess a " life wish." Also, thanks to ra cers and fri ends who traveled to see Ted off. The su p port o f those wh o ca me to Sap ulpa was special to his fami ly. Thanks too to Dave Despain for th e wonderfulleuer he wrote about Ted. John Cooper read the letter at th e service; it was a tru e cred it to Ted - thanks. T he re are also many fa ns and friends who hav e contributed to the tru st fu nd established for T ed and T erry 's daughters. We can 't thank yo u enoug h for your support to th e fund. T ed mad e a career of taking care of hi s girls and with your help they will co ntin ue to be well cared for. We have been p leasantly surprised by th e co ntr ibu tions fro m o ther forms of mo tor cycle raci ng. T he mo tocrossers a nd speedway riders have been very gen erous. Thank yo u. Our pai n is lessen ed by kn ow in g that so ma ny peo p le loved a nd respected Ted. With yo ur contin ued sup port, we will let th e legen d live. It is our wish to let the legend continue through those of us who kn ew and loved T ed. I thin k it's paramount that we all remember that T ed did have a " life wish." It 's u p to all of us to see th at h is liC wis h co nt in ues. T ed wi ll live e o n in our hearts . TER RY, LI NDS AY & T AR A BOODY T ED BOnDY, SR. MO THER MAR Y SAMS SISTE RS LYNDA & VICKI GRANDMOTHERS T HE McDONALD FAMIL Y Sapulpa, OK . Ted Boody eulogy When I' m wor ki ng a race, th e wor ds which crack fro m th e p ublic address spea kers have a clear message. T hey describe th e spec tacu la r perfor mances of brave yo ung racers. They are words design ed to ens ur e th at th ose who sit and watch will fully understand and a pprecia te th e d isp lay of ski ll , courage and determi na tion taki ng pl ace before th eir eyes. Over the past 15 years, th ose words have often pointed o ut, and indeed honored , th e accomplishments of one very special man . . . th e man we call "T oo TaIL" Today the moto rs are silen t .. . and words co me hard. Ted Boody has taken hi s fin al checkered nag. At tim es li ke this, we who remain must face a hard tru th - th e sport so man y of us love (certain ly the sport th ai Ted loved ) ca n be bru ta l . . . even fa tal. . Sure, th e rewards to th ose wh o participate are cons u ma te, But o n difficult da ys lik e this we must also ac k no w led ge th e price of those rewards. Those wh o race must be will ing to risk life itself. For most people, th at 's wh ere th e rub co mes off. To most people, ris kins one's life is an alien co ncept. L if e I S to o precious. One does not . . . o ne m ust not . . . tak e a risk that could cos t a life. I do n 't kn ow how many times I' ve hea rd som e non-motorcycli st clucking h is ton gue and excla im ing , " T hose motorcycle race rs must be crazy . . . th ey must have some kind of death wish. Ted wo uld have d isagreed, a nd I do too. Racers don't have a death wish .. . they have a li fe wish. You see, men like T ed Boody are a cu t above th e average perso n, who spends hi s life hidin g from death and ca ll ing th a t living. Average people fear death and th ink it is cruel. Dea th holds a special terror for those who are neither willing to accept it or prepared to face it. Avera ge people will spe nd years trying to dodge death; trying to den y its in evitability. They'\1 play it safe, take no cha nces, a nd wrap the mselves in layers of imagina ry secu ri ty. And then , often wh en they least expec t it, death cas ua\1y draws their number, seeks th em o ut and ri ps a pa rt th eir p rotective coc oo n . T hey've spent th eir life ru nning from reali ty, on ly to ~et caugh t redha nded at th e fini sh line, It's been abo u t 20 years since a skinny kid from Michigan climbed on a min i-bike and decided to be a racer .. . 20 years since Ted Boody took th e first step along the path to individual grea tness . Along the wa y he had pl enty of opport unities to quit. H e might have joined th e ra n ks o f th e a vera ge people. H e cou ld have spe nt hi s life . h iding from risk. Those of us wh o kn ew him are not surprised that Ted Boody chose th e more co urageous path. H e dared to jo in the ra nks of th ose special peop le who believe that life sho uld not be measured by the n umber of years one is su ccessfu l in p utting off th e in evita ble. Ted chose to confront the fear of dea th ea rly on, to calcu la te the risk involved in do ing wha t he wanted to do - in livin g th e life he wanted to live. He accep ted th e odds without co m p la in t a nd go t o n wi th the business of livin g. On the huma n spectru m, men of such courage - men like T ed Bood y - fall somew here between religious martyrs, serene in th eir faith, a nd swas hbuc kling sinne rs. spitting in death 's eye. But th ey are certa in ly not average people, trembling in their fear of death. At times like th ese, we all take our co m fort where we ca n find it. The tea rs we shed today , th e pain we feel for th e loss o f o ur friend - o ur loved o ne - prove th e power of dea th . But I hope that T erry, a nd someday th e girls, a nd the rest of Ted's fa mil y, a nd a \1 hi s many friends, can find co mfort in the kn o wledge th at dea th haunts o nly those who fear it. There is a special pl ace reserved for those wh o die because they are not afraid to live . . . for those who fall because they a re not afraid to fly, An d in th at special place, Ted Boody will su rely rest in peace . DAVE DESPAIN Dah lon ega , GA 8500-mile grind H a ving just returned from th e longest and o ne o f the toughest events ever , the 8500·mil e T ra ns Amazo n R a \1 ye which ran from Cartag en a , Co lo m bia, to Buenos Aires, Argentin a, with a second place finis h on a KTM 600 after riding the last 1800 m iles with a broken co\1ar bone, I want to express my than ks to al l th e people who beli eved in me and without whose help I co uldn 't have done it. Thanks to Frank Stace y, whose Dunlop tires never let me down I was th e on ly ma ch in e without a nat; Universal Gym Equipment th at

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