Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Bob by Ott. shown leadin g Ed Castro and Billy Hamill in heat act ion at
Ascot. won the Handicap main for the second consecutive week .
three-time winner Ra ndy Texter
a n d proceeded to give 'T ex ter ' s
H arley a ra re defea t in this class.
While the fro n t two kept about 10
yards between them, several yar ds
back Eric George, J oe Gately and
Clarence Bu ll were battling over
thi rd.
Dave Duhaine took th e lead from
Cerciello, Georgie Price and J ett
Conrad as th e 250cc Expert event go t
underway . Pri ce put his C&S
Kawasaki-sponsored Kawasaki into
the lead at th e end of the second lap.
Mike Klopp moved into fourth by
the thi rd lap a nd got into a battl e
over seco n d wi th Duhaine a nd
Cerciello that went to Cerciello.
The normall y wild 600cc Expert
clas s fin al was rather sedate as T exter
jumped out to th e lead o n hi s Eastern
Harley Davidson Deal ers Association/Lancaster H arl ey Davidson/
Pen n State Cycles/L. Robert Gro y
Esq. -sponsored Harley in front of
Rob Majeski , Jim Hollister, Paul
Crumling a nd Price. Crumling and
Pri ce's battle for fourth took them
up to Hollister, and were soo n joined
by T om Cerci ello in a battle th at
lasted until th e flag , wi th P rice
taking th ird.
55 : 1. Dan Halligan (Yam); 2. Paul Lynch (Yam);
3. John Winsen (Yam); 4. Josh Young (Yam); 5.
Se an Stowan (Vam).
B5 EX: 1. Randy Shank IKaw).
B5 AM: 1. Robert Mi ller (Yam); 2. Ricky W in sen
(Yam): 3. Todd W inson (Yaml; 4 . Jason Lheu reux
(Suz); 5. Paul Lynch (Hon).
200 AM : 1. Kevin Varnes (Yam): 2. Paul Southard
(Kaw); 3. Gary Clark (Hon); 4 . Jeff Isola (Kaw); 5.
M ike Thomas (Suz).
250 EX: 1. Georgie Price (Kaw): 2. TomCercielio
(Yam); 3. Dave Duhaine ( S uz~ 4. M ike Klopp (Suz):
5. Mik e Varnes (SU%).
25 0 AM : 1. Ken Yoder (Suz): 2. Chuck Wrecsics
(Yam); 3. Eddie Hidden (yam ); 4 . Rich Mellinge r
(yam); 5. Jill Lautenbacher (Hon).
600 EX: 1. Randy Texter (H· D): 2. Rob Majesk i
(H-D); 3. Georg ie Pr ice (ATK); 4 . Tom Cerciello
(Yam): 5. Jim Holli ster (H-D).
600 AM : 1. Dallas Baer (Yam); 2. Jim Lynch (Rn );
3. Jerry Hash (Yaml; 4 . Wayne Frankl in (W -R ~ 5.
Paul Nettleton (Rn ).
750 EX: 1. Tom Cerciello (Tri); 2. Randy Texter
(H ·D ~ 3. Er ic George (Tri~ 4 . Clar ence Bull (Yam);
5. Joe Gat ely (Tri).
SR: 1. Joe Heberling (Ya m~ 2. Doug Gies (Hon);
3. George Kuhn (W-R).
Ott jams at Ascot
By Scott Daloisio
" Sh owtirne" Bo bb y Ott wo n the
Handicap main for th e second consecu tive week at Ascot's Sou th Bay
Stad ium after coming all the way
from the 50-yard line. In the previ ous
week's win. Ott go t a helping hand .
from a la te race red flag bu t thi s week
he did it all by hi mself on the wide
outside line.
Ott, wh o also won h is 'hea t and
semi , was joined on th e 50 at the start
by National Champion Brad O xley.
When Oxley jumped the start, the
proceedings were halted and he
ended up being penalized to th e 70yard-line.
Trinon Cirello got th e ea rly
advantage as Greg Hancock too k
second from Kevin Krugh befor e the
end of th e second circuit, Ott was
making quick work of .the' competition and took third from Kru gh just
befor e the halfway point. One circuit
later , he powered the STP/Cirello
Ra cing/Balboa Imports Wesl ake
into seco nd wh en he swep t aro und
H an cock . All tha t was left wa s
Cirell o, a nd Ott quickly drew a bead
on him .
Ott h a cked a way at Cirello's
advan tage and raced around him as
they came off tum two on th e sixth
circuit, T hat was all she wrote and
Ott had th e win for th e second week
in a row. Cirello withstood a stiff
cha lle nge from Louis Kossuth and
Oxley at the line to claim second.
When th e Scratch main rolled out
Oxl ey gated th e field a nd set th e pace
into the first bend. Steve Lucero was
in second but as th e field came off
turn two he slid wide and ~ve
Northrup and Bill y Hamill a shot
at the insi de lin e. It was a tough
battle th e remainder of th e lap but
Lucero eased back into second with
three circui ts remaining.
Lucero's nex t challenge was how
to ca tch Oxl ey, but it soo n became
apparen t that the win was Oxley's
and he raced under the Ro y Ketting
checkered with a cl enched fi st ,
Lu cero waltzed aw ay from Hamill
for seco nd.
SCRATCH: 1. Brad Oxley (Wes); 2. Steve Lucero
(Gdnl; 3 . Billy Hamill (Wes).
HDCP: 1. Bobby On (Was): 2. Trinon Cirello
(Wes); 3. Louis Kossuth (G,M).
0 -2: 1. Jessee Finch (G· M): 2. Kelcey Gordon
(Wes ); 3. Dan Fraley (Jaw).
0 -3 : 1. Bob Bechtol d (Wes); 2. Tom Mo rr is (Jaw);
3. Anthony Sanchez (Was).
u s,
/- 800- 426-7928
t : 800- 383-0354
By Paul Hayes
Tom Demay rode to the J unior win
duri ng the T ri-Cit y M/ C-sponsored
trials event at Coal Vall ey, th e second
race in th e D-17/ AMA-sanction ed
Demay, riding an Italjet, dro pped
81 points enro ute to h is victory. H e
fough t a rear ax le problem that kep t
loosen in g u p h is chai n. Dem ay
needed extra pi t stops , bu t it pa id
: off in the end. Ji m Ripper, last year's
Novice cha mp, ro de his new Beta to
second pl ace, posting a 90. Fred Bill s
had o ne of hi s better rides on his
Montesa. H e put his feet down two
more tim es th an Ripper for a 92.
Roland T ho mas was still sorting ou t
his riew ride and his new Yamaha
carried him to fourth with a 106.
In th e Expert class only two riders
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