Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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250 BEG 0·3: 1. Bill Binette (Hon); 2, Joe Hammer (Kaw); 3. Aaron Anderson (Kew); 4 . Joe Uribe (Hon); 5. Ricky Zeigler (Hon). 250 INT: 1. Jon Levey (Suz); 2. Tony Fuller (Suz); 3. Glenn Commans (Yam): 4 . Tony Qualls (Yem); 5. J im Domin ici (Hon). 250 J R 0 -1 : 1. Kevin Copp (Hon); 2. Brian Nail (Hon); 3. Robert Drew (Yam); 4. Don Ma eda (Ves); 5. Gary W agner (Yam). 250 JR 0-2: 1. Chr is Ridgw ay (Yam); 2. Marc Matson (Hon); 3. Scott Tackas (Suzl; 4 . Tonrod Rodr igu ez (Yam); 5. Er ic Samson (Kaw ). 500 J R: 1. Bob Wagner (Hon); 2. Tom Lyman (Han); 3. Brad Sloan (Hon); 4. Brian Anderson (Yam); 5. Ron Gilbert (Hon). 500 BEG: 1. Bill Binetta (Hon); 2. Brian Legg IHon); 3. Scon Hoffman (Hon); 4. Bruce Richardson (Hon); 5. Frank Hort on (Hon). 125 JR: 1. Chr is Ridgway (Kaw); 2. Matteo Coest ino (Cag); 3. Kurt Rood (Kaw); 4 . Dan ny Fonteyn (Hon); 5. Chr is Kefalas (Hon). 125 BEG 0 -3 : 1. Keith Fairch ild (Kaw); 2. Shawn Tuoh ey (Yam); 3. Glenn Carrera (Hon); 4. Glenn Vega (Kawl; 5. Doug Younie (Kaw). 125 BEG 0 -4 : 1. Rodney Tosmen (Kaw): 2. Barry Karakas (Yam); 3. Br ian Wilcox (Kaw); 4. Jeff Delgaudio (Han); 5. Ji mmie W est (Kaw ). Roper romps in Summit Point Vintage RR By GaryWinn Willie Surratt (31) dives under Craig Davis in the 125cc Pro class at Ascot. Surratt was the winner. Sanchez snatches victory at Baylands MX By Mike Vancil FR EMO NT , CA, APR. 29 Jimmy Sanchez came fro m behind to snatch the lead and hold on for th e Expert class win at Baylands Racewa y Park. Early leade r Kevin Crowley, on a two-stroke Yamaha, Was able to hold th e lead for two laps on the track that is regularly used for speedway racing. Quick to take over from Crowley was Anthony Giammanco on a four-stroke Yamaha. His brief lead was next changed to Sanchez who had worked to gain that position from about a fifth place start. In the wake of Sanchez's climb to .the lead was hard charging Cory Perreault on a Rotax. Perreault was using a higher line than Sanchez, and although he was traveling at a higher rate of speed, he was sliding high in the comers to scuff off speed. Sanchez hugged the pole to a better advan tage and would exit the turns . in a line that would 'have been Perreaults' had he been there first. Giammanco ended up in third at th e checkers and was at la st abl e to relax after ba ttling Mark Butler on a Yamaha. The Sanchez success didn't end with just an expert victory, as David Sanchez took th e win in th e 500cc Junior di vision one class and Fred . Sanchez copped th e final in the 500cc Junior divi sion two class. David's win was n 't as much a surprise as Fred 's for David was an easy winner in the 10 lap race but Fred was only abl e to come in fourth (last) in his heat. Also, Fred ' had to work many of the 12 laps in th e fin al to get by early leader David Freeze on h is Salinas-based Yamaha. Onl y David Sanchez listed sponsorship and he is currently riding for Honda Peninsula and Rothgarn Ra cing. Results . 44 PIW 50 NOV: 1. Tony Souza (Yam); 2. Jesse Dawson (Yam); 3. Dan Vickers (Yam); 4. M ichael Patterson (Yam); 5. David Silva Jr. (Yaml. PIW 50 EX: 1. Jake Keeney (yam l; 2. Derek Phill ips (Yam). MINI 60 NOV/JR : 1.-Johnny Murphree (Kaw ); 2. Jeff Gabhert (Kaw); 3. Junior Alvernaz (Kaw ); 4 . Shaun Russell (Kaw): 5. John Dawson {Kawl. MINI SO JR/EX: 1. Johnny Murphree (Kaw); 2. Sen Bostrom (Hont 3. Eric Bostrom (Hon); 4. Robert Stevenson (Yam); 5 . Tim Alvernaz (Yam). 25 NOV: 1. Jodv Petterson (Yam); 2. Neil Clifton (Hon); 3. Dan McGee (Yam); 4 . Perry Lang (Yam); 5. Norman Nesbitt (Yam). 500 NOV : 1. Bob Meiring (Rtx); 2. Danny Delmenico (Yaml; 3. John Gonzales (Yam); 4. Stacy Ledou (Yam); 5. Doug Samore (Yem). SODJR 0-1 : 1. David Senchez (Hon); 2. Kevin Gonzales (Yam); 3. Armando Alvar!'az (Yam); ~ . RandY Gonzales (Hon); 5. Rendy Cechetto (Yem). 500 JR 0 -2 : 1. Fred Senchez (Yem); 2. David Freeze (Yem); 3. John Dawson (Yam); 4. Trecy Dewson (Yem). 500 EX: 1. Jimmy Senchez (Hon); 2. Cory Perreeult (RIX); 3. Anthony Giemmenco (Yam); 4. Mark But ler (Yam); 5. Dave Bostrom (Hen). VET NOV: 1. John Dawson {Yamt 2. Tracy Dawson (Yemt 3. Bob Me iring (RIX); 4 . Don Shipley fAlX); 5. Paul Shank (Hen). VET EX: 1. Mark But ler (yam ); 2. Frenk Nye (RIX); 3. Deve Bostrom (Hen). Young scores AscotMXwin By Ken Faught GARDENA, CA, APR. 29 Yamaha 's Chris Young u sed an amazing pair of thi rd-place fin ishes to cap ture th e 250cc Pro class overall win at Ascot in ro und two of th e CMC/Dodge Trucks Spring MX Classic. Wh en the gate dr opped in th e first moto Honda-mounted Don Draz hol eshot Kenn y Zahrt, Darrin Hoeft, J ack Scott and Young. Draz immedi ately fell out of th e top 10, handing Zah rt a small lead over Hoeft and Scott. Young quickly changed th e order of the top five as he shot past both Scott a nd H oeft to tak e second. Willie Surratt, who ga ted eighth, was ra p idly p icking up positi ons and at th e start of th e second lap had moved into fourth beh ind Hoeft. H oeft quicken ed h is pace in an attemp t to hold off Surratt, bu t after a lap Su r ratt j u mped past th e Yama ha rider and took over th ird. Once in to third Su rratt quickly cu t th e distance down o n Young, who had been sta lking Zahrt for severa l laps. Surratt moved in o n Young's rea r fender, crea ting a three-way battl e for the lead . Su rratt chased the du o for two laps until he snuck past Young a n d closed in o n Za h rt. Surratt chas ed Zahrt down to th e wire wi th Zahrt hangin g on for the wi n foll owed by Surratt, Young, H oeft and Cra ig Davis, When th e ga te dr opped at th e start of the ' second mo to Ron T urn er hol eshot Jim H oll ey, Young, Shawn Wynn e a nd Surra tt . H oll ey was doing 'everything he could to get by Turne r, bu t Turner, fresh off a win in th e Vet Pro class, was ridi ng smooth and cau tio usly guarded his li n e. Surratt passed Wyn ne a n d moved in to fo urth beh in d Young. Surra tt soon cau ght Young and star ted cha llenging h im for third, but Young easily fought off Surratt's attack. Near th e end of the race Holley moved into first. Turner tried to repass H oll ey but came up short as H oll ey took th e mo to win foll owed by T urner, Yo u ng, Su rra tt an d Wynne. Young too k th e overall win while Surratt finished second via a 2-4 score. H oll ey p laced th ird wit h a 7-1 over Wyn ne 's 6-5, and H oeft ro unded ou t the top five wi th 4-10 finishes. . In the first mo to of th e Adu lt Min i clas s H o nda-mounted Gary Ybarra hol esh ot Donny Maeda , Ant hony Rose, T im T oll eson and Scott Charles. Ybarra immediately opened up a sma ll lead as T oll eson passed Rose and bega n working o n Maeda. W hile Maeda struggled to maintain hi s p osi tion , Suzuki-moun ted Br ian Na il moved into fifth after a spectacular first tu rn cras h . T olleson snuc k by Maeda o n the last lap to clai m second at the checkers beh ind Ybarra. When the ga te dropped at th e start of th e second moto Nail sho t to the early lead and quickly pulled aw ay. Ybarra was in second foll owed by Tolleson, Maeda and Rose. T olleson soo n started to challe nge Ybarra and pres sured him in every turn. Ybarra would ga in a slig ht adva ntage off jumps, but T oll eson would quickl y catch up. NaIl took th e win wh ile Ybarra managed to hold off Tolleso n for secon d followed by Maeda and Rose. Results . ADLT M INI: 1. Gery Yberre (Hon); 2. Tim Toll eson (Suz); 3. Brian Nail (Suz); 4. Don ny Meeda (Ind); 5. Anthony Rose (Hon). 125 PRO: 1. Willie Surrett (Cag); 2. Chr is Young (Yam); 3. Chr is Radzinsk i (Yam); 4. Oarr in Hoeh {Yamt 5. Terry Verner ( H o n ~ 125 INT: 1. Br ien Celhoun (Kew); 2. Tony Que lls (Yem); 3. Den iel Bush (Hon); 4. Joe l Albrecht (Kaw); 5. Rendy Moody (Hon). VET PRO: 1. Ron Turn er (Ye m ~ 2. Rick Jo hnson (Hon); 3. Carl Grazafy (Hont 4. Ed Wolleson (y am); 5. Devid Mee!1(Yem). VET MSTR: 1. Bob Polend (Hon). VET INT: 1. Larry Gross (Yeml ; 2. Tim Tolleson (Suz); 3. M er k Heller (Hon): 4. Eric Shimp (Yem): 5. John McMenawey (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. Shewn Wynne (Suz): 2. Will ie Surratt (Ceg); 3. J im Holley (Yam); 4 . Shewn Wyn ne (Suz); 5. Darr in Hoeft (Yem). SOEX: 1. Joe l Albrecht (Kewl. 60 INT: 1. Chr is Kefelas (Hon); 2. Eric Chav ir a (Hon); 3. Colin Couto (Hon). SOJR : 1. Doneld Upton (Kaw ); 2. Travis Flem ing (Hen); 3. Aaron Wenstrup (Yam ); 4 . Br ian Teets (Kew ); 5. Greg Schnell. . SO BEG 0 - 1: 1. John Kellios (Suzt 2. Jason Shirey (Yam); 3. Billy Solomon (Yam); 4 . Phil Tehl man (Yem); 5. Peul Doremon (Suzl. SO BEG 0 -2 : 1. Armando Overland (Kaw ); 2. Mariano Wh it lock (Kew); 3. Keno Deery (Kew); 4 . Marcus Falconieri (Kaw); 5. Charles Jones (Yam). 60 : 1. J eff Willoh (Kaw ); 2. Ja son Shirey (Kew); 3. Eric Schn ell (Kaw); 4. Jerry A leman (Kaw) : 5. . Rejina ld Mitchell (Kaw) . 50: 1. Shawn Igerc ic (Yam); 2. Scott Alexander (Yam ); 3. Br ian Anderson (Suz). 250 BEG 0 -1 : 1. John Caley (Kaw ); 2. Russell Anderson (Suz); 3. Marty Edgley (Yam); 4. M ichae l O'Br ien (Suz): 5. Kenny York (Yaml. 250 BEG 0-2: 1. Jo hn Aponte (Yam); 2. Bryen Tenberge (Kaw ); 3. Seam Reis (Suz); 4 . Tom Cressman (Hon t 5. Rich Mihalie (YamI. SU MMIT POINT, WV, MAY 7 A number o f p otentiall y sticky p robl em s th r eat en ed vic to ry for T eam Ob solete' s Dave Roper in the Summit Point · round of th e 1988 Historic Cup Series . But the New York er slipped around all roadblock s and all comers to win both the 750 Grand Prix and Premier 500 classes in th e American Hi storic Ra cing Motorcycl e Association (AH R MA) eve n t. An o vern ig h t do wnpour left th e freshly grooved road race trac k with mud and water spots, causing Roper to fall during p rac tice which saw his ex-Dick Mann BSA tri ple sin k slow ly into the turn o ne mud. However, one potential problem for Roper was eliminated early: th e current # I pl at e holder in the 750 Grand Prix and Premi er 500 class, Pete Johnson , was an unexp lained no-show despite a pa ir of earl y preen tries. P erhaps m ost threatening to Roper was the improved level of compe tition in the series, particularly th e new class, th e 750 GP division. J esse Morris turned blistering practice laps on his str eet-based Triumph Trident. Upon winning th e Sportsman 750 event, Morris rested five m inutes between races and then pr essed Roper hard for a second place finish in the 750 GP. In addi tion, Pat Moroney and Alan Rau . proved to be serious compeitition as they attempted a rep eat of last year 's Premier 500 one-two punch. They even got th e hol eshots on Roper and T eam Obsolete's Matchless G -50. H owever, the ever-wily Roper was going to have hi s day despite the pressure from Moroney and Rau 's flathead Harley-Davidsons. The gro wing 500 and 750 Sportsm an classes domina ted Summit Point's AHRMA grids as they did earl ier at Daytona. U n til" now, it looked as if Triumph twins would dominate th ese classes, but BSA singles were in th e top three spots in the 500cc race, led by Dave Paller. Paller then beat out all bu t Morris in th e 750cc race. Beno Rodi duplicated his Daytona wins in th e Pre-I940 and Class C races, riding a 1937 BSA and 1951 Roy al En field . Nick Phillips was the third man to win a pair of ra ces as he topped the 350 and 250 Grand Prix classes on his full y-faired 250 Du cati . Results PRM 500: 1. Devid Roper (BSA); 2. Pet Moroney (H-D); 3. Alan Rau (H-D); 4 . Frenk Smith (BSA); . 5. Bruce Allen (BSA). 750 GP: 1. David Roper (Mat); 2. Jesse Morris (Tri); 3. George Rockett (Tr i): 4 . Robert Smith (Tri); 5. Bob Reynolds (Nor). 500 SPTSMN : 1. David Paller (BSA); 2. Jim Walton (BSA); 3. Mark Samuelson (BSA); 4 . Glen n Towery (BSA); 5. George Reynolds (Nor). 750 SPTSMN: 1. Jesse Morris (Tril; 2. Deve Paller (BSA); 3. Keith Mertin (Tri); 4 . Robert Smit h (Tri); 5. Bob Romiti (BMW). . CLASS C: 1. Beno Rodi (REt 2. Mark Samuelson (BSAt 3. AI Knepp (H·Dt 4 . Bob McKeever (Nor).