Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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VET PRO: 1. Ron Turner (Yam); 2. Ross Maeda (Suzl; 3 . Rick Johnson (Han); 4. Carl GaZ8fy (Han); 5 . Pete Andrews (Han ). VET INT: 1. Joh n M cM anaw ay (Yam); 2. Brad S ~~ (Hoo L . VET JR: 1. J oe Norkin (Yam); 2. Brian A lexand er (Yam); 3 . Dave A lexander (Hon); 4 . Jack Landers (Han ); 5. Rudy Chavez (Han). . 80 INT: 1. Eric Chavir a (Hon); 2. Chris Kefalas (FM F). BO J R: 1. Donald Upt on (Kaw ); 2. Ryan DalY (Kaw); 3 . David Rasmussin (Suz); 4. Steve Hen geva ld (Kaw) ; 5. Brian Teets (Kawl. BO OPEN: 1. Jaff Willoh (Kaw l; 2. Ryan Thacke r (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. W illie Surr an ((Cog); 2. J ohn Poses (Kaw); 3. Ron Turner (Yam ); 4. Bob Kline (Han); 5. Shawn Wy nne ISuz). 250 INT: 1. David Bened en i (Suz); 2. J on Levey (Suz); 3. Glenn Com mans (Yam); 4. M erle Hammer (Yam); 5 . Ji m Dominica (Ha n). 80 BEG: 1. Arma ndo Overland IKaw~ 2. Ma rc Lippert (Su z); 3. Ja son Shirey (Kaw); 4. Paul Derem us (Suz); 5. J ason St oner (Suz). 50 : 1. J eremy Aleman (Yam); 2. Shaw n Igercic (Yam): 3 . Joe y Gallagher (Yam ); 4 . Scan A lexander (Yam); 5 . Ito Pasco (Yam). 125 BEG 0 -3 : 1. Don Petr o (Suzl; 2. Jim Footer (Han); 3 . Shaw n Tush ey (Yam); 4. Chad Campi ng (Hon); 5 . Brian Pridemore (Hon). 125 BEG 0 -4 : 1. Eddie Pan erson (Yam ); 2. Skip Ear ly (Han): 3. Rodney Osman (Kaw); 4. Ch ris Chavez (Han); 5. Barry Karakas (Yam). 2 50JR; 1. Brian Nail (Suz): 2. Robert Drew (Yam ); 3 . Marc Ma tson (Han); 4 . Keven Lopa (Han ); 5. Scan Takacs (Suz). Fracy sweeps Sp ok ane Trials Lee Cowie guides his Greeves through a section in Ohio. Jason Stoner (6451 leads Paul Doremus (19) and ove rall winner A rmando Overland (9 1 L) in the 80cc Beginner class at Ascot. . startedthe day, and in the end only two poi nts separated th em . Com in g ou t on to p of the two-way bat tle was Fanric-rno unted Jim Emmer son. The runner-up was J eff Gunia a nd his Beta. T heir scores were 99 a nd 10 1. There were only two riders in the Cham pions hi p class a lso. Jim Snell" carded a 34 for the win abo ard a Merlin. T im Flem ing came in seco nd pl ace on his Yamaha. In the Novice class J oel Rip pe r claimed th e win o n a Yamaha and his score was 41. Second place went to P a ul H a yes riding a Rol a nd Thomas-prepped Bu lt aco. H a yes' sco re was 69. Fantic-rnounted Ch ris Krasinski carded a 72 fo r th ird overall. Results C'SHIP: 1. J im Sn ell (M er); 2. Tim Flem ing (Yam). EX: 1. J im Emmerson (Fan); 2. Je ff Gun ia (Bet). JR : 1. Tom Dema y (Itj); 2. J im Ripper (Bet l; 3 . Fred Bills (Man); 4. Roland Thomas (Yam ). . NOV: 1. Jo el Ripper (Yam); 2. Paul Hayas IBu l); 3. Chr is Krasinski (Fan); 4. Robert Bicking (Suz). Borem by inches at Riverside Vintage RR By Michael Green 40 RI VERSID E, CA, APR. 3 Scott Borem inched out Mike Green for the overa ll win during ro und two o f th e CV RG Championship H istoric Series at Riverside Internatio na l Raceway. Du ring th is round, R iverside had th e NASCAR co urse la id o ut, which goes from turn-six straigh t to turn -eight, thus th e lightweigh ts ra n virtually flat o u t all the way around. The WCB R /Hap J ones/ Avon / . Castrol /Shoei- sp onsored Duca ti 350 o f Bret Morsh ead was fir st away whe n th e gree n flag fell, followed closel y by Fred Mork on th e Mork Racing/ CastrollShoei 350 H -D, J eff H ecox's Castro llShoei/IOK Du cat i 250, Bo rem 's Duca ti 350, Green o n a no the r WCB R- Ducati 250 , and Randy Reed, a lso on a Ducati 350. By turn two, Borem a nd Green had overhauled everyone ahe ad of them exce p t Morshead, who fell prey in th e esses to the hard charging pair. En teri ng turn eig ht Green dove under Bor em for th e lead, one of many times .the lead wou ld cha nge duri ng th e lfl-Iap event. Bor em was soo n by the 250 of Green as th ey sc rea med d o wn the lon g ba ck straigh t, but in hi s draft now was . Hecox, having passed the o the r fron t . running 350s. As th e two went by, Green dropped in beh ind H ecox to pi ck up a tow . Entering tu rn nine ·G reen dove in deep to retake th e 250cc class lead an d set his sig h ts o n . Borern. Green wo rked the esses faster a nd pa ssed , but again Borem retook the overall from Green on the lo ng back ch u te. The two would pass eac h other"every lap in th ese same spots a nd kept pulling out of reach from the o thers. H ecox now had a firm hol d on seco nd 250cc a nd third ove ra ll , whi le the o the rs directl y behind were all 350cc mou nted. For the first lap and a half Morsh ead, Mork a nd Reed had a simila r battle to th at o f the lead ers. Entering turn eigh t on la p two , Reed elected to tak e Mork, then Mor shead o n the outside, but it d idn't work. Reed 's megaphone hit the road, thus lifting the rear wheel a nd leaving him o n the grou nd unhurt. With one lap to go, H ecox's engine decided it had eno ugh, and coug hi ng through nine he p ulled off in turn two and was o u t for the da y. Morsh ead now moved up to third overa ll, but still a lo ng way beh i nd the leaders. Exit ing nine for the last time Green made another bid to retak e th e top spo t, but was inched o u t. H ow ever, this now gives Green th ree 250cc GP wins out of three starts for th e new seaso n, whi le Borem and Morsh ead are tied for 350cc GP poi nts. Results a l A: 1. Scott Borem (Due); 2. M ike Gr een (Due); 3. Bret Marshead (Due); 4 . Fred Mark (H· D); 5. Russ Ward (BSA) . Nail nabs AscotMXwin By Ken Faught G ARD EN A, CA, MAY 6 H onda- mo u nted Bri an Na il used a cons isten t pair of th ird pl ace fin ishes to win th e kn ock-down, dra g-out 250cc Junior class in ro u nd four of th e CMC/Dodge Truck Sp ri ng MX Classic at Ascot Park . At the start of the first mo to Donny Maeda rocketed o u t of th e ga te to h o leshot Marc . Mat son , Denn i s Chafe, Sco tt Takacs ·a nd J oe Armstrong. Robert Drew , who ga ted seventh, quickl y worked his wa y into fourth whi le Mat so n moved past Maeda for first. On the second lap Ch a fe fell o u t of th e top 10, allowing Drew to sli p i nto th ird be h i nd Maeda. O nce in third Drew hounded Maeda a nd within a lap had moved into second. While the top th ree were go ing a t it, T a kacs had moved in ri ght behind Maeda wit h Nail taking over fifth. Maeda a nd T ak acs en tered into a s tru gg le for th ird with the two swapping po sitions several times each lap. The ba ttl e ended whe n T a kacs los t th e front end o f his Suzuki on a sli ppery right-hander and the n was run over by Nail. Takacs q uickly got u p, but it was too la te, as Mat son took th e win over Drew and Na il passed Maeda for th ird. T akacs finishe d seventh . Second moto actio n saw Keven 'Lopa hol esh ot Na il, T ak acs, Mike Washko and Ch afe. On the first la p Drew moved into fifth afte r a no the r poor sta rt and set his sigh ts o n Washko. T ak acs started 10 cha lle nge Nail fo r second as Wasko fad ed back to seven th, moving Drew into fourth. T ak acs con tin ue d to chase Nail, a nd just a few yards before the wh it e flag . dov e underneath the Honda pilot a nd too k co m ma nd o f seco nd, where he finished behind Lopa. Nail cap tured th e overa ll win with his 3:3 performance a nd Drew took home seco nd wi th a 2-4. Mat son's first-m o to victory helped him to pl ace th ird with a 1-5, Lopa 's 8-1 earned h im fourth, and T ak acs was fifth with 7-2. In the Vet P ro class Ron Turner was the rider to bea t, as he took the holeshot in the fir st mot o over Carl Gaazafy, Ross Maeda , Bob Tippi t a nd Rick J ohnson. Turner set a blistering pace a nd took the wi n over J o h nson, Maeda and Gazafy. Tippit too k the early lead in th e second moto o nly to lose it to Maeda, and Turner. Turner then charged after Maeda, ta ki ng over the lead and eventua l wi n for the overa ll. Results 500 JR : 1. Er ic Flem ing s (Han); 2. M aj or A lford (Kaw); 3. Russell Reil y (Han); 4 . Tom Lyman (Han ); 5 . Ste ve Fern andez (Han). 500 BEG: 1. Bill Binn en e IHon ); 2. Scan Hoff man (Han ); 3 . Br ian Legg (Han ); 4. Phi lip Rout (Han); 5 . Frank Hort on (Han). A DLT M INI : 1. Gary Ybarra (Han); 2. Ken Faugh t (Yam); 3 . Bern ard M ill er (Han); 4 . Ron Bunn (suz) ; 5 . A nt hony Rose (Han ). BIG WH L: 1. Ryan Taylor (Kaw ); 2. Bri an Teet s (Kawl; 3. Man Wy ckoff (Kaw). 125 PRO, 1. W ill ie Surran (Cog). 500 PRO: 1. Dan Berg (Kawl; 2. Jo hn Posca (Kaw ); 3 . J ohn A lexand er (Han); 4 . Br ian Calh oun IKaw); 5. J ason Campb ell (Yam). 250 BEG 0 -1 : , . Joe Ur ibe (Han); 2. Romy Ratliff (Han): 3. Pau l Kovalski (Yam ); 4 . Steve W ard (Yam ); 5 . J ohn Reynolds (Han) . 250 BEG 0 -2 : 1. Rich Mihali c (Yam): 2. Bryan Tenberge (Kaw) ; 3 . Ma rty Edgley (Yam ); 4 . Dean Mu lli ns IHon); 5 . Jo e Ham mer (Kaw) . 250 BEG 0 ·3: 1. Jim Lengston (Yam); 2. Corey Hudson (Han); 3. Kevi n M ehl blech (Yam); 4. J im W illiams (Kaw ); 5. John Hamacher (Kaw) . By Gary Lawver .SPOKANE, WA, APR. 30-MAY I Former Can ad ian T ria ls cha m p a nd 'TMl-sponsored Steve Fracy dazzled specta tors as th e Pacific Northwest Tria ls Associa tio n held their cha m pi onsh ip ro u nds one a nd two a t the roc ky Nin e Mil e Fa lls area near Spo ka ne. I Fr acy led fell ow Canad ian s, Stan Bak gaar d a nd T odd Nordin as the for eigners swep t the Ch ampi onship class both d a ys. H igh tr a ction , spectacular roc k sla bs were fea tured both days. T he riders faced a ride u p a 60-foo t rock wall , " T h ree Step, " '. on da y one. T hen da y two brough t an abru p t drop do wn the 100 yard long "Psyc-out Sla b." Fracy led 13 Ch ampion riders on day one with a 37-point ride a nd 26 cleans. Bak gaard tra iled with 48/ 21 the n Nord in with 73/17. Oregonian Du an e Rin kes was a ways back wi th 92/9 o n his l50cc Fantic. Day two repeated th e same or der with a closer sp rea d in sco res. Fracy won with 411 25, followed by Bakgaard 49/ 24, Nordin 69/5 and Rink es in fourth with 84/1 3. Fifth a nd sixth place wer e sha re d b y regi ona l PNTA cham p Brad Screen and Larry Drawhom both da ys. T he Sen io r class saw Bill deGaris sweep both da ys. DeGaris was riding his sixth Ch ampionsh ip even t in three weeks a fter . winning th e past four U.S. Nationals as a Super Sen io r rider. The Support class a gai n sa w consistency as Robert Schwenke, Bill Eckstein a nd Dave Fra cy sh ared onetwo-three eac h day. On Sa turday Schwenke squeaked past Dave Fra cy by two cleans 911 5 to 9113. Bill Eckstei n lurked in third wi th 99/4. For the Support class thi s seemi ng ly impo ssible barr ier marks the unoffi cial " Righ ts of Passage" into the u pper eche lons. On day two Schwen ke a nd Fracy battled a way with Sch wen ke edgi ng Fracy by o ne po int, 87/2 to 88/ 2, but Eckstein cap tu red fir st pl ace with a 79/8 ride . Results DAY 1 NOV: 1. D. Th o mps o n (Han ) 17 /22; 2. F. ' Thomp son (Fan) 23/2 2; 3. B. Yeatas (Yam) 241 23; 4 . D. Keezer (Fan) 28/20; 5. B. Huff (Bet) 34 1 15 . . SPTM N NOV : 1. J . All en IBet) 19 /24. INT: 1. K. M acomb er IYaml 5Bll 5; 2. M. Lewis . (Yam ); 64/17; 3. D. Port er (Fan) 70/1 1; 4. G. Becker (Yam) 73 / 13: 5 . M . Mullen IFan) 84 / 1 1. SPTMN INT: 1. M . Rem ingto n (Yam) 93/ 9. SR: 1. B. deGar is (Bet) BOI7; 2. J. Radma n (Bet ) 109 /4 ; 3 . C. Wh ithrow (Yaml 110/2; 4. G. Lawver (Fan) 120 /3 . SUP, 1. R. Schwenke (Yam) 91 I S; 2. D. Fracy (Bet) 91 / 3; 3. B. Eckste in IFanl 99 /4; 4. M . A lle n (Bet) 99/ 3; 5 . D. Snipes (Bet) 100/2. CHA MP : 1. S. Fracy (Fan) 37 126; 2. S. Bakgaard (Yam) 48 /21 ; 3 . T. Nord in 73 / 17; 4 . D. Rin kes (Fan) 92/9 ; 5 . L Dra whorn (Bet ) 1?3 / B. .