Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 00 0') ........ A year round advertsing reference for active, motorcyc retailers. specialty product i le manufacturers, distributors, and companies offering specialized services. • Weekly advertisers you can count on being there when you are ready to buy! AdYertisers call: MSTU.S. (213) 427-7433 • Adiacent to the popular. well read (Ell ~ EAST U.S. (404) 934-7850 RACERS!! Want Ad section! Let Sloan's Honda/Yamaha Help Reduce Your High Cost Of Racing! - Support Discou'" ProgramNo matter wh at model of Hon da or Ya m aha y ou ri de. we have OEM pa rts re ady to sh ip da ily via UPS. Join ou r un iq ue parts program and recei ve up to a 30% disc ou nt on every order l INSTANT ~AN'S SERVICE! ~M O.DEIl TOUFllEE HONDA/YAMAHA Tennessee's Largest Help Wanted 2233 NW Bro ad. Mu rfreesboro. TN 37 1 30 Ft . Lauderdale, Florida HONDA/YAMAHA Dea ler In Tennessee CaU (800) 342-1618 In Continental US Call (800) 251 -0600 Sorry. No C.O .D .s 1Il=~ y ..,... .~ .- •~ _L . _ . -- ~~-• • ...,SMlc••hi Year round employment for experienced person nel. Posit ions now open. 5 day work week, paid vacat ions . ho lidays . Multi·line dealer in busy Sil icon Valley . GRAND PRIX KAWASAKI YAMAHA. (408) 246 -7323 ask lor Carlos. (304 -0 7) .. lilt fillllS.lIaci ... Tr TocllaicoL Sol. ty. Stors: OU I. H s - ' ..... II R r•• _ n .i..... E Rood Rocio.. .... tc.; Trills. T.T. IIllllCr s,o""s" DISt il, 1.11. Old • Doyta.. ~•• cll e Cs III'" B_ 1riIIo. E•..,•• II mor•. VHS/BIta. W. rW 1oweS1 prien. FrilHlint & ·, Bi sl seniel. catalog• • fr•• • Writa or call toUy II : EARL IIARK PRDDUCTlD.S. 23022 S. _ Aft . Torrncl. Co. !I0502- UI3/321- _ tec hnician / machi nist. dyno expe rie nce pr eferred. Verifiable references only. Salary, bonuses. Dave at WATERCRAFT SPEED & SKI. INC.. 22 09 North Dixie Hwy . Ft. Lauderda le. FL 33305. (305) 56 58700. (2206- 11) Mechanics 0"'1)[0 wsrnES W.rIII's Iorpsl II J etS ki se rvice / pa rts manager and watercraft For qUility motorcycle I pp. relFastUna IIGa1I, Gl . Cold_ C1ot11inO ....._ Panls-far _ men . ndwomen. Plul Cu..... L el!llon ond • _line at1111. _ RIIIlyII Roce ..e-pieceand M /C Mechanic/Parts Person Wit h H.D. &/or Suzuki experience . Establi shed dealers hip. Wh ite Plains. NY. Clean shop, excellent (304 .07) benelits. Call (914) 94 6-6622. Con"", IOno two·pioce aults.lIo l1 lt1ml ln lta ck reilly far you to try onInd bU,. SendUfar .ompletl clllloO. Mechanic Op.n T-F 10 •• 6. S. l 10 I. 3 (213) 4351551. IIOW 11th St .. Lono Beach , CA. Nt LonO Buell FWY (710) & Pacill. COllI Hwy. We need one good individual f or busy ·shop. Year ' round employment. Honda & Suzuki knowledge helpful. Write w ith resume t o Ron Jensen. BARBER HONDA, P.O. 80x 331 8. Ventura, CA 93006. (805) 64 2-0276. (205 -0 8) The Sunshine State! Immediate openings in Orlando for experienced Part s Manager, Salesmen & Mechanics. Medical. dental and othe r benelits . Call Tom Now l (305) 299- 91 91. (206-07) - MOJORO'l 300V 100% Synthetic CDmpetitiDn Oil BIMOTA DBl DUCATI Dueati 750 el'lgine. 350 lb. dry weight. ·The 2100 Semi-Synthetic ultimate flashbike. 10W40 AGVHELMETS Dr 15W50 ED !IOSHlMIIAA New styles and colors. including X900 Kevlar and "'P'iea styles. (71.4j 628-4722 SIDI BOOTS 9ary~==~~ nixoniiii • GoodyeM OT II Dirt TrKIl Twa • ~ Knllgtrt ehli ... . • K&.N Air FttterI • HencIMbIi,. • M illuni . lActron Cert»s. Pam - ~ .. • .Iemco PIpes. CT S prockets & GrimKll 1082" ' " Ad.. Codo-tnill ~ MO21030 (30 1 , _1 _ MARZOCCHI A complete suspension 'ine, including new Symbol adjustable shocks and MIR adjustable supertlike forks . 40 PAGE CATALOG - 51 COSMOPOUTAN MOTORS 301 Jacksonvtlle RolId Hadloro. PA 19040 1-800-523-2522 lin PA cal '2151 6n-91001 Bullalo NUMBER PLATES ~ CALL MARY ~ (415) 449-4219 .~ ~. f; ALHAMBRA ..... HONDA , /" 36 / / New Harl ey. Kawasak i deale rsh ip desires Part s. Service and Sales personnel. Fantastic opport un ity for th e ri ght people. New facil ity in large growing metr o market . Replv: BEAVERTON KAWASAKI HARLEY. 13705 SW Farm ing lon Rd. Beaverto n. OR 97005. (107) Experienced Mechanic For dual franchise dealership. able to wor k on H.D. . and Japanese brands. M ust have ow n tools. Paid medical plan and vacation. Start $10 per hou r. Located on beaut iful Centra l Calil coast. (805)461 182 1. (206 -07) BMW Mechanic Some experience preferred. will train. Send resu me to : 22 16 W . Belmont. Frasno. CA 93 728 . (2091237-2215. (307 -08 1 ***M/C Technician*** Ara you raady l or a cha nge?The MI C MECHANICS INSTITUTE in Phoeni x. AZ is now accept ing applications for the posit ion of Inst ructor. No te ach ing back ground is necessary. Excellent compa ny benefits. Interested applicants shoukl cont act Larry Barr ington .t (800) 528-7995. (207· . OBI A PROVEN M OTORCYCLE SALES PERSON. Must be an excellent closer, good knowfedge of F&1.Top commissions paid. Pleasant atmo spt..e. Call Tom lor eppcintment. (714) 87 1-2460 Orange County, CA. (207 -08) Experienced Mechanic Large Honda. Yamaha. Kawasak i. Suzuki deaw· ship seeks full time. experienced Mechanic. Busy M idtow n Ma nhana n locat ion. Good pay. Excellent opport unity. Contact M ike O·Connor. (212) 582 7444. N.Y. ' (107- 111 Mechanic - M/C & Marine Motorcycle & outbo ard dealer seeks enthusia stic indivi dua l w it h high stan dards. Immediate cpening. training availab le. Call for details. YAM AHA OF GOLETA. (805) 967 -7032 ask l or Service Man ager. (207- 10) Motorcycle Mechanic #1 BMW Perfor manc e Center n eeds sha r p, efficient Mec hanic. Interesti ng wor k includes: race bikes, new produ ct developm ent. Fully -equ ipped, modern shop inclu des: flo w bench. dynamom eter. hell-arc, machine tools, etc. Specializing in BMW Twi ns & K-models. Also Europea n & J apan ese bra nd bikes. Great opportu nity . Solid experience requ ir ed. Full time-hourly plu s benefits. Resume ' 0: CC PRODUCTS. 81 3B Cristi ch Lane. Campbell. (107) CA 95008. EXPERIENCED dealership. Year w ith experience NORTH. 3184 96002. . M ECHANIC; Full line Yamaha around, salary commen sur at es - send resume to YAMAHA Bach all i Ln .. Reddin g, CA (1071 Set-Up Man Available in Corsa and Spencer road race styles . New A urostrada sport touring boot only 5991 =10~ '~, Opportunities Unlimited Experienced Honda Parts Person 5 day work we ek and benefi ts. Immediate openings . Call Brian HONDA OF GLENDALE. (81 8) 246(207-081 2461 or (213 ) 24 5-1526. CA. 1301 W. Villey Blvd. Alhambra, CA 91803 (Il l) 211-7143 Immed iate opening for new bike set-up . Wi ll tra in right person . Must have own tools and some experiance necessary. ceu M ike SUZUKI OF GLENDALE. (8 18) 247 -9044. (106-071 Aggressive Salesman $30.000/year guaranteed . Florida . Honda. Yamaha , Kawasak i. Suzuki. Reply to : Cycle News. Dept A, P.O. Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801 . (206 -08) Parts Manager $25.000/Y8a r guaranteed. Flor id a. Ho n da , Yamaha. Kawasaki . Suzuki. Reply to: Cycle News . Dept F. P.O. Box 498, Long Baach. CA 90801. (206-08) Top Quality Mechanic,. $30 .0 0 0 /year guaranteed. Florida. Honda , Yamaha, Kaw asaki. Suzuki. Reply to: Cycle News. Depl J. P.O. Box 498. Long 8each, CA. 90801. (206-081 NHs oldest and lar gest exclusi ve Honda dealer now has the following job opening s: Salesperson, Serv ice Writ er. Part s Counter person. We sell motor cycles. scooters & ATVs. Joi n the exciti ng wo r ld of Honda. Contact Rich ar d La brie at CONCORD MOTORCYCLE SHOP. Basin SI. Concord. NH 03301 . (6031 228-0364 . (207-08) Experienced Honda Mechanic For Nama Ot Your .... r... DM_Call : Eat: (2J') 2oM-J06O Wat: ('J') 44O-UH Top pay, 5 day work week. medical ins urance. ret ir emant plan. App ly in person . AL ROOIHONDA. 3B05 Covington Hwy. Daeatur. GA 30032. (20507) M /C Service Technician Immed iate employment for experienced Mecha nic in Nonheastern areas largest dealership f or motorcycle. personal w atercraft. snowmobiles. Full t ime, year round. to p pay according t o experience . Oppon unity for promotion. ongoi ng traini ng by manufactures. Call Gary (814) B9B3524 . (206-09) Ohio Motorcycle Technicians Five years or more experience , Harley or Yamaha. Excellent benefits and pay. year rou nd employ· ment . Call Lee (4 19) 522-2272. (206-09) Experienced Service Manager $2Q..25 ,OOO per year, guara nteed. Florida . Honda, Yamaha. Kawasaki , Suzuki. Reply to : Cycle News , Dept L P.O. Box 498. Long Baach. CA 90801 . (206-08) Assistant Service Manager W ill tr ain, good pay. benefits . Good attitude required. Reply ' 0: HONDA WORLD , 6436 E Colonial Dr, Orlando . FL 32807. (206 -08 ) Counter Help & Sales CYCLE PARTS WEST. 1368 2 Baach Blvd. Westminst er, CA. (714 ) 894 -9829. (206 -0 7) Service Manager For exclus ive H.D. deal ership in Spokane. Wa. Top notch management skills are a must. Mechanical skills ar e of secondary importance. Some H.D. axpa ri an ca nec ess ar y. Call (50 9) 534 -5351 George. (306-09)

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