Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LARGE MAICO PARTS INVENTORY FOR SALE Irom 1970 to 1983 . $350. Will .hip anywh.r• . (106 -09) (614) 384-6861 .(614) 384-3519. .",...• - 1985 XR600R •••• Clean. run. Bought new Aug ' B6. $1200/ (307-08) OBO. (619) 948 -4928 CA 00 00 Whit. Ltd Paso. 1988 model; red. 1988 Paso 750; 1988 WMX 125 cag iva; 1988 WMX 250 Call iva. ca ll (205) 72 1-0174 l or special prices. MADISON CYCLE SUPPLY. AL (207-08) 0') a:=}~ c¥a~~ ~ dJ • In large .upply now. Call (414) 684-0237 beIon 5 pm. WI. (307-08) XR750 MOTOR. 8 RACES SINCE REBUILD. Many new pans. Cosworth pistons. Patrick cams, Lawwill igniti on. titanium valves , new rods . fresh cases. $3000. (412 ) 685 -4205. PA. (107) 1988 CR 2 5 0 Hon da New . never raced, ten minutes runn ing . Must sel l. $2900. (914) 883 -6236. (306-07) Ducatis For Sale 198 8 GSX600J & GSXR760J 19 8 6 XR260 Honda $1000 lirm. Call (805) 9B7-1772 ..... ah.r 5 pm. CA. Ask lor Lowell. (307 -08) Motorcycle Sale FIX IT CHEAP SALEI '84 Kawasak i 750 Turbo engine. 1000 miles. $400; '84 Ninja 900 trans, complete. never run. $125; '85 Ninja 600 trans. compl ete. never ru n, $125; '84 GPZ750 trans, com plet e, never run , $125; RD350 street chambers. $125 ; 72 Kawasaki H-2 stock tan k, near perfect . $1SO 78 Kawasak i ZI R Turbo. ; $2900. (603) 424-6399 6-10 EST. N.H. (307) i#I Toomey Racing RZ350 Pipe Kit The undi spu t ed leader in RZ350 racin g pipes . Comp let e kit incl udes: pipes, s ile nce rs. air box. pe rfect jetting kit. ban e ry box a nd ins tructions. Call l or Iree 1987 catalog . (21 31 539 ·6542. We love 1 201 / PITFN) dealers .001 . 19 86 CR 250 Honda J AWA 2-VALVE SPEEDWAY BIKE. Very clean. runs strong . $1000. (7 14) 772-8238, CA (10708 ) ~~:=J ISDE prepared , fr. sh engine. pump guard . $13501 OBO. (714 ) 983 -3293. (30 7-08) H-D Racing Pistons Boulevard standout anywhere! ~ Forged Performance Piston kits for Harley David son s: . FL; XLR; WR & KR Flatheads; Spr int Aermacchis, BEST H-D. 6516 McCan. Ft. Worth, (104-09) : TX 76133. (BI7) 294 -8634. Factory fresh XR750 with precis ion leh shift . new moto r and tr im. Readv for street tr im. 8S()(X). Can deliv.r. (214 ) 262 -7471 . (306 -09) '87 Husky 5 10 TE JOIN THE FOUR STROKE SINGLES NATIONAL ~ OWNERS CLUB. W e appr eciate 4 ~ stroke si ngles! Free T-sh irt . newsleners. decals . Send name . sh in size. and $20 to Jack Robinson. FSSNOC, P.O. Box 1804 . Hutchi nson. KS 67504-1804. (105 -1O/P) Liquid cooled. str eet legal. $3000/ 0 BO. Excell ent condition. (8 18) 337 -681 1. (305-0 7) 1978 R0400 YAMAHA: 8900 ORIGINAL MILES. (307) $4 75.(805) 646 ·156 1. CA. Wh ite Bros shock , hardly r idden . like new . 520001 OBO. (7 14) 62~ -1963 . CA. (307·08) Helmets & Boots Like new Mot o 4. Moto 3. Gaarne boots. size 10, more. Make reasonable off ers. (714) 596- 1115. : CA. (107) 1987 CR1 25 Motor On e st ock. one f ull Pro Circuit m od s. Bot h excelle nt. $9OO 0 BO. A lso hav e pipes. radia tor s. / plas.ics. (7 14) 528 -0046. CA. (307) GSXR750 Motor 10.CXX> mi les. $450. Al so. 36mm smoothbore M ikun i carbs. like new . $4 50 . (301 ) 777 ·0078. (307) 1986 2-strok e NS400R Honda street bike. 11000k, great shape. great price. (7 14) 955 -3780 days. CA. . (107) CR50 0 Fast Fill Gasoline Dump Can 2.5 gallon. $59 .95; 5 gallon. $65; stand. $19.95 . AMA approved. CLAIRMONT CYCLE SUPPLY. (6 19) 57 1-0 155 . (207 /P) TZ250N READYTO RACEWITH SPARES. $48 00 . (306 -09) (60 2) 993·5084. NS400R For Sale 1936 BSA " Empire Star ". English resteratien, $2500; 1956 BSA Road Rocket. A-l0. origin.I, nice. $2500; 1977 H.D. XLCR "Cal. Rac.r" , J thunderheads. 2000 mile s, $3800; 1982 GLll00 Honda supercha rged. BOO mil.s. $2500; 1984 Honda 1000 YR, Euro bike. 200 miles. $3000; 1982 Moto Martin. 6 cylinder. "outrageous", $4200; " 1947 Nonon "M30 International " , as or igina l. J $7500; 1951 Sunbeam S-8. restored in England, 100%. $3200; 3 Nonon Singles availabl • • $1500 & up. Various et hers -new, used. old. Warren E. Coll ins. 8ra intree. MA. call (617) 843-5789 ask ' lor Steve. 9-4 EST. Wi ll be a. Daytona. (30 7) Parting Out ' 85 XR250R A ll part s except moto r. disc brakes. wheels. forks, e.c.(714) 528 -0046. (307) Pro 3 Enduro Computer CalilCO fo r the f inest in l im ekeeping instr uments. Pro 3. $179.95. Time Master Endur o Clock. $79.95. Visa/ M C. (8001 331-04 70 . (201 / PITFN) 1987 Husky 510TX M int condi tio n. Call (4 14) 684 -0237 belo re 5 pm . (305-0 7) Trick Stuff! New cat alog. new locati on I Come by and see White Bros new showroom and pick up ou r new 11 2 page og FREEl Or send $3.00 l or post age and handli ng and rece ive a $5 .00 coupon t ow ards next purchase. WHITE BROS. 14241 Commerce Dr. Garden Grove. CA 92643. (7 14) 554 -9442. (205- Holsclaw Trailer One rail tr ailer. $ISO /0BO. (61 9) 722-1655. CA (107) RZ350 Pipes 13 hp incre ase, 20 Ibs light er than stock, w ide pow erband. 4 dba over stock . Rela in s side and ce nter stand s. $ 199 i nc l u des 4 alu minum silencers . R5-RD250/350/400 Dayton a. $175 in cl udes 2 alumin um si lencers . Kawasaki H1/ H1 1. $210 incl udes aluminum sil encer and hardw are . Visa /MC . FACTORY PIPE PRODUCTS. 816 -A Waugh Lane. Ukiah. CA 95482. (707) 463-1322 . (201 /PITFN) 0 7lP) 1987 GSXR750 Enduro Rider Excuse Shirt 1987 KTM 80MX "I would've Overall'd if only I hadn ·t.." You can have a lot of f un w it h this att ractive thr ee color shin Irom ICO. S.M.L-$9.95 . 1 8001 331 -0470. (20 1/ PITF N) Only one ho ur on bik e. show room cond it ion . Sacrilice. $1000. Paid $1400. (8 181 574-1 184 (307 -08) home. (21 3) 837-0138 off ice. CA. ~-----------------------------------------------, - WANT AD BLANK Cycle News, P.O . Box 4 98. long Beach. CA 90801-0498 213/427-743 3 W A NT AD RATES Prices Are For O n e Issue Only COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED Per word .. . .. ... __ . _ .... $1 . 1 0 Headline i n bold type S10 extra Blind Box Service Charge $5.00 Photo INo larger than 5. 7) • . 15 extra s (One photo per ad - PRIVATE PARTY Per word ... _ .. _ _ .. . : .. ... • 45C Headl ine i n bold type • • $5 extra Photos (No larger than 5x7) • • S7 Printed im ag e size limited to 1 'h " h igh. 2 ',, " wide. ) Print name, address and ad copy clearly. CREDIT CARD LI M IT M INIMUM ' 5 .0 0 PLUS .50 POSTAGE and HANDLING WANTED; USED WHITE POW ER FORKS lo r '87 CR250. (806) 373-3051. TX. (307-09) ~.::.J Signature _ LU-I I I Ghost R i d e r E n d u r o Computers Displays tim e late or earl y. More . $315. Free broch ur e. (702) 945-2833. (619 ) 375 -2540.(619) 375 -B507 . (106 -13 /P) _ I I i I I!! I 1 ** Metzeler Comp K's ** Please fill in your comp lete account number and expirati on dat e Please Run my ad in "Top Rated Spon Tire ." All popular sizes in stock l # of issue s. 8uy now and g.t our BEST PRICEII FREE FREIGHT if prepaid or paid by Visa /MC. ca ll today. CONN CYCLEWORKS. INC. (203 ) 234-7000. (206/TFN) Remember pnces are for one issue only . M ake sure you enclos e enough to cover addit ion al issues. Name 19 8 6 KTM 12 5 Clean . engi ne and suspension by Pro Cycle. $1090. (805) 944-2310. CA. (107-08) FRIDAY 12 NOON for next w eek's issu e. No cancella ti ons after deadl ine. Ads are accepted on a f irst come fi rst served basis Cycle News reserves t he rig hl l o edit copy. Any discrepanci es mu st be reported wr t bm on e w eek of publication to receive any ad j ust me nt . Fill in the Visa / Ma ster Charge blank or send chec k or money order to Cycle News a t above ~ address . Card E.pires PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE I WANT AD DEADLINE Excell en t cond it ion . W orks Perf orman ce rear shocks, Progressive for k spr ings , Metzeler tires. Won A&B Production Novice Nat iona l t itles. Still under warranty. Must sell. '88 coming 5OOnl (3 12) (30 7) 685 -1682.(312) 22B·6866. Ray.IL TZR250 Yamaha 19 8 7 Japanese mode l with 60 miles, N.J . title . Address C ity PR INT BO LD HEADLINE S HERE State $3750/ 0 BO. (20 1) 46 1-8900. N.J. Zip (30 7-08 ) Mechanic's Special ( L e a v e spaces) 1982 CXSOOT Turbo Honda. needs l H head repair . EXTRA CHARGE ....,See Want Ad rates. Want Ad minimum . $2.50. Bold headline$ do not count towards want ad word count. (4 19) 946-86 82 ask l or Gerald. Ohio. (107) Dirt Trackers Must Sell I ,. '0 11 12 '3 '4 17 18 is >0 2' 22 23 24 2' 2. 27 28 29 J!J 3' 32 33 J4 ., J6 37 J8 J9 40 4' 42 4 . 47 " 41 L 40 Rotax 500 Kn ight fra me . TT600 Yamaha Boss f rame . Both bikes rac e ready, gear ing and spares . $5200 takes all . (81 5) 496- 2379. IL. (307-08 ) .SO .. .. si ; !>2 Cycle News i. not responsible for illegible phone numbers or copy . '3 .( .. " " \ '';;' ; ~ ./ WUe~ :-- .~ Are. Code /Phone No. Phone' counts.s one ~ . ._ ~ Bark Bust ers 4' » ~. Now $39. 9 511 Includes Free K TM Mounting Kit The Ortg inal. and still the Best is now priced lower than ever . Our proven design; used by both Team Husky and Team KTM; is the strongest and most narrow available. Treat your hands to the Best . Visa/MC.ICO.(800)331-0470. (201 /PITFN)

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