Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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T he o pposi tion will press,hard on Wi lson 's ob scurity a nd pol itical definition. A harsh critic of Wil son is Con gressman Tony Coelho the H o u se major i ty whip. H e was quoted in th e Ca liforn ia J ournal ; " He has come across as sort of a n amby-p amb y, m ilqueto ast [sic), irrel evant, and jus t a Reaga n robot. H e's j ust too mu ch part of the wall decora tio ns. He's no t a factor . .. if his people tty to say he's not in trouble, (that) he's strong - B.S. He know s th at he's in trouble." Crans ton (a nd th e Dem ocratic party) wi ll throw his full su pport beh in d op po ne nt Leo McCarthy. Furt her, regardless of th e Senat e election ou tco me, Cranston 's staff have said that 'he wi ll proceed with th e bill with or without Wilson 's invo lvement.' Cranston feels time is o n his side. Even if 57 fails in this senate session, he will introduce a " more stro ngly a nd broader " worded version next January in the lOi st Congress, Sen ate Bill 7 was neither designed nor perceived as a partisan issue. But in the upcom ing election for Ca liforni a' s numb er-two senate sea t, 57 is an issue for both camps. Leo McCarthy ha s made his sta nd a nd put on the gloves. Wilson hasn 't yet emerged from his dressing room. Wil son 's kn o wledge of 57's impact is seri ou sly q ues tioned by opponents regarding his ability to ma ke a n informed decision. In spite of the enormous mail flow, U.S. Senate heari ngs, public a nd government testimony, he was unawar e that the extremely influential NRA (rep rese n t in g over 300,000 California voter s) was staunchly opposed to 57 until a few weeks ago. Wilson also didn 't know that national defense ove r-flights from numerous sprawling bases in Ca lifornia would be severely cu rtailed a nd/or elimi nated. Wilson is o n the Armed Forces Co m mittee. T he Sierra C lub, Wilderness Society and radical Earth Firs t! have go ne to ex tensive lenghts to get 57 in every imaginab le media. They spo nso r and endorse ongoi ng desert field trips to sway legislato rs. Ironi ca ll y th o se sta n dard plo ys a re backfiri ng. The San Bernardino Su n has been at the forefront su pporting of 57 through editoria l campaigns cente red o n off-road recreationists, Hundreds of editorials and letters have been prin ted in The Sun endorsing the bill. Yet, in their own carefully worded read er survey a few weeks ago, The Sun was u nable to muster even a maj ority reader sup port for 57. A mere 100,000 votes edged Alan Cranston back into office with more than seven-million voting in 1984. The certa in ba ttl e betw een Wil son a nd McCarthy appears that it will be every bit as close . Wi lso n 's choice to support 57 on th e BLM Plan will side him either with the Sierra Club, Wildern ess Society and Earth First! or with hundred s o f o p posi tion groups. Senate Bill 7's outcome will determ ine that fate of millions of residents, visitors and recreati onists as well as hundreds of industr ies a nd businesses. Wilson's stand o n 57 will also determine California's next U.S. Senator. Senator Wi lson best states h is o wn case in th e Californ ia Journal, " If you have sim p ly do ne the good job and peop le are unaware of it, th at does n' t do yo u much good." Leo McCarthy kn ows th at too. H e recentl y was q uoted as saying " What I' m really ru n ning against is an a bsentee senator." Dave Holeman MOT 0 eye R L E There's no other feeling like it in the world • • • This is the magazine you have been waiting for: Road racing. High speed. One hundred sixty-seventy-eighty mil es an hour. Neck and neck . Down th e stra ight . A round th e sweeper. 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An d t hat is w hat w e have - over 25 years of professional motojournal istic experience. OUf paren t com pany. Cycle New s. Incorporated, has been deliver ing Cycle News. America 's Wee kly Motorcycl e Newspaper. every w eek f or 25 year s. We know mo torcycle s. We know racing. The Cycle News staff is the best equ ipped pub lish ing staff to prod uce an ill ustrat ed magaz ine about motorcycle road racing . -'- _ _ • Road Racer i/fH;,f1r~ 220 1 Cherr y Avenu e Long Beach, CA 90 806 (213)427-7433 FAX (21 3) 4 27 ·6685 ~ 35

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