Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Suzuki Nat'J Cup Road Race Series Northeast 4/16·17 4/ 30·5/1 6/11·12 71204 8120·21 9/3 ·5 10/ 1·2 Loudon. NH Loudon. NH Loudon. NH Loudon. NH loudon. NH Loudon. NH Loudon. NH Mid-Central Bolo i~ 4116·17 4/30·5/1 517-8 7116·17 7130·31 8127-28 9110·11 IL Elldlan Lao. WI Bra inerd. MN Gr ttan. MI a Br inerd. MN a Bo loi~ IL Bo l oi~ IL M id-Atlantic Indianapolis.IN WlfTen. OH Rockingham, Nt Pocono. PA Rockingham. NC Summit Point, WV Summit Point WV 4/9 ·10 4/30 ·5/ 1 5128·29 6125·26 719·10 8/20 ·21 9/17 ·18 Southeast 2127 ·28 3126·27 4/9· 10 4/30·5/1 5/14·15 6/ 4·5 1/17 8113·14 9/25 Daylona 8each. FL Brasallon GA . Talladega. AL Faulkville. GA Talladega. AL Talladega. AL W. Palm 8each FL . 8rasallon. GA W Palm 8each FL . . South Central 412-3 5/21·22 6/11·12 1116·17 8/27 ·28 9/3-4 . 9124·25 College Station. TJ( Hallen. O K Hendersen, TJ( E. SI. L . MD ouis Henderson. TX Memphis. TN College Station. TJ( C entral Pacific Sonoma. CA Sonoma. CA Sonoma. CA Sonoma. CA Sonoma. CA Sonoma. CA Sonoma. CA 3126·27 4/ 16·17 5/2 1·22 6/19 7123·24 8121 9/ 11 Southwest Rjyerside. CA 412-3 4116· 17 5128·29 6118·19 6125·26 71204 8/8 -7 9/ 11 Roumond. CA Chandler. AZ Rosamond. CA Rive . CA rside Rosamond. CA Chandler. P;z Chandler. ,,;z M ountain 511 5/ 15 6/5 6/ 19 7/31 8/ 14 9/ 12 Pueblo. CO Denver. CO Aspen. CO Denver. CO Denver. CO Aspen. CO Steamboat Springs. CO Northwest Portland. OR Ken~ WA Ponland. OR Kent, WA Ponland OR . Kent, WA Portland OR . 4116·17 4130·5/ 1 5114·15 7117 7/ 23·24 911 1 9/ 24·25 AMA/CCS Natjonals 3/ 4·6 5114·15 6/ 18·19 6125·26 1/9-10 8/ 6·7 9/ 10·11 9131·1011 . Supersport Daytona B each. Fl Brasel1on. GA loudon. NH Elkhart Lake. WI Monterey, CA lexington. OH Talladega. AL Sonoma. CA SCORE Int'J OffRoad Series 4/ 1·3 613-5 8/ 19·21 Gra ll Mojave 250 lucerne Valley, CA Ba Intemationa' ja Ensenada. Baja. M exico Off Road World C"ship TBA 11/3-6 8aja 1000 Enstnada. Baja. Me lico 1219·11 San Fel pe 250 i San Felipe. Baja. Mexia! Info 818/889 ·9216 SETRA C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 4/3 5/ 1 Info 8031229·5369 Sumler. SC Abbeville. SC SETRA C'ship Enduro Series 2121 Cochran. G A 2128 Pelion. SC 3/ 6 Palll1ka. FL 3/ 13 Athens. G A 3127 Abbev SC ille. 4/ 10 8ristol. V A 4/2 4 L awrenceburg, TN 5/ 8/ CharleslDn. SC Info 8031229·5369 WERA Nat'J Endu rance Roa d Race Series 3112 4116 4/3 1 Talladega. AL Rosamond. CA Faulkvilla. GA 5/ 14 Portland OR . Rockingham, Nt 5128 8/11 • ShannonviU•• Canada Grattan, MI 712 7116 E $1. Louis. MO . 7130·31 Garrettsville. OH Long Pond. PA 8/6 9/3 Memphis. TN 9/17 ·18 Ro samond. CA 9124 (Allege Station TX . Clermont, IN 10/ 8 10/1 5 Summit Point. WV 11/5 Braselton. GA Inlo 803/68 1·9372 WERA Western Endurance C'ship 4116 5/14 5128 6/ 12 _ 9/ 17·18 Ro.a mond. CA Ponland. OR Vancouver. BC Kent, WA R osamond. CA WERA Nat'l Qual ifier Road Race Series Rosamond. CA Talladega. AL G rattan. MI College Station. TJ( Summit Point. WV Hallen. OK Rosamond. CA Lang Pond. PA Rockingham. NC Milwaukee. WI Rosamond. CA E S~ Louis. MO Talladega. AL Summit Point, WV . Henderson TJ( . 9/3 -4 Garrensville. OH 9/3 ·4 Memphis. TN 9/24 ·25 Grattan. MI 9/24 ·25 College Station, TJ( 1011·2 Faulkv GA ille. Info 803/681 ·9372 7117 T124 1/31 817 8128 8/ 18 10/ 16 11/6 Windsor M . A Union. CT Providence. NY N orwich.VT Cheshira. M A N Pete"burg. NY . Brookfield. M A Wrentham. MA National Association Motorsports Enterprises Presents 1988 N.A.M.E. SPRING MOTOCROSS SERIES MotorcycJes & ATVs ~ffi~ (jliJ NETRA Turkey Run Series 5122 5/2 9 6/1 2 6/26 7110 7/ 31 9/ 11 9/ 18 1012 10123 11127 leominster. MA Washingt n. MA o Allenstown. NH N orton. MA Adams. MA Bartonsville. VT Swiftwater. NH Sandislield. MA Freetown. MA Winshinton. MA Plymplon. MA March 6 March 20 A pril 3 April 24 MayS M ay 22 June 12 NETRA J unior C 'ship End uro Series 5/1 5122 6/1 8 6/25 8113 . 8120 9117 10/ 1 10/1 5 11/12 WERA Grand Nat' l Fina l 11/3 ·6 Brasellon. GA IDBA Nat'J Drag Race Series Shreveport LA Jonesboro. LA Minden. LA Enon. LA Mooringsport. LA Sterlington. LA TBA Watson. LA R inggold. LA . Shreveport LA Texas Arenacross Series 2126·26 Motorcycles 0-85cc (7-111. 0 ·85cc (12·1 5). Super Mini. Schoolboy. Senior. 125 Novice. 125 Amateur. 125 Pro 250 Novice. 250 Amateur. 250 /500 Pro 500 Amateur Classes: LA State C'ship Hare Scramble " Series 2128 3/2 7 4117 5/ 1 6/5 7/17 9/4 10/2 10/16 11/5 Society Hill. SC Leesville. SC Reidsville. N C Sanford. N C Reidsvill e. N C Society Hill. SC Leesville. SC Camp Co ke r Mot orsports Park He ll Hol e Creek M X Ro ll ing Hills Cycle Park Devil ' s Ridge Motocross Ro lling Hills Cycle Park Camp Coker M oto rspo rts Park He ll Hole Cr eek MX Race Information: (919) 342-4492, Track Information: Camp Coker· (803) 378-4715 , Hell Hole ; (803) ~2·5578, Devil's Ridge - (919) 776-2412 . Meriden, CT Wrentham. MA Thomaston. CT Southampton MA Dunbarton. NH Dxford.MA N. Petersbur . NY g Freetown MA . Brookfield. MA leominister. MA 2120·21 4116· 17 5121 ·22 5121·22 6/4·5 6111·12 6118·19 6125·26 719·10 719-10 8/6 -7 8/ 13·14 8/20 ·21 8120·21 8127·28 Gear ATVs 0-85cc Youth 3&4 Wheel 3 Wheel Ama teur (25Occ) 4 Wheel Amateur (25Occ) 4 Wheel Am. 4·Stroke 4 Wheel Pro OpenATV $75 /$ 50/$40 Paid Per Moto Guaranteed M in imum Pro Payout Further Payout Based Upon Rider Ent ry Level (1per 3 rider base) Trophies Awarded Based Upon 1 per 3 rid ers $1 ,500 In Savings Bonds Distributed To Amateur Class Champs! Series Awards 5 Trophies Per Class Jackets To Overall Series Class Winners. Entry Fee : $15 Per Amat eu r Class - $25 Per Pro Class Reg ist ratio n Starts 7 :30AM - Pra ctice Starts 9 :00A M Racing Starts 10:30AM For Each Race r--------------------....------------.I SRA aA1tICTIONED olI,..L 0 ~NT ..-5NT 1"''' "ilClNO . .... ....... 'lOOII. "~ I I Temple. TJ( San Antonio. TX 3125-27 8irmingham. AL 4115·17 Rocking ham. NC 5120·22 BowlingGreen KY . 6110·12 Norwalk.OH 718·10 Columbus. DH 8126·28 Memphis. TN 9/23 ·25 Atto. NJ 10/ 14-16 Baton Rouge. LA Info 205/ 849·7886 3/ 4-6 Dragbike! Nat'l C'ship Se ries 2121 San Bomardino. CA Info 7141261·6116 2127·28 4/9 ·10 4/16·17 4123·24 5/14·15 Miami. FL Atlanta. GA tcs Angeles. CA Dalla•• TJ( Syracuse. NY 5/2 2 Sacramento. CA 5128·29 Marion. OH 6118·19 . 8yron. IL 6125·26 Fremont, CA 711 6·17 Spokane. WA 8/ 6·7 C ordova. IL 8/ 19·20 Albany. NY 9/3-4 TBA 9/ 17-18 C incinn OH ati. 9124·25 Bradenton. FL 10/ 8·9 Phoenix. AI. 10/1 5·16 Los Angeles. CA 10/ 29·30 WPalm Boach. FL 11/18 ·20 G ainesville. FL Info 3151735·1661 AMRA Nat'l Drag Race Series 5/14-15 Colonial Beaeh, VA 6/ 18-19 Union Grove. WI 712·3 Henb IA elt, 7123·24 Cincinnati. OH 8/9 -11 Sturgis. SO 9/17 -18 Kokomo. IN 10/8 ·9 NeshviUe. TN Info 3121250·0838 NETA C'ship Series 3120 Chepache~ AI Wrentham. MA 3127 5121·22 Me riden. CT 7124 Wrentham. MA• · 8/ 14 Wrentham. MA 9/11 Ossipee. NH 9/18 Me riden. CT 1012 (Anway. NH 10/ 16 Chepachet. RI Info 401/421 ·6929 NETRA C'ship Enduro Series 2121 5/15 6/5 6/ 19 8/1 4 8/21 9/ 11 9/2 5 1012 10/9 10/ 30 12/4 Stafford. CT Somers. CT Wrentham. MA Wanen. MA O unbanan. NH O xford. M A Windsor. MA W. Greenwich. RI Chester. CT Stafford. CT Adams. MA Marlborough. CT NETRA C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 5129 6126 W. Greenwich. RI New L ondon. CT Inlo 8t 7l433·5587 CMC/Dodge Truck Go Jden State Nat" MX Series AFM North Road Race Series 3126·27 4/ 16·17 5/21 -22 6/19 7/23·24 8121 9/ 11 10123 Info 415/327· 0908 Sears Paint, CA Sears Paint, CA Sea" Paint, CA Sea" Paint, CA Sears Pcim. C A Sears Paint, C A Sears Point. CA Sea" Point. CA AFM South Road Race Series 4/2 -3 5128·29 6125·26 7118 8113 9/ 3·4 Info 818/ 963·8616 R iverside. CA Phoenix. AI. Riverside. CA Phoanix. AI. Phoenix. AI. Phoenix. A1 th_ _ ENTA~S SUN APRIL 1O • • ITAlIllftG I"OI/TIOfII OPEl< FEBRUARY 22 ENTRIES CLost: MARet 28 TlII III," llt I'l' r

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