Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~ RACING * * L.A. vs. Bay Area vs. Central California ® Co -S po ns o red by YAMAHA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Stock -- Modified Classes 00 00 * 30% Trophies " Nov., Exp. & Womens Classes • Ages 12 & Upl ~ ........ Ga tes Ope n P ractice Racing 10 a.m. 11 a.m, Noon Admission Entry Fee Membership FREE $20,00 $20.00 C HAMPIONSHIP EVENTS SRE Info: (80S) 871-7055 World C'ship Road Race Series A ll Classes Will Be Decided By W ei ght A nd Skill Levels. Directions from L.A. or Ba y Area: 3/ 27 4/ 10 4/24 5/1 5/22 5/29 . 6/12 6/ 25 101 to Oxnard . Take Victoria exit sout h to Gonzalez Av enue west to Harbor and fo llow road 'A mile to Karting Recreati on Center. A'TVrrr . MUS1~MG lR~CKS AL OPENING "'O~OCROSS GRAND May 14th $ & 15th, 1988 • ~.~~2~? ,. Prizes For more details call (7 13) 488-8563 Alvin, Texas (South of Houston) or (71 3) 3 37-41 3 6 Pre-Registration fees: Amateur: $30.00 - Expert: $50.00 Deadline for Pre·Registration: Fr iday. May 6. 198 8 Race Day Registration: Am a te u r: $45.00 • Expert: $75.00 Prac tice Friday M ay 13. 9 a.m , - 3 p .m. TOYOTA YAMAHA • ~E ~d1'..., £"",..".."_ .•_ '~ • .. .. . ~ ROSA~I'lNn. C.Al.rFC)R~ • . MUSTANG TRACKS • . :. .. 00: L.-_ _ C RC Info 805-272-8889_ _--' ' SANDHILL MOTOCROSS Cheste rfield, SC Rider's School . Si t Open Proeli.. . Sun. (409) 776-8898 Race With The Best Feb. 21 Glen Helen Pa ril GSN Final Ro u nd Mar. 6 Mar. 13 Pe rri s Ra cew a y Ba rona Oaks '- CA ( 71 4) 261-6116 ....J ~::11 April 16 - 17 Se.... Point 1134 Craoe St #216 (8 181 983 ·867 6 lIenlo Plrk. CA 9402 5 (4 15 1327 ·0 90 8 ~::.~, FEBRUARY 28, 1988 ~~ .' 4Jf ..< .. ~\ , . ., :.~ ~...... All Regular Classes plus 3 & 4 Wh eelers Practi ce 9 :00 Race 10:30 Information: (8 0 3) 623-2036 NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES 3rd Annu al La e a-r'l£'ta e ta4Ju :March 19 En se n ad a to S a n Felip e ~ N",A • MATlOriAl MO TOSPORT ASSOCIATION MINICYCl E MOTORCYCLE M OTOCROSS N ATI O N A L & R E G I O N A CT IV IT IES World C 'ship Endurance Road Race Series 4/2·3 5/29 712·3 7131 8/13 ·14 9/11 5/15 6/4 6/2 3 1/3 711 0 7117 7130 9/4 9/2 5 4/3 4/10 4/30 5/8 712·3 8/28 9/ 4 9/1 1 9/25 10/2 france Engllnd Austria Japan Belgium Spain Jlpan Isle af Man 'H onand Ponugal na" Finland N keland . nlly England England Italay Hungary W Germany . Austria Ja pan France Portugal Australia New Zealand ~ 100% Pro Pa y EVERY SATURDAY! No lIem bership Required • Giles Open: 8:00 1m For Inlo: (619) 727· 1171 or (619)484-1441 or write 30 49 Laurel Canyon R o ad Studio C rtv. CA 9' 604 Racing Enterprises Spain Engllnd Ireland lw:emburg West Germany Austria france Belgi m u naly Sweden Finland Poland International Six-Days Enduro 9/6 ·12 France AMA/Camel Pro Series 3/6 5/15 5/22 6/4 Daytona 801Ch. fl RR A tllnta. GA RR SanJose. CA M louisv . KY HM ille loudon. NH RR Elldlart lake, WI RR Parkersburg. WV HM DuOuoin. Il M lexington. OH RH Peori . Il IT a Sonoma. CA RH Springfield, Il M 6/19 6/26 7/1 6 7/2 4 8/7 8/2 1 8/28 9/4 SJf'CUS'. NY M 9/ 11 9/24 Glrdena. CA HM 10/1 SlCram.nto. CA M Schedule subject to change Info 614/891·2425 AMA Nat'l C'ship D irt Track Series 3/5 Daytona Beach. fl ST600 4/ 10 Woodllocl<. SA ST 600 Sacram.nto. CA M SNC 4/16 4/23 CA IT 600 4/30 Phoenix. ta HM 600 5/7 HM GNC 5/14 Callio Rock. WA IT 600 5/22 • SanJose. CA M GNC 5/28 Springlield. Il ST 600 5/29 Springfi.ld. Il MGNC/600 6/4 • louisville. KY HM GNC 6/12 Peoria. Il IT 600 Hinsdlle. Il ST600 6/2 4 6/25 Ilma OH HM GNC/6 00 713 M iddletown. NY HM SNC 719 H.gerstown. MD HM SNC/ 600 7115 Parke"burg. WV HM600 7116 • Park.rsburg. WV HM GNC 7124 • OuOuoin. Il MGNC 8/6 Ashland. DHHM 600 8/1 2 Sturgis. SO ST 600 8/14 • Peorla.ll IT GNC 8/20 Hamburg. NY H GNC M 8/ 27 Indianapolis. INM GNC 8/ 28 lndienapclis, IN M SNC/600 9/3 . Springfield Il ST 600 . 9/4 • Sprin gfield. Il M GNC 9/1 1 • Syracuse NY M SNC . 9/18 Hlilt!rstown. MD HM SNC/ 600 9/24 • Sordena. CA HM SNC 10/1 • Sacram.nto, CA MGNC 10/15 Mosquit•. TX HM 600 • Indiat!s Camel ProSeries event Schedule subject to change Info 614/ 891·2425 4117 4/24 5/1 5/15 5/29 6/ 5 6/1 9 6/26 7/24 8/7 8114 8/28 3/ 6 D aytonl BelCh. Fl 5/15 A llanta. SA 6/19 loudon. NH 6/2 6 Elldllrt laka. WI 7/1 0 Monterey. CA 817 lexington.OH ma. 8/28 Sono CA Schedule subject 10change Info 614/89 1·2425 . France Spain nl" Czechoslovakia E ngland Belgium W. Germany Yugoslavia UNADILlA NY V enezuela A rgent na i Sweden World C'ship 500cc MX Series 4124 (2 1 3 1 868 ·B1 1 2 Portugal Czechoslovakia W. Germany Ireland Franc e Finland SWl121lrt.nd 3/6 3/20 3/26 4/1 7 4/24 5/29 6/5 6/ 12 7117 8/ 21 8/2 8 9/ 11 AMA Nat" C'sh ip Road Race Series 4/ 17 N ORWA LK. CA 90650 n." Belgium Holland Austria Spain World C'ship Observed Trials Series W orl d C'ship 250cc MX Series P.O . BOX 46 CARLSBAD RACEWAY MOTOCROSS ~ 4/ 3 4/1 0 4/17 5/1 5/8 5/1 5 5/2 9 6/1 2 6/26 713 8/1 4 8/28 SANOTIONS MEMBERSHIPS CONTACT NMA CALL TO ENTE R (2 13) 464- 5720 30 Brazil Argentina World C 'ship 1 25cc MX Series 200% Payback Pro Classes <"'I::~ ------- Czechoslovakia World C'ship Superbike Road Race Series Henderson, Texas March 5 & 6 Sun. Feb. 21 Supercross LA County Raceway Su.. Feb. 28 MXLA County Raceway Sun. Mar. 6 GP Sunrise Valley Sun Mar. 13 MX LA County Raceway every Second Sunday - LA County Rac eway . Oak Hill Raceway ATV CLASSES AT ALL EVENTS •• OPEN PRAcnCE •• 9 a m to 2 pm Every S.1 - LA County R.cewaY' , VI NTAGE RACI NG' : 8128 9/11 9/17 Race Series _ CALIFORNIA RACE SCHEDULE eRe 0 8/7 8/14 TT Formula Road . ' 7/3 7I t7 7124 Japan LAGUNA SECA.CA Po rtug. 1 naly W. Gormany Austri. Hollind Belgium Y ugoslavia France E nglend Sweden World C 'ship P .O. Box 57925 Webste r. TX n598 What is your'problem? Tell it to the editor write him a letter. ~ - ,~ NATiON Calendar listi n gs are a fre e servic e for Cycle News read ers and race pr omoters. All inf orm at ion is th e r esponsibility of the promoter. Calendar listings cannot be accepted over the phone. w e must have a com ple te ca lendar list ing form on f ile . Listings must be rece ived by Wednesday for publ ication in th e fo llowing we ek 's is su e. We strongly suggest racers/spectators call the pr omo t er / tra ck to co n fir m details before traveling to an eve nt . 5/ 8 5/15 6/ 5 6/1 2 6/26 7110 U t7 7/24 817 8/ 14 Aust ia r SwiUerland Swe den Finland W Germany . Itlly HOlliSTER. CA Engl.nd Holl nd a San Marino Belgium luxem bourg M ot ocross des Nations 9/11 france AMA Nat" C'sh ip Enduro Series 2/ 21 3/1 3 4/9 4/24 5/1 5/29 7117 7/24 8121 9125 10/ 30 11 / 6 Info 614/ 891·2425 New Idri~ CA Mueys. SA Seor getown. CA Twain Hart. CA Ro"llwn. IN McArthur. O H Dol N , CO orte Blain, PA Moorestown. MJ Greenwich. RI For st Hill. LA e Morrison. II AMA Nat'l C 'ship Hare Scrambles Series 2/ 28 Pllnt C . fl ity Hurricane Mills.TN 3/27 4/10 Cadiz. KY 4/17 RaddTng. CA 5/8 TBA 5/15 Brute10n Mills. WV 6/ 12 8.lIevue.10 7/10 Walden. CO 9/18 lynville IN . 10/2 Nowata. OK 10/9 M illvill•• MN 10/16 Hookstown. PA Info 614/891·2425 AMA Nat'l C'ship Hare & Hound Series 3/20 Searehlite. NY 9/18 erlig. CO 10/9 Reno. NV 10/ 30 Wick enborg. P;z Info 614/891·2425 AMA Nat'l Reliability Trials Qualifier Series 5/20·22 R City. MI ose 6/4-7 Idaho City. 10 6/25·26 Ylmhlli. OR Addition.1 e'lIOU to be scheduled Info 614/891 ·2425 AMA/NATC Nat'l C'ship Observed Trials Series 4/16 Plmpa. TX 4/17 Pimp.. TX 4/23 AlbUqtllf1lU8. NM 4/24 Westminster. CD 5/28 Winchester. TN 5/3D Winchester. TN 712 · Spok WA .... 714 Portland. OR Info 614/891·2425 AMA 125/250cc Nat'l C'ship MX Series 2/28 Gainesville. Fl 3/13 Anderson. SC 3/27 Sacramen CA to. 5/1 Axton. VA 5/22 Southwick. MA 5/29 M Morris. PA I. Tentative Info 614/891·2425 AMA 125/500cc Nat'l C'ship MX Series 6/5 San Antonio. TX 713 Buchane MI n, 7110 Binghampton. NY 7131 Troy. OH 8/14 M illville. MN WlIShOUllILWA 8/28 Tentative Info 614/89 1·2425 AMA C'ship Supercross Series 3/5 Dlytona. fl 4/ 9-10 Pontile. M I 4/16 Dallas. TX 4/23 TI mpa. fl 5/1 4 ER . othertord. NJ Info 614/ 891·2425 AMA /Wisecol Suzuki Grand Nat'l Cross Country Series 3/6 Sanford. NC N ashvill•• TN 3/27 4/ 17 Brownsvill•. PA 5/ 1 Tarentum. PA 5/15 Beckley. WV 6/19 Da WJ vis. 9/11 Ma riena.OH 10/2 M Morris. PA t. 10/1 6 Hookstown. PA 10/ 30 Tarentum. PA Info 614/89 1·2425 AMA /CCS EBC .. Brakes Endurance RR Challenge 2/ 28 O.yton.Beach. fl 5/1 4 Bras. lton. SA 6/16 loudon. NH 6/25 Elkh laka. WI .rt 8/ S lexington. DH l 9/10 Taliidega. A Sonoml. CA 10/1 10/29 O.ytonl Beoth. Fl Info 704/684-4297

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