Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1988 02 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TRACKS NORT HEAST AREA QUALIF IERS Mar . 19·20 Mar. 26-27 Ap r. g·10 Apr . 30IMay 1 May 28-29 Jun . 4·5 ROCKY A IDG E. lm pe fl a r. Pot.•. ...••. ..••. . (4 12) T9&- 1667 C MD .••••...•. 130 11 "7~2000 POTO MAC MX. Buc:l J 5 MI D-ATLA Nnc MX. Aqua sco . MD .•...•... 13(1) 354·2525 Cr"". THE CHAllE NGER, Ho me ' Cit y, PA •• _.• .• (412) 726-!>l95 DIRT TRACK IN~ Mooera . NY •.•••••••.•. (:518) 2,36.7897 HIDEAWAY MX. Sh 'PpetlSburg. PA • .• .•• . • (71n 42J.6653 NORTHEAST YOUTH REGIONAL J un . 18-19 BROOME·TtOC A" B.ngham pI 0n. Ny .•••.. (601)fW8.4997 NORTHEAST AMA TEUR REGIONAL J un. ~26 STEEL CITY Detmonl. PA . . . • •. • •• ••• . (3041594- 115 7 0') SOUTHEAST AREA QUALIFIERS Mar. 26-27 Apr 2·3 Apr . 9-10 Apr 1&-17 May 7-8 May 26-29 Jun . 4-5 00 00 VICT ORY SPORTS, Blo unh' ll l• • TN .•••.•.. (&1St323-Sot97 WHrTE OA K, Freeseuckbu rg . VA •••••• • •• • • (703) 373-0890 SA NDHILl, Ch"lttrheld. SC .... .. ..• ..... 1803 16n-2036 SECESSION iii X. Anderson . SC ••.• . .• .•.• 18031 296-5983 GATORBACK.,Gal,,"wille . FL •.••.•.•..•• (813) 822-8929 HELL HOLECREEK, Leeswil... SC.•••.••• 1 803l532· n e s SUCA R TREE. A_Ion . VA . •..• .•..•..•••. (703l 650- JQ30 ...-I SOUTHEAST YOUTH REGIONAL ROLL ING HILLS, Re1 ds Vanson Leathers has two new racing suits , the Classic Racer and the Daytona, featuring double leather at shoulders, elbows and knees , preshaped knees , all brass hardware, two way snap back collar and elasticized back panel for action fit. The Classic Ra cer is an all black suit with heavyd ut y full rayon lining and perforated und era rm venting and has a retail price of $469.00. The Daytona has the sa me features as the Racer , only with a red inlay design with white ' trim. All suits are available in even sizes 34·50 and come with a one-year warranty against defects. For more information contact Vanson Leathers, Dept. CN , 58 Thayer St. , Boston, MA 02118, 617/426-3907. Ne (Q19)342~492 SOUTHEAST AM ATEUR REGION AL DEVIL"S RIDG E. San ford. Ne Jun. 18-19 (919) 776-1767 MIO EAST AREA QUALIFIERS Apr . 16-17 Apr. 23-24 May 7-8 May '4·15 May 21·22 May 29-30 Jun, 4·5 MORELAND S MI.. Sl an lon. MI •.•••. •••• ,. (511) 235-4105 EASTERN KY MX. Eas ter n. KY ••. ••..• ..• . (6OSl2!J!t. 308 9 MOTO SPOAT T AAILS. MIllport . OM • .• • ••• . (218)821·2966 C.O.C.R.. SltQar Grove. Oh . . .• . • .. . .. . • . . . ra 14) 237·35' 1 WESTERN KY T A. AlDERS, CoIdIZ. KY . • . . . . l502l522-6624 KNOBBY HIL l, HOrlonvill e. TN , •. ,. , • ..• . (3 17) 758-6200 IRON M USTAN OS. Brighton, MI .•. .. . ..•. . (3 13) ~· 5640 Jun . 25-26 C & 5 SPORTS , Terr e Ha ute . IN .• .•. " . •. . . (812)894-2708 MID EAST YOUTH REGIONAL MIO EAST AMATEUR REGIONAL J un , 18·19 RED BUD. Buchan an. MI • .•. ..•.. .•. . .. , (6 16) 695-6405 SOUTH CENTRA L AREA QUA LIFIERS Mar. 19·20 Maf . 26·27 Apr . 16·1] Apf . 23·24 Apr , 30IMay 1 May 7-8 SWAN MX. Tyle r. TX •• ••• , •..•••••••.. , .. (214) 882"'21 5 SOUTH 40, C, aln, TX • . . .•• , ..•••....•..• (915)558·3981 CAM EL BA CK, Pine Blu « , AR . . • . . . • . •. . . (50 1)879- 1404 RIVERSID E M lt. Wat son . LA • ..... ... ... . . (5041664 ·4297 GOOD TIMES, Sa n Antonio . TX . ....•..... . (512)870-821 1 MESA RAC ewAY. Mesa . TX ....••... .•.. . (801)851·2235 SOUTH CENTRAL YOUTH/AMATEUR REGIONAL M . ~ :za.~ GOOD TIMES. san An lo n lO. TX..•••..••.•• (512) 870-8211 WEST CENTRAL AREA QUALI FIERS May 10$.15 Ma y 21·22 June, 4·5 Ju n . " ·12 UINTA H BASl N. Rosew .-UT •••....••. ..• (80 11756-9723 ell CARB ON EMERY Me. Pnc e. UT . .•....•..• (80 11758-9723 80 GREEN RIVER Me. Rock sptlngs. WY •..... 1 11756-9723 WESTE RN WYOMING MC. bansl on . WY •.. 1 11756-9 723 80 WEST CENTRAL YOUTH/ AMATEUR REGIONAL HAPPYVAUEY MC. ~pan i .h FOlk. UT ..•. ,8011576-9723 Ju l. 2·3 NORTH CENTRAL AREA QUALIFERS APf. 23-24 Apr . 30IM ay 1 May 21·22 Ma y 28·29 MOTO PRO CYCLE, SI Paul,MN •.•••.•.• (612) 228-0959 LINCOLNTRAIL, Ca SlltY. IL (2 11)9 32.2001 1 MX PARENTS., Columbi a. MO ..••.•••••••. 13141896 ·5561 PAUL BUNYON SKIiREe. L.akewoocl. WI ••. (7151278-7865 NORTH CENTRAL AMATEUR REGIONAL Jun . ~26 MOTO SPORTS, BY'on. IL . . . . . . . . . . . { 151234· 2211 8 NORTH CENTRAL YOUTH REGIONAL MID WAY. Kellogg. MN .•.......•.•..... (5011534·2!A 1 NORTHW EST YOUTH/AMATEUR REGIO NAL ONLY Ma y 28 Champion J ewelry's "T he Winner" ring for men and wom en is made of genuine 14K go ld E.P . with a 10 pt . cubic zirco n ia and available in sizes 7-13 for a sug gested retail price of $98.00. For more information contact Champion J ewelry, Dept. CN, P.O. Box 417-Q, Long Beach, CA 90801,21 3/ 592-2025. REGIONAL ONLY RIDERS - Se entries now • Complete instructon package returned. nd i . PRE ENTRY DEADLINE POSTMARK. See Evenl ' ENTRY FEE $20 PER CLASS ' POST ENTRIES 510 MORE AT TRACK SEND CH ECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: MX SPORTS. P.O. BOX 6954. TO LEDO. OHIO 43612 MASTERCARD & VISAONLY-CA LL 1 419) 478'1836 ' 51.00 SERVICE CHARGE An additional signup fee per class and gateadmission will be charged by the race tracks. INFORMATION: (419) 478' 5386 ENTRIES /1 304) 594·11S7GENERAL PN.A ,CICITTI EXPIRES CAN B£ PURCHAS£D AT TRACk CD Me).VA NAME ADDRESS CD CIIIIJ (I T T I ) UI:EIIIJJ CD rnrn CD UTI ITO TOW N liP STATE PHONE BIRTH DATE AGE lolO DESIRED QUALIFIER TRACK DAY Y' BIKE BRAND BIKE NUMBER _ WASHOUGAL, WUhougat WA •• (PE-May 131(206)56&--3235 SOUTH WEST YOUTH/AMATEUR REGIONAL ON LY Jul . 2·3 HOLLISTER HLS. M hst &r CA .. (PE·Jun 17) (n51829- 1410 ol . KtnT Cear ~~ ClASSES: You ma y ent er a tota l of 4 cla sses at the Area and Regional levels, but must choose onl y 2 classes to " de at Nat iona l Final . AMATEUR A & B/ PlUS 2S/ SENIOR YOUTH/AM ATEUR C/WOMEN 1. 0 125 A Slock 7. 0 250 B Siock 14. 0 51 Slock Aul m (4'8) o alic 8. 0 250 8. Mod. 2. 0 125 A Mod. 15. 0 6SStOCk (7-11) 3. 0 125 8 Stock 9. 0 Open A 16. 0 as Siock (7-11) 4. 0 125 8 Mod. 10. 0 Open 8/ C 17. 0 as Slock (12-13) 5. D250 AStock 18. 0 85 Mod. 19,13) 11. o Plus 25 . 19. 0 85 St ck (14,15) o 6. 0 250A Mod. 12. 0 SR Pl s 30 u 13. 0 SR Pl s 40 u 20. 0 85 Mod. (14' 15) 1987 AMA & NMA Nallon,l ride.. placing in lop 21 . 0 125 StOCk (12'15)" 5 of B Dr Inlermedl3te classes ride A classe• • 22. 0 125 Mod. (12,15)' An Criderwho qu,lIIied 10ride,llhe1sa7 N, y 23. 0 125C Novice StOCk tlonal Final mustride B. Ridersmusl rtde11the 1 24. 0 125 C Novice Mod. highe.1 r,nkld cia.. (A. B or Cllhll they cur25. 0 250 C Novice Stock renlty ride In their loal afel. Pra--Am riders 26. 0 250 C Novice Mod . qualifying lor ~N,lIonal or Superuo .. final, 27. 0 women 1 25cc) D-1 mustrideA Modilled. 61ftdud Su,.-Mlnl .. KAL-GARD RIDERS TAKE FIRST AND SECOND! Ancra Lites a nd An cra Brites tiedowns feature a cam buckle tensione r, one- inc h nylon webb in g, a vin yl-coated hook to protect handlebars and a zinc-p la ted hook to redu ce corros ion. An cra Lites are availab le in red , black and dark blue webbing co lo rs, wh ile th e Ancra Brites are avail able in ra dical hotpink, or ange or aq ua blue. Avail abl e from your local deal er , or for more informati on con tac t Ancra Internati onal , Dept. CN , 4880 W. Rosecra n s Ave. , Hawthorne, CA 90250,213/973-5000. • Kal-Gard rider Jon Mccabe took the Open Pro title in the Florida Winter MJ( Series, while Mike Healey took second overall in the 12Scc class at the Golden State Nationals. Both riders had consistent finishes and lubrication from Kal-Gard's Competition 2. Congratulationsto both! [K 8R j . UG O Kal-Gard is t he official lubricant supplierforthe Cagiva North American motocross support program . 21

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