Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Wanted : '72 XR750 Alloy H.D. Engin e or complete bike. Consider most any conditi on, pre 1974. Call w ith deta ils, (2061 675 7744 alter 8:30 Sean le time. (333 ·3 7) ** ******Hodaka Parts*** * * * ** Join Sh ipped ANYWHERE UPS. 24 hour answering mach in e. We'll call you back! PHILIPPE SERVICES, (714 ) ,5 82·8332. (237ITFN) ~. ~. ......-'" ~AN'S HONDA/YAMAHA ~"'.(. Fairing Screen Gustafsson "'" . ry < , 'Toom ey Racing RZ350 Pipes First f ate quality. Order the best today! Complete kit includes: pipe. special Toomey Racing airbox . aluminum battery box. perf ect j ening kit and in str ucti ons. $395 compl ete . Visa /Mel Am Exi COD, TOOMEY RACING USA. (2 13) 539 -6542. As k for our new catalog of speci al pans. (236 /PI TFN) Replacement and custom screens for over 500 fair ing mod els. Clear and tinted . Give us a call or wr ite : FAIRING SCREEN GUSTAFSSON, P,O, Box 3567, St Augustine, FL 32085-3567, (904 ) 824 2119. Visa/MC accepted. Dealer inqurie s w elcome. (23 7/ TFN) Competition SupportDiscount Program!! I$]''' BIMOTA DB1 DUCATI. Ducati 750 ef'lgine, 350 Ib, dry weight. The ultimate flashbike. AGVHELMETS New styles and colo~. induding X900 KevJar and replica styles . Parting Out 600 Ninja 1986 model , blue & wh ite color, has good motor. inst ru ment s, rear wh eel & brake. Lots of other good part s, (303) 973 -2595. (136 -37) SIDI BOOTS . CA SH PAID FOR USED MOTORCYCLES . BARB ER HONDA, "Ventura. (805) 642 0276. (236 -37) ~vai lable in Corsa and Spencer road race styles .. New Autostrada sport tou ring .boot only 5991 197B Ducati 900SD Darmah Boots At A Bargain Perfect Ducatill Call (408) 462 -0787 alter 5 , pm, (336-37 ) Vendr am ini MX boots . All sizes avail able. $39 .95 . Avoid COD - use Visa/MC. BLACK HILLS MC, ATV Parts & Acc essories. (605 ) 342 -9362. (336 -37 ) / .~., ~ .~ Sport Bikes For $1 .00 A ll 1986 FJ1200 and FZ750s fo r only $1.00 over dealer cost. W e can shi p anyw here. Price plu s dealer prep and fr eight . Call Dave at NEVA DA YAMAHA. (702) 384-2353. (237- 3B) 0:~ ~~ . h IIl!'plm .Sn\!t 1987 CR250 Honda Only on e hou r on bike. Never laid down. Mu st sell. (602 ) 782 -7588 ask for Jimmy. (337-38 ) Speedy Gonzales Ducati b 1987 Harris Ducat i with Marvic whe els. M iche li n radial tir es. NCR. Brembo. M 1R. Price varies w ith engine option . Complete wi th gearing and jetting. 3rd place G,P, championship, Call (305) 325 -0775 John Long. (337- 38) • MBA 125 Roadracer 7563 'NDIANA ..RIVERSIDE, CA USN (724) 687-2300 r -, THE MORE YOU LOOK THE MORE YOU LIKE! ~ " 19B5 RZSOON: LIKE NEW, 1500 mi les. M ich igan title and registra tion . Str eet ridd en onlv . $3500. (313) 427 -0218 eveslw kdays only , (3 t 3) 39 1~ 3 1 4 6 wk ends, (336-37) 'L BUYIIIIi OR . SB.UNG••• j CUS TOM LEATHERS lettering. Repairs. Cleaning , Free Catalog . Kawasakis At Dealer Cost 1986 Kawa saki Concours . $4159; 1986 Kaw asaki Voyager 12, $5895; 1987 Kaw asaki Voyager 12 and 1987 Kawasak i ZL1000, call for pr ices. KAWTOWN KAWASAKI, Danville, IL. (217) 4431110, (336 -37) lOU'S ICO Odometer/Speedometer Join Ter ry Cunnin gham and man y othe r t op r iders _ who w in w ith th is hi-tech instrument. Compl ete kit wi th mounting brackets and full inst r ucti ons for all bikes. just $159.95 , Visa/MC.ICO, Box 430, Bayou -L acombe, LA 70445 . (80 0) 33 1 0470. (237/ PITFN) 1986 ATK 560 Rotax Excell ent 1567, conditi on , $3400, (7 14) 98 5 (136 -37) I ~ATUERS Excell ent conditi onI 6300 miles . or iginal chrome in perfect condition. A lwa ys garaged. $1ooo/OBO. (303)772 -7884. (136-37) BARK BUSTERS now $39.95! Includes free KTM mounting kit HARLEY-DAVIDSON CAFE RACER: 1978 XLCR. Clean, good cond ition, $2800 firm . (2 13) 381 579B , (336 -37) The or igin al. and still th e best, is now priced lower than ever. Our proven design . used by both Team HUSKY and Team KTM. is -the strongest and most narrow avail able. Treat your hands to t he best . Visa/MC. ICO. Box 430, Bayou Lacomb e, LA 70445. (8oo) 331 -0470. (237/ P/ TFN) 300 Pock Pike Rd.• Oopt. CN Elkhorn, IY 42733 (606) 787-5029 LUU" :.:~:::;. ~ "''''I', L- . P.O. 80.130 • Alto., VA 25054-0 130 (703) 650-3030------------.J PIPE PROTECTORS 19B5 FZ750 : FALICON, CARRILLO, Wis eco, kit tran sm ission an d oil sys t em . Perf orm anc e M achine wheels. brakes, SuperTrapp and ' more. Pl u s sto ck parts . $3995 . (60 8 ) 845 -5018 Phil. (136- 37) The Banzai Bros. "PIPE SKID " (213) 256-4922 , Watch Hannah. Lechien , Dymond. Joh nso n w in Southwick and Mt. Morri sl 1" hrs. long . New h Video - Denver. M illvill e rated excellen t! $29.95 each, Call (816 )532·0244 or wr ite ACTION VIDEO, Rt. 1 Box 271 H, Smit hville, MO 64089 . (137 / P) SUNNYSLOPE HONDA Don 't Get Left In The Dust PSI Power Performs Our HOT PIPESare Red Hot and ready to EXPLODE YOU TO THE FIRST TURNI PSI's well re nowned pipe and engine specia lists are again offering fi rst rat e quality and per fo rm an ce fo r 1987. PSI products w ork. look great and fit r ight " Pipe availa ble for all 1983·87 MX models . 2-stroke ATVs and Quads too. PSI pipes from $139 to s149. Pow er boost porting, $150. Head modifications. $35;/E ngi ne modif ications are custo m designed and built to your specific ridi ng abil ities and needs . PSI. Phase II. DMC and Answer sile ncers, $49 · $56; Soyesen reeds. pow er reed boosters and reed cages also availab le. Prices vary with model and size. Same day UPSI Dealers w elcome . PSI. Inc.• Rt 2, Box 30 9, Wild Rose, WI 54984. (414) 78 7243 0 , (237 /P/TFN) WA NTED: RZlRZV500 & SUZUKI GAMMA 500 wrecks. For sale: new and used part s for 'above models and othe r exoti cs. Please call (2 13) 530 · . (336-37) , 6568 alter 7 pm PDT. Totll Suspension Service/Forks Ind Shocks R.. oI d and Seniced For CR ondXR's/Cylinde, .. 's Boring /Cr. nk Rebuild i ng/Facto ry Tr ai ned --Work' GUlrante.d n.ick Tumaro .nd UPS PU .. 006..., 1-602-944-2639 9017 N. Ca.o Creak Phoonis. AI. ~. ' ::;:;.~. _a.\~STS~/)i- 1!. ~YAMAHA . ,.<>G" A'" WE CAN7 8E 8EAT!!! 4~~:':~~~,·G~H~80'59v Faat Serv ice · UPS Daily BEST PlrIClSON illES \ 8m PitaS ONPARTS ForComplete """""iItiofI 0. All SdIools & SchHuIes Write,Or ~II loU, P.O .1Iu 130. Astaa. VA241154-0130 (703) 650-3030 TOO TECH RACING rebuilds/ rev alv es the same Honda suspen sio ns that w e race every week. To eli mi nat e sideway s kick and fade. call : Rick Johnson 1 93 3 3 Sturgess Dr.. Torr ance, CA 90503 (213 ) 371-3887 "Se rvice While U Wait" ~~ C8 ~ . . Pick up and Delivery Service Available ~ • Calif IIt& ' • Ar A T LAST Straigldni.. Sptellll Frame' I nd Wheel Algnm i ent ,ool:ln rely on Wlh user l ... ~ 8614 Argent # B Santee, CA 92071 ~ (619) 449-' 17F -1mB'l Kawasaki= Largest JZ suppul1 dealership in Nol1hern Ohio. .. ~:"'\ • DAILY UPS SHIPPING eCOMPLETE PARTSAND ACCESSORIES INVEHT ORY (404) 944-0984 BEST PRIC[$ 01 SERVICE . W Y PRIC£S 0.. ACCESSOIIES Pennsylvania Dealer BLOCK ER ENTERPRISES - Yamaha, Harle,- Davidson. PA's largesl 1elm Y amaha Center. Discounts to Team riders. Complete H-D clothing. access. & pl m inventory. Co ete ma mpl chine shop service. Open GARY BAILEY. MOTOCROSS SCHOOL HONDA SHOCK SPECIALIST. Eagle Rock. CA 90041 . Sunda y 27th Sept , 1987. The "R EAL Roadracing School" at Tall adega GPR, Al abama. 4 hou r tr ack ti me. Me ets WERA requ irements. Open pract ice sessions Saturday &. Sund ay. Practice only (215 ) 362 -7010 days , School inf o (803) 524-5337 eveni ngs. (136 -37 ) ON YOUR IlARIlET WITHTHEWANT ADS Order you r Cycle News Want Ads Today. Call (213) 427·7433 in the Wes te rn U.S , or (404) 934-7B50 in the Eas tern U.S. Right Now!! GARY SAII.EY • BANZAI BROS, RACING INC. P.O. Box 414 57 Ed Bargy Racing School ~(GJ LEARN FROM THE PROFESSOR OF MOTOCROSS, TrainineV'H1eos, Ti~ & Techaiques IleHficill ForAll Off Road Ricers! '76 CB400F Hon SuperSport Pro National Videos 301 Jacksonville Road Hatboro: PA 19040 1-800-523-2522 lIn PA Call 12151 672-91001 "See Us Before You Buy" HUSKY 175 MOTOR, COMPLETELY REBUILT. 1976 175 cc Husky moto r. new cran k, piston, clutch , etc. $275 . Call (9 16) 655-1556. (236-37) ~8 7 COSMOPOlITAN MOTORS . F1n.ncIn& & Inour.nee Anllable The fastest 125 in the U.S. Curr ent WERA # 1. Loads of spares, 3 sets of cyl inders. 7 cylind ers; 3 fairings. slicks and inte rmediates . Want t o be Nat ion al Ch am p? J u st ca ll (4 14 ) 682 -8 115 Greg. (336- 37) *****Madness #1 ***** Dare-Devil s vidoa. Motorcycle and Truck Ramp to Ramp att empt s. Crash ing ...I mpossi ble Featsll Globe of Death :..Jet Carsll One hour of EXPLOSIONS & HORRIFYING EXCITEMENTII $22.95 ppd. WOLF STUNTS, 527 N, Azusa Ave, #275, Covina, CA 9 1722. Per sonal checks and deal er inquiries welcome, (237 /P) 40 PAGE CATALOG - 51 #1 IN THE NATION FOR A GOOD REASON M on. ~S at Largest cii -- , I....=ANDREWSI suppol1 dealershipin HONDA. e DAILY UPS SHIPPING Nol1hern Ohio. • COMPLETEPARTSAND ACCESSO RIESINVENTORY Rl 248. PanyYille. PA 18244. (215) 317-0440. UPS dail, . Visa .. MIC accoptod 53

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