Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1987 RS250 HONDA: well maintained. never crashed. Flat slide Mikunis. spare rear wheel. (716) 694-7923 evenings. (137- 38 ) LOCKHART OIL COOLER. new. Honda 500 Interceptor. $100. Even ings (904) 48 13322. (137) Dirt Trackers For Sale Yamaha l00cc. 175cc. 25Ooc. WKR bu ilt . Best offer. ROlax 500cc in a C8tJ frame. $4000. Honda 600 or 500 Knight frame. comp lete cha ssis. $2500. (13 6- 37 ) Call (41 2) 729-3963. Fast Fill Gasoline Dump Can 1984 Husky 500XC Playbike 6 -speed , good shape. Standard bore. rebuilt Ohlins. Must sell . $925. (714) 669-9391 evenings. (337) Don . 1987 Husky 430 Auto Showroom condition , only 2.1 miles on odometer. . No t ime to ride. Asking $3100. (7 14) 720-6320 day phone, (714) 777-9034 after 7 pm . As k lor Tom. (1371 RZ350 Pipes Formula 3 Roadracer 2.5 gall on. $59 .95 . 5 gallo n. $65 . Stand. $19.9 5. AMA approved. CLAIRMONT CYCLE SUPPLY. (61 9) 57 1·0155. (237/ P) M T125 R Honda: Tw o time WERA GNF w inner. Imron paint. two set s of w heels. two fairings, geari ng and m uch mo re. A lot of fu n for 8 flrtle $$ 1Only $1495. Call (4 14) 682 -8 115 Greg . (33 6 37 1 ****DPL Eurostyle**** eeAluminum Silencersee *Honda-NS400R * Suzuki- RG2 50 / 50 0 Gamma *Yamaha-RD/RZ 500 *Call Now *(415) 485-1921. . 13 hp incr ease, 20 lbs lighter than stock. wide powerband. 4 dba oyer stock. Retains side and cen t er stands. $199 includes fo ur aluminum silenc ers. R5-RD250/350/ 400 Daytona. $175 incl udes two aluminum silencer s. Kawasa ki H1/ H 1 1. $2 10 incl ud es alum inum si lencer and hardw are. Visa/MC. FACTORY PIPE PRODUCTS. 815-A Waugh Lane. Ukiah . CA 95482. (70 7) 46313 22. (237/ PITFN) Discount Honda Parts Sale! 1987 RS250R HONDA: prof essionelly main tai ned. Race ready . $6500. Call (904) 376-2637 days . (904) 375-7056 even ings. Bill . (337- 38 ) Honda pans and all accessory lin es on sale. Lowest prices . Parts shi pped UPS daily. Onl y at HONDA WEST. Tampa. FI. (813) 968-7888. For Flor ida TOll FREE '(800) 237-3599. (23 5- 37) Custom Triple Clamps Made to your measurement s. FRANK 'S RACING. (135-37 /P) (71 41 546-3494. (233ITFN) 1985 600R NINJA PARTS: rear wheel. seat. motor. rear end. All okay. Also have Fox shoc k, trick ree ds and cases for RZ350 . 1987 YSR50. Must sell all. (614) 522 -5333. (337 -381 198 5 HUSKY 250XC. $1250/080. (805) 255(335-37 ) 0383. 8imota KB-2 Laser I'm Tired Of Enduros Job Forces Retirement Cover and feature bik e. Sept '82 Cycle. Perfect origi nal cond ition. only 7500 km s. $8500. (805) 6 83- 4 36 4 day. (80 516 88- 877 8 eveni ngs. (33740 ) - But . my bike isn' t l 1986 M -Star GM250E with manye"'ras . $1800. (2011 875 -3888. (137 -38) RZ350; Blu e printed. Falican, Ohlin. RSC. Progr essive . Barn ett. etc. 2 sets glass . 3 tanks plus spar es. 2 races. $5700 inv ested . Sell $1700. (301) 987 7550. (337) 1985 KTM 500MX Large t ank. spark arres tor . Green sticker. low hours. $1650/0BO . (818) 887-0550 days . (805) 529 -5583 even ings. Ask for Ma rk . (337-38) FZR 1000 Racing Ignition Hot COl boxes. 10 %·30% performance increase . A mu st for Calif mod els. Call Dave at NEVADA (237 -38 ) YA MA HA : (7021384-2353. YSR50 Pipe Suzuki 1150s $129.95 Four new 1984 GS 1150ESE. Full fact ory warranty . Bo th colors . $3995 total ea c h . (8131 937 4267. (235-371 23% hp increase, 62 % lighter th an stock . Comes complete w it h rebu ildabl e a lum in um sile nce r, powder coat blac k hi gh glos s f inish, jening and install at ion instructions . Call or wr ite: FACTORY PIPE PRODUCTS. 816 -A Waug h Lane. Ukiah. CA 95482.(707) 463- 1322. (237/ PITFN) RZ500 Yamaha Superbike Marvic, Zan zuni , Brembo and Fox equi pped. Toom ey pip e. Keihin carbs, TZ reeds. Spec II cyl inders and heads. Kitaco glass. Light and fastl AFM 600 super street and FI legal. $4500/0BO. (9 161967- 5392. . (337) 1988 Honda CR Kit HONDA GLSOO INTERSTATE TRUNK . 81 -82 (4 36 -37) silver . (213) 422-8342. The most visua l change from '8 7 to 'S8 Honda CRs is red seat and red fork boots. Make your '87 or earlier CR look like an '88 w it h our new Honda red seat cover and red fork boots . $39.95. Seat covers for ot her models. standard grap hics, DayGlo graphics . '88 graph ics. Seat covers in Day Glo ORANGE or PINK now available. Seat cove rs sold separat ly or w ith foam . CEET PRODUCTS. (135/ PITFN) (800) 523-8205. (6 19) 727 -72 20. 1987 Can-Am ASE 406 & 200 Bot h like new. O'ring chains. suspension mods. 406-$2100. 200-$2ooo/0BO. (8 16) 43 6 -4465. (1 36-3 7) (81 6) 532-3759. *600 Hurricane Caseguards* Ca n be used w it h low er cowl. Race test ed. professi onall y crafted . Inclu des mou nt ing hardw are. Call today . CONN CYCLEWO RKS. INC. (20 3) 234-7000. (23 3ITFN) " Cust o m lacing and trui ng, · Stai nle ss stee l spokes . ' Alloy rims. BARNETT'S PRO WHEEL 23206 S. Normandie Ave . #8. Torr ance. CA 90502. (2 13) 326-0935. (137-38/P) 1 986 Husky 510 4-Stroke Eliminator 900/1000 - 4/1 Cross Country. Good con dit ion . $2100/ 0 BO.(8 18) 998-1350. (13 6 -37) 10% extra hp guarant eed. Save 22 1bs No rejen ing . . (2321PITFN) (8001 327 - 110 9 . (30 5) 785-1180. 1985 Husky 400WR Quality M/C Wheel Service r-------------------------------------------------, I WANT AD BLANK WANT AD • Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 • Prices Are For One Issue Only COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED. Ducati Desmo 450 ShortTracker . New Carlisle. Run s great. Wi th lots (137) of spares. $4 95 . (904) 622 -8198. FRIDAY 12 NOON for n ext w eek's Issue. No can ce ll at ions afte r deadli ne . Ad s are acce pted on a f irst co me fi rst serve d basis . Cycle News reserv es the ri ght to edi t copy . An y di scr epan cies mu st be reported WIthin on e w eek of publi cation to receive any adjust ment. Fill in t he Visa /M aster Charg e blank or send chec k or mon ey ord er to Cyc le News at above address . • I 213/427-7433 I WANT AD RATES • • • • • • I • ' I • /II!!PI! PRIVATE PARTY Per word $1 . 1 0 HeadJine i n bold type $10 extra Blind Box Service Charge $5 .00 Photo (No larger tha n 5.7) • • $15 extra Per word __ 45C Headline in bold type . . $5 extra Photos (No larger than 5x7) . . $7 PHOTOS RETURNED ONLYWITH SELF -ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE --'-_~--=..::;:;c.....;...=-=-=-=-c:...::..::.....::..c..:...--'-=-=~=-=--Print name, address and ad copy clearly. 1 1 ~ Signature Fazer IFZ1 000/FZ750/FZ600 _ By O&D . 4 / 2/1 extra hp /torque. (BOO) 327 -1109. (305) 785-1180. (232 /PITFN) _ 1. 1. J _, ~ Li , _~ ~ ~ ...: ~ '---l Please .flil in your complete accou nt n umber expiratIon date Please Run my ad in J.~ I and # of issues. Brand New Harley XR 1000 Never li ce nsed. Perfect condition . showroom, stoc k. $7000 non -negotiable. (206) 898-3078. Olympia, WA. (137) 1948 Vincent Series B Rapide Remember pr ices are for one issue onl y. M ake sure you enclo se eno ugh to cover addit ional Issues Name Stored over 30 years . Runs good. totally or iginal. not restored. $6500/0BO . (602) 973-2542. (3 37 - 38 ) Ci~ State 1987 CR125 & CR250. BOTH IN EXCELLENT cond it ion . U ke new . (80 513 24- 8041 . (335-3 7) Zip (Leave spaces) EXTRA CHARGE - See Want Ad rates. Want Ad minimum . $5 .00 . Bold headlines do not counttowards want ad word count. • • • • • •I I _ _ _ __ __ ' 0 _ _ ____ 6 _ --''-- _ " ,, - - -- 'J 14 '6 " ,, ' 9----' 10 " n 2J ,. " '6 " zs ?9 JO J' " JJ 34 JS _ __ __ _ _ , S I ~ Card Expires • PRINT BOLD HEADLINES HERE • CREDIT CARD LIMIT MINIMUM ' 5 .0 0 PLUS .5 0 POSTAGE.nd HANDLING (One photo per ad - Printed im ag e size limited to 1 'n" high, 2 '''''' wide.) IAdd~S I I I 36 J' 38 39 40 4' 42 41 44 4'S 46 41 48 49 • • 52 1985 CR500 Parts Wh ite Bros sh ock, new fall 19 86, $175; new FM·F pipe. never on bike. $6 5; Answer sil encer & spar k arrestor. $40 .(704) 545-6124 ask for Jim. (13 71 DEADLI NE I I Low miles . Perf ect condition. $1300. (516 ) 265 8279. Located Long Island. N.Y. (3 37-40) .sc S'_ S1 " '" I c yc le News is n~t responsible for illegible phone numbers or copy. I I I I I ( I S!l • Are. Code /Phone No. Phon e . coun tS a one .s ~---------- -----~--------------------------- ... Available Now!!! Toomey Racing YSR50 Pipes Thanks for waiting ll You'll be glad you did when you try this pipe combinationl Complete kit includes VZR500 style pipe with lightweight anodized aluminum silencer, high-flow air box ventilation kit. perfect " jett ing kit " (required), & an alternate front sprocket. And of course. complete in st ruct ions & st ickers. All backed up by our exclusive TOOMEY RACING USA guaranteel Call today...the wa it is over l For orders & info (213) 539-6542. Deal ers 8t Distributors always welcome . (233 /PITFNI

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