Former World Champ Jack Milne
rode around memory lane at IMS.
Steve Lucero leads Gary Hicks at Costa Mesa. He finished th ird in the
Handicap main behind Tuff McBride and Jim Sisemore.
with ' J eff Hi xon third a nd bro ther
Ji m H ixon fourt h.
T he 250cc Expe rt class was ano ther o ne-sided affa ir as Starr once
again led from the start and finished
over half a lap ahea d of J im H ixon.
J eff H ixon was th ird.
In th e Open Expert class Dave
Kaufma n o ut-powered Tom Portma n on the straights to ta ke the win
by a fairly co mfortable margi n. Tom
Stewart finished a dis tant thi rd.
The I25cc Knobby class had po ints .
leader Dave Kaufman put another
victory under his belt. Darren Mar sha ll pushed Kaufman but fell off
the pa ce an d finis hed second.
The 25 0cc Kn o bby cl a ss was
between two ace motocrossers T ad
Streit a nd Dave Bach ma n . Streit
ca me through wi th the win with
Bachman in his sha dow, and Da ve
, Snod gra ss finished third.
In t he Open Knob by class Bachma n a nd Tom Portman went a t it
on ly thi s time Bachman took home
the checkered flag with Port ma n a
close second.
12 5 KNOB: 1. Dave Kaufman (Hon); 2. Daren
Marshall (Kaw ); 3. Chad Clino (Kaw).
250 KNOB: 1. Tod Str eit (Suz); 2. Dave Bachman
(Hon); 3. Dave Snod grass (Kaw).
OPEN KNOB: 1. Dave Bachman (Hon); 2. Tom
Ponma n (Kaw).
125 EX: 1. Paul Starr (Kaw); 2. Dan Harvey (Kaw);
3. Jeff Hixon (Hon); 4. J im Hixon (Hon).
250 EX: 1. Paul Starr (Kaw ); 2. Ji m Hixon (Hon);
3. Jeff Hixcn (Hon); 4. Dan Harvey (Kaw ).
OPEN EX: 1. .n eve Kaufman (Hon); 2. Tom
Penma n (Yam): 3. Tom St ewart (Hon).
M ohler mauls
Middleford ST
By Woody Miller
Kenn y Mohler made hi s fir st appeara nce of the year a t Middleford a
prof itable one as he took two fea tu re
events .
Mohler firs t j umped in front of the
l2 5cc featu re with Pa ul Southard
a nd SCali H ovatter in tow . Mohler
kept his Yamah a out fro nt until the
chec kers fell as So u thard kep t him
honest in second.
Moh ler th en ran away a nd h id in
the 250cc class and left Mike Er ving
an d Gen e Kaczka to argue over
second. Kaczka held down second
unti l la p six when Erving dove u nd er
Kaczka as they entered tu rn one, and
held on to fin ish second o n hi s Arro w
Racin g Suzuki.
Ma rk Mill er grabbed th e lead in
the Open Pro final after winning th e
500cc feature aboard the Do ver
Cycles/ E.]. Wilson Weld ing/ N D/
Rennie Dail -Yamaha, but the lead
was short- lived as Ro y Co llings
displ aced Mill er on the secon d go'round. Wh ile Mill er and Collings pu lled
out some brea th ing room o n the
pac k, Steve Bro wn was busy keeping
his H onda in fro nt of Bob Bo wker.
As the chec ker flag fell Collings took
a co mfortable wi n on the Ist State
Cycles / Mar k H ak e H a rl ey 'o ve r
Miller with Bro wn . Bo wker a nd
Kaczka ro unding o ut the top five.
125: 1. Kenny Moh ler (Yam): 2. Paul Southard
(Yam); 3. Scott Hovatte r (Vam).
250 : 1. Kenny Mohler (Vam); 2. M ike Erving
(Suz); 3. Gene Kaczka (Hon).
500: 1. Mark M ill er (Yam); 2. Bob Bow ker (Vam).
OPEN PRO: 1. Roy Collings (H· D); 2. Mark M ill er
(Yam); 3. Steve Brown (Hon); 4. Bob Bowker (Vam);
5. Gene Kaczka (Hon).
SR: 1. Tom Kisielnicki (Vam).
Carroll, Schmelyun,
Carsten double in
Trail-Way SX
By Jeff Crites
Brian Carr oll, T im Schmelyun a nd
R o ber t Ca rst en wer e a ll double
winners a t T rai l-Wa y Speedwa y in
th e
Coca -C ol a
Ch ampionships.
Carroll, o u t of Vinela nd, New
J ersey, ro de th e Carroll Racing
Team's Kawasaki to victories in the
125 and 250cc Expe rt classes . In th e
125cc Supercross fea ture, Carroll
took th e lead a t th e drop of the gate
and led all nin e laps of the rnot o.
Finish in g second was Kurtis Barron
of Wa ldersville, Mary la nd, o n a
H onda, a nd Bria n Eichelberger of
New Cu mber land, also on a Honda,
was third.
In the 250cc Expe rt feature, Barro n
took the lead out of th e gate with
Carroll a close second . On the third
lap of th e nine-lap event, Carroll
took th e lead goi ng into the infield
jump. Bar ron hung on for second
wi th Ch ar les Weinberg of Brid gewater, New J ersey, o n a Kawasaki
Sch me lyu n , from nea rb y Westmins ter, Mary la nd, rode to wins in
the Open Expert an d Over-25 classes
o n hi s H ondas. In the O pen Expert
fin al , Sch melyun took the lead o ut
of the starting ga te a nd was never
head ed as he led all ni ne la ps of th e
feature moto , Robert Hust on of
Carlisle, Pennsylvan ia, fini shed a
distant second wtih Charl es Wein berg third.
The Over-25 feature m oto was
almos t a carbo n copy of the Open
Expert race, as Schme lyn took th e
lead ou t of th e ga te a nd led every
lap. Steve Simpson of Alexandra, '
Virg inia, on a H onda, was seco nd
a nd Phil ip Carlin of Parsippan y,
New J ersey, on a H onda was third.
80 SR B: 1. M ichael Bear (Ka w ); 2. Wa yne Reaver
(Hon); 3. Richard Rike (Hon).
' 25 C: 1. Donald Andr ews (Hon); 2. Billy Buster
.(Kaw); 3. Mar lin St eele (Kaw).
OVER·25: 1. Tim Schelyun (Hon); 2. St eve
Simpson (Hon); 3 . Philip Carl in (Hon).
SR A: 1. Edward Chilas (Hon); 2. Ronald Frey
Jr. (Honl .
80 SR A: 1. Jellrey Ventzer (Vam).
OPEN A: 1. Tim Schmelyun (Hon); 2. Roben
Huston (KTM); 3. Charle s Weinberg (Kaw).
SR B: 1. Paul Hanna (Hon); 2. Lou Sita ras (Hon);
3. Douglas Justus (KTM).
250 B: 1. W . Keith Banta Jr . (Suz); 2. Rick Snider
(Hon); 3. John Garmo n (Kaw ).
250 C: 1. Kirk Kagari se (KTM); 2. John Frye (Suz);
3. A ndrew Myers (Yam) .
125 B: 1. Leonard Popa Jr. (Kaw); 2. J oseph Flynn
(Kaw); 3. W . Keith Banta Jr. (Hon).
80 JR: 1. Christopher Harba ugh (kaw); 2. Kevin
Trimm e r (Yam ).
12 5 A : 1. Brian Carroll IKa w); 2 . Kurti s Barron
(Han ); 3. Brian Eichelberger (Han) .
2 5 0 A: 1. Brian Carroll (Kaw ); 2 . Kurtis Barron
(Hon); 3. Charl es Weinb erg (Kaw l.
S /SR : 1. Lonnie W ilt (Honl; 2. An Roeper (Vam);
3. Davie W arnic e (Yam ).
OPEN B; 1. Roben Nolt (Hon); 2. Dan Reiha n
(KTM ); 3. Kenn eth Brown (Hopn).
WOODMN: 1. Scott Cooney(Vam); 2. Ronald Frey
Jr. (Hon); 3. Louis Emmon s Jr . (Suz).
Oxley takes Costa
Mesa Speedway win
By Scott Daloisio
Brad Oxley won th e Scratch main
a t Costa Mesa tonight and was lucky
to just finish whe n hi s motor slowed
on the fin al lap th en seized o n th e
slow down lap.
Oxley is one of th e most consis tent
riders o n th e circ u it a nd seldo m does
a n igh t go by whe n he is not in at
least one of th e main even ts. T onight .
he on ly mad e th e Scratch main a nd
he drew the luck y pole posi tion for
the stan of the four lap per. H e was
joined by 1985 Nat ional Champion
Alan Christia n, Mike Fari a a nd the
"Nicest Guy in Speedw a y" T om
Burba. T hese four n ders were go ing
for the regular purse plus a n ex tra
$100 th rown in by G lenn Baumgartner of Promoti on Products.
Fari a go t off the line first but he
went wide as the p ack ca me off turn
two the first tim e a nd Oxley and
Christian sn uck undernea th . Once
ou t front, the ir was no doubt that
Ox ley and the Coors/KLOS/Cirello
Racing/ Q ua ker State/ Internatio nal
Spee dway Weslak e was going to take
th e main. H e quickl y ra n a way from
the pack and ope ned u p a bulging
Faria, the cro wd favorite, used a
spectacu lar move to rush in sid e
Chri stian for second as they came off
tu rn two th e seco nd time but Christian came back to challe nge in th e
next bend. Faria fough t him back but
Christi an wo uldn 't be den ied. H e
kept th e pressure o n and after Oxley
took the chec kered, Christi an narro wly edged Faria in a come-fro mbehind second p lace finis h.
Oxley got as far as th e midd le of
the back straight o n h is slowdown
lap before sto p pi ng. H is mo to r
seized. " It slowed down on the last
lap and I'm just lu cky th at it ma de
it acros s th e line."
- T u ff McBrid e, a former Golden
Gl ove boxer from New York, scored,
a conv incing knockout win wh en he
led th e eigh t lap H andica p main
from start to finish, McBride came
o ut quick a nd won the race off the
20 yard line over Bill y Hamill and
Scott Brant .
Gary H icks a nd Jim Sise more
found th eir way through th e pack
a nd staged a brilliant battle for
seco nd. Sisemor e was all over H icks;
a nd nea r the end of la p six hooked
up and wheelied in side of Hicks for'
th e second p lace spo t.
At int erm ission, Robert Pfetzing
scored a nar ro w win over Phil Collins
in a best of three Mat ch race. Arch ie
Perez, on the Steve Gerk e Godden ,
edged J ay Gi anelli to win the Support class main wh ile Dave Wendlandt took hi s J awa to victory over
J ohn H agen in Third Divisi on
ac tio n.
SCRATCH: 1. Brad O.ley (Wes); 2. Alan Christian
(Wes); 3. M ike Faria (J aw ); 4 . Tom Burba (J aw).
HDCP: 1. Tull Mc Brid e (Ja w); 2.Jim Sisemore
(Wes); 3. Gary Hicks (Wes).
SUP: 1. Archie Perez ( G dn~ 2. J ay Gianett i (Wesl;
3. Andy J ohn son (Was).
0 -3 : 1. Dave Wend landt (Jaw); 2. Jo hn Hagen
(Wes ); 3. Rudy Maresca (J aw ).
M ATCH: 1. Rob P1etzing (Wes); 2. Phil Collins
Faria flies at
IM S Speedway
By Scott Daloisio
" I ca n' t believe it," said Mike Faria
as he too k a sip of Gatorade in th e
infield of John La Douceur's Inland
Motorcycle Speedway. "I was going
for the wi n in both mains and after
th e restart (in the H andi cap main),
I kn ew I had it. Then tha t primary
chain broke! "
Faria had posted the wi n in the
Cycle R ider, Inc. Scra tch main event
and seco nds la ter he was headed
towards th e checkered flag in the
Handicap main wh en the primary
ch ain let go a nd tri ggered a wild
chain reaction crash. It would have
been th e fir st doub le recorded at IMS
in 1987.
It was a specia l even ing a t IMS as
it was 50 years to th e da y th at J ack
Milne had become th e first Ameri can i
to win th e World Speedway Ch ampi onship. Milne received a nice hand
from the fans wh en he posed'o n his
champ ionshi p bike in th e infield
with severa l of hi s co mpetitors fro m
days go ne by. The fan s th en almos t
blew th e clouds o ut of th e sky wh en
Milne, now in his ear ly 80s, mounted
th e J AP a nd fired off fo r a la p
a round th e track.
In the Scratch main , Faria rocketed
the STP/ Shoei/Kal-Gard/T subaki/
Oilzall J aw a into th e lead ahea d of
Bobb y Schwartz, Steve Lucero and
" Ra d " Brad Ox ley. Oxley, with a
spec tac ular move, ca me from the
back of th e pac k as th e field exi ted
turn two for the first tim e. H e almost
wr estl ed th e lead away fro m Faria as
th ey h it turn th ree bu t Fari a maintained hi s advana tage,
Schwartz was using the o utside
a nd he got the drive as th ey closed
the opening lap. H e wa s prepared
to go around for the lead bu t Faria