Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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pinched him into th e crash wall and for ced him .to back off. Schwartz hung close to Faria until h e wheeli ed on lap three and that gave th e leader so me breath ing ro om w h ic h h e ma intained to th e chec kered flag. Oxley charged Sch wartz a nd in a pho to fini sh , he narro wl y beat th e defending National Cham pi on for seco nd. Sco tt Brant, th e Rider o f th e Week , rac ed into th e lead of th e Handicap main a hea d o f Bart Bast a n d Ed Castro , but his lead was short -lived as h e dropped ou t on th e first lap. That turned first over to Bast wh o held o nto it for a lap. Faria relieved him of first on the back ch u te on lap three with Oxley quickl y getting by Bast for seco nd. Oxley, riding th e Coors/KLOS I Cirello Ra cing/Quaker State/Intern ational Speedway Weslake, sta yed ri ght on Faria's rear tir e and seemed destined to finish seco nd. The leader maintained his slim advantage until th e ba ck ch u te on lap seven when the primary ch a in let go . When h e slowed, O xl ey, with n owh ere to go, went down. Castro cou ldn 't avoid O xley and ran h im over and then crashed heavi ly himself. T he red came out and after a few mi nutes on his ba ck , Oxley got up a nd did a little victory dan ce on th e infield for the fan s. Second was giv en to Bast ahead of Castro and Schwartz. Results Phi! Collins leads Bart Bast and Gary Hicks on his way to the Handicap main Win at Ascot. camped in second by th e en d o f th e , secon d ci rcuit. . Larsen had a good size lead but Collins quickly chopped it down an d rac e into th e lead on la p four. Collins quickly raced away from th e pack but a major b a ttl e erup ted be tw een severa l ri ders for positio ns two th roug h four. Brad O xl ey took third from Brant a t the ha lfway point but two laps la ter Brant took it back. They closed on Larsen and Brant went around him on th e n ext to last lap. Oxley passed Larsen on th e inside on the fin al lap but it was too late to ca tch Brant and n ob od y h ad a shot a t Collins. grea t gate fro m th e number four s tarti n~ hole and quiCklYlulled it down III front of th e fiel in turn o ne . It was then clear that the .rem ain der of th e field wo uld have to b e co n te nt with ba tt lin g for second. . Bran t sta yed wi th in s trikin~ distance and he went inside McBn de as they h it turn th ree the last tim e. Brant was going by whe n Mcbride made it easy for him by spinni ng out. That also alIowed St eve Lucero through and McBride went from secon d to fourth. Resu lts SCRATCH: 1. Mike Far ia (Jaw ); 2. Brad Oxley (Wes ); 3. Bobby Schw artz (Wes); 4. Steve Lucero (Gdn). HDCP; 1. Brad Oxley (Wes ); 2. Ban Bast (Was); 3. Ed Castro (Wes ). SUP: 1. Arch ie Perez (Gdn); 2. Shane Diiullo (Wes ~ 3. Ken Berry (Wes ). 0 -3: 1. Randy Beddow (Wes ~ 2. Tom Moffell (Jaw) ; 3. Dave Penry (Wes). JR: 1. Tim Geweecke. SCRATCH: 1. Bobby Schwartz (W es); 2 . Ph il Coll ins (Wes ); 3. Ban Bast (Wes ~ 4 . Brad Oxley (Wes). HDCP: 1. Phil Coll ins (W es); 2 . Scali Brant (W es ~ 3. Brad Oxley (Wes ). SUP; 1_M ike Bloom (Jaw); 2. Jason Ch ism (J aw); 3 . Shan e Diiullo (Wes ). Schwartz slides to Ascot Speedway win Castro breaks away at Speedway USA ST, claims track title By Scott Daloisio By Scott Daloisio R ICHMOND, VA, SEPT. 2 Chris Rickman won th e 250cc class an d sewed up th e track cha m p io nsh ip at th e sea so n fin al e a t th e Virg inia Stat e Fairgrounds dirt tra ck event. The first qualifier had Bill y Ell is, o n a H onda, hold o ff the repeated in sid e/ outside a tte m p ts of Robert Lewis, a lso Honda mounted. Ri ckman could do no better than third. H e had his Kawasaki in a good po sit ion to pass both front runners, but bobb led on th e la st lap. Ellis led for three lap s in the second heat before Lewis got by. As they came to th e checkered flag, Rickman made hi s presence felt. The three came across in unison with R ic km a n seco nd . In the main , Ellis sto rme d to th e front and Rickm a n hung on in seco nd. On the second circuit Lewi s took second a n d stayed wi th Ellis wi th neither gettin g an adva n tage. As th e halfwa y fla gs we re shown to th e field Lewi s went into th e lead. Ell is, a tte m p ting to ge t back in fro nt, made contact with Lewis, a nd both ri ders went down, bl ocking th e tra ck an d bringing o u t a red flag. On th e resta rt th e field lined up minus th e leader, Lewis. His han dl ebar s a nd co ntro ls were too badl y damaged, a nd time ran o u t to ma ke repairs. As th e flag was wave d for the restart, Rickm a n went into first . Ellis came through from the rear to cha ll enge, but th e laps ra n o u t befo re h e co u ld m ount a stro ng charge, fin ish in g seco nd. Je rry Kori s clos ed fas t in third. in 125cc racing Br ia n Stro ng, rid ing a Coward in J eweler's spon sored Yama ha , was defi ni tely stro n g . Th e th ree-t i me A MA Am a teur Gra nd Na tio nal Cha m p io n won bot h q ua li fying hea ts and th e main , goin g away. Strong's closest co mpetition came from Rya n Sipe, aboa rd a Suzu ki . GARDENA, CA, SEPT. 3 For a few seco nds it appeared th a t Bobby Schwartz would not win th e . Scratch main event a t Ascot South Ba y Stadium. Schwartz qu ickl y rect ifi ed th e problem and went o n to p ost th e win at spe edway's most colorful venue. Phil Co lli ns joi ned Schwartz for th e main but th e rid er who p ut up th e biggest challenge was Bart Bast. Sch wartz , from th e po le , gated Collins with Bast, off the outside, taking third on th e start. As the field carne off the second turn, Bast got a great drive and he guided hi s Weslake aro und Collin s a nd Schwartz. Wh en th e field reached turn three, Bast brought his bike down to the pole in front o f th e startled Schwartz. Bast kept th e throttle screwed o n a nd he led a ll of lap two. Schwartz had th e BudweiserISilkolen e/C.T.I. Bra ce/Cirell o Racing/Bell Weslak e sta lking Ba st and he threw it wide as he came off turn two on lap three. Schwartz got th e drive a nd m oved back arou nd Bast o n the back ch u te a nd h e cu t down to th e pole in turn three. Bast didn 't give up. H e pulled ba ck al ongside th e National Champion as th ey took th e whi te flag but Schwartz beat him to turn one. From that p oint on Schwartz turned it a nd h e went on to win by three lengths. Collins, rid in g th e ex treme outside, went a ro u n d Bast in th e fin a l bend for seco nd. Collins posted the win in th e eight lap H andicap main. Keith Larsen set th e early pace with Scott Brant in seco nd a n d Ba st in th ird. Collins, who was co m in g a ll th e wa y from th e 40 yard line o n th e Rovazzini Elec tr ic / JT Ra cing/STP I C irell o R a ci n g /GTS Wesl ake , ro cke ted aro un d th e co m p etition a n d was Results VICTORVILLE, CA , SEPT. 5 " Fas t" Eddie Ca stro had a week th at he surely wants to forget. P ro blem s a n d mi sfortune plagued th e veteran ride r but on Saturday h e fin a lly got a break an d he parlayed that into a win in th e Speedway USA Handica p m am. Castro came into th e Speedw a y USA main without a win on th e night and it looked like he was going to go out the same wa y. H e was third on the start behind Bart Bast and Keith Larsen . That order quickl y cha nged when La rsen went by Bast in turn three on the fir st circuit. Bast never let Larsen ge t away and he tri ed to pass him using 'the inside lin e at th e start o f th e fourth lap. Larsen held off th e advances un til the back ch u te when Bast got by. Larsen quickl y regained th e poi nt position wh en Ba st slipped off the blue groove in turn fo ur letting Larsen an d Castro underneath. The " Sna kernan " co ntin ued o n in the lead a nd look ed like h e wa s headed for his first Speedway USA wi n of th e 1987 ca m p a ign. Larsen took th e white flag in th e lead a nd it look ed like th e win wa s h is but th en , like Bast, h e slip ped off th e groove as th e p ack came off turn two a nd Cas tro , o n the T &M C ycl e/ STP /M att 's Ma chine l KN ACI Arai Wealak e, took over th e p o in t p os iti on. Bas t a n d Bobb y Schwartz a lso took advantage o f th e si tua tio n a nd relegated Larsen ba ck to th e fourt h spot. Ca stro kept it on t wo wheels and th e groove for th e remai ning portion o f the lap and he had hi s ' surprise wi n. Ba s t wa s seco nd, a bike length back, with Schwa rtz th ird. Mike Faria a nd h is STP/S hoei l Oil zall /S co tt G o g gl es /Ts u b a ki Chain Jawa was the co m bina tio n to bea t in th e Scratch ma in. H e got a SCRATCH: 1. Mike Faria (J aw ); 2. SCOll Brant (Wes); 3. Steve Lucero (Wes~ 4. Tuff McBride (Ja w). - HDCP; 1. Ed Castro (Wesl; 2. Ban Bast (Wes ); 3. Bobby Schwartz (Wes) . SUP: 1. Danny Per ez (J aw) ; 2 . M ike Reed (Jaw); 3. M ike Pinedo (Jaw) . JR : 1. Tim Gewecke . H-D: 1. Bob Sill s. Rickman tops Virginia By Joe Kelly Chris Rickman took the track title ' at Virginia State Fairgrounds. Former three-ti me track cham pion, Ray West, showed h is track kn owledge in the 500cc class. In the first heat he hel d off the repeated chall enges of ':::layto n O liver. When O liver faded , Bill y Ellis took up the battle. The second heat was a repeat, o nly this time O liver held second. In th e main Oliver go t a good start after West was put o n th e pen a lty line for a false start. Oliver held th e lead with -R us ty Gaita secon d. On the fourth lap West mo ved through th e pack and around th e front runners to garner first and was never headed again. Oliver was seco n d over Ellis and Caita. Chris Copley took th e Mini Cycle Championship and wo n th e 50cc feature. Brian Strong wa s a tri pl e winner for th e ni ght, taking top hono rs in th e 60 a n d 80cc Mini Cycle ra ces, al ong with h is I 25cc victory. Results . 250: 1. Chris Rickm an (Kaw); 2. Billy Ell is (Han ); 3 . Jerry Karis (Kaw). . 12 5: 1. Brian Str ong (Yam); 2. Ryan Sipe (Suz). 500: 1. Ray W est (Yam); 2. Clayton Oliver (Han ); 3 . Bill y Ellis (H- D). 50: 1. Chr is Copley (Yam); 2. Ben W alt ers (Suz); 3. Kenny Long (SUzl. . 60: 1. Bri an St rong (Hon); 2. M ike Hacker (Kawl; 3 . John Nicken s (Suz). 80 : 1. Brian Strong (Kaw); 2. Mike Hacker (Kaw); 3 . John Nicken s (Suz). Oliver tops King Philip Enduro Trials , By Laurier J , Cantwell and Frank Brunetta WRENTHAM, MA, AUG 23 Richard Oliver topped th e B class today at th e Kin g Philip Enduro Trial s. Nin e sec tio ns o ver three loops, most of which were used in a previous National trial event, cha lle nged th e 22 club member s wh o ca me to co mpete. Ol iver dropped 77 p o in ts to wi n hi s class, while Dave BettS edged T orn Rainville by two points to tak e seco nd. Rob ert Fonta in e a nd Ala n Vetri ro u n ded o ut th e top five and o nly co m p le ted two loops. Steve Vanasse wa s the o n ly A cla ss rider an d dropped o n ly 34 points, p rimarily because of stall ing in th e roc k' ga rde n s sectio n. T h e C riders were led by Pete Lewi s with a score o f 66 points. Ri ch ard Fruci finish ed seco n d with a score of 91, beating Russ Rose by j us t two points. Pa u l G irai do was the only o ther C rider to co mplete the three lo ops an d took fourth, w h ile Ray Flow er fini sh ed fifth. Leo O 'Shea rode h is Mon tessa in th e Ex hibi tio n class to show the en duro rid ers how it shou ld be do ne an d lo st on ly 15 points. Result s CLASS A ; 1. Steve Va nasse. CLASS B: 1. Richar d Oliver; 2. Dave Betts; 3. Tom Rain vill e; 4 . Robert Fontaine; 5. A lan Vetri. CLA SS C: 1. Pete Lewis; 2. Ric hard Fru ci; 3 . Ru ss Rose; 4 . Pau l Gir aido; 5. Ray Flowe r . 35

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