Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a n d third overall , with Ramsey snagging fourth. Bill Robinson cras hed h ard on th e fifth lap an d wa s obvious ly in grea t {lain, but game ly rem ounted a nd fin ish ed th e race in fifth . Swe nson didn 't go h ome with ou t a first p lace tro p hy. H e sliced through the field in the 250cc A class for two moto win s a nd th e overall . The Cycle Land of Port Huronsponsored Swe nson had to claw past Kawasaki -mou nted Chuck Lo y for th e victory, wi th Brett Denker an d Bill Abrigo scrambling 10 fi nish thi rd and fourth overall. Results Scott McClain (993) led Gerald Greene (11) and Steve Lewis (862) through turn one in Open Pro class action at the Muddy Creek MX. 80 14-15: 1. Ji m Slaughter (Han); 2. TIm Conti (Kaw); 3 . W illiam Koleno (Kaw); 4 . Shawn Fescem ver (Kaw); 5 . Robbie Drennen (Kaw). 125 125010PEN A: 1. Harold Robison (Suz); 2. Mik e Boggia (Suzl: 3. Marcus Sellards (HanI: 4. Pete Maurice (Suz); 5. John Shay (Han). 125 B: 1. Bill Penick (Yam); 2. Rusty Myers (Han); 3. Bryan Jones (Kaw); 4. Frank Morris (Han); 5. Dave Speigle (Han). 125 C: I . Tim Beyer (Han): 2. Chris Grasso (KTM); 3. Jeff Sanders (Yam); 4. Jack Steele (Han); 5. Tom As hton (Han). . 200 : 1. Brad Eller (Cag); 2. Craig Beu (Yam); 3. Randy Baker (Yam); 4. JohnnyVoung (Han); 5. Dave Uli zio (Kaw). 250 B: 1. Brian Doran (Han); 2. Robert We rschey (Yam); 3. Chuck Emery (Han); 4. TIm Burdene (Kaw ); 5. Ray Vagarsot a (Han~ 250 C: 1. John Bell ( H on~ 2. Dave Travis (Han); 3. Ji m Kallek er (Hus); 4. Steve Wi lm ington (Kaw); 5 . Brian luketic (Kaw) . OPEN B: 1. Alan Pizzino (Hus); 2. Flip Jendre (Hus); 3. J eff Rhdri ck (M ac); 4. Mike Piper (KTM); 5 . Kevin McCann (Kaw) . SR 1: 1. AI Chupp" (Husk 2. Bud Wyan (Kawj; 3. Terry Deli man (Honk 4. AI Benedict ( H us~ 5. Bernie Be llinger (Suz). SR 2 : 1. Bill Farmer (Hus); 2. Bill Szewczyk (Hus); 3. Greg Guesman (Husk 4. Denn ie Sm ith (Kaw). McClain streaks to Muddy Creek MX win By Sam R. Gammon 42 BLO UTVILLE, TN, AUG. 23 North Carolina rider Scott McCl ain clea ned house at Muddy Creek, as h e domina ted both m otos of th e 125cc a nd Open Pro classes. McCl ain started his day off right by leading every lap in both rn oto s o f th e 125cc Pro class. Eddie Branch ended up third in both m otos beh ind Aaron Bollinger . Rob ert Nee ley was tops in the 250cc P ro class wi th wins in both motos. He holeshot bo th mot os a nd led to the flag. Bollinger put o n a stro ng charge in the seco n d moto , pulling a lo ngside several times but was u nable to make the pass. Gerald Greene finished th ird behind Bollin ger in m oto one and McClain finished in the th ird spo t b eh in d Bolli nger in the seco n d m ot o . In the O pen Pro class , it was a Nee ley/McClain battle to th e en d. McClain pulled both h ol esh o ts an d made no mistakes as he held off c~allenges fro m Neeley to collect th e wms. Mik e Bro wn, in h is first rid e in th e B class, put in a super ri de to win both m o tos of th e 125cc B class over J eff Shuler. Sh u ler ' came back and wo n th e 250cc B class wi th a 3-1 score over Chris Sh ortridge and Da vid Alb ert J r. Albe rt th en took his defeat ou t o n the Open Amateur class as he dominated both m ot o s. Steven Ratliff led Andy Pullon an d Chad Fra zier off th e line in th e 125cc C class a nd held th e lead to th e win, whi le Ray Boruff charged to second. In th eir seco n d rnoto, Boruff an d Ra tl iff got o ff th e ga te together an d d iced the entire rnoto, bu t Ratl iff again took th e wi n. Results PIW: 1. J immy Briggs (Kaw); 2. John Yoakum (Kawl ; 3. Rodney Stephens (Kaw). JR MINI : 1. Stacey Lane (Kaw); 2. John Voakum (Vam); 3. Jimmy Crane (Vam). SR MIN I: 1. Chad Lough (Suz); 2. Jam ie Hacking (Kaw ); 3. Mike Brown (Han). 125 C: 1. Steven Ratliff (Han); 2. Ray Boruff (Suz); 3. Eric Powell (Suz). 125 B: 1. Mike Brown (Han); 2. J eff Shul er (Kaw k 3. J immy Leach (Kaw ). 250 B: 1. Jeff Shuler (Kaw k 2. Chris Shortr idge (Kaw); 3. David Ablert Jr . (Hus). OPENAM : 1. David Albert Jr. (Hus); 2. Jeff Lyon s (Honk 4 . Chr is McAbee (Husl. 250 C: 1. TIm Jennings (Kaw); 2. Steve Uu (Han); 3. Man Murray (Han). SR MEN: 1. Larry Harr ison (Han); 2. Gary Keith (Hank 3. Steve Lady (Kaw). ENDR: 1. Randy Farris (KTMk 2. Dave Albert Sr. (Husk 3. Kevin Slaughter (Cag). 125 PRO: 1. Scon McClain (Han); 2. Aa ron Bollinger (Han); 3. Eddie Branc h (Suz). . 250 PRO: 1. Robert Neeley (kaw); 2. Aa ron Boll inger (Hank 3. Scott McClain (Han). OPEN PRO: 1. Scan McClain (Han); 2. Robert Neeley (Kaw); 3. Gerald Greene (Yam). Robinson rocks Delta MX By Mark Montgomery DELTA, OH, AUG . 22 Ka wasaki riders Steve Rob in son a nd Paul Swenson put on a sparkling show in th e 125cc A class to nigh t at Delta. T he two rider s fough t over first in bo th mo tos wit h Robinson emergi ng with th e overall win. Rob in son ro ared to th e first tu rn of m ot o o ne wi th Swen son claw ing a t h is rear fender as both front runners a vo ided a p ileup that slowed th e rest of th e field . For th e next sixlaps Swenson tried every line a nd every possible opportun ity to pass but Rob inso n held firmly to the lead. Andy H at ch er , Bill Rob in son an d T erry Ramsey were riding in th i rd , fo u rth and fi ft h slo ts, respectively. The ba ttle be twee n Steve Rob inso n a nd Swenson ended on th e final lap whe n Swenson stuffed his Kawa saki bet ween Rob in so n and a corner py Ion as they entered a long ser ies o f stu tter bumps. A mere moment o f h esitation by ' R ob inson wa s all Swenson needed as he powered p ast to take the lead and th e fir st mo to victory. Hatch er, Bill Robinson a n d Ramsey ma intain ed th eir positio ns. Mo to two saw Steve Robin son o u t front once again, but this time it was Hatcher in second, foll ow ed by Bill Robin son, Swenson a n d Ramsey. Swenson snatched third wh en Bill Robinson fell on th e seco n d lap and H atcher fell prey to a Sw enson charge on lap three. Wh en th e wh ite flag came out it wa s once again a Robinson-Swenson dogfight. The final lap was a classic showdown with th e overa ll victory on th e line. Robinson nailed every good line a n d kept th e throttle wound, forcin g Swen son to im provise. The strategy worked as Robinson screamed past th e scoring table with th e win. Swen son and Hatch er took seco nd 50: 1. N icholas Wey (Yam); 2 . Ch ris Con sidine (Yamk 3. Randy Valade (Yam). 60 : 1. Man Max imoff (Kaw); 2. Howard OuRussell (Kaw ); 3. John Kidd Jr. (Kaw); 4. Ryan Valade (Kaw); 5. Jason Bailey (Kaw ). 80 J R 7 -1I : 1. M ike Kennedy (Kaw); 2. Man Maximoff (Kaw t 3. John Kidd (Kaw); 4. Howa rd DuRussell (Kaw); 5. Jason Bailey (Kaw ). BO SR 12·15: 1. Brian Swink (Kaw); 2. Rick Sayers (Suz); 3. Todd Piechowski (Kaw); 4 . M ike Gelcke (Yamk 5. Scan Patchen (Yaml. • BO NOV: 1. Troy Hoskins (Kawl; 2. Glen Tosto (Kaw); 3. J im Hiltner (Han). 125 JR: 1. Brian Swink (Kaw ); 2. Rick Sayers (Vam); 3. Chuck Kovick (Kaw). 125 A : 1. Steve Robinson (Kaw); 2. Paul Swenson (Kaw); 3. Andy Hatcher (Vam); 4 . Terry Ramsey (Vam); 5. Bill Robinson (Han). 125 B: 1. Robert Petchm (Han); 2. Kevan Korn (KawO; 3. David Oates (Vam); 4. Tim Nyitray (Kaw); 5. Robert Labo (Han). 125 C: 1. Bob DeSonia (Kaw); 2. M ichael Voungpeter (Han); 3. Duane Gr iffis (Yam); 4 . Randy Schwarzman (Yam); 5. Steven Hewitt (Hon) . 250 A: 1. Paul Swenson'iKawk 2. Chuck Loy (Kaw ); 3. Bren Denker (Han); 4. Bill Abr igo (Kaw ); 5. Terry Ramsey (Yam). 250 B: 1. John Hunter (yom); 2. Kevin Peterson (Honk 3. Steve Bates (Yam); 4. Jo hn Thompson (Kawk 5. Alan Calder (Yam). 250 C: 1. Paul Levvis (yam); 2. Terry Wade ( H o n~ 3. Mark Montgomory (Suz); 4. Henry Furll (Honk 5. Scon Maino (Yam). OPEN A: 1. Joe Chisholm (Honk 2. Man Maley (Yam~ OPEN B: 1. John Humer (Yamk 2. George Fanelli (Han); 3. Mark Broolts (Yam); 4. Mark Macka y(Yam ); 5. Larry Heinl (Hus). WOS 30-40: 1. Don Lynn (Han); 2. Terry Wey (Honk 3. Howard DuRussa ll (Han); 4. Gordon Baird (Kaw); 5. Daniel Hall(H on ~ SR 40+: 1. Richard Robbins (KTM ); 2. Richard Schenk (yam ); 3. Robert Darden (Yam); 4. Charles McConnell (M- S); 5. Fred Reynolds (Yam ~ Perry pulls off Castle Rock TT victory By Derryl Anderson CAST L E ROCK, WA, AU G. 22 J im Perr y battled a ll ni gh t with Rex Fis her an d Speedy Kell as he won th e overa ll in th e 500cc Pro-Am class of th e TT held a t th e Cas tle Rock Fai rgrou nds . Eddie Gerrish wo n th e 125cc class, narrowly edging out J.P. Simonse n, Bob Selby a nd Suza n ne Falkner. Perry go t th e scra tch in the first 500cc heat race foll owed by Fis her, Dan Corde ll a nd Brian Baldwin. Perry q u ick ly built ' a IO yard lead o n Fisher, who had Co rdell a ll over him tryin g to force a n openi ng that n ev er appeared. With o ne la p remai ning Corde ll drove aro u n d Fi sher o n th e outside and it looked lik e he was going to get by, but Fis her hooked up bette r on th e inside and look seco nd by h alf a b ike. Baldw in was fou rth. In th e seco n d heat Ch ris Staley, normally a mot oc ro sser , got th e ea rly lead .on Tom Miller an d Kell. On lap two Kell slid by Mi lle r a n d went gun n in g for Stal ey. It took a no ther lap a nd a half but Kell fin ally got by Staley. At th e chec kered flag it was Kell , Stal ey a nd Miller. In th e main even t Perry got the h ol esh ot and went wire-to- wire with a 20 yard advan tage. Behind Perry o ff the line was Staley, Miller , Fish er , Cordell and Kell . In th e fir st co rner Kell passed most of the pack and ca me through th e dogleg in second. Staley had a problem a nd dropped to last while Perry continued to lead, Coming o u t o f turn four Kell, Fish er a nd Cordell were side- by-side, th en Kell broke loo se from th e tri o and went af ter Perry , who was about 40 yards ahead. Lap a fter lap Kell reeled in Perry , but th ere wa sn 't enough ti me left. At the chec kered fla g it was Perry , 10 yards ahead of Kell , th en Fish er , Co rdell, Baldwin, Miller and Stal ey. All o f th e race rs decid ed to turn their trop hies back to the Mt. St. Helen s cl ub a nd let th at a mou nt of money go to Dar ell Dav is' family, (Davis recentl y su ffered fatal injuries at th e Ca mel Pro Hamburg , ha lf m il e. ). A collec tion in the sta n ds and in the p its a lso ra ised a significant a mount o f money, a nd many Pro ride rs a lso dona ted their winn ings to the fund. Results 50: 1. James Kirkman; 2. Joshua Currey; 3. Jason Han son; 4 . Ryan Da ley. 60: 1. Noah Kirkl and; 2. Brian Haymor e . 80: 1. Noa h Kirkla nd; 2 . Br uce Rou ndy: 3 . J im Falkne r. 125: 1. Eddie Gerr ish; 2. J.P. Simonsen; 3. Bob Selby. " . 250 B: 1. Don Conwa y; 2. M ike Greely ; 3. Dan Bushnell. 250 A: 1. J .P. Simonsen; 2. Kevin Bas; 3. Jeff Kirkland. 250 PRO·AM/JR/EX: I . Todd Hagmann. 30+: 1. Man Holm ; 2. Jim Roseth. 40+ : 1. Dan Kirk.. PRO-AM : 1. Jim Perry; 2. Speedy Kell; 3. Rex Fisher; 4. Dan Cordell. OPEN AM : 1. Aaron Shordleman; 2. Kenny Wheaton; 3 . Keith Barnhart. JR/EX : I . Del Schnitzer; 2. Ryan Fisher. Wooten scoots to win at MotoBowl MX By N uklear Neukam SACRAMENTO, CA, AUG. 21 It was a clea n sweep tonight for HiPoint/ Ara ilMaxima Lubri cantsponsored Shawn Wooten as he came away from Sa cramento Raceway Park's MotoBowl with a perfect II tally in th e combined Pro class: The first Pro moto provided the best co m pe titio n as Wooten edged out Honda-mounted Tony McGrath and Kawasaki-support rider " Sa ilin' " T allon Voh la nd in th e first turn bar-bash. Voh la nd wa s soon around McG rath but Wooten was scootin' on his fine-tuned CR250. Vohland wa s really flying , but try as h e might he co u ldn't catch his rival. Wooten flew o ff th e fin ish line jump wav ing to th e crowd as he p a ssed th e checke re d fla g with Vohland a close seco nd. McGrath held hi s own as he styled to third while Danny "Clean Sh ot " Pal adino put hi s Tri-Vall ey H onda into fourth. Moto two wa s all Wooten 's as he sh o t out in th e lead while Vohland got ca u gh t in a first turn pileup. Wooten flew to th e victory an d th e overa ll unch allen ged wh ile Pal adino held off McGrath for seco nd a nd seco n d overa ll. McG rath 's two thirds ea rned him th ird o vera ll. Shawn Freil in g roosted in for fourth a n d fourth overall a fter a first rnoto eig h th. Fifth pl ace went to John " Melvin " Stark, but a poor showing in the o penin g round kept him ou t of the to p overall scores. "Jam in " Jed Green b rought his Yamaha in sixth both motos for fifth overall. ~ Results PRO: 1. Shawn Wooten (Honk 2. Danny Paladino (Honk 3. Tony McGrath (Han). 125 INT: 1. Monty Ware (Honk 2. Tom Lamson (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Steve Edwards (Suzk 2. Steve Lawrence (Honk 3. Paul Park (Han). OPEN INT: 1. Allen Nickel (Han); 2. Craig Burt (Han). 50: 1. Shawn Wilson (Yam); 2. K.C. Rigmaiden ISuz). • 60: 1. Little Shawn (Kaw); 2. Steven Voungl Knutson (Kaw); 3. Blaine Willis (Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Jeremy Watkins (Kaw); 2. Keith Kroll (Han); 3. Reid Fingard (Yam). 80 NOV: 1. Jake Windham (Kaw k 2. Kevin Crippen (Kaw); 3. Aaron Stewart (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Man Lorenzo (Kaw); 2. Wayne Kirk (Kaw); 3. Jeffrey Brow nlee (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. Ken Briggs (Kaw); 2. Jason Johnson (Kawl; 3 . Jud d Houck (Kaw). 250 BEG: 1. Larry Mulock (KTM); 2. Jason M ill er (Vam); 3. Bill hines (Kaw). 25 0 NOV: 1. Randy Lewallen (Kaw); 2. Brad Lynn (Han); 3. TIm Hunter (Yam). OPEN BEG: 1. Robarto CriSlando (Honk 2. Richie Ferrera (Hon); 3. Howard Hanerman (Kaw). OPEN NOV: 1. Randy Lewallen (Kaw); 2. Dan O·Bergin (Han); 3. Shawn Davis (KTM). . ENDR: 1. Sam Sorroco (Han); 2. Curt Leipold (Honk 3. Steve Bacchin i (Yam). VET NOV: 1. Wh ither Roberts (Kaw); 2. Clark Plummer (Hont 3. Mike Geney (Han). OT EX: 1. Kevin Henry (KTMk 2. Dan O'Bergin (Hank 3. Gary Gallagher (Suz).

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