Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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w u z w '" ..J ~ lD == I- >lD (I) 0 J: C- , _. -~ - 1: en a: n m ~ 3: c: - 0 0 ..... >< 0 .- :I: e, C CD (Q (I) ' Z Z _. (I) m .... CD C 0 )( ::::J ::! (I) ~ (Q -t .- en 0 ~ .u - Randy Denton p 1) took the win over Yamaha pilot Paul Turpin (59)m the 250cc NoVIce class during San Jose Scrambles action. Hon~aride~ ye nails an Jose Scrambles By Bill Spencer AN JOSE, CA, AUG. 23 ound four of Class C scram bles cing at th e San J ose Fairgrounds peedwa y saw Frank Nye trade wins ith Dave Bostrom in th e Open xpe rt and Vetera n classes . Between e heros of yesteryear, and no w eir kids, fun con tin ues insi de th~ amed San J ose m ile oval. Pee Wee class winner was J ake •eener over Lance Arnold and Gra ig o nzales, whi le J eff Gabhart recoered from a bad heat to win th e 60cc ovice class over Eric Bostrom and arid Ban ks. Ba nks had smo ked the oops.i n th e hea t, surprising hi s ather Tom more than him self, but abhar t went for th e th roat in the ain to win on his KX over Bosom's XR. . Nye, th e former tuner for Steve klund, turned the tabl es on Bosom with a fast exit from th e start ine and won ·the Open Expert with ase. John Hlebo chased Bostrom but as unable to pick him off, while ark Butler kept them all honest in great show. A large Open Novice class saw aul Trupin win on hi s Yamaha untry special wi th Sam Lomanto econd o ver Bob Meiring and J oe ocher. .Da ve Bostrom 's DMR onda topped th e Veteran bunch in great di ce. Gary Milewski led o u t n his Bul taco with Fred and Gary altersack chasing Mark Butler. Nye ade so me fancy moves o n hi s ice Special ist YZ to chase Bosrom , but th e Russ Romero Racing/ akl and H onda special was go ne. esu lts P/w: 1. Jake Keeney (Yamt 2. Lance Arnold am ); 3. Gra ig Gonza les (Yam ). 60 NOV: 1. Jeff Gabhan ( Kaw~ 2. Eric Bostrom Han); 3. Jarid Banks (Kaw). BO NOV: 1. Troy Bostrom (Han); 2. Dave Snow Suz); 3. St eve Hiebo (Suz). BO EX: 1. Dave Sanchez (Yam); 2. John Hlebo Suz)j; 3. Ben Bostrom (Hen). 250 NOV: 1. Randy Dent on (Han); 2. Paul Turp in am): 3. Mark Baklh it (Han). 500 NOV: 1. Paul Turp in (Yam); 2. Sam Lomanto Han): 3. Bob Meiring (Yam). VET: 1. Dave Bostr om (Han): 2. Frank Nye (Yam); . Fred Faltersack (Han). OPEN EX: 1. Frank Nye (Yam); 2. Dave Bostrom Hon); 3. J ohn Hlebo (Yam). obison rips at Salem riathalon . y Peggy Adamic ALEM , OH, AUG. 22-23 uzuki-mounted H arold Robison oak th e checkered flag three tim es is weekend a t the 5th Annual CRA riathal on banquet fu nd ra iser. The runswick Suzuki rider was one of 200 bike and ATV riders par- tici pating in the three-event race which co nsisted of flat track, motocross and hare scrambles. The action started Saturday under th e lights as Rpbison led th e field o.f 125/25Occ Expert riders through five laps on th e ra in muddled flat tra ck. Robison grabbed th e lead off th e line and was immediat ely challeng ed b y H o nda mo u nted Art J ackson. Jackson took over a nd held th e lead for two la ps before Ro bison o nce agai n claimed th e top spot for good. J .B. Race P rod.lFamily Kawasa ki/Maxima / Sm ith Goggles backed Mi ke Boggia foll ow ed Ro bison past J ackson . Ro biso n cla imed victory number two in the seven -lap motocross race. Boggi a, Mar cu s Sellards and J ohn Sh ay foll owed Robison th rough th e first turn . Shay took an early sp ill wh ich left him in last pl ace. Sellards, putting in hi s first weekend as an A class rid er held his own as he follow ed Ro b iso n and Boggia throughout the moto. Peter Maurice followed th e trio in fourth while Shay. moved through th e pack of riders to take fifth. Shay and Rob iso n rode a see-saw battle III the one hour hare scrambles as ea ch rider took turns in th e number one spot, each never more than five seconds ahead of th e o ther. Sell ards, despite being stung by bees severa l tim es, once again motored hi s wa y into th ird and held th e position throughout the race. At th e checkered flag, Rob ison was in control of the to p spot followed by Sh ay , Sellards, Maurice and Boggia. . Robison ~as joined by eigh t o th er riders making the tripl e sw eep. Among th em was Alan Pizzino who clean ed huuse in th e Open B c1j!.ss. Dave Capretta was side-by-side with Pizzino off th e line to sta rt th e fla t track but even befo re th e first turn Pi zzino had pulled to the lead. Ca pr~ tta he!d seco nd followed by J eff R;hd n ck; PIZZIllO cruised to an easy V ICtory III the mo tocross, grabbi ng the lead off the li ne and working to a better than 20 second lead by th e tim e th e checke re d fl ag fl ew . Capretta held second Ior over half t~e ~ace when he faded out o r sig h t. PIZ ZlllOal so mastered th e hare scra mb!e wi th ease to co mplete his tripl e victory . _. ::::r' t- 00 0') '" GC") c-r l-< Q.) ..0 S Q.) ..... 0.. Q.) o: $12 + shipping (p rinted front and back) S-M-L-XL Master Card, Visa or C.O .D. Mail In ord ers: Printed by RK Str. lm.n Phone in orders: Olrt IloIclnll Shirts P.O . Bo x 13 6 8 2 St. lou is , MO 631 38 1-800-843-1300 Ex tena lon 7 7 I ~~~~_E_L_I_N ~~c~ER~,ns -.: Congratulations JAKE ZEM KE & Inter med•• tes 125cc to l 000cc. Many Compounds W.'t SCh N fer on Your Cycle Supply RI. 3 , 80a 231 A ltoona . AL 3595 2 2 05 /5 38· 5 906 _ ._rore -- NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Dealer Inquiries Invited Want to go racing!? Ch eck the Cycle . News calen dar section. Weare Now CAG...VA. t~J ·~~;~7:;~~·Ie) (81~ ) 449 -ER IC 1361 E. Walnut 51. Pasadena. CA 911 06 1987's ARE HERE! PADDLE TIRE SALE 6 Padd le 8 Paddl e 10 Padd la 12 Paddle 22 a 11 a 8 Results 50 : 1. Kurtis Fryer (Yam): 2. Jason Kinl ey (Yaml; 3. Chad Fryer (Yam); 4 . J esse Finley (Yam). 50 : 1. Frankie Bitner ( K aw~; 2. Broc Sellards (Kaw); 3. Travis Carl isl e (Kaw ); 4. Br ian Bell ing er (Han); 5. Daryl Davenpon (Kaw). 80 7 -11 : 1. Mark McGrath (Kaw) ; 2. Man Mansolf (Kaw): 3. Brent Abl e ( K. w~ 4. Chuck Luket lc (Yaml; 5. zak Schaffer IKawl. BO 12 ·13: 1. Tony Bonace (Han); 2. Jason Balas (Han); 3. Doug Fryer (Suz); 4. J eff Wooledge (Han)' 5. Eric Penick (Yam). •. . ~ ~ ~ ., ~ r.; 1711 8" 17 / 1B " 17 / 18" 17 /1 8" A TV B Paddl e '49 .9 8 '66 .98 $6 2 .9 8 $69 .98 '39 .98 SALE PRICE GOOD WITH AD ONLY TOf'J'llne. ·South Bey 26023 So . Western Lomita. CA (Z13)5Jt.4150 Sen Femendo V.lle, 9025 Sepulved. Blvd. Sepulveda. CA ('11) 19].7_ Outside CA (Orden Ontyl 1-(8OO)!N2.JUa TOLL FREE M /C TIREWORKS K~. MOTORCYCLE CENTERS MoIlHc,clentYa. , . . .•• ...,._ _ 11m. FI.. _ , . , . . -: 10 _ _ 1'232£ _~I Hwy $00-, _ _ lMlr _ U ""

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