Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:I: o ::J - '" ~ :I: c, Price 's chance fo r a thi rd wi n . Sweeten got the holesho t with Collings and Miller on his ' rear wheel. Price again came from the back to move to second on la p five and the top positions were set, Results 80: Roy Miller (Yam). 125: 1. Georgie Price (Hon~ 2. Gary Clark (Honl. 250: 1. Georgie Price (Hon~ 2. Eddie Hidden (yam l; 3. Gene Kaczka (Hon l. 500: 1. Roy Collings (H-Dl; 2. Bob Swe et en (HD); 3. Georgie Price (H· Dl; 4 . Mark M iller (Yam). OPEN PRO: 1. Bob Sweeten (H-Dl; 2. Georg ie Price (H·D); 3. Roy Collings (H-D); 4 . Mark M iller (Yaml; 5. Gene Kaczka (Han). Granlund grabs gold at Baylanils MX By Mike Vancil Jeff Hecox, riding a vintage Ducati 250, took the w in in the Lightweight 250cc division during Sears Point's Classic Road Race. Chr ist ian (YamI; 3. Brian Post (Kaw) . 65 : 1. Greg Rand (Kaw ): 2. Brad Ritch ie (Kawl; 3. Eric Bowman (Kaw l. U W A: 1. Mark M usselman (Han); 2. Jon Ag in (Han); 3. Derr ick Roe (Kaw) . HIW A: 1. M ark Mu sselm an (Hon ); 2. Jon Ag in (Han): 3. Jim Jones (Han). Roper wins Sears Point Classic Road Race By Michael Green 38 SONOMA , CA, AUG. 29 Dave Ro per and his Team Ob solete Ma tchl ess G50 won a ha rd-fough t ba ttl e to take th e Classic Bikesponsored Hi storic 500cc GP at Sears Point Intern at ion al Raceway d ur ing round eig ht of th e AHRMAlCVRG Ch ampionship Historic Series. Pete J ohnson pu lled the hol eshot with hi s Fast by Ferraci-prepared Drixton-H onda, while CVRG 500cc points leader Dan Phillips took u p th e seco nd spo t on a BSA B50, followed by Roper and local favori te Crai g McLean with' th e Motorcycles Un Itd .lCas tr ol /Sh oei -s p on sored Matchless G50. Fifth' a wa y was Roper's teammate Mar co Pol o, also G 50 mounted, but fifth turned to sevent h by turn six as th e 350 Aerrnacc hi : of Mork Racing's Fred Mork , and the 250 WCBR-Ducati of Mike Green shot by. Roper moved around Phillips whil e McL ean hung back until he and his tire s were up to temperature. Out of six and on up to seven , th e Johnson/ Roper du el put some distan ce on Phillips, McLean and the two lightweight machines of Mork and Gr een. By turn 10, McLean was on th e move, and by turn two had pa ssed Phillips and was aft er the leaders. H e then out-braked th em both into turn seven . By lap four, Phillips was a lonely fourth , while Sportsman 500 leader Dav e Walden, on a TIOO Triumph , m ov ed into fifth . A few scant seconds behind, a no ther great race was going o n between Mork, Green and. Pol o. The two lightweight riders held off th e G50 for so me laps, but fin all y Pol o got Gr een on the long run to seven . As Po lo pas sed, Green jumped into th e G50s' draft, and would ou tbra ke him and take the spot back again, foll owing Mork 's 350 down to I I. By nin e, however, Pol o wo uld aga in horsepower by Gr een , but not Mork, and again Gr een would ou tbrak e into I I. This went on for som e time, but finally Po lo was round Mork, taking Gr een with him. The two stretched o ut their lead over Mork, but Green was now not ab le to make a pass that would stick. Later Mork dropped another spot overall as th e second place Sportsman 500 BSA of J ames Ban ke went past. Back up front the battle raged with each of the three taking turns lead in g. McLea n, how ever, was credited wi th the mos t laps as he led across the start/finish line the most. On lap eight out o f turn 10, McL ean 's race looked as thou gh it would end as th e back-end bro ke loose, sendi ng h im into a fu ll lock slide, co mplete wi th rear wheel in th e dirt an d feet up, and all over 100 mph. Dick Mann later said, "T hat wo uld look good for an y dirt track." McLean late r commented th at , "T he tir es were goi ng aw a y. " After McL ean 's dirt tracking, Ro per took co mma nd followed by J ohnson to th e fin ish. in the F-75oo class neit her Roper or J ohnson had any luck wi th both o f their three-cyl inders dropping out. Eric Swo rtsfigure pulled th e hol eshot to lead every la p wit h hi s ex-BoTT Norton Comman do, beating o ut Rob Tuluie (also Norton mounted) by a health y mar gin. In Lightweight actio n, J eff H ecox took th e win follo wed by Dav e Wald en and Gr een. Results RACE 1 L/W 350: 1. Cra ig McLean (Nor); 2. Br et Morshead (Duel; 3. Fred Mark (Aer l; 4 . M arco Polo (AJS); 5. Scott Obermu ller (Due). U W 25 0: 1. J eff Hecox (Due); 2. Dave Wa lden (Due); 3. Mike Green (Due); 4 . Michael Moo re (Han); 5. Tom Rienecker (Due). SPTSMN 7 50 / 6 50: 1. Eric Sw ort sf igur e (Nor); 2. Rob Tu luie (Nor ); 3. Tod Raff ert y (Nor); 4. Robert Smit h ITr;); 5. Ed M eagor (H-D). PRE-WA R: 1. Beno Rodi (BSAI . O/ A : 1. Er ic Swortsfigure; 2. Rob Tuluie; 3. Tod Rafferty; 4. Craig Mc Lean; 5. Jeff Hecox. RACE 2 0 / A ; 1. Dave Roper; 2. Pete Johnson; 3. Craig M cLean; 4. Dan Phillips; 5. Dave Wal den . PRE 50: 1. Beno Rodi (Indl : 2. Jo hn Ray (Veil. 500 GP: 1. Dave Roper (Mch); 2. Pete Johnson (D-Hl; 3. Craig Mc Lean (Mat); 4. Dan Phillips (BSA); 5. Marco Polo (Mal). SPTSMN 500: 1. Dave Wa lden ITri~ 2. James Banke ( BSA~ 3. Dan cartwright. Price rolls to Middleford ST win By Woody Miller SEAFORD, DE, AUG . 28 Newl y crowned Amat eur Nat ional Ch ampion Georgie Price fell sho rt in a bid to be th e first rider of the . year to win three features in o ne evening at Middleford. Pri ce had decisive victories in th e 125 and 250cc fin al s, but Roy Collin gs won a dogfight agai nst Bob Sweeten and Pri ce for th e win in th e 500cc class. Collings and Miller jumped out front with Swee ten di spl a cing Mi ll er o n la p tw o . Sweeten reeled in Collings and th e two began swappin g th e lead . In the meantime, Price made a daring outside mov e work to get by Mill er and set out after the leaders. Pri ce caug ht the lead ers with two laps to go, but Collings was not to be denied as he took the win over Sweeten. Sweeten turned things aro und in the Open P ro final a nd stopped FREMONT, CA, AUG. 28 N iclas Granlund, a transplanted Swede mot ocrosser, waited for just th e ri gh t minute a nd th e ri~ht opport un ity to zap the competition in hi s second moto and also gamer th e o verall in the Open Junior class. His pass was on the white flag lap in the second moto after he had followed Gary Jaehne. Twenty feet after getting th e white flag, the lead du o negoti at ed a 1800 , high -banked berm and head ed down a short straig ht th at had a peaked jump in it. Gran lund was bein g careful a ll even ing d ue to injuries and came o ut a length behind j aehne o n th e exit of the 1800 berm. Granlund landed cleaner off the jump, seemed to be pointed correctly at the en tra nce of the next left-hander and clea rl y had mo re mo mentum than h is o pponent. Grandlu nd started to follow Jaeh ne bu t 'a t the last mom ent darted dow n low in th e corne r and a ppea red to catch J aehne by surp rise. The next obstacle was th e roc kers and again the mom entum was Granlunds'. The checkers fluttered on Granlund then Jaehne and th en J on Nicolaus, in th at order. An even ing overa ll first was aw arded to Granlund o n th e basis of hi s 3-1 performance while second pl ace went to Ja ehne for his 2-2 ou tings. J on Nicol aus got third for his 4-3 rides. Garrett Gora co mp letely domi nated th e 80cc Mini Beginner div ision two class. Gora took over the lead in each moto by the time the front runners were through th e rockers right after turn two. Results 80 MINI BEG 0 -1: 1. Rodney Jeter (Kaw); 2. Shawn Yuill (Suz); 3. Jimmy Molica (Yam); 4. Albert Iniguez (Kaw); 5. John Romanoff (Han). 80 M INI BEG 0-2; 1. Garren Gora (Han); 2. Peter Urfer (Han); 3. Gary Otterstedt (Han); 4. Kurt Goddard (YamI; 5. Danny We nger (Han). BO MI NI J R: 1. Kenny Nolan (Kaw); 2. Jeff Gladieux (Han); 3. Ken Spence (Yam~ 4. John Peavler (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Duane Anderson (Honl; 2. Sha ne Wright (Hon); 3 . Mark Fitzs immons (SUzO; 4 . Tyron Farley (Ka w); 5. William Banhan (Yam). 125 JR: 1. Pat Gomm (Hon ~ 2. Lance Lycero (Yam); 3. Tyler Hummel (Suz); 4. Jimmy Williams (Han); 5. Mike Powell (Han). 250 BEG: 1. Steve cassar (Yam); 2. Kenny Madden (Kaw); 3. Todd Thomas (Han); 4. Sam Weber (Kaw ); 5. Kevin Gaddis (Yam). 250 JR: 1. Mark Kerl ing (Han); 2. Don Mendenhall ( Suz~ 3. J im Alwyn (Suzl; 4. Bill Maloney (Han); 5. Tary! We inrick (Hon~ 250 INT: 1. Jesse Brita in ( K aw~ 2. Dave Rogers (Honl; 3. Eric Pucelik (Han). 250 PRO: 1. Gary Rabe (Kaw ); 2. Jeff Wenger (Han). OPEN BEG: 1. Brian Dickey (KTM); 2. John Lea (Han); 3. Shannon Humphreys (Yaml; 4. David Davis (Han); 5. Ken Kadlubowski (Han). OPEN JR: 1. Niclas Granlund (Kaw); 2. Gary Jaehne (Kaw); 3. Jon Nicolaus (Kaw); 4. Baron Sumter (Kaw); 5. Jeffrey Powell (Han). VET JR: 1. Tom Quirk (Han); 2. Don Matheson (Hon l; 3. Stephen Scof ield (Han); 4. Ken Waddell (Yaml; 5. Rich Krosk e (YamI. VET INT: 1. Gary Jaehne (Kaw ); 2. Harry Belli citt i (Yam). VET MS TR: 1. Phil Dougl as (KTM); 2. Duane Hugh es (Han); 3. Lerry Baker (Honl . McLean,.Spear swap Modena MX wins By John Spear MODENA, NY, AUG. 23 Dave McLean a n d Mike Spear swa pped wins and seconds in the 250cc and O p en Expert classes during MX racing in Modena. McLean's 2-1 took the 250cc class win to Spear's 1-3. Ro b McC ullo ugh, with a pair of holeshots, claimed third with a 3-2 finish. It was just the opposite in the Open class. Spear finished with a 2-1 while McLean £inished 1-2 as the pair easily outdistanced the field. Keith Mann 's consistent rides gave him third overa ll with a 3-3 da y. In th e Senior Expert division , Wayne Edmonds made on e of his infrequent a ppeara nces this year, rolling to a pair of firsts to o utduel Bud Kozinor and Tom March. George Brayneck won the 250cc Amateur class with a perfect I-I ride, easily win ning his qual ifying heat a nd ta king th e second moto as well. Mario DeMarco, th e winner of the other qualifyin g moto, took secon d with a 1-4 aft ernoon while Kerry Blackwell, wh o chased Brayneck in the seco nd moto, was third with a 4-2 to just edge Cosino Napolitano's 3-3 afternoon. Kozinor, Phil Callaci and Mike Ra tto battled each other from th e drop of the gate in the Open Ama teur divis ion. Kozinor took the overa ll via his 3-1 afternoo n. Ca lla ci end ed up 2-2 for second and Ratto fini shed 13 for thi rd. Results 250 EX: 1. Dave McL ean (Hon ~ 2. Mike Spear (Kaw ); 3. Rob McCullough (Yam); 4 . Jo hn Ryan (Kaw); 5. Mik e Speckm an (Yam). OPEN EX: 1. Mike Spear (Kaw); 2. Dave Mc Lean (Hon); 3 . Keit h Mann (Yam); 4 . Ken Napolit an o (Han); 5. J im Habach er (Han). 125 AM ; 1. Scott Brad shaw (Han); 2. Rich Str id (Kaw); 3. Chad O'Hara (Han ); 4 . Mario DeMarco . (Yam); 5. Jason Miller (Kaw ). 250 AM : 1. George Brayneck; 2. Mario DeMarco; 3. Kenny Blackwell ; 4. Cosino Napol itano; 5. David Saab. OPEN AM : 1. Bud Kozinor (Kaw l; 2. Phi l Callac l (Kaw); 3. M ike Ratto (Hon l; 4 . Frank Pokorny (Han); 5. Don Consiglio (Han). SR EX: 1. Wayne Edmonds (Kaw); 2. 8ud Kozinor ( Kaw~ 3. Tom Marsh (Han); 4. Rich Hamilton (Hon~ 5. Rodolfo Amorisono (Kaw). S/SR EX: 1. John DiDomenico (Kaw); 2. Rich Gerber (Yam); 3. Erick Guenkel (Yam); 4. Rich Str id (Kaw ~ 5. Dan Gerardi (Han). 12 5 NOV: 1. Jason unn (Suz); 2. Tom Lambert (Han); 3. James Coy (yam); 4. Bert Picarello (Kaw); 5. W ill iam M inard (Honl. SR MINI: 1. Bruce calkin (Kawl; 2. David Picarello (Han); 3. Chris Povall (Yam); 4. Jaso n Linn (Suz); 5. Lincoln Morehead (Suz). JR MINI: 1. Cart er Gurn ee (Kaw) ; 2. Keith Troccoli (Kaw); 3. Chad Robson (Hon~ 4 . J usuda Bannan (Hon); 5 . Franc isco Sier ra (Yam). SR A M : 1. Warren Rutherford (C·AI; 2. Richard Nortan (Han); 3. Payson Richardson (Kawl; 4 . William Haputmon (Ya m); 5. John Sa mms" (Hon) . S/SR AM : 1. Satroras Katsanvakis (Yam); 2. Sal Benant i (Han); 3. Clovis Gayett e (Yam); 4. Radford Mill er (Han). Blood bags Baylands' Pro MX honors By Mike Vancil FREMO NT , CA, AUG. 26 Clayton Blood, who is not that frequent of a competitor at Baylands, returned to show that he still cou ld beat the assembled professionals on hand. The victory was decisive in that he won both motos over formidable competition at the weekl y CMC sanctioned night motocross. In the first moto Blood was not the leader into the first comer but he soon reeled in point rider Gary Rabe, aboard a Kawasaki sponsored by Rock Oil, After Shocks and Moore & Son KTM. The lead change came at the ap proach to the formidable tabletop jump and from . that point on Malcolm Smith Racin g/ J o rgensen Su spension Research/ Dublin Kawasaki-sponsored Blood, never had to look back. In th e second moto Bruce Manzoni made hi s pr esence felt and he had th e lead until exiting th e first corner. It was again Blood in the lead at tha t poin t and he never relinquished the advantage. Ra be came closer to making a pass than he did in th e first moto but Blood used all the right mov es to block such a maneuver. Although Manzoni was riding well he could not hold off the persistent Glenn Harrison. Bloods' two wins were followed by Ra be's dual secon d p lace finishes.

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