Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dave Rogers was able to power to an imp ressive o verall win in th e 250cc Inter m ediat e class. Rogers eventuall y ended the evening with a double moto win but he had to sort through some hot racers to achieve th at goal. At the gate drop in m o to o ne th e field trailed Sergio Fernandez into the first corner and all th e wa y to the checkers. But because Fernan dez was observed jumping the backward-falling start gate he was penalized a lap and instead of being in first the whole distance, he was last. Rogers trai led in second and tried to get by th e inspired Fernandez but he . could no t get a whee l close to him. In th e seco n d moto Kawasaki mounted Kurt Kuhn came close to offering up a challe nge to Rogers, but eac h tim e he d rew near the Ha yward H o n da / An sw er Ra ce Wear/Trick R ace Gas-sponsored Rogers, th e H onda rid er sq ui rted awa y. Kuhn is sponsored by Dubl in Kawasaki a nd hi s two second place finishes ga ve him second overall. Ferna nde z fin ished third to give him third o ve ra ll , ' eve n th ough h e received eigh t points for his first moto infraction of getting over the gate. Results BO MINI BEG: 1. Todd Maderia (Kaw); 2. Bill Sayre [Yam); 3. Tim Hamilton (Vam); 4 . Kurt Goddard [Yamt, 5. Richard Walker (Vam). 80 MINI JR: 1. Dan Roger (Han). 80 MINIINT: 1. Trevor Meagher [Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Robert Floyd (sUl); 2. Lance Bollens (Han); 3. Shane Wright (Hon t, 4. Dan Kenison (Han); 5. Duane Andarson (Han). 125 JR: 1. Pat Gomm (Hont, 2. Jason Warren (Hont, 3. John Newell (Han); 4 . Jim Williams (Han); 5. Mike Powell (Han). 125 INT: 1. rodd Hicks (Han); 2. Jerome Smith (Hon t, 3. Kurt Kuhn (Kaw); 4. Scatt Jordan (Yam). 125 PRO: 1. Rob Richards (Han); 2. Terry Bostard (Han). 250 BEG: 1. Sam Weber (Kaw); '2. Shawn McDonald (sUlt, 3. Keith Cottanec (Han); 4 . Steve Cossar (Yam); 5. Kevin Gaddis (Yam). 250 JR: 1. Chr is Stille (Han); 2. Keith Tanti (Yam); 3. John Detwiler (HOn);· 4 . Dave Zollo (Han); 5. Oon Mendenhall (s Ul ). 250 INT: 1. Dave Rogers (Han); 2. Kurt Kuhn (Kaw); 3. Serg io Fernartdez (Han); 4 . Br ent Patterson (Hon); 5. Jesse Britain IKaw) . 250 PRO: 1. Jon Nelson (Han); 2. Terry Bostard (Han). OPEN BEG: 1. Dean May (yam); 2. John Bagot (Han); 3. Shane Wright [Yam); 4. Steve Edmondson (Han); 5. Ken Kadivbowski (Han). . OPEN JR: 1. Dan O'Berg in (Han); 2. Doug Silva (Yam); 3. Todd Luksa (Han); 4. Marlon Folden (Vam); 5. Tim O'Hara (KTM). OPEN INT: 1. Jo el Christenson (Han); 2. Steve Zanona (Hon). • OPEN PRO: 1. Clayton Blood (Kaw); 2. Gary Robe (Kaw); 3. Bruce Manzoni (Hon); 4. Glenn Harrison (Vam); 5. Craig Porter (Han). VET JR: 1. Marlon Folden (Vam); 2. Tim O'Hara (KTM): 3. Joe DiVecchio (KTM); 4. Chris O'Bergin (Kaw); 5. Kenny Eggers (Han). VET INT: 1. Geoffrey Fox (Han); 2. Joe Wytman (Kaw). . VET MsTR: 1. Duane Hugh es (Han); 2. Mike Lane (Han); 3. Larry Baker (Han); 4. Duane Joi ce (Kaw). OT MsTR : 1. Don Swearing en (Han); 2. Craig Bastard (Han). Taylor, Chester top Stepp Mill Shrine MX By Loren &. Barbara Williams T RAVEL ERS R EST, SC, AU G. 29 Ya mah a- m ounted Robbie T aylor to pped th e 125cc P ro class and Kawasak i ri der j im Ch ester took th e honors in the 250cc Pro division a t the Step p Mill Shri ne MX, held ton ight near T ra veler 's Rest. At first, it looked as if Taylor fresh from his O pen A class win a t Loretta L ynn 's - wou ld be the dominate fo rce in both cl a sses . T aylo r bested Chester in th e 125 and 250cc qual ifiers and won th e 125cc main even t, but Chester Came out on top in the cras h -marred 250cc final. Chester nabbed th e holeshot in th e 250cc ma in , with Taylor's Gear / Sco tt / Bell /S&S Spr ockets/ A&M Cycle/Cycle Am-sponsored YZ ri ght on his rear kn obbie. T he duo was fo llowed by H onda r ider Kei th Watso n, Aaron Boll in ger, also on' a Honda, and Suzuki-mounted Kirk j ohnson. T aylor made an inside move on Ch ester go ing th rough a ' hairp in turn o n th e second lap, and collided with th e Kawasaki rider as Chester shot off th e berm and rocke ted ou t fJl ~ -« ::; ..J ~ Z W II: o ..J >- '" o o ,I- :I: c, Jim Chester won the 250cc Pro race at the Stepp Mill Shrine MX. of th e corne r. Bo th riders went down and Tay lor inj ured h is wrist in the process (the injury was to the same wri st he broke last season ). Boll inger, who was holding down third, al so cras hed in the corner, while fourth-running Watson made it through the melee to tak e over the lead. Chester remounted and joined th e fray in second. Chester repassed Waston half wa y through th e ra ce, but he was unabl e to stretch o ut a lead. Chester finished a wh isker ahead of Wa tson and the du o took th e ch eckers a head of Bollinger , johnson and a muchslowed Taylo r. Results P/W: 1. J immy Briggs (Kaw ); 2. Chris Hutehins (Kaw); 3. Conn Maso n (Kaw ). 50 : 1. Jona than Sente ll (Yam); 2. Paul Justus (Han); 3. Bryan Head (Han). JR MIN I: 1. Chr is Hutchins (Kaw); 2. J imm y Briggs (Kaw); 3. Conn Mason. sR MINI : 1. Chad Leigh [Yam); 2. Jam ie Hacking (Kaw ); 3. David Contre ll (Han). 125 AM: 1. M ike Brown (Han); 2. Chris Tucker [Yam); 3. Shane Stepp (s uz). 125 NOV; 1. Gary Da~on (Han); 2. Paul Dalton (Kaw); 3. Rob Bell (Han). 125 PRO: 1. Robbie Taylor (Vam); 2. Jim Chester (Kaw); 3. Aaron Boll inger (Han); 4. Keith Wat son (Han). 250 AM : 1. Tony Lee (Vam); 2. Paul Firnsc hi ld (Kawl; 3. Van Pitt (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Tim Harmon (Han); 2. Reggie Varbrough (Han); 3. Eddie Johnson (Suz), 250 PRO: 1. J im Chester (Kaw ); 2. Keith Watson (Hon); 3. Aaron Bollinger (Hon); 4. Kirk Johnson (su l l; 5. Robbie Taylor (Vam). . OPEN AM : 1. Marc Cleveland (Han); 2. Tim Lingerfelt (Kaw); 3. Richard Cope (Kaw). sR MEN : 1. Jamie McCollum (sUl): 2. Tony Coggins (Vam); 3. Jerry McCarson (Han). ENDURO: 1. Tony Rhodes. (Han); 2. Scan W ard (KTM); 3. Terry Norton (Vam). Coen doubles in Wallkill MX By John Spear WALLKILL, N Y, AU G. 16 The 125cc Expert class at Wallkill saw Carlo Coen and Kurt McMillen swap first and seco nd between th e two rnotos, with Coen taking th e overall. In the firs t mo to, McMillen and Rob McCu llo ugh pulled wa y ou t in fro nt of th e field as Coen fough this way back fro m a first corner fall. On th e last lap, Coen passed McCullough to ta ke second and set up a seco nd- moto co nfrontation wi th McMi llen for th e overall. Coe n got off to hi s norma l ~ood start in th e second mo to and claimed th e ov era ll over runn er-up McMillen . McCull ough finis hed wit h a pair of th irds while Dennis Decker's 5-4 finis h was good for fourt h. Erik Pfeiffer, raci ng in h is first Expert mo to, p ulled theholeshot in th e firs t I25cc rnoto but the race was black-flagged because three gat es had , jammed. On th e restart, Pfeiffer was inv olved with th e first turn cras h that took down Coen and class po ints leader T odd Dippe l, an d was una ble to co nti nue. It was a tough break for the young Expert. Billy Woods (132) and Steve Lucente battle in the 250cc Pro class at the Little Okie International. Jon Nelson took the overall win. Coen also took th e 250cc Expert class with a 1-2 aft ernoon, topping Mike Spear's 5-1. Spear was leading th e first mo to whe n his fro nt tire went flat with five laps to go . Riding ca u tio usly, he managed to finish while dropping to fifth. In th e second moto, Coen, Spear and a ra pdi ly-improving j o hn Ryan were locked in a three-way battle for first. T oward th e end of th e rno to, Spear and Coen locked handlebar s in a corner, allowin g Ryan by.First Spear and then Coe n go t back by, giving Coen first and Spear second. R yan 's 3-3 was good for third. Spear swept both Open Expert mo tos with Mark Costa turning in a pair of seconds beh ind him. Ken Mecki ng, in h is fourt h Expert race, p ushed his Husky for th ird overall with a pair of fourth p lace finis hes. Scott Ni ckerson ' h ad a perfect afternoon in th e Open Ama teur class, holding off Daniel Alexander in the first moto and Fra nk Pokorny in the second. Pok orny's 3-2 afternoon was good fo r second wh ile Step hen Molinari's co nsistent 4-4 finis h took th ird overa ll. Greg Bastek wo n his quali fying rnoto in the 250cc Ama teur di vision, then top ped th e field in the second mo to to capture th e o vera ll. Ken Blackwell finished second in bo th motos wh ile Ri ck Strid had a 2-3 af ternoon for the th ird spot. In th e 125cc Ama teur class , j oh n Weinberg was in total con tro l during bot h motos to take th e overall. j ason Linn ca p tured hi s second 125cc Novice overall of the year with a 2-1 af ternoon , while j ohn Corwin rode away with a pair of -first p lace fini shes in the Sem or Amateur class. Results 125 EX: 1. Carte Caen (Kaw); 2. Kurt McMillen (Han); 3. Rob McCu llough (Vam); 4 . Denn is Decker (Han): 5. Joh n Ryan (Kaw). . 250 EX: 1. Carlo Caen (Kaw ); 2. M ike Spear (Kaw); 3. Jo hn Ryan (Kaw); 4 . Scan J acob (sull; 5. Scott Behr ens (Vam). OPEN EX: 1. M ike Spear (Kawl; 2. M ark Costa (Kaw ); 3. Ken Mecking (Hus); 4. Raben TItani c (Han); 5. Tom Hall [Yam). SR EX: 1. Tom Marsh (Han); 2. George Bachm ann (Hon); 3. Stephen Coy (Yam); 4 . Rodolfo Amor esono (Kaw); 5. Rich Mackey (Kaw ). 125 AM : 1. John Weinb erg (Hon): 2. Richard Strid (Kaw); 3. Scctr Bradshaw (Han); 4. M ike Kally (Kaw); 5. Chad O'Hara (Han). • 250 AM : 1. Gr eg Bastek (Han); 2. Ken Blackw ell (Han); 3. Rich Str id (Kaw); 4. Casin o Napol it ano (Han); 5. Scott Spano (Vam). OPEN AM : 1. Scott Nickerson (Han); 2. Frank Pokor ny (Hon); 3. St ephen Molinar i (Hon ); 4, Mi ke Rano (Honl; 5. Martin Gr iff (Vam). 125 NOV: 1. J ason Linn (Sull; 2. Roger Hanna (Han); 3. M ike Gall igan (Kaw); 4. Richy Bozentko (Kaw ); 5. Rick Beyer (Han). sR MINI: 1. Bruce Caulkin (Kaw); 2. Jody M itchell (Hon); 3. Steven Katsongvak is (Yam); 4. Eric Koch (Vam); 5. Jamas O'Hara (Han). . JR MINI : 1. Keith Troccoli (Kaw); 2. J ames Glyn n (Han); 3. Joshua Bamonan (Han); 4. Francisco Sierr a (Yam); 5. Gary Brenn an (Vam). • SR AM : 1. John Corwin (Han); 2. Payson Richa rdson (Kaw); 3. Mi cha el Manno (sUl); 4 . M ichael Rieger (sull; 5. W illiam Hauptman [Yam). Nelson nails I.ittle Okie win By Mark Staab MADERA, CA, AUG. 22 j on Nelson took th e overa ll victory with a second moto win in th e 250cc Pro class after a hard fough t ba ttle wi th Terry Bostard a t th e Little Okie International. In moto one, Bostard took the hol eshot leading Nelson and Steve Lucente for the first lap. On lap two Nel son slipped undern eath Bostard as the y moved onto th e fro nt straightaway, bu t Bostard di dn't give up. Bostard stayed with Nelson through o ut the remainder of th e la p and as the racers mo ved onto lap three again pas sed Nelson to take the lead to th e fin ish . T im MccClin to ck passed Lucente over th e tab letop to take th ird. At th e sta rt of mo to two Nelson took th e hol eshot andled every lap. Although Bo stard m ad e man y a ttempts to ge t by Nelson he had to take second place, gi ving the overa ll victory to Nelson. Tyson tames Sacramento MX By Nuklear Neukam SACRAMENTO, CA' AUG: 28 Kawasak i sup port rider Tyson Vohland showed his stuff at th e Friday nigh t stadium motocross races in th e Moto Bowl at Sacramento Raceway Park, winning both motos in the combined Pro class. In the first mo to H i-Point!Araisponsored Shawn Woo ten sho wed what kind of power his Reaction Po rt i n g twea ked H o nda had by hol esho ting with Voh land in second. Wooten stayed in the lead for the first half of th e moto bu t Vohland set him up fo r th e pass and , a fter o ne unsuccessful attempt, made the mo ve and too k over th e lead. Wooten charged back the rest of th e moto staying wi thin str iking distance but Vohland was ridi ng a flawless race and held o n for th e win . Wooten was second wit h Mike's Cycle Placervill e Kawasak i-mounted Sh awn Freiling third. Mike's Cycle team ma te "Dou bl e Barrell " Daryl Yount was fourth with Ray Crumb, o n yet another green machine, fifth. Woo ten swooped to another early lead in moto two bu t Vohland made hi s move ea rly and s",:ooped th e lead 39

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