Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Erik Kehoe (8 ) and Erik Munson (1) battled for the lead at the start of the A laska State Fair Supercross. Kehoe cruised to victory. Can-Am rider Kelly Getz overalled t he first round of the f ive-race Illinois _ Fall Hare Scramble Series. held near Morrison. Collings collects Middleford ST victory By Woody Miller SEAFORD, DE, SEPT. 4 Roy Collings came one step closer towards retaining his number one plate, as he captured both heat and features in the 500cc and Open Pro class aboard his First State Cycle/ Mark Hake-sponsored HarleyDavidson at Middleford Speedway. The 500cc feature saw Collings take the lead at the nash of the green light with Bob Bowker on his rear wheel. As Collings opened up some breathing room , Mark Miller closed on Bowker's rear wheel after suffering a poor start. On lap six, Miller stuffed his Yamaha under Bowker as the two entered turn one. At the drop of the checkered flag, it was Collings, Miller and Bow ker_ taking the top three spots. . The Senior class saw Ron n ie Dail back on top after suffering his first loss of the year last week. Dail led every la p of the feature on his Yamaha to take the win over Tom Kisielnicki. Former Pro rider Carmen Visalli took his first win of the year in the 250cc class by holding off current point leader, and Rookie of the Year candidate Gene Kaczka for the win. Results 250: 1. Carmen Visalli Jr. (Yam): 2. Gene Kaczka (Han). 500: 1. Roy Collings (H-D): 2. Mark Miller (Yaml; 3. Bob Bow ker (Yaml. OPEN PRO: 1. Roy Collings (H·D); 2. Mark Miller (Vam); 3. Bob Bowker (Yam). SR: 1. Ronnie Oail (Yam); 2. Tom Kisielnicki (Vam). Ingels wraps up Championship at Gold Country Speedway By R.C. Jones 36 'AU BU R N , CA, AUG. 28 Eddie Ingels wrapped up the Northern California Speedway Championship tonight at Gold Country Speedway. Shawn R e p p ert wo n the Support class championship a nd Dustin Schroeder took th e Junior championship. In round one Bart Bast, Ingles and Jim Sisemore picked up three point wins. In the first heat of round two Sisemore went into the wall, ending the race with zero points. Roc ky Rob ins on won the second heat and tied Bast and Ingles. Bast had to work hard for his second win when dueling it out with Steve Martin, Paul Orlandi and J oe Leduc, . Ro u nd three started with a win for In gels and Sisemore. In the third heat Marrin took first over Robert Curry. In the next heat Bast dropped his first points of the night when John Houston Jr won the race. Robinson , Bast , Ingels and Sise more all blasted back with wins in round four, putting Ingels one point up on Bast, two on Robinson and three on Sisemore. When the gate went up for the final race Sisemore grabbed the lead from h is pole position, Ingles and Bast were even, shutting Robin son out through the turn. In gel s was watching Ba s t carefull y, letting Sisemore go for the win. Bast worked hard to get around Ingels but Ingels shut him down every lap. Sisemore went on for the win, Ingles second and .he championship, Bast third and now tied for second overall with Sisemore. In the runoff for second, Bast took the gate and put it to Sisemore to pick up second overall and Sisemore third. Results O/A PTS: 1. Eddie Ingels (14 pts); 2. Ban Bast (12); 3. Jim Sisamore.(12); 4 . (TIE) John Houston Jr.lRocky Robinson (10); 6. (TIE) Steve Manin/ Mike Parsons (B); B. (TIE) Steve Crawford/ Raben Curry/Nic:J< Geranio/ Joe Leduc/Paul Orlandi (6). MAIN : 1. Shaw n Reppen; 2. Scon McNe il; 3. Steve Orlandi; 4. Rery Rundle . JR: 1. Dustin Schroeder; 2. Tommy Hedden ; 3. Jason Smith. Senn claims Ottawa brother Bill came u p . 1 second slower to finis h second. Ro n Todd, riding for Kawtown Kawasaki / Beta Sh o p, crashed h is Kawasaki through th e timers on his las t try and stopped the clock at 3.36, which gave him th ird p lace. Sam Blakeney took another wi n in the 200cc class. H is best time came . in his final try, going over in 4.00. Blakeney is sponsored by Pro Tech and rides a Kawasaki. Ed Scott had a 4.44 final ride to finish second. Suzuki rider Ron Senn rounded out the top three with a 4.65 ride and also claimed the oldest competitor award. At 53, he still outclirnbs the yo u n ger riders. TheMini class was won by Tom Daniels, ridin!?a Kawasaki, Daniels only needed his first ride to take the win but he elected to ride the second round and bettered his time of 5.99 with a 4.59 run. Lucas' H aas didn't make it over his first time but had a 5.16 climb during th e fina l round to wrap up second p lace. He was also on a Kawasaki. Yamaha mounted Chad Harbolt made a 5.58 second pass for third p lace. Results MI NI: 1. Tom Daniels (Kaw ); 2. Lucas Haas (Kaw); 3. Chad Harbolt (Yam); 4 . Er ic M arshall (Kaw ); 5. J ason Nort hr up (Kaw ). 12 5: 1. Eric Wh eelwright (Vam); 2. Tom Daniels (VarnI; 3. J im Nyman (Vam); 4. Ed Scon (Kaw); 5. Paul Hackban h (Yam). . 200: 1. Sam Blake ney (Kaw); 2. Ed Scan (Kaw); 3. Ron Senn (Suz); 4. Eric W heelw right (Vam); 5. Paul Hayes (Yam). 250 : 1. Brent Stew an (Kaw); 2. M ikel Bonomo (Vam); 3. Lloyd Haas (Kawl; 4 . J ohn Reed (Yam); 5. Paul Hayes (Kaw). 400: 1. Lloyd Haas (Yam); 2. Al an Hoskin s (Yam): 3. Mike Lundeen (Yam); 4. Ron Todd (Kaw); 5. Keith Nyman (Vam). 500: 1. Jim Steffey (Han); 2. Bill Steff ey (Yam); 3. Ron Todd (Kaw); 4. Alan Hoskins (Yam); 5. Brent Stewan (Kaw). 750: 1. Robin Senn (Yam); 2. Jim Steffey (Kaw); 3. Chuck Seldal (Kaw); 4. Mike Lundeen (Yam); 5 . Steve Dan iels (Yam). OPEN: 1. Bill Steffey (Kaw); 2. Bob Fisher (H· D); 3. Dwight Curran (H-D). By Paul Hayes Kehoe cruises to Alaska SX win OTTAWA, IL, AUG. 30 Robin Senn claimed hi s first win of th e season in the 750cc class at round 15 of the D· 17 Ottawa Variety Riders M/C Hillclimb Series. After the first round Senn sa t in second place behind Yamahamounted Mik e Lundeen. Senn lined UP. for his last attempt, studied the hill, then shot over the 110 foot hill in 3.73 .seconds. He was riding a Yamaha 650. Jim Steffey turned a 3.90 on h is second pass to earn the runner-up spot. Rounding out the top three was Chuck Seldal with a run of 3.96. Both riders were on . Kawasaki 750 triples. Lundeen was bumped down to fourth. In the 500cc class Steffey had the fastest time of the da y with a 3.24 second final ride on a Honda. His PALMER, AK, AUG. 29 Eric Kehoe and Goat Breker came to Alaska and won the major portion of the Alaska State Fair Supercross purse. With $1300 up for grabs the top riders in the far Northwest . showed up for a share of the money. Alaska State 125 and 250cc Expert Champion Erik Munson and Yukon Territorial Champion Trent Haggard were no match, though, for the southern California powerhouse of Kehoe and Breker. Team Suzuki's Kehoe started th e da y by easi ly winning qualifier one over Munson and Haggard. Kehoe led from start to finish. Kevin Schaub won qualifier two and Andy Workman won the third qualifier. Breker , on a LaCabana- Hillclimb win By M.R. Edge sponsored H on da, dom inated th e fourth a nd last q ua lifier: Keh oe pulled the h ol esh o t at the start of th e 18-rider A main. J im McClain found himself in seco nd ahead of Munson and Breker. Mun son crashed and al most took Breker out. Breker was soon past McClain but co u ldn't q u ite reel in Kehoe. Bu t not racing for a lmost a year showed as Breker tired, while Keh oe p u lled out a lead and then cruised. By the end o f the mo to , both riders had lap ped everyone, incl uding third place Andy Workman. The checkered nag fell for Kehoe who took ho me $420. Breker 's second earned him $300. Top Alaskan was Wo rk- . man in third followed by Munson. Results 50 NOV: 1. Popeye Gonzalez (Yam); 2. Luke Rambur (Yam); 3. Nick Moranes (Yam). 60 NOV: 1. Jos h Rambur (Kaw); 2. Cory Bauder (Kaw); 3. Brian Kohl (Kaw). SO NOV: 1. Gary Gordon (Kaw); 2. Wi llia m Stry ken (Han); 3. Roger Unstrom (Kaw). 80 EX: 1. Aro n Niles (Han); 2. Man Galbra ith (Han); 3. Wa yne Simonds (Kaw). C: 1. Trevor Haggard (Han); 2. Chad Voshitomi (M·S); 3. Norman Harr is (Yam); 4. Lei! Forsythe (Kaw); 5. Ron Soule (KTM). B: 1. Ji m Stewa n (Suz); 2. Steve Woodwa rd (Kaw); 3. Pat Crabb (Kaw); 4. Craig Hill (Vam); 5. Louis Mass (KTM). A: 1. Erik Kehoe (Suzl; 2. Goat Br eker (Hon); 3. And y Wor kman (Kaw); 4. Eric Munson (Suz); 5. Rick Kanto la (Kaw ). WMN: 1. Traci Graydon (Suz); 2. Cynder Goff (Han); 3. Damone Akl esl ad (Han). Getz tops Gusse's Hare Scramble By Merle Acord MO RR ISON, IL, AUG. 30 Can-Am rider Kelly Getz, recovering from a bruised sp leen, blitzed a three mile course of tight woods, creek bottoms and open fields to win, with a three minute interval the first of a five race Illinois Fall Hare Scramble Series co -sponsored by Bike Barn and Spectro Oil Products. Jeff Stevenson pegged the throttle on his Action Cycle KTM 250 to grab the holeshot in the first wave start of Experts and A riders; Geu was a tight second followed by Kawasakimounted Harvey Whipple. Craig Hayes, in fifth on a Husky fourstroke 510 had already established his race day pattern of fending off John Bush's Bike Barn 250 Can-Am. " It was a fun race," said Getz. "I wa llowed around in some of the mud holes like everyone else and fell down a coup le of times, but nothing serious. I got around Stevenson -in the early going and from then on I never saw him. I'm a littl e tired , but I think most o f that is from the . nervous let-down after the race ." ' " I got h im on that off-camber straight by the starting area," said second overall Jeff Stevenson. " I j us t tried to ride a steady pace and stay out of tro uble," continued Stevenson. "I haven't ridden enough this -

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