Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Willy Simons (3 ) and Doug O'Donnell battle in the first 500cc Pro moto. S imons was the overall winner and O'Donnell captured third. Bennett (10 A) w on th e first 250cc Inte rmediate Division Two moto, but Tim Whi tlo ck (3 2) took the second moto and the overall victory. 30 lap left th e race stayed th at way to the end. H owever, th e secon d mo ta had a slig h t twi st to it. When the ga te finall y dropped it was 7:13 p.m. a nd th e ligh ts in the pits were already o n, with many of the riders feeli ng it was too dark to race. Mik e McLain was firs t to ge t through th e turn foll ow ed by Berg , Si mo ns, Berluti and Staten . At the end of the first lap, Simo ns had found a way to take co ntro l of the lead. Lar son was no w in for seco nd fo llo wed by McL ain and Staten. Larson began to creep up o n Si mons and sta lked him for about a lap until he made his mov e on a rough straight; Simons opted for the smoother and most of the time safer line to the inside, while Larson took the rougher and harder line to the outside. Amazingly enough Larson bounced his way past Simons for the lead and started immediately increasing his lead. At th e same time Staten slipped by McLain for third. It was so dark the specta tors (tha t were left ) cou ld barely see riders at th e far end of th e track. Larson cruised in for th e win foll owed by Simons, and Staten too k th ird. In the 125cc Intermediate Divi sion T wo class Suzuki's Jimmy Gaddis took hi s RM to a convincing two mot a victory beating au! Phil Lawrence's 4-2. T erry Swanson , o n a Yam ah a, scored 6-4 for th ird overall. In th e 250cc Intermediate Division T wo class, Kaw a sak i rid er P at Bennet showed th em how it was done, when he holesho t and led wireto-w ire for the first mota victory ahead of Honda riders T im Wh itl ock and Sig Riddle. Moto two was cut sho rt so the start was th e key. La nce Barnett and hi s KX jumped into th e lead and stayed th er e. Whitlock finis hed seco nd ahead of Mike Hooker. Wh itlock was aLle to sta y ahead of Ben nett wh o finished fifth for the overall. Whi tloc k won with a 2-2 over Bennett with a 1-5. T hird went to Barnett, wi th his 6-1. . The 80 Expert class was dominated by two riders - Honda's Jimmy Button and Suzu ki 's Buddy Ant unez. Antunez ran away with the first mo to whe n Button ended up with a bad start. Moto two saw Button way o ut front unti l Antun ez pu t o n th e pressure and bega n to close . T he two riders were ridi ng bar -to-bar until Button sli pped awa y an d was pul- ' lin g a lead. ' Seconds lat er Button go t o u t of shape and high -sided , th e impact resu lted in a brok en collarbo ne. Antunez took th e overa ll with a I- I score. • Results 60 (9-1 1): 1. Mik e Metzger (Kaw ); 2, St eve Hengeveld (Kaw); 3, Jeff W illoh (Kawt 4 , Drai Nichols (Kaw ); 5, J ohn M eng (Kaw ), 80 JR (9·11): 1. Steve And rich (Suz); 2. Michael Brandes (Kaw); 3, Timothey Keeney (Han); 4, Jeff Willoh (Kaw);'5 , Justin Urat a (Han). 80 INT (9·11): 1. Damon Huffman (Yam). 80 JR (12-16): 1. Jason Kawell (Kaw); 2. Chris Kefalas (Han); 3. Travis Musslernan (Yamt. 4. Bill y Dawson (Han); 5. Marc Bunch (Suz), M INI BEG: 1. Bill y FellS (Kaw); 2. Todd Mader is (Kaw); 3. Barry Karaltas (Yam); 4 , David Stulko shy (Suz); 5. Kevin Crippen (Kaw ), M INI EX: 1. Buddy Antunez (Suz); 2. Dana Wiggins (Suzt 3. Tommy Clowe rs (Yamt 4. Joey Albr echt (Kaw); 5, Brian Roth (Hon), 125 BEG DIV 1: 1. Chris Evans (Hont. 2. Donny ) Tillery (Kaw t 3. Ace January (Suzt 4 , Leon Frank (Han); 5. Todd Smith (Yam), ' 125 BEG DIY 2; 1. Damon Kemp (Han); 2. A lex Paul (yam); 3. Kenny Sommer (Han); 4, Brad Kelly (Han), • 125 JR DIY 1: 1. Trevor Meagher (Yam); 2, Soon Bristol (Han); 3. Scan Schroder (Kaw); .4 . Chad Gustine (Vam); 5. Gary Hedding (Kaw ). 125 J R DIY 2: 1. Todd Nelson (Suz); 2. Todd Starks (Yam); 3. Ricky Lutz (Kaw); 4. M ark Stu en (Honl ; 5. Chris Ridgw ay (Kaw). 125 JR DIV 3; 1. Jimmy Kight (Han); 2, Scan Takals (Suz); 3. Pete Wickersha m (Hon); 4. Jerry Jackson (Han); 5. And y Gr ider (Kawl . 125,1NT DIV 1: 1. Chris Neal (Kaw); 2. Erick Hilton (Yam); 3. Shan e Trittler (Yam ); 4 . Steve Lamson (Vam): 5. Ryan Hughes (Vam). 125 INT DIV 2: 1. Jimmy Gaddis (Suz); 2. ph il Lawrence (Yam);3. Terry Swanson (Yam); 4. Lance Barr en (Kaw); 5. J immy Clay (Honl. 125 PRO: 1. Bader Manneh (Kaw); 2, J eff Mati esavich (Kaw); 3. Ty Davis (Hon); 4. Kyle Lewis (Han); 5. M ike Kiedrowski (Kaw), 250 BEG DIV 1: 1, Rich Ouick (Hon); 2. Troy Anthony (Han); 3. Rich Banlow e (Kaw); 4. Dave Barlow (Kaw); 5 . Will iam Binette (Han). 250 JR DlV 1: 1. Scott McCoy (Hon); 2. J eff rey Bublavi (Yam); 3 . Bren Yahne (yam ); 4 . Brian Finch (Yam); 5. Sloan Cooper (yam), 250 INT DlV 1: 1. Steve Lamson (Vam); 2. Bill y Woods (Kaw); 3. Nicky Pounds (Suz); 4. Tony McGrath (Han); 5. Todd Swe aney (Han). 250 INT DIV 2; 1. Ti m W hit lock (Hon); 2. Pat Bennen (Kaw); 3 . Lance Barnett (Kaw); 4 . M ike Hooker (Han); 5. Ji m Kuntz (Suz). 250 PRO: 1. W ill ie Surratt (Su z); 2. J eff Matiasevich (Ka w); 3. Ty Davis (Hon); 4. Billy Frank (Yam); 5. Rex Stat en (yam), 500 BEG; 1. Ken Kadlubowski (Han); 2. Mark Alvarez (Hon); 3. Burton Polin (Han); 4. M ichae~J Carr (Hon); 5. Leonar d Kilm an (Vam). 500 JR; 1. Scon McCoy (Hon); 2. Jason Wi lliam s (Han); 3 . N icl as Gr onl urd lKaw); 4 . Rob ert Martindale (Hon); 5, Jon Nicolaus (Yam). . 500 INT; 1. Ti m W hitlock (Han ); 2. Jam ie Morabito (Vam); 3. M ike Thomas (Han); 4 . Sig Riddle (Han); 5. Mi ke Hooker (Han). 500 PRO; 1. Wi lly Simon s (Hont 2. Rex Staten (Yam); 3. Doug O'Donn eli (Han); 4. Tomm y Wan s (Kaw); 5. M ike Larson (Kaw). VET PRO: 1. Rex Stat en (Vam); 2. Jim Ashley (Han); 3, A lan Olson (Hon); 4 . J oe Stern (Yam); 5. Lonnie Roben s (Han). VET JR: 1. Rex Wh ite (Kaw); 2. Marlon Folden (Yam); 3. Bob Post (Hon); 4. Mi ke Rochester (Han): 5. Charli e Mart in (Hon ). VET INT: 1. Thom as Pon s (Hon); 2. KelJy Myers (Han); 3. Chris Burgeson (Yam); 4. Ken Dickson (Han); 5. Lacey Covert (Han), VET MSTR; 1, Phil Douglas (Vam); 2. Russ Daley (Kaw); 3 . Robert Tippit (Kaw); 4 . Duan e Hughes (Han); 5. Jerry Galan (Hon). OT JR: 1. Gary Doggen (Kaw ); 2. Lew is Fast (Vam); 3. Dave Fleming (Suz); 4 , Bill Riggs (yam); 5. John Cipollina (Suz), OT INT: 1. Terry Pran (Vam); 2, Wayn e O' Bleness (Han), • WOMEN : 1. Tami Rice (Suzt 2. K.O. Halfhill (Kaw); 3. Bonnie Warch (Suz); 4 . Maria Gonzalez (Kawl; 5. Tina 2ahrt (Kaw ). SIDECAR: 1. Chris Johnson/ Chr is Wilcox (Vam); 2. Damon Ducken (Han); 3. Duane McDoweli/ Ramsy Har ris (Hont; 4 . Bob Neill/Jason Turner (M ail; 5. Marjorie Neil/Paul Lintz (M ai).

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