Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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When would The Springfield Mile VHS or Beta 60 rnin., $29.95 Here's a hunk of Americana that's as American as Mom, apple pie and Chevrolet. The Springfield Mile videotape documents this past spring's AMA Grand National Championship event from start 10 finish , actually it documents more than just-the race as the camera crews were there when the sun rose over the Illinois Sta te Fairgrounds a nd they were there when the event's winner, Scott Parker , left the faci lity in h is van. The folks w ho put this tape together, Dave Despain and Bo b Lenk, have been dirt track racing enthusiasts for several decades. Despain is best known for his work on the now sidelined (temporarily) TV show, Motorweek Illustrated, and for his announcing at races across the country. Lenk, formerly a motorcycle dealership manager and Cycle News staff member, is now the advertising sales manager for the AMA'~ American Motorcyclist rnagazme. Lenk handled the camera that delivers the tape 's "high in the grandstand" views and three other ca m era crews were posi tioned around the mile oval 10 put you up close and personal with all the action. In addition 10 the racing action, the tape is chock full of interviews with all the Ro ll in g Thunder Show stars. You'll see and hear Parker , Bubba Shobert, R icky Graham , Doug Chandler, Jay Springsteen, Chris Carr, Hank SCOl! and a host of other hot shoes comment onthe day's racing. You' ll a lso be o n the scene in the p its 10 see Parker's tuner, Bill Werner, celebrate their win. We could ni tpick the choice of the m usic - classical - but the impact of the racing action overshadows wha t we feel was the wrong choice of music. "I guess we should have used rock or country and western m usic," said Lenk, "but it 's hard 10 wo rk around copyrights." This first-ever start to finish covera ge of a dirt track race on p ro fessiona ll y-p roduced videotape is a must for all flat track fans. Let's hope it's just the first in a series of tapes produced by those two boys from Georgia, Despairi and Lenk. If you 're a dirt track fan , this hour lo n g tape will seemingly , roll thro ugh your VCR at the same speed the racers tore around the Springfield Mile last spring. It 's 100 mile-perhour action in a compact and reasonably priced package. Copies are available for $29.95 plus $3 for postage and handling from: D.O. & A., 2316 Kemp Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30245 For C.O. D. orders, call 404/864-3415. $72 for a piece of paper? · ell, if that is import . ed, museum quality D'Arches 22"x19" paper that carries an original Jeff Gundlach Supercross printed in nine permanent colors and was breathed on, signed and numbered by the artist, I'd do it now. upercross is the last limited edition fine art print in the series commissioned by Cycle ,News for you, the reader. Hundreds of Gunny's road racing prints were purchased, sight unseen, on a money back guarantee of complete satisfaction, and only one purchase was refunded. am sure Supercross will delight the dirt riding contingent as much as Isle of Man, Bol D'Or and Daytona impressed the road racers, so Cycle News is offering the same guarantee: Your money will be refunded cheerfully (grr!) if you are not completely satisfied with your brand new Supercross fine art print. Charles Clayton Pres. Cycle News Inc. W S I --------------------·COUPON '-------------------eNo P.O. BOJC p&eae) Neme -'- _ Address _ City 5tete Zip _ Phone _ o P!'yment enclosed (check or money order, peyeble to Cycle News) lCA res. add 6% LA County res . add 6%%1 0 Che rge my Meste;~rd o Charge my Visa Charge Customers: We Card No, Jack Mangus must ha ve complete account number aOd card lS ..,. , J2' expiratIon date. -,- _ Expiration Date Okay, rush me prin t(s) of the new Supercross limited edition. I understand I can send the product back for a full refund within 30 days if I am not satisfied. . Signature _ --,-- _ Order Now On ly $ 7 2 .00 incl. s hip pi ng, r e ady to fr a me c/o Cycle News . P .O. Box 4 9 8, Lo ng Beach, CA 9 0 8 0 1- 049 8 31

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