Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- : - : : ; ; - - - - - - - - . . , . . - - - ,,,.----, U ~ .. ~ ~ - Cl Cl UJ :-= r.. ~ o >- ><:l o t John Shay (61) dominated the combined 125/250/0pen A division during MX action at Ohio International Raceway. It was Alle n who sto le the lead for good on the white flag la p. Pierson Reasner had a slow start, but accel crated into second by the final la p. In th e second rnoto, Allen agai n pushed for the win, wit h Crater a nd Reasn er in hot p ursu it. The fina l sta ndings had Allen in first , Reasner in second and Crater thi rd. Scott Carpenter went 5-4 for fourth , and Chapin finished fifth. Reasn er tasted victory in th e Open B class. T he loca l favo rite came from fou rth pl ace a t th e start of th e fir st moto a nd sevent h pl ace in th e second to finish 2- \. Dennis Cousentino took th e fir st hol eshot and held Reasner off for th e win. Reasn er persisted a nd seemed to be concen trating harder in th e second heat. Cousentino led unt il he fell in th e third lap. Reasner sq uea ked by and never looked back. Cousentino fell aga in in th e fifth lap, yet s till managed to snag third, for second . overall. James Wilson went 3-2 for third, with Robert Murphy and Marc Br own in fourth and fifth , respecti veIy. Results 56 SATURDAV 65 STK (7-1 1): 1. Jonathan Lloyd (Kaw) ; 2. Joey Schueler (Kaw); 3 . David Mock (Kaw); 4. Andrew Fallon (Kaw); 5 . Jason Gailbraith (Kawl. . 85 STK (7 -1 1); 1. Wayne Scott (Han); 2. Bobby Schueler (Kaw); 3 . Anuti Stout (Hon); 4 . Pierron Reasner (Kaw); 5 . Tommy Hughes (Yam). 85 STK (12 ·13): I . Billy Schlag (Kaw); 2. Shawn Martin (Hon ); 3 . M ichael Martin (Kaw); 4. M ichael Lindsay (Kaw); 5. Dam ien Plotts (Vam). 85 STK (14- 15): 1. Rick Wetzel (Han); 2. Tom Perone (Suz ); 3 . Jeffrey Ventzer (Vam); 4 . Billy Br tstar (Ho n); 5 . Louis Harris (Kaw). 85 MOD (9 - I 3): 1. Billy Sch lag (Kaw); 2. Shawn Martin (Hon); 3.0amien Pions. (Vaml; 4. M ichae l Manin (Kaw); 5 . Michael Lind say (Kaw). 85 MOD (14 -15 ): 1. Rick Wetzel (Han); 2. Bill y Sr istar {Hon};. 3 . Er ic Bow (Kaw) ; 4. Jason Riva s (Kawt, 5. Chad Higginbotham (Han ). 125 NOV : 1. Brian McMillan (Han); 2. Steven Raymond (Kaw); 3 . Scott Adams (Han); 4 . Steven Frank (Hon); 5. Tom Perone (Kaw) . 125 STK (12 ·15): 1. Steven Herman (Kaw); 23 . Raymond Mountjoy (Han ); 3 . Kyle Gordon (Han ); 4 . Billy Lindsay (Kaw ); 5. Raben Luckenbaugh (Kawl . 125 MOD (12 -15) : 1. Steven Herman (Kaw ); 2. Jason DiDon ico (Kaw); 3 . Scott Adams (Hon t, 4. Mark Bau er (Kaw); 5. Raymond Mountjoy (Han ). 250/500 NOV: 1. Edwa rd Hoover (Han ); 2. Je rry Borcherdt (Han); 3. Deron Clar k (Vam ); 4. Eric Wans (KJ M ); 5 . Harold Davies (Han). 30 -39 VR SRS: 1. Jeff Matlack (Vam l; 2. M ike Mcintire (Hon ); 3 . M ichael Lopicolo (Hon ); 4 . Dave Roadermel (Kaw); 5. Waller Wyc koff (Kaw) . 40 & UP SRS.: 1. John Nelson. Jr . (Vam); 2. John DiDonico (Kaw) ; 3 . Richard Crawford (Kaw); 4. An Roeper (Yam); 5. Kenneth Breuer (Hon) . SUNDAV . 125 PRO-AM: 1. Edward Baa (Kawl; 2. Henry Dorschug (Kaw); 3 . Daniel Congdom (Han); 4 . Tedd Orr (Vam); 5 . P.Shawn Norfolk (Kaw ). 125 A : 1. Henry Dorsc hug (Kaw); 2. SIev e Hess (Kaw ); 3. Dean Lewis (Kaw); 4 . Nick Penton ey (Suz); 5 . Todd Wo lle (Yam). 125 B STK: 1. Mark Patterson (Kaw) ; 2. Jo seph Montrell a (Kaw) ; 3 . Dan iel W ilson (Hon); 4 . Rusty Hess (Kaw) ; 5. Ja son Novoshelski ( H o n~. 125 B MOD: 1. Rusty Hess (Kaw); 2. Den iel W ilson (Han); 3 . Marl< Patterson (Kaw); 4 . Dave Perone (Kaw); 5. Scott Ell iot (Han). 250/500 PRO-AM: 1. Edw in Baa (Kaw); 2. Tedd Orr (Vam); 3. Dona ld M elchior Kawl; 4. Jo hn Sule wski (Kaw); 5. Joe Prosey (Honl. 2 50 A : 1. St eve Hess (Kaw ): 2. Nick Pentoney (Suzl ; 3 . Todd Wo lf e (Vam); 4. Todd Stit h (Suzl ; 5 . Raben Fich lin (Kaw) . 2 50 B STK: 1. Jeff Allen (Kaw) ; 2. Ethan Good rich (Hus q); 3 . John Gar mon. Jr. (Kaw ); 4 . Kev in Stei nb ren ne r (Kaw); 5 . Charles M orr is (Kaw) . 2 50 B MOD : 1. Jeff A ll en (Kaw); 2. Pier son Reasner (Kaw ); 3. B Gordie Crater (Kaw) ; 4 . Soon Carpe nte r (Yam ); 5 . Ti m Chapin (Ho n). OPEN B: 1. Pierson Reasner (Kaw) ; 2. Denn is Cousentino. Jr. (Kaw); 3 . James W il son (Kaw) ; 4 . Raben Murphy (Kaw) ; 5 . M arc Brown (Han). OPEN A : 1. Don Sel man n. Jr . (Yam); 2. George List (Kaw); 3 . Tim Schmelyun (Hon t 4 . Kenne th W itm er (Hon); 5. Paul Showman (Yam). 2 5 VR PLUS: 1. Ed Krynski (Kaw); 2. Tim Schetzin (Han); 3 . Douglas Wentzell (Han); 4 . David Posten (Kawl; 5 . Raben Cunin (Han). Shay cleans up in Ohio Raceway MX Kawasaki-mounted Bryan Jones took to th e track a nd swep t both th e 125cc Band I25cc Schoolboy classes, scori ng I-I tall ies in both di visions. J ones firs t dominated th e Schoolboy class, grabbing the hol esh ot a head of Chris Grasso. The two ri ders held their positions th rough out th e mot o, whi le behind them Brad Quear a nd J a mes Wagn er battled for co ntrol of th ird, a battle won by Quea r. Jones a nd Grasso d u plica ted their 1-2 fin ish es in the second moto while Q uea r a nd Wagn er went at it again in the race for third. H owever , in the second hea t, it was Wagn er tak in g the checkers a hea d of Quear. Results P/W: 1. Kar l Scott (Yam); 2. We sley Gilland (Yam ); 3 . J essie Atkinson (yam); 4 . Jason Kin ley (Yam); 5 . J eremie Gintz (Yam). 60: 1. Matt Mansoll (Kaw); 2. David Borris (Han); 3 . Brian Bell inger (Han); 4 . Karl Scott (Kaw) ; 5. Jessie Atk inson (Kaw). 80 7- I 1: 1. lak Schaefer (Kaw); 2. Jason Sell (Kaw). 80 12 -13 : 1. Ben Fral ey (Kaw); 2. M ike Kain (Han); 3 . Joe Gerdes (Vam); 4. Todd Vahner (Han ); 5 . Jay Hershey (Vam). BO 14 -15 : 1. Kevin Swe eney (Kaw) ; 2. Gene Kell ey (Han); 3 . John Gerdes (Vam); 4 . Will iam Koleno (Kawl; 5 . Ron Smith (Kaw) . 125 SB: 1. Bryan Jones (Kaw) ; 2. Chr is Grasso (KTM); 3 . James Wagner (Han); 4. Brad Ouear (Kaw) ; 5. Shan e Peck (Han). . 125 B: 1. Brian Jones (Kaw) ; 2. Bill Pen ick (Vaml; 3 . Tony Boyas (Han ); 4. Mike Cain (Vaml ; 5 . Dave Speigl e (Han). 125 C: 1. Scan Bassett (Han); 2. A lan Bat es (Kaw); 3 . Tom As hton (Han); 4 . Jam es Taylor (Han); 5 . John Cooper (Suz). 125/250/0PEN A : 1. J oh n Shay (Vam); 2. Barney Barn ett (Hon); 3 . Je ff Joh nson (Hon); 4 . Ed Snyder (Kawl; 5. Steve Gard in er (Ho n). 12 5 C GRP 2: 1. Chr is Bodo (I-I'on); 2. Chris Grasso IKTM); 3 . Tom Mattocks (Suzt, 4 . Je ll San lski (Han); 5 . M,ke McClung (Kaw) . 250 B: 1. J im Deu tsch (Han); 2. David A lexa nd er (Suz); 3. Bob Harrington (Hon ~ 4 . Tom M il havics (Suz); 5 . Bill Pizzino (Yam). 250 C: 1. Rick Horv at (Han); 2. Pete A rn er (Kaw); 3 . Barry Kirtley (Hon); 4 . John Harri ngton (Yam); 5 . Steve W ilmington (Kaw) . SR 1: 1. A lan Pizzino (Hus) ; 2. Blaine Dueca ster (Kawl; 3 . Jim Kraly (Yam); 4 . M any Popovich (Vam); 5 . Henry Hauenstein (Hon). SR 2: 1. Georg e Singler (Han); 2. J erry E. Boyd (Han); 3. Tom Rickbrodt (Suz); 4 . K.W . Boyd (Han); 5 . Butc h Pow ell (KTM). OPEN B: 1. Bill Ward IKa w); 2. Chri s Brown e (Hus); 3 . Ja y Kre mm (Kaw); 4 . Kevin McC an n (Kaw); 5 . J A Boyd (Han). Nessel strikes at Thunder Ridge MX By Peggy Adamic By Joel Ch urc h RAVENNA, OH, J UN E 7 Yamaha-mounted J ohn Sha y ripped th rough both mot os of the combi ned I25/ 250/ 0 pe n A class a t Ohio Internati onal Ra ceway in Ravenna a t ro und four of th e CRA MX Series. Shay 's Warren /JB Race Products/ Maxima-backed Yam ah a took th e lead from Tim Deutsch th rough th e second turn td"begin the fir st moto, Deu tsch , who was ridi ng h is H onda for th e fir st time since Augu st, 1986 whe n he suffered a MX-related kn ee injury, held second th rough th e end of lap one, before Dal e T aylor a nd Barney Barnett powered past. Sh ay o pe ned a four-second lead whil e Barnett wo rked o n passin g T aylor . By 't he end of th e moto, Shay boasted a 12-second adva ntage whi le Barnett was assu red of second, rid in g 14 seconds a head of T a ylor a nd Steve Gardiner. Shav a nd H onda -mou nt ed Barn ett were 1-2 whe n th e gate dropped a t the start of th e second rnoto, Deutsch clai med third whil e Tay lor sna tched fourt h . The front four held thei r posi tio ns unt il halfwa y into th e moto wh en Je ff J ohnson moved into fo u rt h a head of Tay lor. Barn ett closed th e five-second ga p between the top two riders to two bike len gth s o n the final lap. H e pressured Shay for th e top spo t, but ran o ut of time. AI Pi zzino scored a double rnot o victory in th e Sen ior o ne class . T he Husq varna-rn ounted ride r led eac h moto fro m th e dro p of th e ga te until the checkered flag. In eac h moto , Pi zzino throttled to a better-than-Iuseco nd win a head o f Ka-wa sa kimou nted Bla in e Du eca ster , who finished beh ind Pi zzin o in both molOS. SOUT H EDMESTON, NY, J UNE 7 Gray. skies did nothing 10 dampen th e sp iri ts of th e AMA District-S riders as they rolIed into the Thunder Ridge Cycle Park. Rob Nessel had no problem in the rainy co nd itions as he won the 125cc Expert cla ss. About th e time the 125cc Experts sho t off th e line, th e light rain turned into a heavy sh ower. Shortl y after the start Doug Fleming had hi s Kawasa ki ou t in fro nt of Rob and Steve Nessel who were battling close ly. By lap three Ken Blizzard ' worked hi s way around Rob Nessel wh ile Steve Nesse l followed a di sappearing Fleming. On lap five Rob rep assed Blizzard and set out after hi s broth er. With one lap remaining Rob found a lin e arou nd Steve and th ey fini sh ed seco n d a n d th i rd , res pective ly , behi nd Fleming. After his powerful wi n in th e first rnoto, Flem in g cou ld on ly man age a th ird place start in rnoto two , beh ind th e Nessel brothers, who wer e making the most of th e slowly dr ying track. The rain had quit near th e end of th e fir st motos, but th e skies rem ained dark. Flem ing co uld o nly gain a little ground each lap on Steve wh ile Rob maintained hi s lead. Then with just two laps left , Blizzard moved up from ninth 10 fourth, but th e Nessels and Fleming were beyond reach . Wh en th e checkers flew it was Rob folIowed by Steve a nd Fleming wi th Blizzard in tow . Amateur ac tio n in the' 250cc class saw Sco tt Mcbrien wi th the holesh ot in mot o o ne. On' la p tw o Steve Lemon go t by McBrien, bu t it was Ra ndy Gardner who was on th e move as he came from fifth to second by la p three. Darwin Duq u ette moved into third but on lap four Steve H at ch shot by and held third to th e fin ish behind Ga rdner and Lemon. Mo to two saw Lemon grab the hol esh ot wi th Gardner trying to take th e lead away. The two diced the whole rno to with Gardner finalIy ge tti ng by to take th e wi n and overa ll vic to ry . Duq uette ca p tured th ird overa ll wi th H at ch claimin g fourth. McBrien managed 10 tak e sevent h o vera ll after a poor second mo to start. Results 250 AM: 1. Randy Gardner (Hont, 2. Steven lemon (Kaw) ; 3 . Darwin Duquene (Yam). MIN I A: 1. M ike Panko (Kawl. MINI B: 1. Sean Scutnik (Kaw); 2. Ja son Morgan (Kaw); 3 . Bret Leon ard (Han). +25 : 1. Mike Dougheny (KTMI; 2. Mike Murray (KTM); 3 . Jarrett Newby (Han). JR MINI : 1. John Blake (Kawl. SR MINI NOV: 1. Scott Krissel (Kaw); 2. Mark Cahnedttl (Suz); 3 . Je sse Hunt (Kaw) . 125 EX A : 1. Rob Nessel (Kawl; 2. Douglas Fleming (Kaw); 3. Steve Nessel (Kaw) . 125 B: 1. Scan Edwards (Han). SR EX:: 1. Jarren Newby (Hon); 2 . Jerry Harris (Kawl; 3. Ed Downing (Han ). . SR AM : 1. Leon Whaley (Vam); 2. Chuck Bryant (Vam). S/SR : 1. Ray Goulet (KTMI; 2. Mike Bondy (Vam). SCHBV: 1. Larry Maxwell (Kawl; 2. Dennis Dillin (Kaew); 3 . Mike Panko (Kaw) . OPEN NOV : 1. Chris Flower (Honl; 2. Hal Hoose (Vam); 3. Michaedl Julien (Kaw) . 125 AM : 1. Larry Maxwell (Kaw) ; 2. Greg Dye (Kaw ); 3 . Nick Smith (Han). 250 EX: 1. Richard W estfall (Han); 2. David Phelan (Suz); 3. Alan Lendrom (Kawl. OPEN AM : 1. Joe Zimecki (Han); 2. Bob Scranton (Kaw); 3 . Phil Dilmore (Han). VINT: 1. J im Tholen (Han ); 2. Joel Church (Suzl. 200 NOV: 1. Tom Hesseltine (Kaw); 2. Hecb Bigford (Vam); 3 . Joe Hors tm an (Vam). OPEN EX: 1. M att Levy (Han); 2. M ike Ha rt je (Han); 3 . Richard W estfall (Han). Bridges overtakes BNMC Scrambles By Bill Holt WAPELLA. IL, J U ' E 7 Todd Brid ges hau le d h is Al m a Transport Ro tax to the m idwest from Chula Vista, Califo rn ia , for the Ama teu r Na tio nals a li ttle early to challe nge th e best th at the DC Cycle/ S u pe r Seer / Ba n za i Bro s. AMA D ist r ict -17 Champi on ship Dirt T rac k Series had to o ffer. That cha llenge came a t the BloomingtonNormal M/ C Scra mbles in th e form o f R ick Kn uth a n d hi s Rotax. Brid ges and Knuth both won th eir heats and Knuth lept into th e lead of th e fin al and kept Brid ges at bay for alI but th e last 200 feet. In the fin al trun Brid ges stu ffed Knuth o ut of th e co rne r nearl y taking th em both d o wn bu t bo th reco vered with Brid ges taking th e wi n by a len gth. Bart Schm u lbac h was close in third but had his hands fu lI alI day wi th Kevin Sei verso T he day started wi th the 50cc class and that belonged to J ess Robi nson with Sha ne G arri sson puttin g o n a good ride to tak e th e second spo t over Sha n non Wright. T he 60cc class was u p next a nd th at too belonge d to Rob inson . who held off Brandon Rob erts for the wi n. T he 80cc class lin ed up next and after a slo w sta rt Bryan Graybeal go t by Steve Tomlinson for the wi n. Steve H all held off Brandon Downard for the third spo t. Danny Caner rocketed his Honda in to the lead of th e 250cc fina l a nd look ed u nbea table for most of th e race, bu t whe n he d id slip th e first time. Bart Schm ulbac h was righ t th ere 10 grab th e lead. The seco nd slip let Stacy Shelton by for the second spot. Carter d id manage to hol d off Dan a McNeil for th e thi rd spo t. Mark Aug ustine's Bultaco was too much for Peter Barnosky in th e 400cc final a nd G reg Call ey pur so me classy moves o n Greg Vogel a nd th e rest of th e Sen ior class for th e wi n . Results 50;1. Jess Robinson (Yam); 2. Shan e Gar ri sso n (Vam); 3. Shannon Wright {Yaml ; 4. Randy Sm it h (Yam); 5. J ust in Filson (S Ul .). 60: 1. Jess Robin son (Yam); 2. Brandon Roberts (Suz); 3 . Nick Spiero ski ISuzl.

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