Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Z ::I: ~ 80: 1. Bryan Graybeal (Han); 2. Steve Tomlinson (Kaw ); 3. Steve Hall (Han); 4 . Brandon Downard (Kaw): 5. Ben Varnes (Kaw) . 125 : 1. Shane Lander s (Kaw); 2. Bryan Graybea l (Hon); 3. David Stanfeild (Suz); 4 . Harry Freiman (Kaw ); 5. Scott Huff (Han); 6. Charle s Goad (Varni. 200 : 1. Greg Voge l (Han); 2. Douglas Smith. 250: 1. Bart Schmulbach (Han) ; 2. Stacey ' Shelton (Kaw); 3. Dan Cart er (Han); 4 . Dana NcNeil (Han); 5. Tom Sutton (Honl; 6. Greg Call ey (Yam); W W (Jl ~ >- '" ~ >- 0 t- '" 7. Don Holeman (Hon) ; B. Will iam Cart er (Hon) . 400; 1. Mark Augustein (8 ul); 2. Peter Barno sky. 0 L.. o t- ::I: o.. 500 : 1. Todd Bridg es (Rotl; 2. Rick Knut h (Rot); 3. Bart Schmulbach (H-D); 4 . Kevin Seivers (Rotl; 5. Jon Roberts (Han); 6. Wymond Schl eyhahn (Honl; 7. Audi e Huff Jr . (H-D); 8. Ole Ibsen (ATK); 9. Tom Sutton (Rot); 10 . Phil Sm it h (Han). Sr: 1. Greg Call ey (Yam); 2. Greg Vogel (Han); ~ t- 0 ::I: o.. 00 O"l ......... J . David Stanf eild (Yam) . " 00 Childress hot at .Mideast MX Qualifier >-- ..-< ;::l By Susan W illian TERRE HA UTE, IN , J UNE 7 Tea m Green 's Steve Childress do m inated four motos of ac tio n as he cla imed overa ll victories in th e 250cc B Stock a nd Modified classe s a t C&S Sports Concepts Pro Ca liber-hosted AMA/Honda Mideast Am at eur Area Qualifier. Mark Stahlman took the lead in moto one of th e 250cc B Stock class as Brad Thompson, Bob Milkovi ch a nd Childress also raced around the ' co urse a t the front of th e pack. Childress moved into third, leaving Stahlman and Thompson, to fight it out. Childress gassed it and took over the lead, then easily stretched it out. Stahlman had problems in the whoops which moved Thompson up to second. Thompson timed the ga te correctl y in moto two as he bombarded a round turn one followed by Sta hlman , Marvin Sipes and Milkovich . Ch ildress h ad a poor st art , but quickly regrouped and started moving through the pack, Thompson went down putting Stahlman in first as Childress had worked hi s way into •second and wa s applying pressure to Stahlman. Childress slid out in a wet corner and dropped to thi rd as Thompson mov ed into seco n d. Thompson crashed short ly aft er that 'moving Childress up one position. Childress took th e lead onl y a few feet from th e white flag and th en held on for th e win. . Billy Fosnock wa s th e early lea der in the first round of ac tio n in th e 125cc A as he wa s ch ased by Bill y Davis, Robert Motsinger , a nd Derrick Ro e. Motsinger pushed Davis around the course as Fosnock had lproblems in a corner and dropped 'to fourth, putting Davis ou t fron r followed by Motsinger and Roe. 'Fosnock got past Ro e to go into th ird. but Roe never gave up and th e ' d'u o fought for th e position. The Fosnock-Roe battle ended when R oe . ~ras h ed a t the end of th e tabl etop jump. . Motsinger was trying everywhe re on the co urse to go by Dav is. The du o raced side-by-side with Davis hold ing th e leading-edg e. Mo tsinger crashed tak ing th e hea t off of Davis. -Short ly aft er tha t Davi s also cras hed ra nd Fosn ock moved into th e lead follow ed by Motsinger and Roe. Fosnock wa s pressured for first by £Mo tsinger, then Mot singer mad e a n mi da ir pass to take the lead. Roe the n too k th e insi de line o n a turn a nd moved into second. T he checkered j fell with Motsinger firs t, Roe second and Fosn ock thi rd . Mo tsinger grabbed the holesh ot in mo to two, but Fosn ock gassed it in to the lead. Motsin ger and Fosn ock ba ttled for th e lead, then Mot sin ger went down as Fosn ock cras hed into hi m . Roe took ove r th e lead as Motsinge r dropped to fourth and Fosnock fifth, Motsin ger closed the gap o n Roe. Motsinge r hung close to Roe's rear wheel and the duo raced around the course in an inten se duel for the win . Roe went too wide in a turn as ~ Ma rk Melton (693 ) wo n the 125cc Pro -Am cla ss at the M ideast Qualif ier. Motsinger took th e inside lin e to take th e lead. Motsinger stretched out hi s lead by th e white flag lap and scored the win with Roe finishing second. Results 25>: 1. Tim Sm ith (Kaw); 2. Bill Sweeney (Vam); 3. Tim Borgfi eld (Han); 4. Mark Greenley (Vam); 5. M ichael Taylor (Honl . 125 PRO·AM: 1. Mark Melton (Vam); 2. Robert Motsinger (Yam); 3 . Derrick Roe (Kaw); 4 . Connie Feist (Han); 5. Merk Sw eedney (Varni. OPEN B: 1. Richard Robins on (Han); 2. Weyne Johnny Bowers (63) leads J im Chapman and Dallas Baer (80) in the 750cc Expert class at Trail-Way short track in Hanover. Pennsylvania . Brooks (Kaw); 3. Brent A tw eIl IKaw); 4. Craig Fruit (Han); 5. A ndy Hardi n (KTM). 125 B MO D: 1. Mike Layne (Suz); 2. Travis Kobush (Han); 3. Ryan Smith (Yam); 4. John Hatfield (Suz); 5. Tommy Whit ney (Han), 250 A : 1. Mike Stahlman (Yam); 2. Jo n Agin (Han); 3. Rod Marshall (Kaw); 4. Bill Abr igo (Kawl ; 5. St eve Ezell (Han). 125 B STK: 1. Mike Layne (Suz); 2 . Travis Kobush (Han); 3. Mike Stahlman (Suz): 4. Ryan Sm ith (Vam); 5. J ody Cooper (Han). 250 B MOD : 1. Steve Childress (Kaw); 2. J on Darmon (Vam); 3. Wayne Caswell (Vam); 4 . Scott Atwell (Suz); 5. Bob M il kovich (Vam). OPEN A : 1. M ike Sta hlma n (Vam); 2. Lee Will ingham (Han); 3 . Mark Greenley (Yam); 4 . Steve Ezell (Kaw ). 250 OPEN PRO-AM : 1. Conn ie FeiS1 (Vam); 2. Steve Ezell (Han); 3. Mark Melton (Yam). 125 A: 1. Robert Mo tsinger (Yam); 2 . Derrick Roe (Kaw); 3. Rod Marshall (Kaw); 4. Jon Agin (Han); · 555. Billy Fosnock (Suz). 250 B STK: 1. Stevie Childress (Kaw); 2. Br ian Taylor (Yam); 3. Ma rk Stah lma n (Suz); 4 . Joe Subert (Yam); 5. Brad Thompson (Kaw) . Cerciello captures Trail-Way ST By Len Breech • HANOVER, PA , J UNE 6 With a pair of seco nds a nd a win in the 600cc Expert cl ass, T om Cer ci ello to ok home the largest portion of Trail- Way Speedway 's purse. Cerciello's win has to rank as a classic in this area. Competition was so .close that the top rid er in District-7 could o n ly ge t third alternate. At th e start of the main Senior class winner, Rich ard Foard su p risingly took the lead for th e first lap over Dale Gingrich, Randy Texter, Cerciello a nd Tom Maj eski. T exter took first as they entered th e third turn on th e next lap, with David Mill er tak ing third ab o ut the sa me tim e. Mill er fell on th e following lap, whi le Cerciell o moved into second. Gingrich kept in a lonesom e th ird sp ot th rough out th e race, while Tom Maj eski, David . Reeves a nd R ob Maj eski got into a baili e over fou rt h spot tha t lasted the rem ainder of the race. Durin g the latter stages, T exte r a nd Cerc iello tra ded the lead several tim es, with Cerciello getti ng th e better drive off th e fourth turn on th e fin al lap to ta ke th e win. Tex ter had a fai rl y easy time winn ing the 750cc Expert class, while Cerciell o a nd Er ic George tra ded seco nd back and fo rt h un til Cerciello clai med th for good with three la ps left. Althou gh he.closed up th e gap on T ex ter's Eastern Dealers (H a rl e y- Da vidso n ) Ass oci at io nsponsored XR 750, he still fell over 10 yards short. Texter again led th e 250cc Experts, foll ow ed this time by Mike Varnes. Dal e Gingrich, Ben Nachamer and Cerciello. Gingri ch took second at th e end of th e opening la p , while Cerci ello and Machamer slipped past Barnes on the second lap. Gingrich go t by T exter o n the sixth lap, while Cerciell o mo ved by T ext er on th e following lap for seco nd spo t. After so me co nfus ion over a bri efly thrown red flag, Kevin Varnes and Mik e Sponseller resumed th eir bailie for 85cc class su premacy with Varn es ta king th e lead throughou t th e race with Sponselle r nipping a t his heel s.' On th e final lap, Sponsell er got th e better dri ve off of th e last turn to just eke o u t the win. Again H arold ,Dorsey wa s th e piv ot ial rider in the Amateur ra n ks as h is not riding th e 200cc class open ed the door for another rider to win, Dorsey' s low side a t the start of the 600cc Amateur event took himself a nd Dave Smith out of the even t. H e did take what is becoming his usual win in th e 250cc class, beating Smith by about 30 yards. The 200cc class saw Brian Strong take th e lead from Pau l So utha rd , J eff Kehne and Mike Walton. While th e front duo pulled away, th e remaining order stayed th e same. With three laps left , So u thard slipped into th e lead, keeping Strong as a shadow. The shadow go t a lillie bit better dri ve exiting th e final turn, as Strong scored th e wi n by a length. The 600cc Amateur class looked almos t as nasty as th e Experts, since almost all of the top Amateurs now have a " th under machine" , After Dorsey's o pening lap get-o ff, Johnn y Bo wer s took th e lead from J im Lyn ch , J im Cha p ma n, Dall as Baer an d Ro y Coll in s. Wh il e Bow er s pu lled a littl e d istance in front of the eve r -c h a n g i n g p ack . Baer too k seco nd a t th e end of th e seco nd la p , whi le Co ll ins moved into th ird as th ey began th e fin al three laps, di spl acing Lynch for seco nd as th ey began th e fin al lap. Even the normall y seda te 55cc class got in to the close ness bit to nig ht. John Win set t too k th e lead from h is cous in, a nd class winner th e pas t six tim es, Ricky a t th e star t. Ri ck y too k the lead as the pa ir began th e third lap . R icky bagg ed th e win by five ya rds in the clo sest finis h in th is clas s in a few yea rs. Results 750 EX: 1. Randy Texter (H-D); 2. Tom Cerciello (Tri); 3 . Eric George (Tri); 4 . Jo e Gately (Tri); 5. Brian Hall (Yam). 600 AM : 1. Joh nny Bowers (Yam); 2. Roy Collins (H-D); 3. Jim Lynch (Rtx); 4 . Jim Chapman (H-D); 5. Dallas Baer (Vam). SR: 1.llichard Foard (W ·RI; 2. Bob Babcock (Honl; 3. Joe Heberling (Yam); 4 . Harol Hillard (Yam); 5. Jim Reigner (Yaml . 55 : 1. Ricky Winsett (Yam); 2. John Winsett (Yaml; 3. Dan Halligan (Vam); 4. Arthur Lynch (Varni; 5. Brad Kress (Vam). 85 EX: 1. M ike Sponseller (Han); 2. Kevin Varnes (Yam); 3 . Chuck Wrecs ics (Yam). 85 AM : 1. Bri an Strong (Kaw ). 65: 1. Rick W insett (Kaw); 2. Randy Shank (Kaw). 200 AM : 1. Brian Strong (Kawl ; 2. Paul Southard (Kawl; 3. J eff Kehn e (Han); 4 . Mik e Walton (Yam); 5. Gary Clark (Han). 25 0 EX: 1. Dale Gingrich (Yam); 2. Tom Cerci ello (Yaml; 3 . Randy Texte r (H·O); 4 . Ben M achamer (Varni; 5. M ike Varnes (Yam). 250AM: 1. Harold Dorsey (Han); 2. Dave Smith (Varni; 3. Gary Foard (Vam); 4. Eddie Hidden (Vam); 5 . Barry Wolfe (Yaml . 600 EX: 1. Tom Cerciello (Yaml: 2. Randy Texter (H-D); 3. Dale Gingrich (Vam;; 4. Tom Majeski (Yam); 5. David Reeves (Rtx). Buehl bags Pro-Caliber MX Qualifier By Susan Willian TERRE HAUTE, IN, J UNE 6 C&S Sports Concepts, Pro-Caliber hosted th e Mideast H onda/ AMA You th Ar ea Qualifier as Ohio's J erom y Bueh l dominat ed th e 85cc Sto ck a nd Modified ( 14~ 15 ) with four moto wins. : In moto one of th e 85cc Stock (1416 ) class , T eam Gr een /S cottsp onsored Bueh l was hot off th e ga te a nd a ro und turn one in th e lead as Marty Vau ghn ra n a close seco nd. Vaug hn went down as Doug Flinner took adva ntage of th e situa tio n to move in to th e second place slo t. Vaughn was back underw ay a nd , closed in o n Flinner , th en th e pair co ll ided in a turn. Buehl was able to stretch o u t a sizable lead by the checkered as Vaughn managed a serond foll ow ed by Flinner. Va ug hn was q ui ckest a t the start of mot o two, rou nd ing th e first turn a hea d o f Bu ehl. Bu ehl p a ssed Vau ghn ea rly in lap o n e, then cras hed p ut ting Vau ghn back in to th e fro nt spo t wi th di stan ce between h im self a nd seco nd ' pl ace Buehl. ' Vaug h n lat er cr a sh ed a llo wi ng Bu ehl to regain th e lead. Buehl bobbled throug h the was hb oa rds, but held the front posit ion to the flag as Vaug hn pas sed the chec kered in second fo llowed by Flin ner. Buehl was agai n in charge of moto one of th e 85cc Modi fied (14-15) o n , hi s Barr Co m pe ti tio n-ba cked bike. 57

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