Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(I) (I) ~ ~ 0 a: ...J w « :I: u :E >CD 0 .... 0 :I: e, rOO O"l 1""""4 ~ 00 >....... ;j ~ Zigi Jed ynak topped the Expert division at the Salt Fork Dirt Riders Tria.l. held near Eugene. Indiana . Scott Connelly (4) leads Kyle Killebrew (189) in 125cc Amateur Stock class action at Firebird Raceway in Arizona. Killebrew won the class. Killebrew kicks Firebird MX By Michael Ross 50 CHANDLER, AZ, JUNE 13 H onda -m ounted Kyl e Kill ebrew took th e wins in th e highly competitive 125 and 250cc Am ateur classes Saturday du ring th e second round of racing for th e Sum mer Sizzler titl e at Firebird Raceway. Killebrew go t a th ird place start in moto one of the I 25cc class behind Paul Bowman and Terry McFarland, but worked hi s .way int o the lead by th e second lap. McFarland tried hard to pass and got hi s chance halfway th rough lap three when Kill ebrew got o ut of shape in the whoops. McFarland led the next lap, but Killebrew was back on the I"Is and chargi ng. Killebrew quickl y reto ok the lead a nd won th e moto with Bowman taking second ahead of Suzuki rider Scott Connelly Moto two saw McFarland's Honda lead Bowman and Killebrew into th e fir st turn. Killebrew put th e pressure on Bowman who fell on the next lap. Kill ebrew th en mov ed in behind McFarland and waited for an ope ning or a mistak e. McFarland, in his first season of racing since a two- year layoff, held pat. Killebrew tried a last-ditch pass on the white flag lap, pulling alongside McFarland, but got a little too loose and lost hi s bid for the lead. Kill ebrew took th e overall win with a 1-2 tally over Connelly who finished in third with a 3-3 scor e. McFarland landed in second wi th his 7-1 fin ishes. . Kill ebrew a nd Yamaha-mounted Wade Morlock sq uared off in the 250 class in a duel that wou ld last for th e entire moto. Killebrew took the holeshot and led th e first four laps . of the seven -lap rnoto, but started to fade o n lap fiv e, Morlock to ok advantage o f. th e situation a n d pounced, tak ing fir st place. Killebre w tried to regroup, but Morlock took th e win. The second moto hol esh ot had Morlock's mime o n it. Morl ock led the fir st two laps, but highsided near 'the end of lap three. Kill ebr ew took th e lead as Morl ock rem ounted in second.. Killebrew was long go ne and .took the chec kered flag first. Morlock garnered a well-deserved second a head of Connell y. There ~;IS plenty of actio n both on and off the tra ck in the Expert Sweepstakes. In th e first moto, Bobby Larson, riding a brand new Beta T R34, lost on ly 19 points to break th e winn in g strea k of J im Ripper. There were .eigh t traps in th e two m il e loop three tim es. L arson dropped o nly one point durin g the th ird loop . SWM rid er Ripper lost 27 poi nt s to claim the runner up posi tio n. Ripper carded 2-5's th e ent ire day. J oel Ripper followed hi s brother to finish third. J oel also rode aSWM. - Imperi al Service System s (I.S.S.) a nd H onda of Des Plaines rid er Zigi J edynak cha rged to h is .second victory in as man y weeks in the Ex pert class . His best section was th e second, where he lost only one point during the first loop. T he sectio n was a rocky creek bed , a nd j edynak's score was 50. Bill Damhoff, riding a Rod Darnhoff-prepped Yamaha, had his Best Expert class fin ish, taking second place. H e carded a n 84. Doug Turner, riding a Honda, rounded ou t th e top three with a n 85. The Junior class was won by Ph illip Zimmer. He rode a Beta ou t of hi s Kaw town Kaw asaki/Beta shop a nd topped hi s class wi th a score of 31. Anothe r I.S.S.lHonda of Des Plai nes-sp onsored rider, Sta n Bloniarz, ea rned second p lace. H e rod e a H on da a nd scored 34 points. J im ' Em merso n finish ed third on a Fantic. H e ended th e day with a 46. District 17 T ria ls Dir ector, Paul Ha yes, took th e Enduro cla ss overall. He was riding a Yamaha 500 and lost 65 p oints, scori ng seve n cl ean s. Marti n Krasin ski rode a Honda in hi s fir st trials, dropping 116 points alo ng th e way. Results White of USA Sport Ra cing led-the n -rider.field into th e fir st turn and set a blistering pace which carried him across th e fin ish line well ah ead of Brian P ryor 's Ka w asaki a n d Deano Co wan 's H onda. Dennis Hil gendor f led the second moto with hi s Ci ty Suzuki-backed RM 250 as Pryor veered sharpl y ou t of th e starting ga te, tagging Wh ite's Honda in the process. Whi te saw red and quickl y remounted in last place while Pryor passed Hil gendorf to take th e lead on lap two. White wa s _ rging th rough traffi c like a bull cha in a china shop . By the half way , point in' th e 10-lap moto Pry or led by seven seconds with Hilgendorf _holding off Cowan. Wh ite wa s up to fourth. Pryor took the chec kered flag in first , in spite of a flat front tire as White went past Cowan on - the last lap for second place. As Pryor rode back to th e p its, Wh ite pulled alongside the Ka wasaki rider a nd read him th e riot act. Pryor took off his helmet to reply and White punched him . A heated arguement ens ued. Pryor insisted , " I didn 't do it on purpose." while Wh it e accused Pry or of dirty riding. The matter remains unresolv ed. Results JR: 1. Orai Nichols; 2. Jeremy Ciroir; 3 . B J Parrish . JR MOO: 1. Drai Nichols; 2. Jason Ma tthews; 3 . Randy Parr ish. MINI BEG: 1. Kelly Dearing. MINI NOV STK: 1. Jimmy Dyer (Yam): 2. David Pingree (Kaw); 3. Billy DeM astry (Hon). MINI NOV MOD : 1. David Pingre e (Kaw ); 2. Darren Ecker; 3 . Trouble Crider . '25 BEG; t . Bart Black; 2. Bill Logas. '25 NOV: 1. Bill Sparpano ; 2. Todd Olsen (Honl ; 3. Greg Owens (Hon). , '25 NOV STK: 1. Anthony Cabolli (Honl; 2. Keith . Noyes; 3. A. Jay Harry . ' 25 NOV MOD :'. Keith Noyes; 2. J im Crachy (Hon); 3. Jan Williams. '25 AM STK; t . Kyle Killebrew (Hon); 2. Scon Connelly (Suz); 3. Terry McFarland (Hon). EX SWPSTKE:'. Brian Pryor (Kaw); 2. Bobby White (Hon); 3. Deano Cowan (Hon). 250 BEG: t . Joe Philbin; 2. Bruce Butler. 250 NOV: 1. Joe Philbin (Hon); 2. Bruce Butl er; 3. David Gulic . 250AM: 1. Kyle Killebrew (Hon); 2. Wade Morlock (Yam); 3. J . D. Crawford (Suz). OPEN NOV: 1. Man McGinnis; 2. Willie Ciro ir; 3 . Bruce Pentheny. OT; t . Lacy Covert (Hon); 2. Thomas Pons (Hon). OPEN AM : 1. Scon Kindler; 2. Rick Hinch liff; 3. John Aleman. Larson tops Novices at Thrott'e Nuffs Tria's By Paul Hayes SHEFFIELD, IL, JUNE 14 • Doug Larson, riding h is first-ever tri als, took top honors in th e No vice class at ro u nd five o f th e AMA/ District 37 Trial s Series, hosted by th e Throttle Nutts Mz'C, - EX:' . Zig; Jedynak (Hon); 2. Bill Damhoff (Yam); 3. Doug Turner (Hon); 4 . Duane Tope (Fan). JR : 1. Phillip Zimmer (Betal ; 2. Stan Blon iarz (Hon); 3. Jim Emmer son (Fan); 4 . Jeff Gun ia (Beta); 5. Fred Bill s (Mon) . NOV; t . Doug Larson (Beta); 2. Jim Ripper (SWMI; 3. 'J oel Ripper (SWMt, 4. Bruce Wak eley (Beta); 5. Chris Krasinski (Fan). ENDR; 1. Paul Hayes (Yam); 2. Martin Krasinski (Hon), . Salt Fork Tria' to Jedynak By Paul Haye s EUGENE, IN, J UNE 6 Zigi J edyn ak took th e win in th e Expert class a t the Salt Fork Dirt Riders Tria ls. The event was round four in the AMA/District 17 T rial s Series. ' J ed yn ak r iding a H onda a n d spo nsored by Im perial Service System s a nd H onda of Des Pl ain es, dropped 28 points to cap ture th e win over Dave Rohrschneider. Rohrsch- neider took 36 dabs for second place. H e is 'TMl-sp onsor ed a nd rode a Fa n tic . Yam aha ride r J im Snell ro unded ou t the top three with a score of 48. In th e Juni or class, Yam aha mounted Jeff Mezosi, riding his first trial s of th e year, lost 42 points enroute to th e class win. Stan Bloni arz fin ished in the second slo t. H e lost 52 marks. Phillip Zimmer put his feet down 58 tim es to finish third o n a Beta. Jim Ripper cont in ued his win-. ning ways i n th e N o vi ce cl a ss, claiming his fourth victory this year. R ipper rides a n SWM , a nd his winning score was 27. Mick Ross took th e runner-up slo t, carding a 33. H e was mounted on a Beta. H onda rid er Jim Zuroske scored a 35 finish for a close third. ) Results Ex: 1. Zigi J edynak (Hon); 2. Dave Rohrschneider (Fan): 3. Jim Snell (Yam); 4 . Jim Altemus (Fan); 5. Doug Turner (Hon). ~ JR: t . Jeff Mezos i (Yaml; 2. Stan Bloniarz (Hon); 3 . Phillip Zimmer (Beta) 4 . Jim Emmerson (Fant; 5. Fred Bills (Mon) . ~ NOV; , . Jim Ripper (SWM): 2. Mick Ross (Beta);' 3. Jim Zuroske (Hon); 4. Tom Darnell (Yam); 5. M . Todd Goodweer (Beta). j Eller tames Turkey Scratch Enduro ( 1 By Larry Crosby EL DO N, lA, J UNE 14 Ch arlie Eller piloted h is Kawasaki to th e overall victory a t the Seventh Annual T u r key Scratch Enduro Riders' Enduro. Eller was th e top rider out ofthe 124 ent ries as riders fro m seven sta tes made th e trek to th e sou theast Iowa even t. Eller turned in a score of 31 on the course consis ting of half existin g and half new trails. The top rider in the B class was Lonnie Ross who recorded a scor e of 37 on his CanAm. I Results 0 / A: t . Charl ie Eller (Kawl. 0 / A B: 1. Lonn ie Ross (C-A). • 200 A: 1. Steve Sulzberger (Kaw); 2. Alan Wicks (Kaw); 3. Kenny Mumm (Kaw); 4. Gary Williams (Kaw). . 200 B: t . Bill Kovacevich (Kaw); 2. Br ian Terry (Yam); 3. Kurt Atha (Kaw); 4. Rich Mangel (Suz); 5. Mike Meinick (Kaw). . ' , 25 0 A: 1. Gary Schultz (Hon); 2. MIke Jens on (KTM); 3. J ohn Kudiaka (C-A); 4. Tim Anderson (Hus). 250 B; 1. Gary Pannkuk (Hon); 2 . Phill ip Fuhrmeister fe-A); 3 . Bruce Friest (Hus); 4 . Frank Lavenworth (KTMI , . OPEN A : t . Doug Mevuinua (Hus); 2. Keith Bowd en (C-A); 3. Carl Magnusson (C-A); 4 : Ron Less (Hus). OPEN B: 1. Doug McCloskey (Hon); 2. M ichael Me Peak (Hus); 3. Tim Metze l (KTM); 4 . Dave Evans (KTM); 5. Brad Melick (Yam). SR A : 1. Richard Cromer (Hus); 2. James Brach (KTM); 3. Layton Erickson (C-AI. SR B: t . Jack Tyson (C-A); 2. Harold Thomas (Yam); 3. Jim Bast (Kaw); 4 . Gene Underwood (Husl . S/SR : t . Ray Rockenberry (Kaw),

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