Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ David Hale (Hont. 6. Bob Buckmyer (Kaw); 7. Doug Klont (Tri); B. Doug Kr""ger (Tri~ 9. John Hiolop (Han); 10. Randy Honan (Suz). 750: 1. Louie Gerencer (H-D); 2. Eorl Bowlby (BSA); 3. Tom Reiser (H-D); 4 . David Newsome (Tri); 5. Steve Nole (BSA); 6. Randy Gabriel (H-D); 7. John Williams (Hon~ B. Jeff Voder (H·D); 9. Tom Zink (Kaw); 10. Conley Newsome (Tri). JOIN THE I1Jm .. Call TOLL FREE for o· Mernbersrnp Intormcrtion : 1-800-AMA-JOIN £II;s hauls • Experience t' ,. .; liJ 00 ~ 00 ..=::-- :s I--) at Huron Magazine every month; Tour ing. Rac ing. Tecbn ics t By Mark Staab .Join and . understand the fi ght to protect your motorcycling rights; Road and Ott-Roea • Plus ; Insurance. Discounts . Trip Routing . Free Rule Books and Law Charts Call toda y to j oin or request information kit . Jim Ortner (9A) leads Dave Hosaka (43) and eventual 500cc Pro class winner Jim Ellis (3) at Huron Cycle Park in California. ··YO ROAD RACERS NEW COMPET'fTION UHAUST SrSTEII FOI Fzll50 While our pipe produces slightly more midrange and within 2% of top end power of Yamaha's race kit pipe, the DlItD Pipe $325.00 does have one great advantage. . . Prica. s...-"" DtlD PERFOIMANCE EXHAUST 110 Hype, Mt A IUller Pipe! Call Your Hotline To Horsepo_r WEST (817) 834-8961 TX (BOO) 843-8961 US EAST (BOO) 432·7762 FL (BOO) 327-1109 US MOTORCYCL E SAFETY FOUNDA,TI~N W '11 1 PERFORMANCE I G NIT IONS • belusi" flctory Aadloriz.d Sol . _ . Semel • R.pI.c.... ot 01 OEM SystellS (CoU Iar o"ficolia.) • Campl.1lI Tostia.. S.nici... & R.WIliat • OEM R.ploc.m.ot Iar 011 KTM & H....' Mad.l. • For Sol.. Dr S.nic. Coli or WrillI: Motoplat USA 1115 Mian Avenue. Amherst, ON 44001 (2 16 ) 988-4476 _ _-'--_-' L -_ _'' --_ HAMMY TANNER • 46 DliTa.&UTING= ,....~ "null., e" 12131 _ _ Sweigart, Gerencer fop National Hillclimb By Maxine Casey FREEMANSBURG, PA , J UNE 14 In a shortened event that saw a top rider in each class hospitalized, Triumph-mounted Bruce Sweigert won the 500cc cla ss an d Louie Gerencer topped the 750cc division aboard his XR750 at round three of the AMA National Championship Hillclimb Series, held near Freemansburg. Sweigart's time on th e 500-foot hill was 10.18 seconds. Second place wen t to BSA pilot Rod Riddl e , who climbed the hill in 10.78 seco nds . Tim Fraizer placed third with a 11.04-second ride on his BSA. Greg Williams, ab oard his STP Special Honda, came in fourth with a 12.04second ride and David Hale was fifth with a 12.27-second ride aboard h is Triumph. Gerencer 's ride in th e 750cc class lasted 8.48 secon ds. BSA pilot Earl Bowlby wa s second wi th a 9.77seco n d rid e and T om Reiser put h is XR750 H arley-David son between th e tim ers in 9.94-seco nds. Fourth went to fir st-year 750cc rider David Newso me. New some's Triumph stopped th e clocks in 10.57-seconds while BSA-mounted Steve Nafe was right beh ind with a 1O.59-seco nd rid e. Because of delays ca used by me dical treatment to injured co mpetitors a n d b y waiting for o ne o f two am b u lanc es to return so th e hillclim b co u ld co ntin ue . th e event was calle d co m p lete after o ne full ro u n d. Under AMA rules, one co m p le te round made th e compet it ion a po intpaying even t. Bushkill Valley M.C. works very hard putting on th e two Pro hillclimbs they sponsor eac h year. T heir 500-foot hill is quite steep and a bulldozer cannot be used a n ym ore to fill in wa shouts. To save th e surface, th ey have planted gra ss o n th e hill. What seemed like a good idea wasn 't. The grass hid rocks and holes. Tire ch ains tore out huge ch u n ks of grass which following rider s had to dodge. The difference in traction on the grass a nd on bare spots caused sp ills. Less than half th e 500cc class riders m ade it to th e lights. Popular 500cc T ri umph rider Bob Krauter of Milford, Michigan, was seriously inj u red when he hit a h ol e he co u ldn' t see. H e was sla m med into th e side of th e hill a nd th e bike ra n over h im. Paramedics were ca lled to th e hill to treat h im before he co u ld be removed to St. Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. His P elvic bone was cracked in four places and a large area of h is back was chewed up by his own tire chains. He was admitted to the intensi ve care unit b u t doctors f ed h hi b expec ted im to e trans err to t e regular hospital in a few days. Krauter was in second pl ace in th e points ra ce. · E Ight - ti ime N a ti rona I Chamni amplOn. Earl Bowlby was the first 750cc rider on the hill. He ca me off h ard just . d hi chi past t h e top umer a n cu t IS In. _ Beeze Wendt. a lso a former National Champion , rode seco nd • H e went off th e side of th e hill at 460 feet an d wa s taken to the h os pital with ible h Id d I . . . P O SSI e s o u er an eg mjurres, P rof essional Hillcl imbers Associ. id C I a non Presi en t o n ey New some decided enough was enough . Three Bu shkill Va lley M.e. mem ber s a nd two 750cc ride rs rem oved roc ks , filled in h ol es and cu t off th e top of a br eaker that was kicking th e back wh eels of th e bik es into th e a ir. A very vocal sec tio n of th e crowd objected, bu t the actions stopped the mjuri es. Whe n to ld h e co u ld ride aga in since he rode before th e changes on the hill , Earl Bowlby sa id, " My rid e stands . I' ve h ad a ll o f th at hill I wa nt today. There is no co ntrol. Wh en I go t off in Indiana it was m y ch oice. I had no choice today." Besid es th e two injured ride rs, two people in th e crowd and o ne firstaid o fficial h ad to ' be rem oved for h eat ex ha us tio n. Bushkill Valley M.C. expects to h ave th e problems sorte d ou t before th eir fall climb. Results 500: 1. Bruce Swe igan (Tri); 2. Rod Riddle (BSA); 3. " tm Fraizer (BSA); 4 . Greg Williams (Han); 5. I HURON, CA, JUNE 6 J im Ellis took the overall win in the 500cc Pro class a t Huron Cycle Park with a second m oto victory over Jim Ortner. After ge tti ng th e h olesh ot in the fir st 500cc Pro mo to , Ortner had a narrow lead over Ellis. As th e two rid ers pulled away from th e pack , Ellis wa s able to close in on Ortner. Ell is m ade several a tte m p ts to get by Ortner with no success. As they closed in on th e last lap, Ellis made a desperate attempt to ge t by over the tabletop. Ortner closed o ff Ellis' lines and never let th e Honda rider by. At th e start of moto two, it looked like Ortner had the early lead, only to lo se it to Ellis in the back section of the tra ck. Ellis, knowing a second moto victory would give him the overall victory, pulled out a commanding lead and was never challenged for fir st place. Ortner finished _ second followed by Jim Auaschnick and Da ve Hosaka. In the 250cc Pro class, Jon Nelson dominated the class over Dallen McKenney by winning both motos. Nelson is now undefeated at Huron Cycle Park and is looking for the 250cc Pro class title. Results 60 BEG: 1. James Reyes (Kaw); 2. Nathan Woods (Kaw~ 80 BEG: 1. Gar Gladders(Hon); 2. Rusty Holland (Kaw~ 3. Jimmy Emmen (Han). 80 JR: 1. Jason McCullough (Yom); 2. Leon Fitzgera ld (Han). ·80 INT: 1. Kennie McGrath (Kaw ); 2. Mat Furman (Han). 125 BEG: 1. Don Tillery (Kaw ); 2. Tom Smith (Han); 3. Chad Dagget (Kaw) . 125 JR: 1. Andy Hernandez (Suz); 2. Mike Quaschnick(Yom); 3. Clifford Wright (Kaw). 125 INT: 1. Tracy Knight (Yamt. 2. Pat Bennett (Kaw); 3. Joe Degan (Han). 250 BEG: 1. Leo Vella (Han); 2. Guy Comer (Han); 3. Vietor Miller (Han). (K~~~~~k~.e.7:t:::;~::tZ(HOn) ;2.ChuCkMark 250 INT: 1. Billy Woods (Kaw); 2. Alan Piece (Kaw); 3. Brandon Reye. (Kaw). 250 PRO: 1. Jon Nelson (Han); 2. Dollen McKenney (Han); 3. Jon Onner (Han). 500 BEG: 1. Merlyn Frank (Kew); 2. Warren P. Smith (Vam); 3. Tim Gruber (Han). 500 JR : 1. Nathan Kennicun (Kaw); 2. Cunis Suderman (Kaw); 3. Mark Selbach (Kow~ 500 PRO: 1. Jim Ellis (Han); 2. Jim Onner(Hon); 3. Dave Hosaka(Hon). OTHG NOV: 1. Rancid Richard (Han); 2. Loon'ey Lupe Mendoza (Han); 3. G,ddy·Up George (Han). _ OTHGINT: 1. Mark Smith (KTM): 2 . DufusDennis (KTM); 3. Loose Lups Lee (Suz). OTHG AM: 1. Junkyard JIm Manen; 2. Maggot Mark (Yamt. 3 . Phil Masco rro (KTM). OTHG EX: 1. Terry Deegan (Yamt. 2. Bullet Bob Byers (Yam); 3. Jubilee Jeff Gruber (Han). VET JR : 1. Jeffrey H. Grube r (Hon~ 2. Lance G. Kink (Yam); 3 . M ike Costello (Kaw). VET INT: 1. Gerald Sumner. VET MSTR: 1. Russ Daley f Ka w~ 2. Phil Gribnau (Vam); 3. IGary Wilson (Han). VET PRO: 1. Mi ke Boswonh (Suz); 2. Vic Hager (Han). Bast, Ingles w;n at Napa Speedway By R.C. Jones NAPA, CA, J UNE 20 Bart Bast claimed th e win aft er three restarts in an accident-marred Handicap m ain event a t Napa Speedway, and Eddie Ingels blasted to another Scratch main vic tory. The Handicap main even t was the highlight of th e even in g, but it was disaster for Ingels. The first restart was caused by Steve Crawford coming to a stop in turn four on the first lap. Ingels was flying an d hit Crawford when he stopped. Ingels' bike went airborn in turn four a nd landed a t the start/finish line, totaling the GM machine. At the restart, with Crawford on the 70, Robert Curry jumped early causing a second flag.

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