Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GTU class winner Kayo Racing (48) leads Kayo's GTO class entry (2); Kayo's Suzuki broke a crankshaft, ending their race on lap 28. Dutchman Racing (3) leads South Florida Racing (24) in the Loudon 500; Dutchman won with South Florida finishing fifth. Bougas Racing's Suzuki GSXR11 00 finished second behind Dutchman; locals Mark Bougas and David Sadowski did the riding for Bougas. AMA/MotoWorld U.S. Endurance Series: Round 6 By Randy Marrs LACONIA, NH, JUNE 20 In a scene that could have been taken from the movie Road Warriors, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's Dutchman Racing took a spectacular win at the tight 1.63-mile Bryar Motorsports Park. The race, which produced a rash of h es and two red flags cra~ . dunng the 500 kilometers of o racing, had the Pennzoil IO Minute Oil Change/ Mich elin/Shoei /D.I.DI Yosh imura /PB IIND-sponso r ed Suzuki GSXRIIOO ridden by Mil es • Baldwin, Doug Brauneck and Dave Schlosser averaging 64.987 mph for th e four and a half hours of racing around th e 10-tum road course. Finishing a close second to Dutchman were local Suzuki GSXRIIOOmoun ted favorites Mark Bougas and Dave Sadowski of Bougas Ra cing with third going to the Californiaba sed team of H ype r-C ycle Racing, also aboard a Su zuki GSXR.' All th ree teams fin ished on th e lead lap with Suzuki-mounted teams taking four of th e top five positions with the front three fini sh ers all riding o n Mich elin tires. T aking a very close GTU win and their third in th e last six rounds was the Kayo Racing H onda CB600 Hurricane ridden by regula r Tommy . Finishing Jus t two seconds beh ind Kayo was th e VIP Ra cing H onda CB600 Hurricane with th ird go ing to the series ' current poin ts leaders Asphalt Aviators, aboard what many co ns ide r a n out-of-date Ya m ah a FJ600. Like the top three overall GTO finish ers, th e fro nt three in GTU also fini shed o n th e sa me lap ( 178) with \Kayo takin g ei~h th. Early race lead ers T eam Lockhart (winners of th e last two ro unds) led ' the fir st lap and left the race six laps late r with a broken th rottle cab le. Loudon's tight road co urse is considered by many to be a true rider 's tra ck with th e big 1I00s no t really having an y adv antage over the 750 a nd 600 machines. Forty-seven teams took th e green . with most of the teams on ha nd expecting a tough and close race. The race would go 194 laps or fo ur and a half hours, which ever came first. The T eam L ockhart/Michelini Slo,!n .an~ K~vm Renzell. U.S.Suzuki!AGV I KaI-GardiCam -21 RK/Performance rnachine-sponored Suzuki GSXRIIOO of Larry Shorts a nd Dale Quarterley sa t on the pole for th e 3:15 p.m. star t. Shorts jumped into the lead with the Bougas Racing Suzuki second and Brauneck on th e Dutchman Racing Suzuki a close third. By lap two , Bougas had moved into th e lead running through tum six as Dutchman Racing began to pressu re Lockhart. T wo laps later Dutchman moved around Lockhart as th e T eam Elepha nt Suzuki GSXRlloo of brothers ' T om a nd David Sarto ius held fourth. H yper-Cycle's J eff H erzog a nd Ca rry Andrew ran fifth wit h six th goi ng to the J ob Cycle Racing GSXR750. South Florida Racing was seventh o n the firs t Yamaha (FZR IOOO) with series contenders High T ech Racing h olding o nto ei g h th o n thei r GSXRlloo, T eam Trim was ninth with the N ever R ead y Racing GSXR I I00 of Brad Smith a nd Buddy Kell er rou nd ing out th e top 10. The GTU class was being led by the Kayo Ra cing /Yokohama /D .I . D/GS I Shoei/Kerker/Cycle Performancel Sloans Cycle-sponsored Honda Hurri cane with Sloan doing th e riding, second was held by locals T eam Gonzo, and third was th e VIP Racing Honda CB 600 Hurricane. The first three GTU positions were locked in a tight 1-2-3 draft and were swapping positions around the tight track. On lap seven, Lockhart's throttle cable broke. " The throttle cable broke at th e handlebar. It broke on the track where they wouldn't let us get to it , we didn't want to run ragged and finish out of th e top 10. If we could have been abl e to get to it and fix it and be sure of a top three it would have been worth it," sa id Lockhart's Keith Perry adding, "We had th e two best riders for th is track - it 's unfortunate it happened this way." Bougas co n tin ued to lead as the Dutchman R acing Suzuki held secon d. The Ka yo Racing GTO Series contenders of Kevin Rentzell and Dean Swims got a bad start due to a bad grid positi on and the shift linkage clip that holds the shift lever on came off at th e start of th e race costing the team nine seconds to replace it. Rentzell was working hi s way through traffi c and by th e end of 15 laps held seventh . On lap 17, Brauneck m o ved the Dutchman Ra cing Suzuki into th e lead position, T eam Elephant moved into third, H yper-Cycle held fourth , and the Job Cycle Racing Suzuki rounded out th e top five. By the end of 20 laps, Rentzell m o ved th e Ka yo Racing/Yokoh am a /D.I .D /GS /Da ito /Kerkerl Auto-Litr e/Cycl e P erform an cespo nsored Suzuki into th e top five, ta king over fourth. The Sou th Florida Racing/Michelin/Spec tr o l Shoei /Ft. Myers ' Cycles -sponsored Yamaha FZRIOOO of Rick Shaw and Ken Stephen held fifth as the pair . continued to show the potential of the new Yamaha. Rentzell, riding on a new prototype Yokohama rear radial slick (180 /680 RI8 E600) which he hadjust brought back from Japan, moved into thirdon lap 29 a n d b egan to cl o se on Bougas Racing. The fir st seven pos itions in GTO all circulated on th e lead lap with High T ech Ra cing holding eigh th, a lap off th e pa ce. The VIP Racing H onda CB600 of local racers Tony Rauseo a nd Chris Martone, moved into the GT U lead wi th Kayo Ra cing, T eam H acksaw (Z600 Yamaha ), T eam Gonzo, a nd th e Asp halt Avia tors all o n the same lap and battling for th e GTU lead . The charge put o n by Kayo 's Rentzell ended on lap 28 with a broken cra nkshaft. " I was going into six when I felt the crank sna p," he said. " It happened that fast and there wasn't anything else to do but park it. " Superbike racer Mark Chin had been scheduled to ride with Sloan on the Kayo GTU entry, but with the Kayo GTO bike out of the race the team brought Sloan in to put Rentzell on th e Hurricane. On lap 41 o n ly two teams remained on the lead lap, Dutchman Racing and Bou~s Racing. Team Elephant held thud, South Florida Racing moved their FZRIOOO Yamaha into fourth, and HyperCycle held fifth. VIP Racing moved up a lap on the Kayo GTU entry on lap 42 with the Asphalt Aviatorsl Spectro /EBC /Wol flY okohama sponsored FJ600 Yamaha of Andy Deatherage and Mik e Sturdevant moving in to third in GTU, running . on the same lap with Kayo. A crash in tum th ree brought o u t the first of th e two red flags on lap 55 when two riders went down. At this point much of the strategy th e teams had been pl anning went right out the window. The p its became crowded with a flurry of activity with everyo ne pitting to ta ke on fuel , make tire changes, and do any needed repairs. As th e race go t underway af ter th e clean-up, Bougas Racing retook the lead from Dutchman with South Florida bri efly moved into third. Rentzell had the Kayo H onda o n the move crac king the top IO by moving into eighth and now leading the GTU field. Bougas maintained th e lead on Dutchman by th e smallest of margins with Bougas Racing's Sadowski commenting on th eir run in th e lead. " It's hot o ut there, causing our tires ' to slide all over th e pl ace, but th e bike's running great and we're in there. " The race was red flagged a second time when th e Never Read y Racing GSXRllOO Suzuki crashed on tum

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