Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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tests was betwee n Ber tram and Kadlec. Kadlec was the early leader with Bertram pressuring, but shortly after, Kadlec developed a front flat . tir e, giv ing Bertram th e moto victory. But th e rider with the fastest MX time was Haaker in th e Four-Stroke class, who beat Roeseler's tim e by five seconds. J eff Irwin, wh o fini shed on gold, almost didn't fin ish th e MX special test. " Everyth ing was go ing fine until th e fin al rnoto, where I broke my swingarm," said Irwin. " T here was a dropawa y with a ditch at the bottom of it, and I landed on the face . of the other sid e, and it just busted th e swingarrn in half. The chain carrie off and I put it back on , and I kept going. But on the third lap, Bertra m stopped me and said, 'hey, look at your swingarm.' So the n I rode real slow. I didn 't even know it was broke, but it was crab walkin g so I co u ld tell something w as wrong." Drew Smith, who locked up the 350cc Four-Stroke class win, is now a lmost assured a spo t on the U.S. team in th e ISDE in Poland. " I was happy wit h my test today," · sai d Sm ith. " In the twO tests today, th e on ly thing I left behind me was scorched earth and burned trees. If I do qualify LO go LO Poland, I do n 't know how I'm going to get th e money, like everybod y else, but I' m going to do it." " I' ve ridden this event probably I I times," said Smith. "I think this is th e best run th ey've (T ras k Moun tain M /C) ever run. The organization was excelle n t." • Results John Nielson captured the 500cc class w in and second overall . Jeff M iller was third in the 125cc class after the f irst day, but when it was all over, M iller wound up with t he class victory. keeled over for good. Watching the overall victory slowly slipping away, Fredette desperately tried kick starting his bike but it would never fire. "T hat' s the way it goes," said Fredette. " It actually seized up about I0 tim es (during the MX special test) before it fina lly quit. The first tim e it did was during th e first lap in th e back straight. I was heading into a corner, but I just jumped it and it started up again. Then it seized again, then again when everybody saw it. I have no idea what caused it. It was riding fine all da y. " It 's ju st raci ng," continued Fredette. " If you don 't fin ish, you don't finish. That's just the way it works. I remember that one year in Oklahoma when something like this happened, but in the Six Days that year I was top American; maybe sooner or later th is will pay me back." O ne of the better battles of the MX 125 INTENT: 1. Jeff Miller (Hon): 2. Shau n Scar lett (Hon ); 3. Ford Tannock (Suz); 4. Ed Marchini (Hon ); 5. Dan Dillon (Vam); 6. Torry Ben nett; 7. Taz Harvey (Hon); B. Kevin Case (Vam). 2 50 INTENT: 1. Larry Roeseler (Kew); 2. Greg Surdyke (Yaml; 3. Reed Br ight (Hus); 4. Gram Palenske (Hon); 5. Will iam Burgener; 6. Larry Lacey (Hon); 7. David Burke (Hon); 8. Gary Li ndsay; 9. Todd Harris (Hon); 10 . Steve Zoll(Kew) . OPEN INTENT: t , Joh n Nielson (Hus); 2. Dave Bertram (Hus); 3. Bob Bean (Yam); 4 . Oave Crain (Hus); 5. George W all er (KTM); 6. Fritz Kadl ec (Hus~ 7. M ike M edick; 8. Byron Bent son. 350 F/ S INTENT: 1. Drew Smit h (Honl ; 2. Billy Fulmer J r. (Hon); 3. Dw ight Rudder (Hon). 500 F/S INTENT: 1. Dan Smit h (Hus); 2. J oh n Haaker (Hus); 3. Jeff Irwin (Hus); 4. David Rhodes (Hus). 12 5 EX: 1. Keit h Cayto n (Kaw ). 200 EX: 1. Keit h Cayton . 250 EX: 1. Char lie Kouba; 2. Dean Sw eet; 3. Ron de Br uin; 4 . J er ry St ellflug ; 5. We sley A nderson. • OPEN EX: 1. Ken Maahs; 2. Tim Erickson; 3 . Ken Tomeo; 4 . Bob Hamilton; 5. Terry Bainb ridge. F/S EX: 1. Tom Vou ng. CLA SS 30 EX: 1. AI Fett erly; 2. Mark Ruple; 3. John Burwell; 4. David RusselJ; 5. M ichaal M inder. CLAS S 40 EX: 1. Chr is Greene; 2. Buz Farrall; 3. Len Faltyn; 4. Mick Peppm eier; 5. Law re nce Bert rand. 80 A M : 1. Carl Cranke; 2. Fred Cameron. 125 A M : 1. Tim Rodda; 2. Paul Cam eron; 3. Bill Rush; 4. Steve Ledwith. 200AM : 1. M or i Norman; 2. Noel Manin; 3. Chris Cullins; 4. Mace Coleman J r.; 5. Richar d King. 2 50 A M : 1. Mike Smith; 2. Gary Davenport; 3 . Jack Parkinson; 4. Jon Nell is: 5. Mike Non. OPEN AM: 1. Tim Mueller; 2. Dan Hatcher; 3. Don M atheney; 4. Rod Johnson; 5. Jeff Howell. F/S AM : 1. David Alexander; 2. Ken Harris; 3. Tom Coy; 4. Donald Blair; 5. Jeremy Dix. CLASS 30 AM : 1. Doug Held; 2. Vern Balko w it sch; 3. Steve Bender; 4 . George Frans en; 5. Scott Louden . CLASS 40 A M : 1. George Spalding; 2. Raben Wyllie; 3. Bryon Lee Lynch ; 4. Loui e Pekhan ; 5 . Geroa ld Valencia. CLASS 50: 1. Billy Toman; 2. Ron M orgam haler. CLASS 60 : 1. J ack Carlson. WO MEN: t. Pam Mac Dona ld; 2. J ean Fenerly. SATURDAV ONLV: 1. Gary Rivers; 2. Arne JueuSkiel se; 3. M ike Miller; 4 . Scon Col e; 5. Kri s Carter. SUNDA VONLV 125 EX: 1. Kit Palm er . 200 EX: 1. Daren Bu rt; 2. Clyde Kersti ng. 250 EX: 1. Gary Gl en; 2. Blain e Ostaf in; 3. Many Clough. OPEN EX: t . Joh n Dun ham; 2. Roben Cecil. CLASS 30 EX: 1. Chuck Steah ly; 2. Wh iz McNeal; 3. Bill Jo hnston. CLASS 40 EX: 1. Clifford Bentson; 2. Tom Lamben . 125 AM : 1. Pau l St evens; 2. Steve Peppmeier. 200 AM : 1. M ike Crosier; 2. Jeff Pratt ; 3. Ron Pennington; 4 . Dale Eaton; 5. Eri k Bishop . 250 AM : i . David Lett ; 2. M ike Robinson; 3. Fred Harr is. OPEN AM : 1. W ill iam Bishop; 2. Derk Thomson; 3. Lonn ie Hill ; 4. Curtis Gibson; 5. J erry Schram. F/ S AM: 1. Raef Parme lee; 2. Veryl Oehren s; 3. .Leroy Wh ite III; 4 . Bill Polloc k; 5. Gery Brunk. CLASS 30 AM: 1. Daren Filosi; 2. Cliff Nyman; 3. Steve Hende rson . CLASS 40 AM : 1. Marion Dukes; 2. Gary Poner; 3. Bruce Harr ison ; 4. Steve Herr in; S. M ike Rockett. CLASS 50 AM: 1. Don Rhodes; 2. Jo hn Taylor; 3. Donald Argo; 4 . Jerry Cran e.

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