Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ralph Blanch ard in tow. Arctic CatSuzuki Motorsport s-sponsored Good was stuck in midpack after a poor start. It on ly took a few laps for Good to catch Blanchard and on ly one lap for him to pass. By now Schaub ha d a fairly large lead, but Good whi ttle d away at it unti l the last lap when he came wi thi n five seconds. The mo to wasn' t lo ng enough for Good th ou gh, as he fin ished second behind Sch aub. Blanchard fell a nd finish ed seventh. .Schaub grabbed th e hol eshot in moto two but was stuffed by Blanchard in the first corner. Blanchard tried to make up for his poor showing in the first moto and stret ched out a decent lead . Good came around the -first la p in dead last and put in an amazing ride to en d up o n Schaub's rear fender by m idmo to. J While Schaub and Good diced for second Blanchard co nt inued to pull o ut a lead, but it ended with o nl y two la p s to go wit h a fantasti c cartw h eeli ng crash o n a fa st, whooped-ou t straigh t. Schaub held off Good to take the win wh ile Blan chard remounted, bu t finished out of the top 10. Good made up for his seco nd p lace finish by leading both rnotos of the 125cc Expert class from start-tofin ish. Finishing a distant second was Kawasaki of Anchorage-backed J ason An derso n who p laced fourth overa ll in th e Pro class. Just as Good whipped the 125s, Schaub did it to th e 250cc Experts. Schaub's o nly co mpe titio n came in mo to one from Kawasaki of An chorage's Donny R ussell , but it was o n ly for a few laps. The two had a good dice go ing until Ru ssell went down after collid ing with Schaub. Russell recovered and finish ed th ird overa ll. Arcti c Cat-Suzuki Mot orsports/Gear Racewear-sponso red Greg Chatterton used a conservative 3-3 to grab second overall. Results - 50 NOV : 1. Luke Rambur (Yam); 2. Ch arli e Graydon (Yam); 3 . Alecio Mej ia (Yam ). 60 NOV: 1. Casy Jo hn son (Kaw); 2. J osh Ram bur (Kaw ); 3 . Cory Baud er (Kaw ). SONOV: 1. Chr is DeW in l er (Kaw) ; 2. Ken Gordon (Han); 3 . Roger Lindstrom (Kaw l. 80 EX: 1. Ar on Nil es (Han); 2. J amey Lew is (Su zl; 3. Trevor Stan ley (Kaw ). • 125 NOV; 1. Mike Gu t hr ie (Kaw); 2. Leif Forsyth e (Kaw); 3. Rudolph Ort ega (Han ). 125 EX: 1. J oe Good (Suzl; 2. Jason A nderson (Kaw ); 3. Lance Leneave (Kaw). 250 NOV : 1. Creig Cor lis (Yam ); 2. No rman Harr is (Yam); 3. Brad Harr is (Suz). 250 EX : 1. Kevi n Sc haub (Hen]: 2 . G r eg Chattert on (Suz); 3 . Don ny Russell (Kaw). 500 NOV: 1. J ohn W illi ams (Han); 2. Rolf Lacher (Kaw ); 3 . Ste ve Jo hannsen (Hus) . 500 EX; 1. Jim Mc Cla in (Kaw ); 2. Br uce Singley (Han); 3 . Brad Bom hofl (Han). VET: 1. Pat Poland (Kaw); 2. Greg Rich ards on (Vam(); 3 . Eric Forsythe (Kaw). PRO; 1. Kev in Schau b (Han); 2. Joe Good (Suz(); 3 . Bruce St ingley (Han). 9 Herman hauls at HideawayMX By Pete Keiser SH IP PENSBU RG, PA, J UN E 6-7 The two-day Regional Qual ifier at Hideaway Motocross provided spectacular action for th e fan s an d intense compe tition for racers eager to get to the National Cham pion shi ps a t Loretta L ynn 's. Saturdays' raci ng fea tured Youth a nd Novice classes , wh ile Sunday drew Experts a nd Semi- P ros. ' One amateur wh o had th e moves of a pro was Steven H erman , wh o blitzed to four stra igh t moto wins in the 12-to-15, 125cc Stoc k a nd Modified classes. In the 125cc Stock class, H erman was cons tant ly chased by Raymond Mountjo y, wh o fini shed second in both motos. H erm an was unabl e to grab either hol eshot, but was ted no tim e jumping into th e lead. Kyle Gordon , Bill y Lindsay and Robert Luckenbaugh pursued H erman and Mountj o y to ro und o ut the top five. H ermans' mod ified bike was able When would you pay $72 for a piece of paper? Ed Krynski topped the Over-25 class at Hideaway's MX Qualifier. to holeshot th e first moto, and pulled from third to first early in the seco nd mo to, Mountjoy took the hol eshot in mo to two , bu t could on ly han g o n to third, earn ing fift h overa ll. J aso n DiDonico was more cons isten t, with two seco nd p lace finishes. Sco tt Adams went 3-4 and Mark Bauer was 4-5 ·for third and fourth, respecti vely. Like H erman, Billy Schlag rocketed to fo ur moto victories to claim two overall wins. Schlag nailed eac h h ol esh ot and wa s n ever p a ssed , taki ng home victories in both th e Stock a nd Mod ified 85cc cla sses for 9-13 year olds, _ In th e Stock class, Schl ag was trai le d b y Shawn Ma rtin and Michael Martin. Michael went 5-2 , whi le Shawn bett ered h im with a 2.4 combination . The fourt h and fifth p lace riders, Mic hael Lindsay and Dam ien Pl otts, respective ly , had severa l good shots at secon d befor e th e checke red flag fell. Sch lag was eve n faster in th e Mod ified class, and again ra n away from th e pack. Shawn Martin again too k second with Plo tts in third , Michael Martin fourth and Lindsay· fifth. T he action was more inten se o n Sunday wh en . Edw ard Baa pa ced h im self well enough for victo ries in th e 125cc a nd 250/ 0 pen P ro-Am classes. Baa worked hardest in the 125cc class. A poor start in the first mo to forced him to push himself to th e limi ts. . T hro ug ho u t th e 20minu te mo ta, Baa pl ayed catch-up. H e worked up into second pl ace, a nd almost passed H enry Dorschug. Bao had a better start in the second mo to and hel d th e rest of the field at bay. Dorschug chased hard and too k ho me second pl ace. Congd om was fourth, for third overall, whi le Tedd Orr and Shawn Norfork com ple ted the top Iive, In the 250cclOpen class, Bao kep t the th ro tt le pinn ed , tak in g t he holesho ts and both mo to wins. O rr was within striki ng dista nce for m uch of th e first mo to and too k seco nd. His third pl ace in mo to numb er two sealed second overall. Donald Melch oi r cu t so me ni ce lines o n ro ute to hi s fou rth p lace in th e first mo to, H e was relentless in th e second , and managed a second for th ird overall. J ohn Sul ewski went 34 for fourth, and J oe Prosey scored ' a 5-5 for a solid fifth . J eff Alle n was also a four mota win ner, takin g first p lace ho nors in the 250cc B Stoc k ·and Mod ified classes. The first modified mo to saw Gordie Cra ter bl ast o ut of th e ga te and beat th e pack into th e first turn. H is reign as th e lead er was short lived, however. T im Chapin was th e next to lead, before he too was passed. Well, if that is imported, museum quality D'Arches 22"x19" paper t hat carries an original Jeff Gund lach Supercross prin ted in nine permanent colors and was breathed on, signed and numbered by the 'artist, I'd do it now. Supercross is the last limited edition fine art print in the series commisssioned by Cycle News for you,.the reader. Hundreds of Gunny 's road racing prints were purchased, sight unseen , on a money back guarantee of complete satisfaction, and only one purchase was refunded . I am sure Supercross will deli~ht the dirt riding contingent as much as ~Ie of Man, Bol D Or and Daytona impressed th e road racers; so Cycle News is offering the same guarantee: Your money will be refunded cheerfully (grr!) if you are not completely satisfied with your brand new Supercross fine art print. . Ch 1 CI ar es ayton Pres. Cycle News Inc. -----------·COUPON----------(No P.O. Box pie ...l Okay, rush me print(s) of the new Supercross limited edition. I understand I can send the product back for a full refund within 30 days if I am not satisfied. . Name --'' - _ Address _ City State Zip o _ Phone _ Payment enclosed (check or money order. payable to Cycle News) (CA res . add 6% LA Coun ty res . add 6'h %) [Z: \~: o Charge my Visa 0 Charge my Mastercard Cha rge Customers: W e must have complete acco unt n umber and card expirat ion date . Card No. _ Expir at ion Dat e Signat ure _ -'- Order Now Onl y $ 7 2 .0 0 incl. shipping, ready to fr ame c/ o Cycle News P.O. Bo x 498, Long Beach, CA 90801·0498 _

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