Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a: w aJ a: 4: aJ .... a: ~ w .... en >- aJ ~ o :I: C1. Mike Gresham (6) won the 500cc Expert race at lodi ,Cycle Bowl. He was trailed by Robert Damron (1). Ken Netto (5) and Sal Hoffman (2). through turns one and two with Harlan}r. pushing hardrBart .Bast followe and Ingels mired in the outside goop. While Martin dialed in the groove. Harlan Jr~ got stuck in turn four on the last lap allowing Bart Bast to sneak through for'second place. After placing third in the Scratch main, Harlan Bast Jr. took his Bast Welding/Sierra Products-prepared Westlake to the front of the Handicap main pack early and let everyone else play catch up. Harlan Jr. left the other two 30 yarders Marc Prince and Joe Leduc behind. Wast~ ing little time catching Bob Hicks, Harlan Jr. made things look easy for the win. Mike Delacy, from t~e .40, ran a good race for second, picking his way through traffic, but the eight lapper was over before he had a chance to try and dial in Harlan Jr. The two 50 yarders Bart Bast and Eddie Ingels were flying around th e track sometimes side by side putting on a great show to finish third and fourth. Results SCRATCH: 1. Stove Martin; 2. Bart Bast 3. Harlen Bast Jr.; 4. Eddie Ingels. HDCP: 1, Harlan Bast Jr. ; 2. Mike Delacy; 3. Bart Bast; 4 . Eddie Ingels 0 ·2: 1. Ken Wagner; 2. Mike Kain; 3. Mark Day; 4. Joe Leonard. D-3 : 1. John Payton 2. Mark Squadrito: 3. Tonv Morgan; 4. Man Vulk. JR : 1. Tommy Hedden; 2. Ernie Morris Jr. ; 3 . Dust in Schroeder. Damron smokes at Lodi ST By Mikki McBride t.onr, CA, JUNE 13 52 On th is cool and breezy even ing, the Pro-Am rid ers were off the line like rockets in th e Main with Damron grabbing the holeshot on his Rotax. Ken Netto took th e second spot for th e first half lap on a CanAm but was passed on the outside by Mik e Gr esham. Arthur Tresser was in third on a Yamaha but lost the battle for hi s position to Bobb y McDow ell o n a Honda foll owed by Mark Key on a H arl ey-Davidson; By th e fourth lap, Sal Hoffman , also on a Harley-Davidson.Gresham and McDowell had a great battle going fo r seco nd-. Gresham su cceeded in getting around Hoffman on th e sixth lap while McDo well , had a great battle going for second. Gresham succeede d in getting around Hoffman on the sixth lap while McDow ell , also trying to 'g et around Hoffman, slid out and took an end-over-end fall going into turn four. Gresham remained in second place behind Damron at th e fini sh with Key slipping in just ahead of H offm an at th e checkered flag and Tresser com ing in a close fifth . In the 500cc Expert class, Netto took his Can-Am off the line into the first posrnon with Gresham coming up fast on the outside to pass and grab first in turn two. Damron passed Netto on the back stretch but just couldn't quite catch Gresham. McDowell passed Netto for third with Randy Fisher right behind him on a Rotax. McDowell went down in turn two o n the fifth lap with Fisher running over him and also going down. This crash put Netto back in third with Hoffman grabbing fourth and Arthur Tresser coming in fifth on a Yamaha. The 250cc Novice class reall y had a lot of bumping and pushing with Jeremy Nunes getting off th e line first but getting bumped out of th e groove by Rodney Freeman on a Can-Am. Nunes couldn't recover and went down in turn two. Freeman, being driven hard by Ronny Kni~ht coming up on the inside to grab first position which he held until th e end with an extended lead . Vinnie Corsetti on a Honda zoom ed past Keith Watts for second leaving Watts in third with Troy Watts on a Yamaha in fourth. Results P/W; 1. Helder Alvernaz. Jr . (Yam); 2. Aaron Gavle (Vam): 3. David Lopez (Vam): 4. Derel Phillips (Vam): 5. Tonv Souza, Jr . (Vam). VET: 1. John Tayler (Rtx): 2. Mark Butler (Vam); 3 . Dave Bostrom (Han): 4. Paul Warne (Thorne): 5 . Bob Spear (Vam): 60 NOV: 1. Sammy Sabedra (Kaw) : 2. Kennv Cvpriano, Jr. (Kaw) : 3. Man Willard (Kaw): 4. Helder Alvernaz (Kaw) : 5 . Jeff Gebhart (Kaw) . BO NOV: 1. Herbert Callen. III (Han): 2. John Hlebo (Suz): 3. Man Willard (Kaw); 4. Steven Hlebo (Suz); 5. Scan Corsetti (Yam) . BO JR /EX: 1. Manhew Wait (Kaw) : 2. David Sanchez (Vam); 3 . Martin Montes, (Kaw): 4 . Anthony Freeman (Hon); 5 . Nathan Wa it (Kaw). 250 NOV : 1. Ronald Knight (CnAm); 2. Vinnie Corsetti (Hon); 3. Keith Wans (Yam); 4. Troy Wans (Vam): 5 . Mark Wallace (Han). 250JR: 1. Cory Perreault (Suz): 2. Paul Polhemus (CnAm); 3 . Scon Eichelbaugh (Yam); 4 . Tim Selbv j CnAm): 5. Ken Wass (Yam). 500 NOV : 1. Sherman Gresham (Rtx); 2. Jeff Elgersma (yam); 3. Fred Sanchez (yam); 4. Neil Clifton (Han); 5 . Timothy Snyder (Yam ). SOOJR: 1. Dave Bostrom (Hon); 2. Cory Perr eault (Vam): 3 . Steve Stewart (Va m); 4. Paul Polh emu s (Rtx): 5. Bob L Spear (Yam). 500 EX: 1. M icheal Gresham (Rtx): Robert Damron (Rtx); 3. Ken Neno (CnAm); 4 . Sal Hoffman (HD~ 5 . Arthur Tresser (Yam). PRO·AM: 1. Robert Damron (Rt x): 2. M ike Gres ham (Rtx): 3. Mark KeV (HD): 4. Sal Hoffman: 5 . Arthur Tresser (Yam). Bradshaw takes two at PalmyraMX By Dawn Phillips PALMYRA, NY, JUNE 12 Troy Bradshaw cleaned up in th e 250cc and Open Expert cla sses at the Palmyra Volunteer Ambulance Race at Palmyra MX. The race was promoted by th e Palmyra Racing Associa tion and helped rai se $1800 in funds for th e track' s ambula nce crew. The Experts . received a 200% payback, which made for som e hot compe titio n in all three classes. In th e 125cc Experts it was Jimmy Woolridge who nailed dow th e first place slot in the first moto, with Brian Austin a close second. In moto two Peter Phillips had the early lead, until Woolridge made a charge and got past on the secondto-last lap for the win. Phillips second was good enough to net him second overall. In the first 250cc Expert moto Austin piloted his Suzuki to the moto victo ry. In mota two several riders were gunning for the top sp o t including Bradshaw, Ph illips, Woolridge and Austin. Phillips had the holeshot and led th e race until the halfway point, when Woolridge powered by. Woolridge was leading on th e white £lag lap when he mistook it for the checkers and pulled 0 [[ th e track. Bradshaw then took over the lead and took first overall. Woolridge managed to salvage a fourth place finish , but was dropped to third overall behind Austin. Results 60: 1. Millard O'Brein: 2. Scott Ghidiu: 3 . Douglas Renerer. MINI NOV: 1. Ben Oressner; 2. Thad Main; 3 . Greg Fregoe; 4. Ted Baumgart. MINIINT: 1. Brian Tvler; 2. Justin Berg; 3 . David Richards; 4. Scon Ghidiu. MINI AM: 1. Bill Silvarols; 2 . Aaron Bru shingham; 3 . Gus Bakos; 4. Den Schmidt. . SCHBV: 1. Bill Silvarole: 2. Jason Ragan; 3 . Craig Lafler; 4. Kellv O·Hara . 100·200 NOV: 1. Monte Trimble; 2 . Rob Baumgart; 3. Mike Coast; 4. Steve Hoadlev. 100·200 INT: 1. John Anderson: 2. Tom Cavia: 3 . Lance Camp; 4. Jason Ragan . 201 OPEN NOV: 1. James Murphv; 2. Peter Nicolosi; 3 . Russ Bellinger: 4 . Gary Walker. 201 OPEN INT: 1. Gregg Lasher: 2. Martin McDonald; 3 . Geremy Groiscup; 4. Rick Aeming; 125 AM : 1. J im Vogt; 2. Stewart Platt; 3 . Stove Marrill; 4. Mark Olek; 250 AM: 1. Bruce Bovler; 2. Jim Vagt ; 3 . Scan Camp; 4. Craig Lane . OPEN AM : 1. Dan Morgan; 2. Greg Gu ilfoil: 3 . Robert Lasch ; 4. Neil Baker . 125 EX: 1. Jim Woolridge; 2. Peter Phillips: 3 . Joe Ell ington: 4. Gregg Meeder; 250 EX: 1. Troy Bradshaw; 2. Br ian Austin; 3 . Jim Woolridge; 4. Peter Phillips. OPEN EX; 1. Trov Bradshaw: 2. Kevin Long: 3 . Rager Jackson; 4 . Rick Swarthout. V1NT & WDS : 1. Robert Lasch: 2. David Cali: 3. Scan Reinhart; 4 . Jeff Harrick. SR A.; 1. George Sheldrake: 2. Cliff Miller; 3. Perry Brandow: 4. Oscar DeJack. SR B: 1. Gary Walker; 2. Paul Carpenter; 3 . Glenn Arnold; 4. Renn Sheperd. Hayes hauls at Riverside Short Track By Loren & Barbara Williams TRAVELERS REST, SC, JUNE 12 Kirk Hayes was the first rider across the line, beating Kenneth Barr, Charles Freeman, and Dayne Pierantoni after six laps of racing at Riverside Short Track and MX. . Hayes was first 0[[ the line, but Barr caught and passed Hayes on the first lap , sandwiching Hayes between himself and Charles Freeman. Then came Pierantoni, Terry Brown, George Galloway and Rick Evans. Hayes and Freeman hooked up and passed Barr on the outside, bringing Pierantoni with them to make a foursome. Freeman challenged o n lap five, and right about th at same tim e, Barr's Yam aha went down, righ t in front of Pieranton i. But the y missed each other and Barr did not finish. In th e main, Barr was able to start and got th e hol esh ot with Pi erantoni al ongside, and Freeman and Hayes chasing. Freeman had shaken Hayes and slipped around Pierantoni, and Hayes had just begun to make hi s move, when Brown went down in turn four. George Galloway had no time to react, and Rick Evans plowed into the tangle and cartwheeled down the track , sending Evans through the fence. None of the riders were seriously hun, but Evans was taken to the hospital. In the motocro ss action, Tony Bridges of Simpsonville pil ted his Honda CR250 to a win in th e Novice class. Bridges was pursued by Curtis Urps, almost seized the adv antage in a tight corner, but Bridges fended 0[[ the attack and the y finished inches apart. Scott Runion , Greer and Eri c Vickery had their own battle going for fourth, but in the end, Suzuki prevailed over Honda and Vickery ended up with the spot. Superior Drywall-sponsored Ronnie Barbosa ~ finished third. Results 50: 1. Timmv Harris (Varni; 2. Bryan Head (Han). JR MINI: 1. Jimmv Br iggs (Kaw): 2. Kevin Brown (Y8m~; 3 . Travis Harris (Kaw). 125 AM: 1. Tim Laskis (Yam): 2. Stove Howard (Kaw) : 3 . Allen Barnes (Yam). OPEN AM : 1. Lewis Poore (Han). 125 NOV : 1. Alan Sparks (Han); 2. Mitch Moore (Han): 3 . Rob Bell (Han). FT: 1. Kirk Hayes (Han); 2. Charles Freeman (Vam): 3 . Davne Pierantoni (Yaml: 4 . George Gallowav; 5 . Terry Brown (Han). PIW: 1. J immy Briggs (Kaw); 2. Chris Hutchins (Kaw); 3. Patrick Brown (Kaw). • SR MINI: 1. Bo Shannon (Yam); 2. Chad Leigh (yam): 3 . Ronnie Varbro (Suz). 250 AM : 1. BobbV Gilbert (Han). SR MEN : 1. Jerry McCarson (KDX). 250 NOV: 1. Tonv Bridges (Han): 2. Curtis IJrps (Han): 3 . Ronnie Barbosa (Han). Rutherford rips AscotMX By Tom Corley GARDENA, CA, JUNE 12 It was a profitable night for Century ' Motorcycles/FMF-sponsored Tim eRutherford who successfully swept all rnotos of the 125 and 250cc Pro classes. Making a rare appearance in the Pro classes were Mike Kiedrowski and Chris Young, both are consistently found in Golden State and Trans-Cal events , yet seldom ride nighttime events. Both Kiedrowski and Young were out to challenge Rutherford in the 125cc race with Kiedrowski also being involved in the 250cc event, At the start of the first 125cc Pro moto, it was apparent that Ruther·ford had the track wired as he shot out ahead of the two fast newcomers. Rutherford controlled th e moto and took the win, while Young put himself in sound second place position just ahead of Kiedrowski. In the second moto Rutherford again got the jump and won the rnoto uncontested. What did change was the second place spot, which was ._ now being held by Kiedrowski, who like Rutherford was Kawasaki mounted. Yamaha rider Young tagged third place. The top cash awards went to Rutherford and r Kiedrowski with Young just missing 1 out on the money with a third. Rutherford played the holeshot artist at the start of the 250cc Pro 1 first moto. Kiedrowski wasn't used to the slippery track aboard his 250 and fell down after the first tum. Rich Taylor was yet another visiting racer and he came all the way from Ketchum, Idaho. It was Taylor who held down second place just ahead of Tim Lunde and Kiedrowski who remounted quickly and got underway . Lunde then d ro p p ed his Yamaha around the fin ish tum and that bumped Kiedrowski up to third. Kiedrowski soon zapped Taylor and advanced to the runner-up position, while Rutherford took the win. Rutherford again took th e holeshot in the final 250cc Pro rnoto, his fourth such start for the night. The out-of-state rider Taylor had another impressive stan and powered to the second place spot. John Posca was " in third until Kiedrowski passed him on the first lap. SCOlt Mcfronough v slid out on a sweeper and th en Taylor dropped back to last place. Kiedrowski was in second place, but still unable lO catch the leader Rutherford, who was enjoying every .bit of it as he would look at the. spectators , and yell out wh ile .sail ing over the TT jump. The overall win went lO Rutherford. followed by Kiedrowski, Lunde and Posca. Results 60 : 1. Jeff Willoh (Kaw) : 2. Jason S. (Kaw~ 3 . Nathan Judd (Han) . BO BEG D·l : 1. Brandon Whitbeck (Han): 2. Eric Myty. (Suz): 3 . Curtis Gavin (Han).

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