Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Houston tops Napa Speedway By R. C . Jones NAPA, CA, J UN E 13 John H ouston J r. wo n the Scra tch main a nd Mi ke Parsons returned to the winner's circle in the H a ndicap ma in in fro nt of a large crowd in Na pa. - H ouston J r., sponsored by Classic Fashion/Coca Co la/Trick was ready to ro ll in Scratch raci ng and a restart did not deter him from taki ng the gate for a seco nd ti me. Start ing from the third ga te, H ouston was o n the gas a nd Rock y Rob inson (seco nd) and Mike Delacy (th ird) co uld o nly watch , .as H ouston smoked the m through th e first turn. Robinson a nd Delacy put on a show as they fought over the second positi on with Robinson holding off Delacy by a wh eellength at the finish. Vanc e Felicio took his 10 yard handicap to the lead for six laps in the Handicap main until tiring and going too wide in a turn. When Felicio went w ide it was Mike Parsons and Steve Martin slipping . by, leaving Felicio to finish third. Parsons a nd Martin, sponsored by Sierra/H&S/ Ar ai had delighted th e crowd wi th their wheel-to-wheel racing, while moving through th e pack toge the r. Parsons was .able to hold off Martin in a close finis h. Results SCAATCH : 1. John Houston Jr.: 2. Aocky Robinson; 3. Mik e Delacy; 4. Paul Or landi . HOCP: 1. M ike Parsons; 2. Steve Manin; 3. Vance fel icia; 4. Mike Delacy. 0 ·2: 1. Brian Pecore; 2. Shawn Reppert 3 . John Grant; 4 . Perry Sherman. 0 -3: 1. Mark Squadr ito: 2. Joe Kelly; 3. M ike Castagno la; 4. Joh n Pierce . Durelle claims Knoxville Half Mile By Dave Hoenig KNOXVILLE, IL, JUNE 13 Mid-summer like wea ther greeted 76 Professional ri ders who braved 100 degree tempera tu res, as G ra yb oy Promotions kicked off the Peoria weekend with a half mile at th e Knox County Fairgrounds. .• Dave Durene journeyed down from Minnesota with hi s 600cc WoodRo tax and totall y dominated th e Expert class. Tim Farrell won the Jun ior class , w hi le Bob Ybe ma topped th e Pro-Ams. Tim Merten s stop ped the clocks a t 27.05 for fast Ex pert tirne.Tj irn Hauptman 's 27.90 was .the quickest Junior time. Todd Boot en , Frank Kaiser and J Oe H oup t wo n the P roam hea ts, Byron Ward won the ProAm se m i. The first J unior heat went to Farrell over pole-sitter Hauptman , as Jack Mayer , J r. a nd Mark Hutson followed. Brian Duncan ra n a way with heat two ta king over fro m early leader Eri k Gra ybeal. Da ve Camlin, Grayb eal and Tom Troudt , J r. chased Duncan into the final. Greg Logue easi ly won th e fastest hea t ahead of Recil Hart, Matt Yoho and . John Faulkner. With four Expert heats on tap only the top three would gain entry into the final and some close racing was to come. Merten s led Chad Feli cio home in th e first heat. Ted Taylor and Rick Gruber ended a tight race for third in th e turn one hay bales, handing the last transfer to Devo n Pri tchard. Dave Durelle ran away with heat two , while Marty Bushman and Wink Freitas battled to the wire for second; Freitas came out on top. Charlie Orr and Dave H ebb battled over the heat three win whil e Steve Kasten and Ryan Fisher duelled over third. Orr and Kasten too k their respective battles. Del Beck led the last heat ahead of Steve Labordus and Win ner Bob Ybema (21 V). Joe Houpt (9 8 ). Todd Botten (3 5 B) and Paul Anderson (8 2) start the Pro -Am f inal at the Knoxville Half Mile . Dave Feggestad. Steve Champine mounted a late race charge th at carried him to Beck's rear wh eel. Labordus held on for third. Joe ' Houpt led the Pro-Am fir st lap but Ybema quickly pushed his Ro tax in front, and th e first two posi tions were seL . Farrell took co n tro l of th e Junior final with H auptman clo se behind. Pole-sitter Greg Logue had a terri ble start a nd was mired in ninth pl ace. Brian Duncan moved past H art int o th ird. Farrell had his Harley in front a ll the way wi th Hauptman wa iting for the mistake that never came. Duncan held on for th ird over Logue who had worked his way th rough traffic for a fourth. Dave Durell e pu lled to a huge lead, whi le Merten s held second over Beck, Freitas a nd O rr. Felicio had fallen in turn four o n lap one. H e restarted severa l la ps down. T ire choice foiled Merten s and Beck as Durell e p ull ed away. La p seven saw Steve Ch am pine pull hi s 600cc Harley into third over Freita s, but Freita s soo n dropped o ut. Champine gra bbed second o n the white flag lap followed by Merten s, Labordus, Hebb , Beck, Bush man, Orr, Pritch a rd , Kasten a nd Felicio. Resu lts PAO-AM : 1. Bob Ybema (Atxl: 2. Joe Houpt (H· 0 1 3. Frank Kaiser (yam) : 4. Todd Boot en (Atx); : 5. Paul Anderson (SUl ). J A: 1. Tim Farrell (H-D): 2. Jim Hauptman (Han): 3. Brian Duncan (H·D ): 4. Greg Logue (AlX); 5. Er ik Graybe al (W-A). EX: 1. Dave Durell e (W -R); 2. Steve Champin e (H-D); 3. Tim Mertens (H-D): 4 . Steve Lebordu s (H· 0 1 5. Dave Hegg (H-D). ; Lawrence tops Amateurs at Perris MX By Terry W hytal P ERRIS, CA. JUNE 13 Wi th most of th e top pro riders off competing in the Nationals, local amateur riders dominated the action at this week 's Saturday Perri s motocross sa nctio ned by SM X. One of the day's best races feat ur ed a wi nni ng performance by Yama ha rider Phil Lawrence in the l 25cc In te rm ed ia te class. L a wrence powered to the fro nt of the pac k in each moto and stayed th ere to ta ke the checkers firs t desp ite a determ in ed effort by runner-up fin isher Randy Mood y on a H onda. H o nd a p ilot Ron Mowry edged Suzukim oun ted Der ek Titus for third o vera ll. An unusuall y large Open Novi ce field pro vid ed th e ground- po und ing exciteme nt for big-bore lovers. Brian All en kept his Honda in the number one slot for mo st of the day to earn th e overall win. Yamaha pilot Greg Whitfield overcame first mot o problem s to charge into the ru nner-up pos ition in moto two and co llec ted the second place trophy a hea d of fellow Yamaha ri der John Chambers. Alhambra Yamah a rider Bob Clark was unstoppable in the 250cc Beginner event, posting a I-I score for the day. Ch asing Clark to the second moto checkers was H onda pilot Mark Fisch er to clinc h second overall with a 3-2 sco re. David H arris picked up third on a H onda. Yamaha-mounted Kenny Ehl ers was ihe man to beat in th e Vet Expe rt d ivisio n but no o ne was able to stop his in sistent cha rge to the fro nt . Eh lers swept both rno to s in comman ding fashion with Ho nda rider Kirt G ol d ie ta king seco nd place honors ahead of Yamaha-m ou nt ed Pete Vetrano. Results 250 PAO: 1. Kirt Henri cksen (Kaw). 125 PAO: 1. John Flor es (Vam ~ OPEN INT: 1. Mike Fedorow (Kaw ); 2. Ted Butler (Kaw) . 250 INT: Luc DeLey (Han); 2. Aon Lewson(Hon). 1251NT: 1. Phil Lewrence (Yaml; 2. Aandy Moody (Han): 3. Aon Mowry (Han). OPEN NOV: 1. Brian Allen (Honl: 2. Greg Wh ittiel (Yaml; 3. John Chambers (Yam). • 250 NOV: 1. Phill ip Wu rster (Han): 2. Bart Hitt (Han); 3. J im Lowe (Han). 125 NOV: 1. J eff Fin e (Han): 2. Jeff Griff in (Han); 3 . Bry an Hold ren . OPEN BEG: 1. Sheryl Fedorow (Kaw). 250 BEG: 1. Bob Clark (Vam); 2. Ma rk Fischer (Hon) ; 3 . David Har ri s (Hon). 125 BEG: 1. Aobert Fleishe r (Honl: 2. Brian Beach (Han): 3. M ike Mount (Han). VET EX: 1. Ken Ehler s (Vaml: 2. Kirt Gold ie (Han): 3. Pete Vetrane (Yam). VET INT: 1. Alla n Egbert (Hon): 2. Ken Dickson (Hon ); 3. Denn is Boulware (Hpn) . VET NOV: 1. Bob Sullivan (Han): 2. Greg Green (Han): 3. Ken Scovill (Suzl . Robertson robs Sacto MXwin By Nuklear Neukam SAC RA MEN T O , CA, J U N E 12 H onda-mounted Jimmy Robertson held off fell ow H onda riders Kell y Andris a nd Danny Pal adino. outscoring them for the overall wi n in th e combined P ro class as Stadium Motocross held in th e MotoBow l at Sacramento Racewa y Pa rk. Da ryl You nt hit the first turn on his KX500 a nd bl asted into th e early lead with Robertson 's CR250 in hot p ursuit. You ng Daryl held th e lead for a few laps but Rob erson was soon out fro nt wi th Andris chasing. T he rider to watch , however , was flying through th e pack a t break-neck speed on a H onda CRI25, Da nny Pal adi no. Coming from a last p lace start Pal ad ino was in th ird with three laps to go a nd mak ing a bid at seco nd, with Andris trying to hold him a t ba y. Pal ad ino soon sl ipped h i s smalle r scooter underneath Andris and began chopping a way a t Robertson 's lead. As the white flag flew, Pal ad ino was in s triki n~ ra nge, and for th e en tire last la p , It looked as if he may pull off th e come -bac k of th e year. But at the checkered Robert son had the win by a narrow margin with P aladino and Adri s cl o se beh ind. Moto two started out as a duel between Robertson and Andris as they traded the lead for th e first few Kirt Go ldie fini shed second in Vet Expert action at Perris MX. laps. Paladino was o nce again sucking roost a t th e bac k of the pack. Andris fin ally wrestl ed control of th e lead , whi le Palad ino was picking off riders a t an a mazing rate. Late in th e ra ce Paladino was ha ving tro uble passing thi rd pl ace Byron Estes, and when he fina lly go t by, there were on ly two laps to go . Andris was out fro nt with a comfo rtable lead, whi le Robertso n was sti ll seco nd. R ob erts on knew he j ust had to hold second for th e overall a nd began to p ace himself to hold off Paladino. The strategy was uccessful , and Andris wo n and Rober tson took second just inches a head of Palad ino. Andris' 3-1 ea rn ed him second overall with Palad in o, 2-3. third. Res ults PRO; 1. Ji m my Robertson (Hon); 2. Kell y Andris (Han). 125 INT: 1. Jim Heiberger (Han); 2. Steve Areva ( S Ul~ 3. Jon Hill (SUl). 250 INT: 1. Gary Gallagher (SUl); 2. Dan Allen (Han): 3. Todd Doll (Han). 60: 1. Shawn Burrell (Kaw): 2. Ty Kim (Kaw ); 3. J ason Black (Kaw). 60 INT: 1. Jason Harr ison (Kaw): 2. Dust in Parsons (Kaw): 3. Adam Haw kin s (Kaw). BO BEG: 1. Stuart Trav is (Han); 2. Brett Klinger (Kaw): 3. Andy Gallegos (Suzl, BO NOV: 1. Josh Boykin (Han):; 2. M ike Aulich (Han); 3. Jim Mechem (Kaw ). 80 INT: 1. Karl But ler (Han); 2. Tagen Kim (Han). 125 BEG : 1. SCOtt Melville (Sull: 2 . Br ian Sullivan (Kaw); 3 . Rich ard Va n Den Berg (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. Ken Briggs (Kaw ); 2. M ike Brewer (Kaw); 3. Mark W ilhidke (Han). 250 BEG: 1. M ike Odell (Han): 2. M ike Obul e (Yam); 3. Logan Burns (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Steve Nelson (Kaw); 2. Scan McCoy (Han); 3.Steve Ul icny (Yam). OPEN NOV: 1. Cra ig Burt (Han); 2.Steve Hem. ming er (Yam); 3 . Bryan Knight (Han). VET NOV: 1. Steve Allen (SUl ); 2. Lloyd Crabtr ee (Han) 3. Aicha rd lakrews ki (Han). VET EX: 1. Cloys e Holl and; 2. Tony Bouscal ( H on ~ 3. Gary Gallag her (Sull. Martin masters Gold Country Speedway By R .C. Jones AU BU RN. CA, J UN E 12 Steve Martin to pped h is first Scratch main event a nd H a rlan Bast Jr. slashed to victory in his first Handicap main event win in Auburn. Pri or to the start of th e Scra tch main, th e line-up looked exci ting as o nly the insid e groove was worki ng, and th e best four ra il riders were in th e line up. Steve Martin won three Scratch co nsola tio ns previously and was read y for tonight' s Search main after winning a hard-raced sem i fin al. Bart Bast was destined for second as he finish ed h is heat and semi in seco nd, a nd aft er battling with Harlan Jr. for th e fou r lapper, he finished second again. Eddie Ingels ou t of gate three tried to work an o u tside lin e that was just not there, endi ng up fourth, while Harlan Bas t Jr. took th ird. When th e ga te went up it wa s Martin with the jump, holding 51

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