Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, r• It Top European rider was Br it Rob Herring who took second on Wednesday and 12th on Thursday for fourth overall on a Yamaha. Hannah ' weeps s Paris SU,percross By Mike Sweeney PARI S, FRANCE, J IE 10-11 Team Suzuki's Bob " Hurricane" H an n ah topped two nights of racing action at the £1 Charro Stadium Cross de P aris Supercross in Charlety Stadium. Hannah's victories gave him th e overall win ahe ad of Am eri cans Mike Fish er and Trampis Parker. T h ird went to British rider Rob Herring, while a nothe r Amer ican Guy Cooper, ro u nded o u t th e to p five. T hesu pe rcross was held o n Wed nesday a nd Thursda y nights, a nd th e com bined finish es o f both events d et e rm in ed th e o ve ra l l winn er. Eleven Americans were import ed for th e event, including 500cc World Ch ampionshi p GP co ntender from the U.S . Tram pis Park er. T he TransAtl antic visitors do mi na ted th e fina ls wi th four o u t o f the top five p laces going to th e America ns o n Wednesda y a nd all of th em o n Thursda y. Mor e than 8000 spec ta tors wat ch ed during the two-d ay su pe rcross . T he to p Eu ropean was Herrin g wh o finish ed seco nd to Hannah o n th e fir st ni gh i a rid mad e a magn ificent dash th rou gh the field a ll Thursda y after tangling with the backwards falling ga te a t the start of th e night's final. Hannah said, "The kid (Herr ing) sure can ride. " Han-

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