Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1987 07 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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nah chased th e Brit for several laps during Wednesday's final. The track was designed by Am erican John Sav inski , but th e factory's fear o f in juries wrecking gra nd prix cha nces meant th at few o f th e Eu ropean sta rs were on hand to a tte m p t to stem th e Am eri can tid e on the cha lle nging co urse. Former 250cc World Champion . privat eer G orges J obe, who cu rre nt ly leads th e 500cc G P Serieson a Honda , was on hand at the Pa ris Su percross, but was ma inl y lured th ere by the start money. J o be rode Wednesda y but elected not to rid e Th ursda y. FARIA, PFETIING & KAL-GARD GO OVERSEAS ' Stayat home' American riders, Mike Faria and Rob Pfetzing rose to the occassion at the American Speedway Rna!. Their talent and Kal-Gard lubricants gave them the advantage over close competition to advance on to England. Congratulations to both! Wednesday Interm ittent rai n m ad e the track very sli p pery, a nd th e fin a l event started a t midn ight. Wh en the ga te dropped it was 125cc GP top co n tender John Van den Berk a nd h is Yamaha with th e jump with H erring hot o n his tail. But during the third lap of the IS·lap final, H erring sh p ped through o n th e ins ide o f a tight tum a t th e end of a raised sectio n of wh oops after Van den Berk go t out of shape. A lap la ter, Hannah forced hi s wa y aro u nd Van den Berk. H owever , sho rt ly aft er. H ann ah a lso found himself a little out o f co nt ro l in a sectio n o f whoops, d ropping back to thi rd . By th e seventh lap, H annah was back in seco n d pl ace a nd chargi ng after Herring. Whil e chasing H anI na h, Van den Berk crashed and bent I hi s handl ebars bad enough to p ut h im ou t of th e race, leavin g the rest of the final to Herrin g a nd H annah. Eventua lly , H a nn ah slipped by Herr ing th rough a sand secti on . and Herr in g pu rsued H annah down to the chec kered flag. H anna h wound up taki ng the win ahead of Herrin g , Fish er and H o nda-mo u nt ed Ricky Ryan. AMAjCCS Road Race Sunday July 19 • Moroso Motorsports Park West Palm Beach, Florida Suzuki GSXR Series and Yamaha Contingency Race I $1,000 Shootout Race $1,000 Endurance Race $10,000 Total Purse Also: Yamaha YSR50 Zoot Scoot Fun Race! Th ursday T he crowd eru p ted fro m its seats as Fre nc hma n O livier Perr in a nd h is I KTM bolted fro m the ga te and into I an ea rly lead in th e fin al which he kept for nearl y a thi rd o f the race wh ile being chased by a pack of Ameri can ride rs. Kaw asaki -m ounted T yson Voh la nd chased Perrin a nd said. " He (Pe rrin) wasn 't go ing so qui ck . but he took th e tight line everyw he re, a n d I just co u ldn't fi nd a way p ast. Meanwhile, everyo ne was "q ueu ing up to try to tak e me. R yan jumped into me and we wen t down." U p until this point, the re were n o fewer than seven riders - Perri n , Voh la n d, R yan, Fi sh er , J im Holley. Park er a nd Hannah - wi th in yards of eac h o ther at the fro nt . Herri ng, wh o got ca ugh t in th e starti ng ga te, was two pl aces behind H annah. Perrin even t ually tired givi ng Fisher th e lead followed by the ot her America ns in the leading grou p except Ha nnah , w ho stalled in the sand pi t a nd was h it by Vohland. Herring was stuffed in to the ba les tryi ng to pass, while H annah tore th rough th e field , yet again, tra ili n g Vo hl and. Hannah blew by everyone wi th no apparen t effo rt, exce p t for Holley, who put up a good fight befo re succ u m bin g as well. While H annah circu la ted th e track with a narro w lead , Fish er , Vohland , R yan a n d Holl ey battl ed over seco nd th rough fourth. At th e flag , it was Hannah taking th e win a hea d of Fish er, wh o managed to pu ll a way from th e rest of th e p a ck . Third we n t to H olley foll owed by Parker , Vohland an d Bayle. . • Information: (305) 793-3394 or (305) 622-1400 Track I Results OVERALL : 1. Bob Hannah (Suz) 1· 2; 2. M ike Fisher (Kaw) 3-2; 3. Tram pas Parker (Kaw) 10-4; 4. Rob Herring (Yam) 2-12 ; 5. Guy Cooper (Han) 7-B; 6. Jeff Hicks (Han) 5·10; 7. Jim Holley (Yam) 13·3 ; B. Tyson Vohland (Kaw ) 11 -5; 9. Rick Ryan (Han) 4-1 5; 10 . Yann ing Kervella (Han) 6-1 3. Motorcycle World with Larry Huffman , .. . via sa te ll ite ~ - 1S ---:z:0 1_ 1 his Su n day's Special Guests Are.· ** RICHARD SCOULAR ** ** IAN PERO ** Manager Team Kiwi Magic 1985 Austrailian Box Stock Champion It comes to you live. ever)' Sunda y night from 10 to II p.m. KOLA 99.9 H I KTIJ\I 100.9 Fl\I 1.0 ' Ang d c" R i\T r" id t, Sa n ~'Ia ll( i,c 0 ( )a kla nd Orange Co. Sa il 8 erna rd ino C all in a n d talk with all th e top per sonatir i es a n d be part o f mor orr vcl e world. KSCO 1080 AM Sa n ta Cn u XT RA " EXIra Gold" 690 A:\I S lI on g:(', 1 A ~ I Slaliol1 ill \\" "SIl·l nl l.S . . Sponsored by 1-(800) 228-5249 $ SUZUKI R ight O n S u zu k i Cycle News every week! The latest on two wheels! ~ (7 1 4) 7 3 5 · 2 2 0 0 B W E B -CAM _ PERFORMAN CE CAMSH AFTS Send $3 for complete catalog 12387 Doherty SI. • R iverside. CA 92503 -a:r. RAtING' E6wFUEl:·~ .... A'aiI.... : #1 inthe Baja 1000 LT.5a.,... 1 14 17 Ao tna • Van N uys. CA ' - - - - - - - ( 8 1 8 ) 786-8180 _ _..........

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